
2名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/13(火) 08:34:11 ID:6Z9OYFQ00
3名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/13(火) 08:35:25 ID:5RvafwnU0
4名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/13(火) 08:37:38 ID:VbQsvCGv0
5名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/13(火) 08:39:03 ID:X5kjBnbF0
6名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/13(火) 08:48:18 ID:B0FFhcH30
7名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/13(火) 08:53:41 ID:oC8aUHlN0
8名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/13(火) 08:57:49 ID:A3g7CZpa0
9名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/13(火) 11:19:06 ID:0IC4Kn410





10名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/13(火) 21:58:29 ID:91oMaOgW0
11名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/13(火) 22:01:10 ID:OMhK4uoX0
12名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/13(火) 23:13:20 ID:arblpbvc0
   |┃三   人 
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   |┃≡ (___ ) < >1 糞スレ立てるな、蛆虫。氏ね。
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13名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/14(水) 01:42:43 ID:76h56udB0

14名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/14(水) 01:45:02 ID:76h56udB0
FolderShare is a peer-to-peer application to sync selected folders across your PCs.
Download this small application onto your PC to get started.
This free service was acquired by Microsoft a while ago,
although I'm not sure why they don't promote it or bundle it into Windows,
as it seems very useful.
15名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/14(水) 01:46:01 ID:76h56udB0
Social security numbers and mobile phone companies.
I switched my wireless provider from Verizon to Cingular,
so I could get a GSM Blackberry which would work in Europe.
In the Cingular store, the guy asked for my social security number so they could do a credit check on me.
This always makes me crazy.
How many people have my social security number? ... So now I'm in London, and my new Blackberry does not work.
I call Cingular, and they ask me a series of questions.
The first question was "what is the last four digits of your social security number" followed by about six other questions. Finally,
they ask "what are the first five digits of your social security number"? Are you kidding me?
16名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/14(水) 01:46:36 ID:76h56udB0
carbonite is a new startup who provides backup of your pc over the net,
for unlimited amount of data, for only five bucks a month.
I've just started playing with carbonite. It looks very slick
17名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/14(水) 01:48:26 ID:76h56udB0
Animatix Studios is a most excellent 3d animation studio run by my friend Srini Vasan. Check it out. :)
18名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/14(水) 01:49:08 ID:76h56udB0
ExplorerDestroyer is an aggressive group of activists who encourage website owners to join
Google's program to switch IE users to Firefox. You can read about this at Network World.
19名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/14(水) 01:50:28 ID:76h56udB0
YouTube is addicting.
This young company has quickly skyrocketed to the 20th more popular site on the Internet.
YouTube allows anyone to upload short videos to then be seen by anyone on the net.
A clever navigation system at the top of the home page allows you to see a list of videos
by two criteria (a) Most Recent | Most Viewed | Most Discussed | Top Favorites | Top Rated |Recently Featured | Random
and then (b) Today | This Week | This Month | All Time.
This navigation allows YouTube users to quickly expose many different videos,
to feature many different film makers.

My son made a short Octopus Claymation film and I uploaded a short
video to tell the story of Kayak.com Flippy UI element.

Which videos are yours? Let me know.
20名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/14(水) 01:51:30 ID:76h56udB0
Spam tagging catches another bad guy.
I just got a letter sent to my house from "Empire Who's Who"
which says that I was "recently appointed as a biographical candidate to represent [my town] in the Empire
Who's Who Among Executives and Professionals,
and for inclusion in the upcoming 2006/2007 "Honors Edition" registry (see full letter).

Now this might play to my ego except for the fact that the letter was addressed to my house
using a spam tagged address which revealed in this case that the scumbags
from "Empire Who's Who" selected me merely
because I made the mistake to buy something from "Hello, Direct" who then went on to sell my address.

Damn them both.
21名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/14(水) 01:52:22 ID:76h56udB0
I just setup a cgi to allow you to signup to get spam from paulenglish.com
each time I post something new to my blog here.

If you are getting an email as a result of this posting,
it means you were one of the chosen few guinea pigs that
I went ahead and signed up already. (So sue me already.)
22名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/14(水) 01:54:18 ID:76h56udB0
Check out the lithium powered logo at the bottom right of this screen;
I thought it was a joke, but it looks like there is a computer company called lithium.

Well, maybe I'll make a "Prozac Inside" or "Powered by Prozac" button for my website. ;)
23名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/14(水) 01:55:22 ID:76h56udB0
Yahoo! Notepad rocks;
I know that Yahoo is old news and not as sexy a company as Google (for example),
but Yahoo is so awesome.
You can rely on the fact that it will likely be around,
and its free web-based services can be accessible from any PC you use.
My key use for Notepad has simply been to keep a flat text listing of "to do" items.
Have you ever noticed that "to do" task list applications are way over-engineered?
Especially if web-based, as you don't want to wait for a server round trip at each task modification.
24名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/14(水) 01:57:04 ID:76h56udB0
ultimate pda phones is a QuickBase I setup to track the absolutely best possible pda phones available.
25名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/14(水) 01:57:53 ID:76h56udB0
SelectSmart President is cool.
It would be interesting if it asked you how much you cared about electability.
And if it also asked you some questions to see how much you know about things,
then charting which candidates are selected by more knowledgable voters.
(Note: be sure to use the Google Toolbar popup blocker if you are going to use sites like SelectSmart.)

It would also be interesting and realistic if a tool like this asked questions about character:
integrity, honesty, direct/clear, confidence, charisma.
26名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/14(水) 02:01:05 ID:76h56udB0
Joel's Bionic Office is cool. Joel is a popular software writer; I love some of his stuff, like most, and hate a few of his articles... :)
27名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/14(水) 02:02:12 ID:76h56udB0
Programming Language Inventor or Serial Killer? is just a little bit scary.
Some introverts turn to computers, others to guns. This link is from Smitty.
28名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/14(水) 02:05:18 ID:76h56udB0
ExplorerDestroyer is an aggressive group of activists who encourage website owners to join
Google's program to switch IE users to Firefox. You can read about this at Network World.
29名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/14(水) 02:06:39 ID:76h56udB0
YouTube is addicting.
This young company has quickly skyrocketed to the 20th more popular site on the Internet.
YouTube allows anyone to upload short videos to then be seen by anyone on the net.
A clever navigation system at the top of the home page allows you to see a list of videos by two criteria (a) Most
Recent | Most Viewed | Most Discussed | Top Favorites | Top Rated |Recently Featured | Random and then (b)
Today | This Week | This Month | All Time. This navigation allows YouTube users to quickly expose many different videos, to feature many different film makers.

My son made a short Octopus Claymation film and I uploaded a short video to tell the story of Kayak.com Flippy UI element.

Which videos are yours? Let me know.
30名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/14(水) 02:10:53 ID:76h56udB0
Spam tagging catches another bad guy.
I just got a letter sent to my house from "Empire Who's Who" which says that I was "recently appointed
as a biographical candidate to represent [my town] in the Empire Who's Who Among Executives and Professionals,
and for inclusion in the upcoming 2006/2007 "Honors Edition" registry (see full letter).

Now this might play to my ego except for the fact that the letter was addressed to my house using a spam tagged
address which revealed in this case that the scumbags from "Empire Who's Who" selected me merely
because I made the mistake to buy something from "Hello, Direct" who then went on to sell my address.

Damn them both.
31名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/14(水) 02:11:58 ID:76h56udB0
FCC cracks down on Caller ID Spoofing.
Did you know that Caller ID is implemented in such a way that your phone number is in fact always sent along,
with a privacy bit to "advise" the receiving phone switch not to display it?
That is how 911 operators can tell who is calling them, as their phone switches ignore the privacy bit.
It is also how any toll-free number you call can detect your phone number,
even if you try to block it. (The rationale here is that you are calling them on their dime.)
You can fake your Caller ID by implementing a rogue switch, although it is probably illegal.
Just think of the havoc that these spoof systems can cause, aside from some fun practical jokes.
This is similar to email spoofing, which these days is used for nefafious purposes much more than for amusement.
32名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/14(水) 02:13:14 ID:76h56udB0
AOL Instant Messenger definitely leads the instant messaging namespace by a wide margin.
I now just about "require" this for all of my vendors and colleagues,
as it is such a critical component of communications these days.
If you are going to use AIM, I recommend you download it from the AIM Hack website
so you can avoid all the extra junk that AIM tries to install on your PC.

For strategic commentary about AIM, see the billo article about why
AIM is one of the most valuable assets owned by AOL.
33名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/14(水) 02:14:07 ID:76h56udB0
Search privacy.
The Washington Post writes about The Justice Department's request for Google to hand over search data,
and Google's refusal to do so.
Hooray for Google. There is tons of paranoia about Google but color me an optimist;
I just don't believe they could ever afford to risk their brand by being evil. If you think
Google should hand over data, maybe you could instead be a good citizen and start using
Patriot Search instead of Google. If you are paranoid, you could at least delete your Google cookie every now and then.
34名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/14(水) 02:14:54 ID:76h56udB0
Bank of America (High Street, Boston MA) just called to ask for my social security number
as they forgot to ask for it when I had been there for a recent transaction.
And they expected me to take that call, believe it was them,
and tell them my social security number over the phone?
I wanted to ask the guy 10 questions to first prove *his* identity,
but instead I said I'd call back. Too bad Bank of America makes
it about impossible to connect to an actual branch over the phone.
35名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/14(水) 02:15:53 ID:76h56udB0
Ceiva Internet picture frame is one of the best presents for grandparents;
it lets the kids send them photos without the grandparents needing a computer.
I like it. But it is amazing how loyal I am to them even though there are so many things I hate about them, including:

Their basic display technology has not improved in five years, it is still 640x480 holy crap.

Even after you buy a subscription, they still sometimes slip in "slide 31" which is a damn advertisement for Ceiva. I hate this.

They don't have an open architecture to allow anyone to create new applications to publish to their frames.

Let me know if you have an alternative frame for me to consider;
this is for my 93 year old aunt who does not have or want a computer. :)
And I'd like to allow her family to continue to send her photos remotely
without having to send her a disk to insert into the frame.
36名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/14(水) 02:16:39 ID:76h56udB0
Blogger let's you blog via email. The way it works is like this: inside blogger,
define a secret email address for yourself at blogger.com.
This secret email address includes a long string of characters that is about impossible to guess.
Then when you want to post a new article to your blog,
you simply send an email (like this one) to your secret email address at blogger.com.
So I can now blog from my blackberry the next time I'm waiting on a runway.
37名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/14(水) 02:17:55 ID:76h56udB0
Why are health club memberships so sleazy? My experience at Gold's Gym in Arlington MA this week:
Paul: what are your rates? I didn't see them on your website or at your front desk.
Trainer: you need to speak with a manager...
Manager: here are the rates right now, we are running a special, and these rates are only available if you signup right now.
Paul: can I take a copy of the membership agreement home?
Manager: no, we don't have extra copies.
Paul: can't you just xerox the one in your hand?
Manager: no, but you can read it right now.
Paul: (reads document, asks about a couple sleazy clauses)
Manager: well we can remove those.
Paul: what is your cancellation policy?
Manager: you can cancel at any time by sending us a letter using our form.
Paul: can I get a copy of that form?
Manager: I don't have one.
Paul: so I can cancel at any time, there is no notification period?
Manager: well, actually there is a 30 day notice required.
I then went to Boston Sports Club in Lexington MA and again first met with a trainer.
Paul: what are rates?
Trainer: talk to Jeff in memberships group.
Paul to front desk: is Jeff here?
Desk: no
Paul: can you tell me your rates?
Desk: you need to speak with Jeff.
Later that day Jeff calls me and gives me rates which are way more expensive than my friend Jon pays in Boston.
Why the sleaze?
38名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/14(水) 02:18:46 ID:76h56udB0
Blink is a cool new book from the author of Tipping Point.
Blink explores the ability of people to make extremely rapid decisions and analyzes
what causes some of those decisions to be correct or not.
You might have heard about the Harvard study
which showed that students made the same assessment of a professor's competency after a 30 second video
as when they took a class with him/her for an entire semester;
Blink talks about this as one example of rapid decision ability,
and points out that this test was able to be narrowed down to a two second video without sound!
There are some other fun stories in here as well.
39名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/14(水) 02:19:42 ID:76h56udB0
Verified Donor.
Why do off-topic companies and website owners put a link on their website asking people
to donate to support some relief effort such as hurricane Katrina?
Do they think visitors to their website don't know about the tragedy?
Or are they trying to show they are empathetic?
What percent of companies and website owners with relief
banners actually themselves gave to that charity?
Maybe someone should create a Verfied Donor button which would show the actual amount that website gave,
and visitors could click the button to (a) see the verified amount and (b) donate themselves.
40名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/14(水) 02:20:18 ID:76h56udB0
Why are airports run by gestapos?
I can't believe the stuff they think they can get away with.
Boston Logan Airport is trying to prevent Continental Airlines from providing free wifi,
claiming security and safety concerns.
Do you think it has anything to do with the fact that Logan has its own wifi for which they charge $7.95 a day?
41名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/14(水) 02:21:59 ID:76h56udB0
Theaters and restaurants etc should be able to purchase a transponder which declares the area as a quiet zone.
Cell phones in range should then be required to automatically put themselves into quiet mode,
maybe with a notification to the owner that they are going into quiet mode.
This automatic silencing would be much better than having those places try to tell users
to silence their phones manually-- less work for users, and greater compliance as well.

Here is a scenario for how a call from a patient to a doctor would work if that doctor was in a quiet zone.

The patient would hear: "The person you are calling is in a quiet zone.
Press 1 to get transferred to voice mail, or if your call is urgent, press 2 and they will be alerted of your call".

If the patient presses 2, he would hear "Please hold, your party is being alerted to your call, this could take a minute".

The doctor's cell phone would then vibrate, and she would see on the caller ID who is calling.
She could decide to ignore it, or she could signal her phone that she would like to take the call.

Because the doctor is in the quiet zone,
her phone would not actually allow her to speak with the patient until she leaves the quiet zone.

If the doctor acknowledges the patient's call,
the patient would hear "The other party has been alerted
and is now leaving the quiet zone so they can take your call, please continue to hold."

When the doctor is out of the quiet zone, her phone would start to ring,
she could then answer it and hold a normal conversation.
42名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/14(水) 02:22:50 ID:76h56udB0
Sports Groupie is a cool website created by my colleague Ron. It simply lets you pick your favorite sports team,
shows you their schedule, and let's you choose an away game to then find you the cheapest airfare and hotels. Fun.

My son and I went to a Red Sox game at Philadelphia this year, at their new ball park.
Wow, I bet if you sent more Bostonians there (or to other awesome new ball parks) the vote on Fenway Park rebuild would come out a little differently.
I love Fenway and would still vote to keep it vs. building a new park, but Philadelphia sure was tempting.
43名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/14(水) 02:23:45 ID:76h56udB0
It's all relative... maybe my ADD is to blame for my irritible response to advertisements on radio and TV.
Those media interrupt content for commercials
(not counting the growing product placement industry where marketers pay to have their products shown in certain TV shows etc)
unlike print and online media, which allow the reader to decide when/where to focus.
When I first heard about satellite radio,
I couldn't believe people would subscribe to radio.
But now I can't live without it. I figure the $12/month is a bargain compared to the price of my time and interruptions with commercial radio.
I have become so spoiled with satellite radio (I have both Sirius and XM)
that I now become offended when the "DJ" spends more than a few seconds to talk between songs. :)
44名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/14(水) 02:24:48 ID:76h56udB0
Drive my car, not. I was complaining to my brother yesterday that a stereo shop put six miles on my convertible even though there was no need to drive it.
He said "that's nothing!" and told me a body shop kept his Acura for one month, supposedly waiting and waiting for various parts,
but when he finally got the car back,
he looked in the GPS and saw addresses for several towns all over the place!
I guess they had a fun time using his ride for the month.
Sheesh! He then tells me his friend drives a tow truck and admitted to taking a couple quarters out of each car his tows--
just enough to add up for coffee runs during the day but not enough to elicit complaints. My brother couldn't believe this,
so he has started leaving a dozen quarters in his car each time he leaves it at a shop or with a valet, and sure enough,
people almost always take some of the money! Time for a major sting operation me thinks...
45名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/14(水) 02:25:35 ID:76h56udB0
Bank of America Fraud - I got a voice mail yesterday from the "Bank of America Fraud Protection Team",
saying they had observed unusual activity on one of my credit cards,
and asking me to call them back. I called the number they left me,
and a recording asked me to enter my credit card number.

Are you kidding me? This is a bank security team?

I think I'm going to start leaving voice mails for people claiming to be a fraud protection team,
and asking them to call me back and leave their credit card number and
PIN so I can quickly print up some fake cards and withdraw all the funds from their accounts.

BOFA, if you are listening-- the message you left me should have said
"Please call the phone number on the back of your BOFA credit card
and press 9 to be connected to our fraud protection scheme" or something like that.
46名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/14(水) 02:26:30 ID:76h56udB0
Amazon Spam:
I use coded email addresses and coded physical addresses so any email or paper spam will identify
who sold my address. I have been a fanaticaly loyal Amazon customer for many years and today
I received my first paper spam from someone who got my address from Amazon. :(

The envelope was marked from "PO Box 1093, Skokie, IL 60076-9556" sent via presorted first class mail,
with a scummy "ACTIVATION NOTICE" written on the envelope.

The letter was dated May 6, 2005,
and said "You have been selected by the publishers of InformationWeek,
the award-winning information technology newsweekly,
to apply for a complimentary subscription...
Confirm free subscription at http://confirm.iweek.com.

I hate this.
47名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/14(水) 02:28:00 ID:76h56udB0
Eudora is back
Oh how I've missed her
Just a bit she has changed
I think I will kiss her

Ok, am I really going to get that excited over some stupid software?
Well, email is pretty important to me; I send 60-80 messages a day and receive 200 real ones (not counting spam),
so email software is probably the most important software on my computer.

For many years I had my own email reader based on emacs (cf) RMAIL
with thousands of lines of emacs lisp code I had written. This was the ultimate in power,
but the chording killed my carpals,
and at the same time I was designing a new product which benefited
from me having to use the same stupid email software that most of the target users had (Outlook Express).

I've flirted on and off with different email clients, including Thunderbird
(cool but not ready for prime time),
but now I'm back with Eudora. At some point in the next few days I will writeup a longer review.

Meanwhile, I realize now that someone needs to write yet another email client which is like
Eudora but which uses Google text-only ads (in the free vs paid mode) instead of the Eudora graphics ads. Anyone?
48名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/14(水) 02:28:46 ID:76h56udB0
LinkSys has the best support of any technology company I have ever used.
First, they have great software which you can easily use yourself to automatically
program your router and network. Second, when you call them, they answer the phone quickly.
Third, their support appears to be free even long after you have purchased their products.
Fourth, their routers have remote management capability, so the support rep can debug and
fix your router quickly. Fifth, their support reps are incredibly polite and efficient.
I will never buy anything other than Linksys. This is a very different experience you get when
compared to Dell, for example. Although I purchased next day onsite support from Dell,
they first made me spend several hours trying to debug the problem over the phone
with their support team, before they agreed with my analysis and agreed
to send out a technician to replace a bad hard drive.
49名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/14(水) 02:29:27 ID:76h56udB0
Sky is falling security crap. Is it just me,
or does it seem like people are increasingly enjoying spreading all types of security fears even when irrational?
Including trying to write sensational articles blaming some high profile company for security or privacy violations
even when that company is not actually to blame. For example, this article claims a major security flaw in Google Desktop,
that it allows you to see stuff on other PCs on your network. Duh, the "flaw" has nothing to do with Google Desktop. In fact,
any software can access stuff on other PCs on your network if the users of those PCs have configured them to explicitly allow
other PCs on their network to access their files. Uggh.
50名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/14(水) 02:30:20 ID:76h56udB0
David Brudnoy dies.
I am deeply saddened by this news. David was a unique intellectual and gentleman in broadcasting,
and I have been listening to his radio talk shows for over 20 years.
My first interaction with David was when I was in high school and I called in to his show to challenge to a guest
who was a memory expert. I've since called into his show a couple times a year, and was an in-studio guest at his
Back Bay apartment last year (topic was "spam" junk email legislation and technology).
David's producer served mixed drinks (I had two gin and tonics) and I met Fareed Zakaria
who was the next guest on the show. Over the years David had influenced me
with his anti-PC libertarianism, his knowledge and passion for history,
his eloquence, and also his quest for learning and teaching and interacting
with every caller and guest. Boston has changed with the passing of Dr.
Brudnoy; may he rest in peace.
51名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/14(水) 02:31:37 ID:76h56udB0
See you tommorrow.
52名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/14(水) 03:11:18 ID:mDWi2JYt0
53名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/14(水) 07:32:00 ID:+jjYKSOH0
54名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/14(水) 07:42:21 ID:4e9pNLgj0
55名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/14(水) 08:40:19 ID:JPLVw3Fn0
56名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/14(水) 08:43:46 ID:PPA0/hu00
57名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/14(水) 08:58:22 ID:46hBRIhn0
58名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/14(水) 09:29:32 ID:oM2wb2Of0
59名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/14(水) 09:33:24 ID:PZRfCPMb0
60名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/14(水) 12:17:28 ID:kKXrBGVr0
61名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/14(水) 12:33:05 ID:8zKta+6+0
62名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/14(水) 12:35:29 ID:kKXrBGVr0
63名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/14(水) 12:36:06 ID:4A2hDa9f0
64名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/14(水) 12:43:53 ID:8zKta+6+0
65名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/14(水) 12:44:25 ID:4N2awNCi0
66名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/14(水) 12:48:52 ID:8zKta+6+0
67名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/14(水) 12:49:51 ID:7dp+ZIav0
68名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/14(水) 12:57:31 ID:7dp+ZIav0
69名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/14(水) 12:58:02 ID:8zKta+6+0
70名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/14(水) 12:58:37 ID:7dp+ZIav0
71名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/14(水) 12:58:58 ID:Y3t0EA3i0
72名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/14(水) 14:54:24 ID:Eb71WdBj0
73名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/14(水) 16:04:32 ID:hXNBHnW/0
74名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/14(水) 22:11:37 ID:j4ToPgOSO
75名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/14(水) 22:55:39 ID:OfjCKfLWO
76名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/14(水) 23:23:39 ID:G7aE//nAO
77名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/15(木) 01:09:20 ID:TwEiypxk0
78名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/15(木) 17:34:15 ID:yvVslVi00
79名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/15(木) 17:51:24 ID:TB30cNZM0
80名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/15(木) 18:34:55 ID:OoxxFaiF0
81名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/15(木) 20:16:28 ID:eCOvEe790
82名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/15(木) 21:41:33 ID:mK/PVSRfO
83名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/15(木) 21:52:41 ID:xb+wyslI0
84名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/15(木) 21:53:48 ID:cWJBvzm10
    /:::::;;-‐-、:::ヽ             _,,,,,,,_
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    |: : : :llllf l: : : : : : : : : : :.iflllli、: : : : : <iiii|   |  やったね! トラトラトラのしまじろうだよ!
    |: : : :|llll |: : : : : : : : : : .llllf l: : : : : : : : :.|   |  みんな仲良くしようね!
    |: : : :.!lllll!' : : : : : : : : : : |llll |: : : : : : : : :i  <  しまじろうとのお約束だよ!
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85名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/16(金) 01:58:26 ID:ovqp74N70


86名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/16(金) 02:14:15 ID:jENnKjou0
In case you haven't already heard, there was a fire at the Abbey, the Twisted Monk shop. Monk gives details here.

Matisse also gives some details, including pictures here.

Also included on Matisse's blog is a PayPal link to donate to the Fire Relief Fund. If you haven't already done so, please consider giving some love.
87名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/16(金) 02:16:10 ID:jENnKjou0
Vanity Fair has published (popup warning) a sort of literary history of the blowjob,
overwritten by Christopher Hitchens in his erudite but often-annoying cult-crit style:
"The magic and might of her own soft mouth … "
Erotic poets have hymned it down the ages, though often substituting the word "his."
The menu of brothel offerings in ancient Pompeii, preserved through centuries of volcanic burial,
features it in the frescoes. It was considered, as poor Humbert well knew, to be worth paying for.
The temple carvings of India and the Kamasutra make rather a lavish point of it, and
Sigmund Freud wondered if a passage in Leonardo da Vinci's notebooks might not betray an early
attachment to that "which in respectable society is considered a loathsome perversion."
Da Vinci may have chosen to write in "code" and Nabokov may have chosen to dissolve into French,
as he usually did when touching on the risque, but the well-known word "fellatio" comes from the Latin verb "to suck."
Disappointingly, I really only learned one new thing, and that was only a hint,
archly delivered in a word-to-the-wise-is-sufficient sort of way:
...gay men like to keep their tonsils for a reason that I would not dream of mentioning...
Oh really?
88名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/16(金) 02:17:03 ID:jENnKjou0
One thing I like about sex blogs is the window it offers into the sexual lives of real people.
In particular, we sometimes hear anecdotes of the sexaul bargains and accomodations that people make.
Sexual negotiation, chore negotiation, and marital conflict resolution never works like this in the movies,
but in the real world anything is possible:
Yesterday I had a party to go to and I needed to bring some things.
I worked the night before and realized I still needed to go to the store right when I woke up,
but was still WAY too tired to get up and go. I asked Vincent to go for me, but he said no. So,
being the smart woman I am, I made him a deal - I'd give him 5 on-demand blow jobs
if he went to the store for me. Being a typical man, he accepted the deal (even made me shake on it, his own wife!)

So, naturally, before I left for the party, I only had 4 left to give.
89名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/16(金) 02:17:52 ID:jENnKjou0
Almost two years ago I posted my controversial opinion that blogging services suck,
citing an incident where LiveJournal killed a vibrant vintage erotica resource and concluding:
Anything worth doing on the internet is worth doing at your own domain that you control.
I still feel this way. Latest evidence, from LiveJournal again:
apparently they are threatening to suspend users who dare to display the dreaded nipple,
even when it belongs to the Virgin
Mary and is being suckled by none less holy than the Blessed Baby Jesus:
90名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/16(金) 02:19:39 ID:jENnKjou0
Picking to the bottom of a huge flapdoodle with many nuances,
the bottom line is that LiveJournal recently changed a FAQ explaining its TOS;
the TOS prohibits "inappropriate" imagery, and the FAQ change nerfed a "graphically sexual"
interpretation of "inappropriate", replacing it with a "nudity" interpretation. In short,
the prudishness got kicked up several notches. Obviously,
folks object to the idea that all nudity is inappropriate by definition,
because it's such a fundamentally silly and stupid idea.

LiveJournal owner Six Apart has issued the classic corporate non-apology,
stating in effect (I'm paraphrasing, and not with sympathy)
"We're sorry our new no-nipple policy makes us look stupid and bad,
but we're really not stupid and bad, so we're not sorry for doing stupid bad stuff to our users,
and we're gonna keep doing it, neener neener, thank you for your support."

In the Making Light post cited above,
a commenter offers up a potential explanation of the corporate business pressures
that might be responsible for all this anti-nipple stupidity.
He then concludes with a version of my point from two years ago:
But the one thing this whole debacle proves is,
you should never trust a public corporation to hold your blog or social network,
because they will always try to place the interests of their shareholders ahead of the desires of their customers.
Exactly. Get your own domain, and get it hosted by somebody smart
who knows he's selling bandwidth, and that you're the customer.
And if you want to show some nipple, make sure your host has customers
who sell real pornography on their sites.
I promise, a web host with customers selling Street Blowjobs or
Cum Fiesta is just going to laugh like hell at anyone who emails to complain about your nipples,
whether or not there's a baby attached.
91名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/16(金) 02:20:42 ID:jENnKjou0
Let's be honest. Usually when a sex toy seller sends me a product for review,
the best reaction I can find is a profound shrug. (It can be worse;
I actually had one outfit send me a pair of size four stripper shoes,
complete with transparent acrylic spike heels.
The only person I know who would enjoy these just turned thirteen without outgrowing her princess complex,
and I can't figure out how to get them into her possession without her parents thinking I'm some sort of horrid creep, so that's right out.)

Generally it's: Oh, look, yet another vibrator, only this one smells like vinyl apricots and falls apart
when you press it against...anything. Whatever. Batteries not included? Trashcan.

So I'll confess to some skepticism when I got a package from Wild In Secret.
But I like opening packages, so what the hell. It's free stuff, how bad can it be?

Ask rather: How good?

Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to introduce the first vibrator
I ever saw that makes me feel the way all men feel
when they first acquire a fine high-quality power tool. Behold, the Phantasy Sinnflut:
92名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/16(金) 02:22:02 ID:jENnKjou0
Sure enough. No batteries, never again! Wheeee! And hey, the prong
that fits in the charging base doesn't have any exposed contacts,
it must use inductance the way the fancy new electric toothbrushes do.
Does that mean the Sinnflut is waterproof? Lemme check: Yup,
the website says it is, although, sensibly enough,
the user instructions (in four languages) are very clear about keeping the charging base out of the bathroom
and away from water. Duh, that part plugs into the wall.

Now let's fiddle with it. (Alas, The Nymph is out of town, so I can't subject the Sinnflut -- or
The Nymph, for that matter -- to full operational field testing.) OK,
that little button is the on-off switch, nice buzz, but just one speed?
That can't be right. (Fiddle fiddle.) Aha! The nubbin that goes in the charge is also a speed control.
Press it sideways and this thing goes from zzz to buzz to BZZZZZZ to "ARGH,
I should stop pressing it against my face because my teeth are buzzing and my fillings are shaking loose.
" This thing goes to eleven. (And past, it turns out --
there are a couple of intermittent vibration modes you get
if you press the stud again once it's at max power.)
Bottom line: way more powerful than a typical battery vibe,
feels more like a hand-held plugin "electric massager".
But dials way down to a gentle hum if you like that sort of thing.

I've gotten some nifty free swag in the mail since starting this blog,
but right now I think the Phantasy Sinnflut may be the coolest sex toy ever sent to me for review.
Once The Nymph gets home, I'll try to update my first impressions with some useability reports.
93名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/16(金) 02:23:41 ID:jENnKjou0
...and writing, erotica that is, moreso. So sez Chelsea Girl:
I’m accustomed to reading books and finding my girlparts moist.
The act of reading, after all, has a kind of inherent eroticism.
A generally solitary activity, reading is just you
and your quiet hands and the fantasy that the words play out in your mind.
It’s just one swift hand below your waistline away from masturbation.

The eighteenth-century birth of the European novel was heralded with all kinds of fear
that reading would unreasonably inflame the senses of the young with
what one critic has termed “one-handed reading.
” And justifiably so?by the middle of the century,
John Cleland wrote the first piece of English pornography to help him get out of debtor’s prison.

To get out, and one might suspect, to get off, because let me tell you
that writing porn makes a person seriously body-needy.

94名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/16(金) 02:25:56 ID:jENnKjou0
I’ve been writing a couple of commissioned porny pieces?
the first for an American soldier stationed in Iraq narrates a soldier’s wife’s experience of her husband’s return
and her waking up from a long sexual nap. The second, for an international poker player,
gives the story of a secretary being anally punished for habitual lateness.

Who knew that in a pinch binder clips work as impromptu nipple clamps? Me, that’s who.

I’ve found it incredibly hott-making to get inside these character’s heads and bodies.
To inhabit the life of a woman who has by necessity put her sexuality on hold
and then to find it smacking it upside her fanny was incendiary. It was hard,
literally, a hard little wet knot in my g-string as I sat on my desk chair typing, typing,
typing this story of this woman’s learning about what she wanted and how she wanted it.

When I finished, the story a crescendo of simultaneous orgasm and multiple penetration,
I felt as if I knew her.

And now, immersed in this office fantasy, the rolling chairs,
the drawers of pointy staples and rolls of tape, the shredded gossamer of good-girl pantyhose
and the imminent threat of discovery, I find my delicate sensibilities inflamed.
(Today, while writing, I had to take a break, discover the painful joy of my nipple clamps
and come hard and long with my bullet vibe, groaning louder than I’d expected.)
Ah, the joys of literacy!
95名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/16(金) 02:27:30 ID:jENnKjou0
I need a lot of things,
but the two things I want right now are a hot stone massage and new photographs.
Okay, maybe not right this instant, but soon. Perhaps you can help me.

Massage: I’m not a big fan of the traditional Swedish massage
that you generally get when you go to a professional.
The long strokes usually feel uncomfortable to me,
like it’s pulling my skin. It’s never relaxing and
sometimes it’s downright painful. (And not in a good way.) Oddly,
when friends and lovers rub my back, it feels good - they usually do smaller,
deeper, more circular strokes, and I love that.
But I’ve never been able to get a professional masseur/masseuse to do it the way I like it.

However, I may have found something I like.
My mom and I always go to spas together
when she’s here visiting, and on our recent spa trip,
I had a hot stone massage, and it was very nice.
It seemed like using the rocks made a difference in the type of strokes the MT used,
and adding the heat element worked nicely for me, too.
96名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/16(金) 02:29:02 ID:jENnKjou0
However, the place we were at is way over on the Eastside,
and while the massage was nice,
I wasn’t impressed enough with the spa overall with to trek back over there again.
(It wasn’t terrible. It was just kinda meh.)

So, okay, Seattle massage fans, who does a good hot-rock massage,
in the downtown/Cap Hill/Leschi or Columbia City neighborhood?

Photos: I need new pictures.
Now, I do have a ton of friends ?
yes, like you, Malixe ?
who shoot as a hobby or semi-professionally,
and I’d like to do some stuff with them.
But I need new professional images for the MM.com website,
so I want to book a glamour shoot with a serious professional photographer with a studio and fancy lights
and a makeup artist and all that jazz. (I also need a new website, but that’s a whole other matter.)

Normally I would call Tommy Edwards for this.
I’ve worked with Tommy numerous times for years,
and he rocks. But this time I feel like I want something different,
a fresh eye, new ideas. I like this guy’s work, and it’s exactly the kind of thing
I need. She has some interesting stuff, too, although I don’t know it’s quite as glam as
I need. Any of you model-girls know anybody else good for glamour work? In Seattle,
needless to say - I’m not traveling for this.

All suggestions warmly appreciated.
97名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/16(金) 02:30:10 ID:jENnKjou0
It’s weird how things go in streaks in this business.
I’m always busy, but for the last few days, the phone, it will. Not.
Stop. Ringing. I mean, like crazy.

And almost all brand-new people. Now,
I’m not saying I don’t like to meet new guys ever.
Every one of my dear and cherished regulars was once a new client to me.
But I have to admit: I’m spoiled. When the guys I know call me, it’s easy. 2pm, Thursday?
Sure, I can do that. Or No, I can’t, but how about Friday instead? It’s just a matter of logistics.

When new person calls, I have to stop
whatever I’m doing and sit down and really listen to
what they’re saying, and think about both the intended message
(My name’s Bob and I’m into spanking and role-play)
as well as the subtler ones. And I have to assess,
based on that information, whether this is someone I want to meet.
No one else can do this but me. I’ve wished many times
that I could outsource the screening-new-people duty,
but it’s simply not possible. I trust no one but myself to make this call.

So being in the dungeon with a new person?
Fun. Spending time on the phone weeding out the roughly seventy percent of new callers
that won't pan out into a session date? Not so fun.

98名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/16(金) 02:31:39 ID:jENnKjou0
It’s easy to tell who’s been reading my blog, though.
Yeah, ya’ll know who you are.
You wisely don’t say anything you shouldn't and so, hey,
I usually like you. Other guys,
who just found my number on god-knows-what adult entertainer’s site,
just call up and say things like this:

Me: Hello?
Caller: Yeah, I’d like an appointment for this afternoon.

Guys, you’re not reserving a table at a restaurant.
You’re calling a stranger to talk about spending time alone together engaged in a rather intimate activity.
Let’s put it this way:
if you approach a woman in a brusque, impersonal fashion like this,
how do you expect her to treat you warmly and intimately?
It’s in your best interests to observe some social amenities. Like saying “Hello”, for example.

Not to mention, of course,
that the chances of getting a same-day appointment with me bring to mind the words “snowball”
and “hell”. There’s a reason why I hide my phone number on my website.
I’m trying to force people to know some basic things about me before they call.
I’ve toyed with removing my phone number from my print ads, giving only a URL,
for the same reason. I’m not ready to take that step yet, but the day may come.

But really, this is all just a lead-up to saying: I have some really great regular guys,
and if you’re one of them, I’d just like you to let you know that I appreciate
you. I'm blowing a kiss to Traveler, Blue Eyes, Milo, Martin, Howard, Dave, Mark,
Ted, Steve, Erik, Art, Randy, Nick, Greg, Harry, Peter, Daniel, Jim, Bruce, Ed, Richard, Scott,
Bill, Mike, Rick, John, Brian, Tim, Jerry ? you guys are cool,
and I’m glad you’re around. You make my life so much nicer. Thanks.
99名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/16(金) 02:32:36 ID:jENnKjou0
iTunes Nostalgia

This is the time, and this is the record of the time. This is the time, and this is the record of the time.

~ From The Air

So I recently downloaded an oldie-goldie from iTunes ?
the “Big Science” album by Laurie Anderson.
If you haven’t ever heard it, it’s an awesome mishmash of music/spoken word art-rock weirdness.
It’s considered Anderson’s most “commercial” album ? which means she got some radio airplay,
especially in the UK ? but while purists may sneer, I love it. My favorite song is “From The Air”,
but they’re all good.

I discovered the album the summer between my freshman and sophomore year at college.
There were several key things happening at that particular point in my life. I had a sugar daddy ?
he was my first foray into sex for money. He paid my rent, bought me my first car,
gave me an allowance. It was a cushy situation moneywise, but stressful psychologically.

100名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/16(金) 02:33:59 ID:jENnKjou0
I was living, as roommates, with another woman,
who was clearly, but clearly, a lesbian,
although she was so far back in the closet you could have used her for a shoe rack.
And perhaps in connection with her state of extreme closetedness,
Sandra was a big ole pothead. I mean serious.

Now, I’ve never been a big fan of pot. I do get a slightly buzzed feeling,
but mainly I just get sleepy, and my eyes get all slitty,
occasionally I got the munchies, and that’s about it.
It’s just never done much for me.
I haven’t smoked a joint in years and years. But that one summer,
I smoked a lot of weed with Sandra and other people, and it seemed like fun.

The main reason it was fun was because of my friends.
One of my early rules about getting stoned ?
one I’ve observed to this day, about all substances ?
is “never do drugs alone”. For me, getting high was a social thing. I was too young to get into bars ?
most of the time ? so it was my equivalent of martinis after work.

Plus, I knew it would piss off Tom, my sugar daddy.
Tom was a rich redneck fifty-something Republican
who knocked back gallons of Chivas Regal but though that “mari-joo-ahna” was a demon weed smoked
by “those coloreds”. (And that was his polite way of referring to black people.)
Most of our other political opinions were equally antithetical,
which made being his girlfriend-on-the-side an exercise in biting my tongue.
101名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/16(金) 02:35:25 ID:jENnKjou0
I’m sure he sensed it ?
I’m not a very good actress even now, much less at eighteen.
So the more he tried to control me and get me to be what he wanted me to be,
the more I developed passive-aggressive ways of defying and annoying him -
while still getting him to support me, of course. I didn’t mind the sex part,
it was just that we were so wildly incompatible in every other way.

So, cut to me and Sandra and another pal or two hanging out in my apartment,
with the bong, some bottled wine coolers we’d gotten someone to buy for us,
and a bag of M&Ms. Sandra says, “I found this really cool album, you guys have to hear it.”
And she puts on “Big Science.”

One of the things one notices about this album is that Laurie Anderson talks a lot in a very deliberate,
measured voice, and she says odd things that don’t make much sense. It’s very artsy.

However, it struck all of us that in fact, Laurie Anderson was talking just like
we were talking: in a slow, draggy voice, with lots of non sequiturs.
Therefore ? in our THC-fogged minds - Laurie Anderson must also be stoned! Cool! Cheech and Chong be damned,
Laurie Anderson became our stoner heroine. (Really! Listen to “Walking and Falling”
and then tell me that woman doesn’t sound like she’s baked. Just try.)

After that, Big Science got a lot of airtime in my apartment. Sandra and I got to
where we could recite large sections of it from memory,
which we were prone to doing at inappropriate moments, especially if we actually were stoned.

Tom hated it. So naturally I insisted on playing it while we had sex.
102名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/16(金) 02:37:04 ID:jENnKjou0
That fall I broke up with Tom, moved back into the dorm, and drifted away from Sandra.
The Big Science album got lost and while I thought about it occasionally,
I hadn’t heard it in years. Then for some reason it came to my mind,
I searched for it on iTunes, and as I listen to it, I can almost smell the pot,
taste the M&Ms, and hear Sandra’s laugh.
103名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/16(金) 02:38:33 ID:jENnKjou0
So if you read his blog,
you already know. But if you just got here:
My other partner,
Monk (usually referred to here by his blog nickname, Roman) had a fire in his shop Wednesday night.

Not a good thing. Quite bad, in fact. In what I’m told is the usual way,
the water from the sprinklers, and the firefighter’s axes,
did more damage than the actual fire.
(Not that I’m dissing the firefighters, you understand.)
Monk, Nerdy and Tambo spent all yesterday mopping and sweeping and carrying loads of now-worthless merchandise out to the dumpster.
And then I bought them stiff drinks.

Today, they are able to summon, barely,
some flickers of optimism about the future.
But it’s a helluva mess. He sent me some pictures.
Here’s Monk and Nerdy (I think that’s Nerdy?) looking at the outside of the building.
A shot of the standing water on the floor, and a box of Bridget Harrington’s new bondage book,
ruined by water damage.

104名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/16(金) 02:42:45 ID:jENnKjou0
He'll get everything going again, of course, and there is insurance,
although god knows what getting money out of them will entail.
(I do not have good experiences with insurance companies.)

In the wake of this, I’ve gotten several emails from kind readers asking me
if they can donate to a relief fund. It’s a very sweet idea. I mentioned it to Monk,
and his reply was: “Wow, that’s very kind and generous of people.
We’ll definitely get back up and running no matter what,
but if readers want to do something to help us along and speed up the process,
I would think that was a really nice gesture on their part.
It would certainly help me make sure all my employees still get paid on time.”

So if you want to, you can donate whatever you want here, through Paypal,
and I’ll see that it gets to Monk.
105名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/16(金) 02:44:10 ID:jENnKjou0
This is going stun some of you newer readers, but in fact,
I do not get my house cleaned by saucy little slaves dressed in French maid uniforms
who do it just because they worship me. (Or Max.)
That kind of arrangement is always more trouble than it’s worth,
in my experience. We pay people to do it.

I’ve paid people to clean up after me for years. I’m not a huge slob ?
I’d call myself medium-tidy. That means I won’t let dirty dishes sit around,
but stacks of books and piles of papers do tend to accumulate,
and I’ll often just throw down my jacket wherever. Stuff like that.

And really, what is the point of making good money
if you don’t use it to make your life easier?
So I hire people. My first housecleaner was great.
Then she became a sex worker and started making ten times as much money per hour,
and so of course she quit. I had a couple of cool but transitory people after that,
and a few flakes, and for several years I’ve had a very nice woman, V,
doing our house. I’ve known V for years, we have a lot of acquaintances in common -
including some of her other clients - and she’s a lovely person. However,
either she’s got more clients than she can really handle,
or she’s got some other issues going on, because
Max and I feel she’s canceling her days with us ?
with no notice - more than we’d like. We entertain a lot,
and we have a lot of houseguests, and so it’s often an issue for us
that the house actually does get cleaned that day. So we’re exploring our other options.

106名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/16(金) 02:45:16 ID:jENnKjou0
We’ve talked about using Merry Maids or some outfit like that,
but I don’t trust those big services. I want to hire an individual person,
preferably a sole proprietor, who I can meet and look in the eye and decide that
I trust them ? or not - and have that person and no other be in my house. I mean,
V has her own key, for god’s sake, she usually comes and goes without us being here.
I totally trust her. So that’s one of the requirements.

They also need to be if not kink-friendly, at least kink-tolerant,
because there’s a lot of kinky stuff around the house. I don’t mean
we leave used sex toys around, we’re much too polite to ask anyone else to deal
with those. I mean the big ole cage in the bedroom, for one thing,
and a lot of somewhat pervy art on the walls, and various magazines
and such. V did also vacuum and dust the basement playroom,
because the dungeon furniture didn’t bother her a bit. But we’d be willing to excuse a new person that duty,
at least until they got used to the idea.

So if you are know (or if you are yourself) an open-minded, professional, reliable housecleaner,
with references, in the Seattle area, drop me a note. Good help is hard to find, but we need it.

(A brief note to be super-clear, because some people don’t read very carefully:
this is not a personal ad. I want someone who does this for a living,
not for erotic gratification, or because they want attention from the Mistress.
Professional. For the money. Not sexy. Got it?)

107名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/16(金) 02:46:37 ID:jENnKjou0
The Human Sexuality class: Went just fine.
I’ve done stuff like that a lot, although usually they just want me to talk about one specific aspect of
who I am: being kinky, or being poly, or being bi, or being a sex worker.
This class got sort of an overview of the whole crazy salad of my life.
A one-hour class isn’t really enough to cover everything in a satisfactory way,
and I think some of them walked out with their heads kinda spinning
with all the bits of information I gave them, but they were great kids and I enjoyed talking to them.

The Mom: Is indeed here, although she leaves today to go up to Victoria for a few days.
Saturday night I took her to the Late Night Catechism show at The Act.
I’m a second-generation Catholic schoolgirl -
my mother went to Catholic school back in the day
when the nuns ruled their student with an iron ruler.
(Yes, both of us went all twelve years.)

She and her husband loved it, but the show was actually much gentler
than I’d expected. It pokes fun at the church,
but it’s clearly geared to not offend practicing Catholics. So while the actress,
Aubrey Manning, is very quick-witted in her improvisational schticks with the audience,
overall the show is amusing but toothless.
Although I suppose there are worse things for entertaining one’s mother.
Max and I took them to the B&O Cafe for dessert afterwards, which was also a big hit.

Bondage is the Point Party: Grand as always. It’s great to have a regular party
where I can count on most all of my friends showing up. I mean, a party I don’t have to throw myself.

108名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/16(金) 04:33:53 ID:jaLuE8+X0
109名無し:2006/06/16(金) 05:40:35 ID:Z1JFHRB10
110名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/16(金) 09:09:54 ID:G6E/qkj90
111名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/16(金) 10:07:06 ID:4WmU4dGg0
112名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/16(金) 14:35:44 ID:O7Go6OYf0
After all, is it the extent?
113名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/16(金) 23:42:42 ID:fqdLqQ3XO
114名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/17(土) 01:14:45 ID:87pZ7wv+O
115名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/17(土) 01:18:35 ID:U4hillfOO
みぃは 神
116名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/17(土) 01:25:05 ID:3akAACC3O
117名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/17(土) 06:03:20 ID:eOLAH7IYO
118名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/17(土) 08:17:46 ID:2m7T+PgE0
119名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/17(土) 08:34:45 ID:NSc56QE50

120名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/17(土) 08:39:14 ID:2m7T+PgE0
121名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/17(土) 08:40:47 ID:ACmvvFGz0
122名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/17(土) 09:08:15 ID:y0UUgQqY0
123名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/17(土) 10:02:43 ID:ZrIipDJT0
124名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/17(土) 12:01:14 ID:BjvF9zIx0
125sage:2006/06/17(土) 16:40:43 ID:lA7rb6ec0
126名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/17(土) 17:02:32 ID:eOLAH7IYO
127名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/17(土) 17:20:38 ID:jwcsa4i20
128名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/17(土) 17:53:53 ID:XuZh+CKZ0
The Human Sexuality class: Went just fine.
I’ve done stuff like that a lot, although usually they just want me to talk about one specific aspect of
who I am: being kinky, or being poly, or being bi, or being a sex worker.
This class got sort of an overview of the whole crazy salad of my life.
A one-hour class isn’t really enough to cover everything in a satisfactory way,
and I think some of them walked out with their heads kinda spinning
with all the bits of information I gave them, but they were great kids and I enjoyed talking to them.

The Mom: Is indeed here, although she leaves today to go up to Victoria for a few days.
Saturday night I took her to the Late Night Catechism show at The Act.
I’m a second-generation Catholic schoolgirl -
my mother went to Catholic school back in the day
when the nuns ruled their student with an iron ruler.
(Yes, both of us went all twelve years.)

She and her husband loved it, but the show was actually much gentler
than I’d expected. It pokes fun at the church,
but it’s clearly geared to not offend practicing Catholics. So while the actress,
Aubrey Manning, is very quick-witted in her improvisational schticks with the audience,
overall the show is amusing but toothless.
Although I suppose there are worse things for entertaining one’s mother.
Max and I took them to the B&O Cafe for dessert afterwards, which was also a big hit.

Bondage is the Point Party: Grand as always. It’s great to have a regular party
where I can count on most all of my friends showing up. I mean, a party I don’t have to throw myself.

129名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/17(土) 18:19:50 ID:jwcsa4i20
130名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/17(土) 18:35:55 ID:XuZh+CKZ0
131名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/17(土) 18:48:35 ID:RnYiHpxO0
はな なまっていて会話成立しない。
132名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/17(土) 18:51:04 ID:/aNbH2+10

133名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/17(土) 19:31:13 ID:3akAACC3O
134名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/17(土) 20:12:28 ID:sIhHPyOj0
135名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/17(土) 23:39:49 ID:yVd3Y7PG0
Bank of America Fraud - I got a voice mail yesterday from the "Bank of America Fraud Protection Team",
saying they had observed unusual activity on one of my credit cards,
and asking me to call them back. I called the number they left me,
and a recording asked me to enter my credit card number.

Are you kidding me? This is a bank security team?

I think I'm going to start leaving voice mails for people claiming to be a fraud protection team,
and asking them to call me back and leave their credit card number and
PIN so I can quickly print up some fake cards and withdraw all the funds from their accounts.

BOFA, if you are listening-- the message you left me should have said
"Please call the phone number on the back of your BOFA credit card
and press 9 to be connected to our fraud protection scheme" or something like that.
136名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/17(土) 23:40:24 ID:eOBLxI880
I’ve been writing a couple of commissioned porny pieces?
the first for an American soldier stationed in Iraq narrates a soldier’s wife’s experience of her husband’s return
and her waking up from a long sexual nap. The second, for an international poker player,
gives the story of a secretary being anally punished for habitual lateness.

Who knew that in a pinch binder clips work as impromptu nipple clamps? Me, that’s who.

I’ve found it incredibly hott-making to get inside these character’s heads and bodies.
To inhabit the life of a woman who has by necessity put her sexuality on hold
and then to find it smacking it upside her fanny was incendiary. It was hard,
literally, a hard little wet knot in my g-string as I sat on my desk chair typing, typing,
typing this story of this woman’s learning about what she wanted and how she wanted it.

When I finished, the story a crescendo of simultaneous orgasm and multiple penetration,
I felt as if I knew her.

And now, immersed in this office fantasy, the rolling chairs,
the drawers of pointy staples and rolls of tape, the shredded gossamer of good-girl pantyhose
and the imminent threat of discovery, I find my delicate sensibilities inflamed.
(Today, while writing, I had to take a break, discover the painful joy of my nipple clamps
and come hard and long with my bullet vibe, groaning louder than I’d expected.)
Ah, the joys of literacy!
137名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/17(土) 23:40:50 ID:yVd3Y7PG0
...and writing, erotica that is, moreso. So sez Chelsea Girl:
I’m accustomed to reading books and finding my girlparts moist.
The act of reading, after all, has a kind of inherent eroticism.
A generally solitary activity, reading is just you
and your quiet hands and the fantasy that the words play out in your mind.
It’s just one swift hand below your waistline away from masturbation.

The eighteenth-century birth of the European novel was heralded with all kinds of fear
that reading would unreasonably inflame the senses of the young with
what one critic has termed “one-handed reading.
” And justifiably so?by the middle of the century,
John Cleland wrote the first piece of English pornography to help him get out of debtor’s prison.

To get out, and one might suspect, to get off, because let me tell you
that writing porn makes a person seriously body-needy.
138名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/17(土) 23:50:56 ID:yVd3Y7PG0
Eudora is back
Oh how I've missed her
Just a bit she has changed
I think I will kiss her

Ok, am I really going to get that excited over some stupid software?
Well, email is pretty important to me; I send 60-80 messages a day and receive 200 real ones (not counting spam),
so email software is probably the most important software on my computer.

For many years I had my own email reader based on emacs (cf) RMAIL
with thousands of lines of emacs lisp code I had written. This was the ultimate in power,
but the chording killed my carpals,
and at the same time I was designing a new product which benefited
from me having to use the same stupid email software that most of the target users had (Outlook Express).

I've flirted on and off with different email clients, including Thunderbird
(cool but not ready for prime time),
but now I'm back with Eudora. At some point in the next few days I will writeup a longer review.

Meanwhile, I realize now that someone needs to write yet another email client which is like
Eudora but which uses Google text-only ads (in the free vs paid mode) instead of the Eudora graphics ads. Anyone?
139名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/18(日) 00:37:36 ID:lmNQjuIm0
This is going stun some of you newer readers, but in fact,
I do not get my house cleaned by saucy little slaves dressed in French maid uniforms
who do it just because they worship me. (Or Max.)
That kind of arrangement is always more trouble than it’s worth,
in my experience. We pay people to do it.

I’ve paid people to clean up after me for years. I’m not a huge slob ?
I’d call myself medium-tidy. That means I won’t let dirty dishes sit around,
but stacks of books and piles of papers do tend to accumulate,
and I’ll often just throw down my jacket wherever. Stuff like that.

And really, what is the point of making good money
if you don’t use it to make your life easier?
So I hire people. My first housecleaner was great.
Then she became a sex worker and started making ten times as much money per hour,
and so of course she quit. I had a couple of cool but transitory people after that,
and a few flakes, and for several years I’ve had a very nice woman, V,
doing our house. I’ve known V for years, we have a lot of acquaintances in common -
including some of her other clients - and she’s a lovely person. However,
either she’s got more clients than she can really handle,
or she’s got some other issues going on, because
Max and I feel she’s canceling her days with us ?
with no notice - more than we’d like. We entertain a lot,
and we have a lot of houseguests, and so it’s often an issue for us
that the house actually does get cleaned that day. So we’re exploring our other options.
140名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/18(日) 00:41:13 ID:tizQIggM0
141名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/18(日) 00:42:50 ID:6xcvIZ1k0
The headline is more encouraging than the article,
but this study did seem to find a correlation
between being prone to migraines and having a higher sex drive.

Anecdotal note: I get migraines, rarely (thank goodness),
and sex is the last thing on my mind.
I just want to be unconscious.
But a friend who gets them frequently (poor thing) has found
that the only guarantee of relief from the pain is sex. Masturbating, no,
but lovemaking, definitely. It's a temporary respite but
if you get migraines you know even temporary relief is worth anything.
142名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/18(日) 00:43:52 ID:6xcvIZ1k0
I've been delighted to find the majority of the email responses to today's column ("The Naked Truth About Sex Ed") has been positive.
Many of you are thankful to learn that such a book exists, and some wish they'd had it when they were young.

One resource I wanted to recommend didn't fit into the sidebar, so let me link to it here:

Our Whole Lives Lifespan Series

It's an interfaith sex ed program that does not walk the line drawn by the fundamentalist Christian right.
I've subscribed to the newsletter for some time and it's a good one. For example, from the grade 10-12 curriculum:
"Using a comprehensive approach,
this program helps senior-high youth gain the knowledge, life principles and skills they need to express their sexuality in life-enhancing ways."

It's available with and without religious references. LOL
143名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/18(日) 00:44:46 ID:6xcvIZ1k0
...when the picture is erotic, ERPs begin firing within 160 milliseconds, about 20 percent faster than occurred
with any of the other pictures. Soon after, the ERPs begin to diverge,
with processing taking place in different brain structures for erotic pictures than those that process the other images.

~ snip ~

A great deal of past research has suggested that men are more visual creatures than women
and get more aroused by erotic images than women. Anokhin says the fact
that the women's brains in this study exhibited such a quick response to erotic pictures suggests that,
perhaps for evolutionary reasons, our brains are programmed to preferentially respond to erotic material.

"Usually men subjectively rate erotic material much higher than women," he says. "
So based on those data we would expect lower responses in women,
but that was not the case. Women have responses as strong as those seen in men."
144名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/18(日) 00:45:33 ID:6xcvIZ1k0
One comment many proponents of sexy video games make is
that games can apparently be terribly violent but the moment you show a breast, it's offensive.

That's not always the case. Oklahoma's governor has just signed into law regulations about violence in video games.
If you're not 18 yet, you won't be allowed to buy or rent said games. Also,
under this new law, you can't post signs for your porn shop within a mile of the state highway unless said
porn shop is within two miles of the state highway.

How that relates is anyone's guess.
145名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/18(日) 00:47:18 ID:6xcvIZ1k0
At least the headline on this BBC News article says "mimics," not "replaces."

A device which may pave the way for robotic hands that can replicate the human sense of touch has been unveiled.

US scientists have created a sensor that can "feel" the texture of objects to the same degree of sensitivity as a human fingertip.

The team says the tactile sensor could, in the future, aid minimally invasive surgical techniques by giving surgeons a "touch-sensation".

And, of course, giving long-distance lovers another way to connect, once the price comes down just a little bit.
146名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/18(日) 00:48:05 ID:6xcvIZ1k0
The FDA approved the cervical cancer vaccine -- which works on the strains of Human Papillomavirus (HPV)
that cause cancer -- and now a debate continues about whether and how to offer it to the public.

STD Treatment Raises Debate

One concern, from some, is that this vaccine will give tacit permission for their daughters to have sex.
(You know, because HPV is the only reason not to.)
The daughters can avoid HPV altogether by remaining abstinent until marriage, and faithful within the marriage.

That works great if you as a parent trust that your daughter will marry a man
who kept himself pure his entire life and will never stray after consummating the marriage.

It also works great if you as a parent trust that your daughter will never, ever,
be at risk for assault by someone carrying HPV. (Men often carry it without any symptoms.)

And if you trust that your daughter will never rebel, not even once, and that if she does
and she gets HPV that starts cancer and she gets very ill and almost dies or actually does die,
she deserves it as the consequences of a decision (or mistake or however you call it) she made as a teenager.

I can't believe that any parent would deny a daughter every possible chance at avoiding
cervical cancer and its associated health and financial costs.
147名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/18(日) 00:48:50 ID:6xcvIZ1k0
As you know, I'm more of a tech generalist than a specialist -- the thread
that ties my work together is sex, not a particular technology.

Brenda Brathwaite's dynamic journey through the state of sex in video games
and the opportunities and challenges in the future opened my eyes to how far we've already come.

One of the points I especially appreciated was the reassurance of this statement:

New media is dangerous.

It's the media that freaks people out. We've been having sex for thousands of years
without a whole lot of changes in our biology, emotional makeup, and so on.
Yet every new media that starts to portray sex sparks a controversy in America.
Remember the Hays Code for movies? The comic book code later? It's a cycle.
A new media emerges, people use it for sexual expression, fear happens, and then ...
we move on. Not such a big deal anymore.

I've seen this with online sex, with online dating, with online in general.
And we're going to see it with games.

148名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/18(日) 00:50:53 ID:6xcvIZ1k0
Salon has an article about young people's ideas about freedom of expression
and MySpace and what that could mean for our future.

MySpace, OurSpace

It's frightening.

I was suprised at how many teenagers think their MySpace pages are private.
Many blogs and social networking sites have features that let you specify,
per post or per page, who gets to see it: everyone, just friends, just the author.
Does MySpace not? Or do the teens just not know about it?

MySpace is no different than AOL, or The Well, or any other premium community subset of the internet.
The tools might be slicker and the community makeup a different slice of the population,
but the idea is the same: it's built upon the internet but has tools and standards and content
and whatnot specific to itsself. MySpace reflects internet users as much as any other part of the internet.
The intellectuals who gathered in The Well over the years knew full well that while they could say whatever they wanted,
they had to live with the consequences of the reaction to their words. Unfortunately,
modern youth is learning the hard way that freedom of expression does not mean freedom from responsibility or repercussions,
especially if your expression is to brag about how you've broken the law.
149名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/18(日) 00:53:17 ID:6xcvIZ1k0
They're also interpreting police and teacher presence in MySpace as censorship.
Some of it is; some of it is simply the admission by adults that the internet exists and that teenagers break the law for attention,
and they're getting that attention online, so that's the easiest way to catch 'em.

The most frightening part of the article is not about MySpace particularly.
It's the ignorance among young people about the role of the press as watchdog,
as protector of the people. This is our fault, my generation and older,
for assuming that everyone (including 12-year-olds) just knows this kind of thing. How would they? It's not on the test.

Sure, they're minors now. But when this generation grows up and a high percentage of them believe
that the government should approve a newspaper's articles before publication,
and that the first amendment "goes too far," who are they parroting?
And what will it mean as they begin reshaping America in the 2020s?
150名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/18(日) 00:53:52 ID:6xcvIZ1k0
Sex in Video Games starts tomorrow.

I'm trying like crazy to wrap up the day's work so I can get to the conference hotel in time for a meeting --
and not get a parking ticket, as I'm parked at a meter outside the Wired News offices.

I'm looking forward to the event now that I have rehearsed my presentation with some friends.
And it sounds like several TV crews are showing up so if you can't make it, you might see some of us on the evening news.

If you are attending, make sure to introduce yourself. I'd love to meet you in person.

I'll be there both days, although Thursday is heavily scheduled now with media interviews.
Oh, yes, I'm pretend-famous in the internet, didn't you know? *tossing head* LOL
151名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/18(日) 00:54:22 ID:6xcvIZ1k0
Saw on Fark that the FCC fines for indecent exposure have increased tenfold, prompted by the Janet Jackson wardrobe malfunction.

"Obscene" and "indecent" content are either banned or regulated on broadcast television, although the article does not define what content qualifies for the terms.

Am I the only one who's noticed that Days of Our Lives has more nipples per segment than any superbowl?

I agree with the FARKers who said that they'll go out of their way online to see a nice pair of boobies,
but they'd rather not see gory things like corpses or mutilations when flipping through the TV.
Although I am sure those groups working to keep broadcast TV "decent" and "family" do object to too much violence,
I can't recall hearing much about that. It's always about the boobies....
152名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/18(日) 00:55:19 ID:6xcvIZ1k0
As I rehearse and refine my presentation for Thursday, I'm extra-attuned to any new information
that pertains to adult community and sexuality in virtual spaces.

A USC study of chat rooms as repositories of knowledge looks like it could have interesting results
if applied to adult community.

A USC Information Sciences Institute system pulls answers from online conversations by identifying the alpha chatterers.

The system, to be presented at a conference on human language technology on June 6,
was developed to analyze technical conversations in which an objectively correct answer exists.
But the method for statistically characterizing response by the group to individuals is generalizable.

Online communities are now firmly established in domains ranging from high school gossip to
professional open-source software design discussions, generating huge repositories of records of
human knowledge processing, pre-converted to digital form.

"For study of online natural language interaction, it's the mother lode,"
says Eduard Hovy of the University of Southern California Information Sciences Institute.
153名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/18(日) 00:56:07 ID:6xcvIZ1k0
Sex chat doesn't necessarily have objectively correct answers.
But it does have "an inherent structure, including temporal ordering, references
to previous statements, labeled sourcing and other clues" like any other human conversation.
This, according to researchers, "opens the door to much deeper machine-generated understanding."

I'm also interested in how the researchers categorize different types of chat contributions.
These obviously do not belong solely to the realm of technical conversation.

inform -- corrections, descriptions, elaborations, suggestions, and answers to questions, both simple and complex
requests -- requests for information or for action (e.g., commands)
social -- acknowledgements, thanks, compliments, criticisms, objections, and supportive statements

Interesting implications ... thinking of how this might come in handy for online sex ed.

Press release is here, and the paper will be presented today at the
Human Language Technology Conference at NYU in New York.
154名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/18(日) 00:56:52 ID:6xcvIZ1k0
Violet Blue's new book, Fetish Sex, is now available to pre-order at Amazon.
It'll be out by August and I'm looking forward to it.

I, like many sex-tech-positive folks, have often pointed to the internet as a safe place to explore sexual desire outside the acceptable mainstream.
Violet's book is a guide to fetish offline,
and whether you've made forays into fantasy worlds to find likeminded adults or whether your interests lurk deep within --
or maybe you're just interested, even though you know you don't have a fetishy bone in your body.

Either way, she's very excited about it and says it's the first book of its kind,
"normalizing fetishes without taking the wicked, taboo heat out of them."

Now that, my dears, is sex education.
155名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/18(日) 00:57:54 ID:6xcvIZ1k0
This iVillage article about long-distance relationships contradicts itself,
starting with "You'd have to be a serious commitment-phobe to chooseto live hundreds --
or even thousands -- of miles away from the man you love"
and then proceeding to describe how long-distance couples are deeply committed to one another.


It has some surprising points. One is that more than a million couples in the U.S. live in separate cities,
and 700,000 or so of them are married. Another is that there is a Center for the Study of Long-Distance Relationships
(which turns out to be an author's consulting site).

And most suprising of all is that the author barely mentions the internet.
She links to a site that generates customized erotic stories to send to each other,
and makes a quick reference to email in the section about couples who exchange letters.

But where's the bit about IM? Where's the webcam? Where's the "we hang out in Puzzle Pirates"?
Where's the "well we met online and it's too soon to move across country yet, but ...."?

What makes these omissions so terrible is that iVillage is an online-only publication/community,
not a print magazine. How can an internet-based publication not look to the internet for new ways couples can stay in touch,
and in fact the real basis for why long-distance love is so much more viable now than it used to be?
156名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/18(日) 00:59:11 ID:6xcvIZ1k0
This link would be safe for work except Glamour magazine decided to run a full-posterior photo of a nude woman right at the top.

The new lies about women's health NSFW

By Brian Alexander
Political groups tell them, the government buys them?and worst of all,
your doctor may pass them on to you. Alarmed? You should be.

For the past 15 years, Ruth Shaber, M.D., has been an ob-gyn in San Francisco for Kaiser Permanente,
one of the nation's largest health maintenance organizations. She sees all types of women?
union members, executives, waitresses. Most of them, Dr. Shaber says, have questions for her,
including how to protect themselves from sexually transmitted diseases, how to preserve their fertility,
how to prevent breast and cervical cancer and whether the latest Internet health scare they've heard is really true.

Dr. Shaber tries hard to separate fact from fiction because, she says, "rumor and hearsay can start to seem real." In the past,
she'd sometimes refer patients to government websites and printed fact sheets,
or rely on those outlets to help create her own materials. Not anymore. "As a physician, I can no longer trust government sources,"
says Dr. Shaber. She is not a political activist or a conspiracy theorist; in addition to her own practice,
she's Kaiser Permanente's director of women's health services for northern California and head of the HMO's Women's Health Research Institute.
Yet this decidedly mainstream doctor and administrator says, "I no longer trust FDA decisions or materials generated [by the government].
Ten years ago, I would not have had to scrutinize government information. Now I don't feel comfortable giving it to my patients."

It's a long article, but worth it, especially if you have a girlfriend, wife, sister, female friend or daughter in your life.
157名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/18(日) 01:00:15 ID:6xcvIZ1k0
A Dutch study, while "flawed," finds that some teenagers pretend to have sex while sending each other explicit messages and images.
But the majority of teens report "flirting," not cybersex.

It all depends on how you define it, I guess.

What's nice about the article is the measured response from the adults, advising parents to adjust to the modern world and talk about the internet and sex with their youth --
without panic. To me, that means without condemnation or visible fear.

"Parents talk only about the danger and risks of the Internet;
they are very focused on how to protect their children from online predators,"
she said "These data suggest they should be thinking about something else:
that the kids are all 'doing it' online already."

She said that parents should not panic, but start adjusting to the new reality.

"Parents need to teach their kids about sex and the Internet the same way they do about the dangers of alcohol or drugs,
and they can't postpone it," she said. "From the very first time children use the Internet, they're going to be confronted with sex."

Youth have been 'doing it' for realsies and for pretend for generations. I can see positives and negatives to doing it through technology.

Regardless of what a parent might see as positive or negative aboutthis type of teen sexual exploration,
though, the tech is here to stay and it's only going to escalate.
It's time for all of us -- not just parents -- to admit it and deal with it, don't you think?
158名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/18(日) 01:01:20 ID:6xcvIZ1k0
In another case of science proving the obvious,
the World Health Organization released a study showing the dangerous effects and even fatal results of genital mutilation in women.

Female circumcision heightens childbirth risks: WHO

GENEVA (Reuters) - Female circumcision, performed on as many as 3 million girls each year,
complicates childbirth later in life and causes higher mortality among their babies,
the World Health Organization (WHO) said on Friday.

In a new report, the United Nations agency said women who had undergone the practice,
also known as female genital mutilation, were up to 70 percent more vulnerable to potentially fatal hemorrhage after delivery than those who had not.

Its study, involving some 28,000 women at obstetric centers in six African countries where the practice is common,
said babies born to circumcised women were as much as 55 percent more likely to die during or immediately after childbirth.

I started writing out a whole rant but I deleted it.
Genital mutilation is so horrifying to me I was sputtering but not making very coherent points.

Very few things enrage me to the point of violence --
and I can almost always see someone's point even if I completely disagree with them --
but this is one of those things that I have absolutely no empathy for.
I would happily strangle the fearful, cowardly males who came up with this procedure and embedded it so thoroughly in the psyche of their people.
(Except of course they're already dead, as this practice goes back at least a thousand years.)
159名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/18(日) 01:02:14 ID:6xcvIZ1k0
Return of Porn-Fetching 'YapBrowser' Raises Eyebrows

A rogue Web browser that was removed from the Internet after security researchers found it was serving up child porn advertising has suddenly reappeared, with a peculiar twist.

The YapBrowser, also known as YapSearch or YapCash, now comes with an odd claim that users can expect protection from harmful exploits and viruses.

The site hosting the browser download originates from Russia and includes an "adult version" that lets users search for and browse pornography-themed content for free.

I already have a browser that "lets users search for and browse pornography-themed content for free" -- it's called Firefox. And that seems to be the only selling point for YapWhatever.

eWeek's entire article warns you against installing it,
pointing out that it's been assocaited with "exploits, page hijacks and keystroke loggers" and really exists to redirect you to shopping sites.

Which leads me to ask ... what browser do you use for porn? Do you need/want/use a separate program?
160名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/18(日) 01:03:01 ID:6xcvIZ1k0
ICM Registry appeals .xxx rejection


Although the Internet's key oversight agency rejected a proposal to create a ".xxx" domain for porn sites, the domain's chief sponsor,
ICM Registry Inc., is appealing the decision and began taking reservations from adult sites this week.

Stuart Lawley, ICM's chairman, said the company already has hired the staff and built the system,
and taking reservations now would mean a quicker rollout should the appeal succeed.


Lawley acknowledged the ICANN appeal could be tough
because the review panel is dominated by board members who had voted against the proposal.

But "we've got deep pockets," he said. "We're very determined."

Let me get this straight. They've already hired everyone and paid to set things up,
long before the domain request was approved, and they still have money to appeal ICANN's decision to reject the .xxx proposal?

I'm interesting in seeing whether any porn companies, particularly big names, register for .xxx just in case.
161名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/18(日) 01:04:40 ID:by5oTAnT0
なんだ? この荒らし。

162名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/18(日) 01:04:59 ID:6xcvIZ1k0
Bacchus at Eros Blog has a detailed review of the Phantasy Sinnflut, a sex toy he praises for its German engineering.

I don't know that German engineering impresses me so much,
having owned a Volkswagen in the past
(that's the car that turned me into a Toyota buyer for the rest of my life, sheesh).

But the toy itself looks good. I like the bright orange swoopy design and the charging base,
which makes me think that this vibrator is designed to stay out on the nightstand,
not hidden away secretly in a drawer or under the bed.
163名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/18(日) 01:05:53 ID:6xcvIZ1k0
I do a lot of research, and that sometimes involves looking at books and products at Amazon that I might not buy for myself.

I have to remember from now on not to go Amazon from my own, always-signed-in laptop if I'm around family members or innocent clients.
Among today's recommendations were a number of BDSM and spanking books, a sex toy, a Sonicare, and some really great music.

The thing I wouldn't buy for myself? The "Boston Legal" series on DVD.
I have no idea why that's on the recommendation page, unless they know about my secret crush on Captain Kirk.
(That is the show with Wm. Shatner, right? I don't even know ... )
164名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/18(日) 01:06:51 ID:6xcvIZ1k0
Sex, Paper and Imagination: Three Years Representing Sex Without Being Explicit

Weekly illustrations for the sex section of Tentaciones, the Friday supplement from Spain’s leading newspaper: El Pa?s.

For three years, Serial Cut? has shown a big audience every week how to represent sex without being explicit.
If these illustrations are taken out from the sex section, they can’t be related with sex.
And this was the big challenge. Also the different techniques used gave them a fresh air every week.
The different typefaces used reinforced the subjects discussed in this section . Over 150 illustrations,
the most special of which you can see here.

Maybe I just have a dirty mind -- or perhaps I'm more attuned to sex than the average person --
but I don't think removing some of these from the sex gallery would remove the sexual overtones.
But that doesn't lessen the impact of the art, or of the other galleries at Serial Cut, home of Spanish artist Sergio del Puerto.
165名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/18(日) 01:07:34 ID:bssDpQ/+0
166名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/18(日) 01:07:42 ID:6xcvIZ1k0
Not that this is news to anyone,
but the "first major study of online pornography" discovered that one in four British adults -- including women, gasp! -- look at porn.

Porn UK

Some numbers from the Nielsen NetRatings and Independent on Sunday study:

More than 9 million British men, which is close to 40 percent of the population, used porn websites in 2005

Women are among the fastest-growing demographic, rising 30 percent (from about 1 million to 1.4 million) in the past 12 months.

British film censors passed more hardcore porn than 18-rated movies last year.
(An 18-rated movie means you have to be 18 to see it in the theater or rent it, but it's not hardcore.)

Half of British children encounter online porn while searching for "something else."

Almost 40 percent of couples with problems blame pornography, at least in part, for their issues.
167名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/18(日) 01:08:42 ID:6xcvIZ1k0
I'm starting to think that the availability of porn is really challenging our ideas about sexuality, gender and relationships.
Men are "supposed" to be always ready for sex, motivated by sex, lured into making stupid decisions based on sex, etc --
and yet if that were the case, why can porn be more compelling than sex, for some?
Women are supposedly not interested in porn, preferring emotional closeness and sacred bonding and all that,
and yet millions of us are checking out porn on our own?

I'm nowhere near a conclusion about the challenges or what might come out of it.
It's still something I'm working out in my head. And yet ... I can't help but believe that
if sexual imagery replaces sex for some people, something else is going on.
It's easier for me (because I'm a woman?)
to see how online sexual interaction and relationships could be compelling enough to keep you there,
for a few years anyway, rather than in your own troubled relationship. How pictures and videos can do that,
I can't relate. But I'm trying. And I'm going to keep thinking about this until I figure out what I mean. LOL
168名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/18(日) 01:10:22 ID:6xcvIZ1k0
As I have investigated the tech of sex (and the tech of sex related medicine) this week,
I had occasion to not only look forward from my position in the sexual dark ages,
but I also took a lighthearted look back at some of the basic inventions that made our sex tech possible.

Where would phone sex be without Alexander Graham Bell's telephone?
I was unable to verify this,
but it is rumored that the first words spoken on his new invention were not "Mr. Watson, come here. I need you",
as has been reported for years, but "So, what are you wearing?"

STDs might have been an even bigger concern without Alexander Fleming's penicillin,
injected using Benjamin Rubin's syringe. Michael Faraday's electric motor is at the core of many vibrators,
though some run on Allessandro Volta's batteries, and they are largely made from Alexander Parkes' plastic.
There would be no porn without Thomas Edison's moving pictures, and no Playboy without George Eastman's film and Johannes Gutenberg's printing press.
Would we know anything about freezing embryos if not for Clarence Birdseye's tiny niblets?
169名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/18(日) 01:11:08 ID:6xcvIZ1k0
I mean, Regina recently reviewed The DilStick,
and I still shake my head and think "Someone had to INVENT that?" It looks like a short broom handle and an old pair of suspenders.

This all made me wonder what the old masters could come up with if they were alive and concentrating on a sex-related invention.

Isaac Newton might come up with something to make your partner appear closer than they actually are.
Leonardo DaVinci might come up with some very elaborate plans for a device that couldn't be built and was revised every month.
George Washington Carver might grow an aphrodisiac peanut.
Karl Benz might apply the theories of his piston driven engine to a robotic device to simulate repeated insertion and withdrawal.
And don't forget Enro Rubik's cube. (That has NOTHING to do with this topic. I just like saying Enro Rubik.)

Ron Popeil would probably come up with something new as well, though it would not be sold in stores and cost $19.95 (plus s&h).

So what would YOU inventive people create if you were inventing a sexual aid?
Would you look to create a physical aid?
Possibly something aural or aromatic for setting a mood? Virtual reality?
Your imagination is the only limitation, and there are no rules! If you build it, they will cum. Let's hear your ideas in the comments section!

At my age I am just thankful for John Hopps most famous invention.

The pacemaker!!
170名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/18(日) 01:11:39 ID:6xcvIZ1k0
I have had a great time this week taking up space while Regina was taking in sunshine (and I will assume, Margaritas).
Obviously my view of things is not always the same as everyone else's,
and here's hoping my attempts at humor were not lost in translation.
171名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/18(日) 01:13:35 ID:6xcvIZ1k0
Jefferson Airplane's "White Rabbit" contained the signature lyric "One pill makes you larger and one pill makes you small.
" I wonder now if Grace Slick was onto something back in 1967 when she wrote this haunting lyric?
(I think we can all assume she was ON something....)

Today, though, I am only interested in the pill that makes you larger.

We talk a great deal about the electronic technology available for our sexual adventures,
but we rarely seem to touch on another area of tech, the medical technology that improves and enhances our sex life.

Birth control has progressed from the Egyptians using dried crocodile dung and honey to diaphragms,
IUD's, spermicides, birth control pills and hormonal implants like the Norplant. As recently as 30 years ago,
birth control consisted mainly of condoms and a couple timing intercourse to either coincide or avoid ovulation,
commonly known then as "The Rhythm Method".
That required the woman's taking a precise temperature reading every morning with a basal thermometer,
and deciding whether to take a roll in the hay or a cold shower.
The earliest you knew about pregnancy back then was when the morning sickness started.
Today we have the EPT pregnancy test kit available in every drugstore on the planet.
None of these methods are foolproof, and the only 100% foolproof method is abstinence,
but what fun is that? (See: “cold shower”, above…)
172名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/18(日) 01:14:59 ID:6xcvIZ1k0
Men in particular have reaped the benefits of medical technology,
particularly over the last 5 years or so.
Almost 30% of men suffer from some degree of erectile dysfunction. Given that 135 million people had diabetes in 1995,
and the number is growing rapidly, this is becoming a more serious problem,
as 70-80% of diabetics are afflicted as well. Thankfully, drugs like Viagra,
Cialis and Levitra are available, but think about the consequences
if 30% of the males could not reproduce? Several generations from now,
that could result in a drastic reduction in population. Technology is working hard to prevent that.

Couples unable to conceive through traditional means have had great success with In Vitro Fertilization,
which saw its first success in 1978, coincidently at the Cleveland Clinic here in my home town.
Unsuccessful attempts have been reported back as far as the days of King Henry IV,
which places it about the year 1400, and his wife, Joan of Navarre.
I don’t know how upset I am about that, though, what with her conviction in 1419 for practicing witchcraft and all.
And successful breeding of animals through manual insemination has been in practice for many years.

I’ll stop here, but I think you see my point. While the electronics may provide the fun,
the fun wouldn’t be an option for many of us without the medications. I am diabetic,
and I can tell you first hand that the little blue pill has revived what was a dead spot in my life.
If you are in a similar circumstance, see your doctor, and get back in the game!
173名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/18(日) 01:16:25 ID:6xcvIZ1k0
The San Francisco Department of Public Health is now offering the option to ask them health
and safe sex questions via text messaging on a cell phone. I don't know about you,
but I'm all for this - if you've ever tried to call a clinic to ask one little question,
you know what a pain in the a ... er, neck it is to go through the automated menu system and be on hold while someone finds the right person for you to talk to.
And believe me, if you hearies find that annoying, trust me, it's about ten times even more frustrating for deafies who have to do this through a Relay operator.

San Francisco residents can access this service from most cell phones by sending a text with the message, "SEXINFO," to the SexInfo number, 36617.

Also, with text messaging on the rise among the younger generations, I hope this will encourage them to take charge of their health -
it's quick and effective to send a text message, you don't have to talk to anyone, and it's anonymous.
A British medical study says that patients who receive health information via text messaging are more likely to seek treatment faster
than those who get their health information in other forms.
The Brits are already offering health and safe sex information via text with Safe TXT 4 U ,
a program with a school nurse in Wales, and a birth control pill reminder texting service.

Couples looking to get pregnant also have texting options.
EggAlert sends you a text message to let you know when you are ovulating,
and Baby Grapevine sends out texts (and emails!) to your family and friends letting them know your little bundle of joy has arrived.

Anyway, that's it for today. See you tomorrow!
174名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/18(日) 01:20:07 ID:6xcvIZ1k0
As I did research for today’s topic, I found myself in two local establishments that sell erotica.
I went to look at the electronic aids, and I was a little annoyed by what I saw.
At one of the shops which I will not name (though I will say that the theme of the products is to set an ambiance)
the toy section was so geared toward women
that I expected to hear Helen Reddy singing “I am woman, hear me cum” at any moment.

At first I thought that to be a too little sexist for my taste, but then it hit me.
What kind of options are there for men? We essentially need an item that even remotely resembles a vagina,
provides friction and/or suction, and in my case doesn’t have to be all that durable since it will only be used for maybe 2 minutes per day,
tops. Men who enjoy some anal penetration have more options, but aren’t those options essentially the same as the women look at, something to probe?

I was amazed at how far things have come since the old days where the requisite shower shot in a porn film typically showed the woman inserting a shampoo bottle or a brush handle.
Variable speeds, with or without clitoral stimulators, different sizes, many colors that can be construed as fulfilling some sort of racial fantasy
(Though I don’t make the connection when it’s purple or green. That must be some sort of Martian alien fantasy thing.),
and remotely controlled appliances have opened the industry up to where the only limit is your imagination.
175名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/18(日) 01:21:32 ID:6xcvIZ1k0
I did find more options online. Orgasm Army had a nice selection,
but the majority of items available were variations on a theme of cock rings and cages. I can understand their use in 2 person situations,
but for solo flying those seem to be somewhat useless. I once received a plastic blow-up doll as a gag gift,
but it’s hard to take a big balloon with a gaping hole where the mouth should be seriously.
And when I accidentally plunged too deep and punctured it,
she flew around the room like something out of a Roadrunner and Wiley Coyote cartoon.

I did see a device that claimed to enlarge the penis at Boyzshop but it looked more like a cross between medieval torture device and the gomke used by a Mohel performing a bris.
Somehow I don’t see myself wearing this thing at work all day.
You can read part of the ongoing debate as to whether they work or not at Straight Dope.
I just may be stuck with being hung like a fish stick.

Not to worry. At my age, I have very little bait left anyway.

(Note, the links may be NSFW depending on your web filter.)
176名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/18(日) 01:59:04 ID:rPTn0Tl/O
177名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/18(日) 07:20:00 ID:Nt/VH6dmO
178名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/18(日) 08:33:22 ID:ICciPLrM0
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181名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/18(日) 13:01:23 ID:e1aj9N8NO
182名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/18(日) 15:11:59 ID:+ymnrEos0
183名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/18(日) 15:13:33 ID:PxvFbxaZ0
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185名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/18(日) 22:47:36 ID:tizQIggM0
186名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/18(日) 23:51:25 ID:k2fMNndLO
あすかさんて 変態? ここで う〇ちしていいよ っていわれたよ。
187名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/19(月) 01:42:25 ID:6d5YZr/x0
Bilo kako bilo, ja sam se bacila do Pollynih nogu i ljubila porub njezine haljine, njezine gle?
njeve i, dok je ona pru?ala jo? samo mali otpor, njezina koljena, pa dok je ona uzdisala i,
izgleda, na to me i poticala, njezina bedra, a tada, kad je sjela na stolicu, ra?irila bedra
(i prosvjedovala Ne! Ne! Ne! na posve isti na?in kao da govori Da! Da! Da!),
njezinu slatku raspuklinu, rumenu kao rubin, koja je bila izlo?ena mome pogledu, jer cura nije uop?
e ni?ta nosila ispod ko?ulje i podsuknje.

Ah, jadni je kopun le?ao napu?ten i pu?io se na stolu (a ispod njega je le?ao sakriven moj jadni,
jedva zapo?eti stih), dok sam ja pripila svoje usne na nje?nu Pollynu raspuklinu i svirala na nje?
noj harfi svojim osupnutim jezikom. Bilo je slano kao more i nalik na slatke male ostrige ubrane iz morskih njedara.

- O gospodine! Oh! Oh! Oh! - jecala je Polly dok sam jezik naglo uvla?ila i izvla?ila, raspaljena njezinim rije?
ima kao i njezinim ljupkim, rumenim otvorom. Ali, budu?i da mi je sada njezina podsuknja bila na glavi,
nisam mogla milovati dva bre?uljka njezinih grudi, ali mjesto toga usudila sam joj se nje?no milovati mlije?
na bedra, dok joj je podsuknja predstavljala neku vrstu ?atora u koji sam se sakrila pred svim strahotama koje je za mene predstavljao mu?ki rod.
188名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/19(月) 01:43:36 ID:6d5YZr/x0
Kako je toplo i lijepo u unutra?njosti jedne suknje! Kakvo uto?i?
te pred strahotama svijeta! Kakva je sre?a roditi se kao mu?karac i imati takvo uto?i?
te uvijek nadohvat, biti nadohvat svijeta ?enskog prstena!

Zvuk ?izama po drvenom podu, doveo me opet k svijesti.
- Oh! - kliknula je Polly. - Netko dolazi!
Ali prije nego je ona mogla sko?iti sa stolice i prije nego sam se ja mogla podi?i s poda, otvore se vrata i mi smo bile otkrivene!
- To je samo gospodin Tunewell! - Veliki, kr?an momak rumenih obraza jednog njema?
kog seljak i s nastupom i hodom jednog plavokrvnog vikin?kog ratnika.
Daleko od toga da bi bio nezadovoljan, gospodin Tunewell je bio prili?no odu?
evljen na?om zabavom i o?ito raspaljen so?nom scenom koja se odigravala pred njegovim o?
ima. Umjesto da nas zaustavi on re?e: - Molim vas, nastavite - i smjesta zaklju?
a vrata. Sjedne u jednu udobnu stolicu do stola, drsko i??upa nogu napu?tenom kopunu, stavi ?
izme na stolnjak i o?ekiva?e nastavak predstave, kao da smo mi lutaju?i glumci, dovedeni za kraljevu razonodu!
- Nastavite, dragi moj - re?e, ovaj put s punim ustima kopuna.- Odmah ?u vam se pridru?iti.
- I sjedne natrag da bi u?ivao u svojoj ve?eri, dok smo mi nastavile na?u ljubavnu igru.

Polly je izgledala kao da je njegovom prisutno??u vi?e uzbu?ena nego posramljena; jer je sada postala jo?
pustopa?nija i posegnula je za kop?ama na mojim hla?ama kao da bi ih ?eljela skinuti. To ne mogu dopustiti! I odmaknula sam joj ruku.
189名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/19(月) 01:44:36 ID:6d5YZr/x0
- Za?to si stidljiv? - pitala me je.
- Na ?alost - rekla sam ono ?to je vi?e odgovaralo istini, nego ?to je ona mogla znati. - Na ?
alost, zlato moje, ja sam samo napola mu?karac. Moj jezik mora u?initi ono, ?to onaj drugi nikada ne bi mogao!

- Prokletstvo! Jo? jedan pjesnik! - re?e gospodin Tunewell, nasmijav?i se od srca. - Hajde, ja ?
u ti pomo?i, mladi?u, kada si ve? po?eo ono ?to ne mo?e? dovr?iti!
I tako smo zamijenili mjesta, ja za stolom s kopunom, a Ned Tunewell spreman da uroni me?
u Pollyne noge sa svojom dobro nabijenom pu?kom, koja se ve? gotovo probila kroz kop?e njegovih hla?a.

Uhvatio je u ruku svoj u?areni, razbje?njeli ud (koji je od toga odmah bio namazan kopunovom masti),
i razdvajaju?i Pollyne donje usne crvene kao rubin, zatjerao ga u njezin lijepi otvor ravno do bal?aka;
nato Polly duboko uzdahne, vi?e od zadovoljstva nego od boli i ?ak je izgledalo kao da mu poma?e isturiv?i bedra prema naprijed.

Ja sam sada glodala nogu kopuna, vi?e od po?ude nego od gladi; jer ako malo ne posegnem svojom vlastitom rukom u hla?
e ili se raskrinkam kao ?ena, kakvo mi je drugo olak?anje preostalo, osim mojih pohlepnih usana!
190名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/19(月) 01:45:53 ID:6d5YZr/x0
Promatrala sam ih sna?no ?va?u?i, dok su se oni stiskali i dahtali, isprva u pravilnom ritmu, a zatim kao da ?
e svijet u trenu nestati i kao da je to njihova posljednja prilika da se spoje za cijelu vje?nost.
- Oh, ja umirem! - jecala je Polly.
- I ja, i ja - odazivao se Tunewell, na?to je izveo kona?ni prodor, koji ne samo da je naveo Polly da istisne duboki jecaj ekstaze,
nego je prevrnuo i stolicu na kojoj je nauznak le?ala; iza toga je nastao takav prasak kada su ljubavnici pali na pod,
da su jedan trenutak bili iznena?eni i prepla?eni, ali je tada strah ustupio mjesto veselju i oboje su se od srca nasmijali.
Polly se dra?esno hihotala na Tunewellovu duhovitost, a Ned je uzeo njezin smijeh kao znak da joj (s isturenim penisom) sko?
i me?u bedra. Ja sam promatrala vi?e o?arana prizorom nego ?to bi mi sada bilo stalo da to prizovem u sje?anje.
191名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/19(月) 01:47:40 ID:6d5YZr/x0
- ?to je sada? Lijenost? - viknuo je Tunewell. - Hajde, gospodine pjesni?e, pomognite nam malo ovdje!
Pogledajte ove bradavice crvene kao rubin! Probudite ih svojim jezikom! Pogledajte ove usnice koje su kao zrele tre?
nje. Pogostite se njima!
I s namjerom da mi iza?e u susret, propne se kao mladi pastuh (dok se jednom rukom dr?ao za Pollyna bedra da mu njegov golemi,
crveni me?tar ceremonije ne izgubi svoje sidri?te u njezinom ljupkom otvoru - a drugom je gurao moju glavu na njezine grudi).

Koji su nebrojeni poljupci tada bili dani i dobiveni, to ne mogu re?i. Nas troje smo, uvjerena sam izgledali kao da smo postali jedna velika mitolo?
ka zvijer s dvanaest udova, dvoja usta, ?est o?iju i tri hitra jezika. Dok je Tunewell i dalje, sa svojim predstavnikom Kurconijem (kako se to ka?e) pumpao ?
to je ja?e mogao, ja sam nau?ila vi?e na?ina upotrebe jezika nego ?to jedna dobra kuharica ima recepata za juhu od kostiju. Jer,
ako gospodin Rabelais spolni organ naziva djeliteljem zadovoljstava, (me?u stotinama drugih naziva), sigurno je da mo?emo isto re?
i i za jezik. Kako je ?udesan taj savitljivi organ! On li?e, on ku?a, on ispituje, on vla?i, on gladi, on se vrti; on poti?
e bradavice i penis da stoje u stavu mirno i izvla?i slast iz kopuna i pijetlova. Spolni organ je stru?njak, ali jezik je doista majstor za sve.
192名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/19(月) 01:51:33 ID:6d5YZr/x0
Robertova prva ?elja - kad je po?eo razmi?ljati o takvim stvarima - bila je uvu?i se jedne ve?eri u muzej vo?
tanih figura i voditi ljubav s vo?tanim damama. Pa ipak, to se ?inilo preopasnim. Ograni?io se na vo?
enje ljubavi s kipovima i lutkama u svojim seksualnim ma?tarijama i ?ivio je u svom svijetu ma?te.
Jednog je dana stao na semaforu i pogledao u vrata trgovine. Bila je to jedna od onih trgovina koje su prodavale sve - plo?
e, sofe, knjige, stvar?ice, ki?. Vidio ju je kako stoji u dugoj crvenoj haljini. Nosila je nao?ale bez okvira, bila je dobro gra?
ena - dostojanstvena i seksi kakve su nekad bile. Prava otmjena ma?ka. A onda se upalilo zeleno svjetlo i morao je krenuti dalje.
Robert je parkirao ulicu dalje i otpje?a?io do trgovine. Stajao je vani kod kioska i gledao je. ?ak su se i o?
i ?inile stvarnima, a usta su bila vrlo nagla?ena, malo i napu?ena.

Robert je u?ao u trgovinu i gledao plo?e. Tako joj je bio bli?e, kri?om ju je gledao. Ne, takvih danas vi?
e nema. ?ak je nosila cipele s visokim petama.
Pri?la mu je prodava?ica.
- Izvolite, gospodine?
- Samo gledam, gospo?ice.
- Ako ne?to ?elite, samo recite.
- Svakako.
193名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/19(月) 08:20:03 ID:Efy/RZSB0
194名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/19(月) 08:20:51 ID:Efy/RZSB0

195名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/19(月) 12:45:55 ID:NOmGDlg+0
196名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/19(月) 17:22:13 ID:svNmypMJ0

197名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/19(月) 19:16:22 ID:uA/lxbw3O
どこのシャワ―にもローションあるから。嬢が店員からそういう指導があってやってる嬢は多いと教えてくれた。 みさきは出勤したらマイローションの調合してるんだって。なんだそれ。
198名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/19(月) 21:19:57 ID:OepfwElEO
199名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/19(月) 22:14:58 ID:aOxZ9pMs0
200名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/20(火) 00:47:06 ID:WTE1zPxU0
The news about Zadie Smith winning the Orange Prize reminded me of a mini-scandal from last fall,
when publishing biz blogger Maud Newton ran this MSM gotcha item:

Late-breaking memorandum to paparazzi everywhere: the world actually may contain more than one attractive,
mixed-race woman with a penchant for headscarves and cultural events.

The "author photo" at right accompanies Vogue’s review of Zadie Smith’s On Beauty.
But that is not Smith. Not unless she’s had radical plastic surgery.

Here’s a true recent photograph of the author.

Newton posted a scan of the Vogue page (left below) and linked to a "true recent photograph" at The Guardian (right below).
201名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/20(火) 00:48:06 ID:WTE1zPxU0
Gawker picked up the story, which gave it wider play. (That's where I first read about it.)

Oh, those poor, pretty girls over at Vogue. We want to help them, really,
because they need it. In the latest issue,
they used the photo at right to accompany a review of Zadie Smith’s On Beauty ? sadly,
the woman in the picture is not Zadie Smith. We don’t mean to be cruel or condescending.
It must be hard putting together a magazine, what with all the headscarf-wearing, mixed-ethnicity women out there.

Both Newton and Gawker accuse Vogue not simply of editorial sloppiness but also of subtle "they all look alike" racism.
Very embarrassing if true, but the item bugged me at the time.
Is it glaringly obvious that these two photos don't show the same person?
Even without the "radical plastic surgery" proviso, it doesn't seem all that obvious to me.
Comparing a public paparazzi photo with a retouched studio portrait is tricky.
Different types of photos with different facial expressions can make the same person look very different.

So today I decided to follow up. Did Vogue issue a correction or rebuttal? Neither, as far as I can tell.

A google image search found the same photo used by Vogue on another site, identified as Zadie Smith,
with a "Getty Images" watermark. This image does not appear in the Zadie Smith gallery at gettyimages.com.
202名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/20(火) 00:48:39 ID:WTE1zPxU0
Same woman in the Vogue/Getty photo? Maybe, maybe not. But somebody owes somebody an apology.

(Technically no sex in this item. So sue me.)

UPDATE: Mystery solved! Vogue not racist! Bloggers look foolish! Two more news photo services,
WireImage and FilmMagic, have shots of Zadie Smith at the same event
(the London premiere of Madagascar on 3 July 2005) wearing the same outfit as in the disputed Vogue photo.
Unless four different sources misidentified the same woman, that really is Zadie Smith.

203名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/20(火) 00:49:15 ID:WTE1zPxU0
From a review of a new biography of Ava Gardner comes this titillating anecdote.

The third husband was Sinatra. By then she was the bigger star,
a perpetual cover girl and tabloid sensation, epitome of an emerging jet set
(which can equally be taken for a life on the run),
her movie career almost incidental to her celebrity,
and indistinguishable from her often exaggerated notoriety.
Asked by a reporter what she saw in Sinatra ? a 119lb has-been ?
she replied demurely that 19lb of it was cock.
204名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/20(火) 00:51:09 ID:WTE1zPxU0
Fox News, or at least their affiliate in the Twin Cities, is Viewing With Alarm the terrible fact that Kids Will Be Accessing Porn on their Sony hand-held game device, the PSP.

What mom thought was just a game is actually a very sophisticated piece of electronics that a clever kid can use to capture pornographic images out of thin air.
In the school's library, Jeff was eager to show his friends his new Sony Play Station Portable, or PSP.
On a dare, Jeff showed his pals how the PSP could magically display images of naked women.

Jeff had used his PSP to tap into the school's wireless internet connection.
And once he was on the net it was just a few seconds before he ended up on a pornographic web site.
He says he learned how to do it from other kids who use their PSP's do the same thing at school.

How hysterical is Fox? This hysterical:

We found numerous web sites that cater specifically to the PSP.

The FOX 9 Investigators tracked down the owners of one of these sites.
Its run by two,19-year old brothers. Reporter: "Are you trying to target kids with this?"
205名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/20(火) 00:52:05 ID:WTE1zPxU0
Website Operator: "Not at all, because its really hard to get money,
or advertising if you have only kids coming to your site."

His target audience, he says, is the over 30 crowd that owns PSP's.

Reporter: "How do you know you don't have some kid who's 10, 12, 14 years old going on to your website?"

Website Operator: "We really don't know their ages, or their gender."


Last month a 14-year old boy in Bismark, North Dakota got caught bringing porn into school on his PSP.
The local authorities decided to make an example of the boy and charged him with a felony.

That'll teach him. With any luck, he'll wind up in a facility where he'll learn about homosexual rape, and won't he be better off for that?

Posted by "Richie Tenenbaum."
(RT is a pseudonym of a slightly-well-known blogger not trying to hide his other name from anyone other than Google, who is guest-supplementing at DR.)
206名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/20(火) 01:01:42 ID:WTE1zPxU0
In the "stories you don't read every day" category, Pedophiles to launch political party.

Dutch pedophiles are launching a political party to push for a cut in the legal age for sexual relations to 12 from 16
and the legalization of child pornography and sex with animals, sparking widespread outrage.

The Charity, Freedom and Diversity (NVD) party said on its Web site it would be officially registered Wednesday,
proclaiming: "We are going to shake The Hague awake!"

The party said it wanted to cut the legal age for sexual relations to 12 and eventually scrap the limit altogether.

"A ban just makes children curious," Ad van den Berg, one of the party's founders, told the Algemeen Dagblad (AD) newspaper.

"We want to make pedophilia the subject of discussion,"
he said, adding the subject had been a taboo since the 1996 Marc Dutroux child abuse scandal in neighboring Belgium.

The Netherlands, which already has liberal policies on soft drugs, prostitution and gay marriage, was shocked by the plan.

An opinion poll published Tuesday showed that 82 percent wanted the government to do something to stop the new party,
while 67 percent said promoting pedophilia should be illegal.
207名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/20(火) 01:02:33 ID:WTE1zPxU0
The party wants private possession of child pornography to be allowed although it supports the ban on the trade of such materials.
It also supports allowing pornography to be broadcast on daytime television, with only violent pornography limited to the late evening.

Toddlers should be given sex education and youths aged 16 and up should be allowed to appear in pornographic films
and prostitute themselves. Sex with animals should be allowed although abuse of animals should remain illegal, the NVD said.

The party also said everybody should be allowed to go naked in public and promotes legalizing all soft and hard drugs and free train travel for all.

Doesn't it seem as if the free train travel may have gotten added as an afterthought?

"Uh, and what else are we for? Anyone?" "Um, how about free train travel?!" "Yeah, right, I'll add that!"

Discussion was probably also had of ponies for everyone. But only if you promised to have sex with them.

Posted by "Richie Tenenbaum."
(RT is a pseudonym of a slightly-well-known blogger not trying to hide his other name from anyone other than Google, who is guest-supplementing at DR.)
208名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/20(火) 01:06:50 ID:WTE1zPxU0
The party wants private possession of child pornography to be allowed although it supports the ban on the trade of such materials.
It also supports allowing pornography to be broadcast on daytime television, with only violent pornography limited to the late evening.

Toddlers should be given sex education and youths aged 16 and up should be allowed to appear in pornographic films
and prostitute themselves. Sex with animals should be allowed although abuse of animals should remain illegal, the NVD said.

The party also said everybody should be allowed to go naked in public and promotes legalizing all soft and hard drugs and free train travel for all.

Doesn't it seem as if the free train travel may have gotten added as an afterthought?

"Uh, and what else are we for? Anyone?" "Um, how about free train travel?!" "Yeah, right, I'll add that!"

Discussion was probably also had of ponies for everyone. But only if you promised to have sex with them.

Posted by "Richie Tenenbaum."
(RT is a pseudonym of a slightly-well-known blogger not trying to hide his other name from anyone other than Google, who is guest-supplementing at DR.)
209名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/20(火) 01:09:19 ID:WTE1zPxU0
Mainichi has a wild gallery of 39 photos from the 2006 Kanamara Matsuri Fertility Festival,
"an event with roots dating back centuries and known for its huge consecrated phallus portable shrine carried mostly by transvestites.
Revelers also watched mostly young women sit atop huge wooden penises made as Shinto totems,
each woman sparking a rapid-fire succession of camera flashes from the dozens of mostly middle-aged men armed with digital cameras."
210名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/20(火) 01:11:30 ID:WTE1zPxU0
Newsfactor previews Naughty America: The Game,
a massively multiplayer online game being hyped variously as like The Sims with nudity and graphic sex
and "a true evolution of online dating". The article reads like a very long press release.

"Naughty America: The Game" features the kind of skimpy outfits and flirty talk that are abundant in the realm of role-playing games,
but it takes the virtual fling to a new level -- or, more accurately, to the bedroom. As in other RPGs,
characters can have a casual drink or choose new outfits, but in this game they can also throw off their clothes whenever they like.

"Sims" sex is no languorous lovemaking session, nor is much expertise involved: After a few seconds of giggling,
bouncing sheets, and, oddly, fireworks, both parties immediately hop out of bed and get dressed.
The digital inhabitants of "The Sims," quite clearly, might be game for a few pyrotechnics,
but they are not cuddlers. By contrast, in "Naughty America," which plays out as if it were "The Sims: Spanish Fly,"
no one gets under the covers in this game, and the action is graphic.

A unique attribute of the game is the inclusion of a webcam option,
for those who are long past the whole "anonymity" thing. While virtual characters get naked and get busy,
their real-life puppet masters can watch each other in real time. Not interested in pulling your own strings?
Try a "voyeur" mode that lets players watch the exploits of others.
211名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/20(火) 01:12:09 ID:WTE1zPxU0
Around paragraph 50, some skepticism gets voiced.

"It may cause some growth in that niche,
but I don't think sex games will ever truly get mainstream," says Sid Shuman, an editor at GamePro magazine.
"Other games that have come out were almost for camp value, as a novelty. Not as sexual aids."

The last section of the article asks the obvious question: will actual women want to play this game,
or will it be a massively multisausage fest?

[Chair of the Sex Special Interest Group of the International Game Developers Association Brenda]
Brathwaite says that as women become more comfortable with games,
they'll be drawn to the more romantic elements. And where women go, men follow.

"It goes back to the early days of phone sex lines, where women could call for free,
because the operators knew that if there were women on the line, men would flock there,
" Brathwaite says. "It's the same with games. And if developers make an environment friendly for women,
they'll draw men who want to play with those women."

Virtual flings appeal to more women than some might think, she says,
especially those who do not have the interest in actual affairs,
or who simply want to have some no-strings-attached fun.
"I know someone who does emergent sex online because she says she's got no time for real sex,
" Brathwaite says. "She was only half joking. I think for many women, [gaming] will become a social outlet."

I'm skeptical. Even if women get to play for free, I'd expect an extremely skewed straight male/female ratio.

The IGDA Sex Sig runs a cool blog on sex and games.
212名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/20(火) 01:15:08 ID:WTE1zPxU0
We hear a lot about the "mainstreaming of porn",
but other vices have mainstreamed faster and further.
In his excellent article on "how legalized gambling moved from the Strip to Main Street",
Greg Beato draws this comparison:

Perhaps even more significant than the sheer number of gambling outlets is our widespread cultural embrace,
or at least acceptance, of the practice.
Bookstore chains such as Borders stock glossy gambling magazines with titles like Deal, Bluff, Casino Player,
and Strictly Slots. High-stakes poker is a nightly staple on cable TV. If that seems unremarkable,
try to imagine an America where, every night on Bravo,
you could tune into an hour-long series called Celebrity Gangbang Showdown.

I would definitely watch Celebrity Gangbang Showdown. Keep Dave Foley as host,
maybe bring in Susannah Breslin to provide expert commentary.
This could be the next big thing in reality programming.

Then again, the last episode of Celebrity Poker Showdown I watched featured David Cross,
Carrie Fisher, Tom Green, Mimi Rogers and Scott Stapp.
213名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/20(火) 01:21:01 ID:WTE1zPxU0
Wednesday, June 7, 2006

The news about Zadie Smith winning the Orange Prize reminded me of a mini-scandal from last fall,
when publishing biz blogger Maud Newton ran this MSM gotcha item:

Late-breaking memorandum to paparazzi everywhere: the world actually may contain more than one attractive,
mixed-race woman with a penchant for headscarves and cultural events.

The "author photo" at right accompanies Vogue’s review of Zadie Smith’s On Beauty.
But that is not Smith. Not unless she’s had radical plastic surgery.

Here’s a true recent photograph of the author.

Newton posted a scan of the Vogue page (left below) and linked to a "true recent photograph" at The Guardian (right below).

Gawker picked up the story, which gave it wider play. (That's where I first read about it.)

Oh, those poor, pretty girls over at Vogue. We want to help them, really,
because they need it. In the latest issue, they used the photo at right to accompany a review of Zadie Smith’s On Beauty ? sadly,
the woman in the picture is not Zadie Smith. We don’t mean to be cruel or condescending. It must be hard putting together a magazine,
what with all the headscarf-wearing, mixed-ethnicity women out there.
214名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/20(火) 01:21:42 ID:WTE1zPxU0
Both Newton and Gawker accuse Vogue not simply of editorial sloppiness but also of subtle "they all look alike" racism.
Very embarrassing if true, but the item bugged me at the time.
Is it glaringly obvious that these two photos don't show the same person?
Even without the "radical plastic surgery" proviso, it doesn't seem all that obvious to me.
Comparing a public paparazzi photo with a retouched studio portrait is tricky.
Different types of photos with different facial expressions can make the same person look very different.

So today I decided to follow up. Did Vogue issue a correction or rebuttal? Neither, as far as I can tell.

A google image search found the same photo used by Vogue on another site, identified as Zadie Smith,
with a "Getty Images" watermark. This image does not appear in the Zadie Smith gallery at gettyimages.com.

Some other recent photos of Zadie Smith in public settings and wearing a headscarf:

Same woman in the Vogue/Getty photo? Maybe, maybe not. But somebody owes somebody an apology.

(Technically no sex in this item. So sue me.)

UPDATE: Mystery solved! Vogue not racist! Bloggers look foolish! Two more news photo services,
WireImage and FilmMagic,
have shots of Zadie Smith at the same event (the London premiere of Madagascar on 3 July 2005) wearing the same outfit
as in the disputed Vogue photo. Unless four different sources misidentified the same woman, that really is Zadie Smith.
215名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/20(火) 01:28:04 ID:WTE1zPxU0
Friday, June 2, 2006

From a review of a new biography of Ava Gardner comes this titillating anecdote.

The third husband was Sinatra. By then she was the bigger star,
a perpetual cover girl and tabloid sensation, epitome of an emerging jet set
(which can equally be taken for a life on the run), her movie career almost incidental to her celebrity,
and indistinguishable from her often exaggerated notoriety. Asked by a reporter what she saw in Sinatra ?
a 119lb has-been ? she replied demurely that 19lb of it was cock.

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Fox News, or at least their affiliate in the Twin Cities,
is Viewing With Alarm the terrible fact that Kids Will Be Accessing Porn on their Sony hand-held game device, the PSP.

What mom thought was just a game is actually a very sophisticated piece of electronics
that a clever kid can use to capture pornographic images out of thin air. In the school's library,
Jeff was eager to show his friends his new Sony Play Station Portable, or PSP. On a dare,
Jeff showed his pals how the PSP could magically display images of naked women.

Jeff had used his PSP to tap into the school's wireless internet connection.
And once he was on the net it was just a few seconds before he ended up on a pornographic web site.
He says he learned how to do it from other kids who use their PSP's do the same thing at school.

216名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/20(火) 01:28:43 ID:WTE1zPxU0
How hysterical is Fox? This hysterical:

We found numerous web sites that cater specifically to the PSP.

The FOX 9 Investigators tracked down the owners of one of these sites.
Its run by two,19-year old brothers. Reporter: "Are you trying to target kids with this?"

Website Operator: "Not at all, because its really hard to get money,
or advertising if you have only kids coming to your site."

His target audience, he says, is the over 30 crowd that owns PSP's.

Reporter: "How do you know you don't have some kid who's 10, 12, 14 years old going on to your website?"

Website Operator: "We really don't know their ages, or their gender."

217名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/20(火) 01:31:32 ID:2jVUk02BO
218名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/20(火) 01:35:53 ID:WTE1zPxU0
Last month a 14-year old boy in Bismark, North Dakota got caught bringing porn into school on his PSP.
The local authorities decided to make an example of the boy and charged him with a felony.

That'll teach him. With any luck, he'll wind up in a facility where he'll learn about homosexual rape, and won't he be better off for that?

Posted by "Richie Tenenbaum."
(RT is a pseudonym of a slightly-well-known blogger not trying to hide his other name from anyone other than Google, who is guest-supplementing at DR.)

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

In the "stories you don't read every day" category, Pedophiles to launch political party.

Dutch pedophiles are launching a political party to push for a cut in the legal age for sexual relations to
12 from 16 and the legalization of child pornography and sex with animals, sparking widespread outrage.

The Charity, Freedom and Diversity (NVD) party said on its Web site it would be officially registered Wednesday,
proclaiming: "We are going to shake The Hague awake!"

The party said it wanted to cut the legal age for sexual relations to 12 and eventually scrap the limit altogether.

"A ban just makes children curious," Ad van den Berg, one of the party's founders, told the Algemeen Dagblad (AD) newspaper.

"We want to make pedophilia the subject of discussion," he said,
adding the subject had been a taboo since the 1996 Marc Dutroux child abuse scandal in neighboring Belgium.
219名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/20(火) 01:35:54 ID:EavvRUpVO
ツレが保育士やってる子いるって言うから指名したけどキツイ!オヤジの保育士だろ。 俺4年やってるけどブスは子供に嫌われる。
220名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/20(火) 01:36:58 ID:WTE1zPxU0
The Netherlands, which already has liberal policies on soft drugs, prostitution and gay marriage, was shocked by the plan.

An opinion poll published Tuesday showed that 82 percent wanted the government to do something to stop the new party,
while 67 percent said promoting pedophilia should be illegal.

The party wants private possession of child pornography to be allowed although it supports the ban on the trade of such materials.
It also supports allowing pornography to be broadcast on daytime television, with only violent pornography limited to the late evening.

Toddlers should be given sex education and youths aged 16 and up should be allowed to appear in pornographic films
and prostitute themselves. Sex with animals should be allowed although abuse of animals should remain illegal, the NVD said.

The party also said everybody should be allowed to go naked in public and promotes legalizing all soft and hard drugs and free train travel for all.

Doesn't it seem as if the free train travel may have gotten added as an afterthought?

"Uh, and what else are we for? Anyone?" "Um, how about free train travel?!" "Yeah, right, I'll add that!"

Discussion was probably also had of ponies for everyone. But only if you promised to have sex with them.

Posted by "Richie Tenenbaum." (RT is a pseudonym of a slightly-well-known blogger not trying to hide his other name from anyone other than Google, who is guest-supplementing at DR.)
221名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/20(火) 01:38:46 ID:WTE1zPxU0
Friday, May 26, 2006

Mainichi has a wild gallery of 39 photos from the 2006 Kanamara Matsuri Fertility Festival,
"an event with roots dating back centuries and known for its huge consecrated phallus portable shrine carried mostly by transvestites.
Revelers also watched mostly young women sit atop huge wooden penises made as Shinto totems,
each woman sparking a rapid-fire succession of camera flashes from the dozens of mostly middle-aged men armed with digital cameras."

Flickr has another 32 photos from Kanamara 2006.

And another photo gallery at the personal site of a European expat.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Newsfactor previews Naughty America: The Game, a massively multiplayer online game being hyped variously
as like The Sims with nudity and graphic sex and "a true evolution of online dating".
The article reads like a very long press release.

"Naughty America: The Game" features the kind of skimpy outfits and flirty talk
that are abundant in the realm of role-playing games, but it takes the virtual fling to a new level -- or,
more accurately, to the bedroom. As in other RPGs, characters can have a casual drink or choose new outfits,
but in this game they can also throw off their clothes whenever they like.
222名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/20(火) 01:39:37 ID:WTE1zPxU0
"Sims" sex is no languorous lovemaking session, nor is much expertise involved:
After a few seconds of giggling, bouncing sheets, and, oddly, fireworks, both parties immediately hop out of bed and get dressed.
The digital inhabitants of "The Sims," quite clearly, might be game for a few pyrotechnics, but they are not cuddlers. By contrast,
in "Naughty America," which plays out as if it were "The Sims: Spanish Fly,"
no one gets under the covers in this game, and the action is graphic.

A unique attribute of the game is the inclusion of a webcam option,
for those who are long past the whole "anonymity" thing. While virtual characters get naked and get busy,
their real-life puppet masters can watch each other in real time. Not interested in pulling your own strings?
Try a "voyeur" mode that lets players watch the exploits of others.

Around paragraph 50, some skepticism gets voiced.

"It may cause some growth in that niche, but I don't think sex games will ever truly get mainstream,
" says Sid Shuman, an editor at GamePro magazine.
"Other games that have come out were almost for camp value, as a novelty. Not as sexual aids."

The last section of the article asks the obvious question:
will actual women want to play this game, or will it be a massively multisausage fest?

[Chair of the Sex Special Interest Group of the International Game Developers Association Brenda]
Brathwaite says that as women become more comfortable with games,
they'll be drawn to the more romantic elements. And where women go, men follow.
223名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/20(火) 01:44:18 ID:WTE1zPxU0
"It goes back to the early days of phone sex lines, where women could call for free,
because the operators knew that if there were women on the line, men would flock there,"
Brathwaite says. "It's the same with games.
And if developers make an environment friendly for women, they'll draw men who want to play with those women."

Virtual flings appeal to more women than some might think,
she says, especially those who do not have the interest in actual affairs,
or who simply want to have some no-strings-attached fun.
"I know someone who does emergent sex online because she says she's got no time for real sex,
" Brathwaite says. "She was only half joking. I think for many women, [gaming] will become a social outlet."

I'm skeptical. Even if women get to play for free, I'd expect an extremely skewed straight male/female ratio.

The IGDA Sex Sig runs a cool blog on sex and games.

Friday, May 19, 2006

We hear a lot about the "mainstreaming of porn",
but other vices have mainstreamed faster and further.
In his excellent article on "how legalized gambling moved from the Strip to Main Street",
Greg Beato draws this comparison:
224名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/20(火) 01:45:25 ID:WTE1zPxU0
Perhaps even more significant than the sheer number of gambling outlets is our widespread cultural embrace,
or at least acceptance, of the practice. Bookstore chains such as Borders stock glossy gambling magazines with titles like
Deal, Bluff, Casino Player, and Strictly Slots. High-stakes poker is a nightly staple on cable TV. If that seems unremarkable,
try to imagine an America where, every night on Bravo, you could tune into an hour-long series called Celebrity Gangbang Showdown.

I would definitely watch Celebrity Gangbang Showdown. Keep Dave Foley as host,
maybe bring in Susannah Breslin to provide expert commentary. This could be the next big thing in reality programming.

Then again, the last episode of Celebrity Poker Showdown I watched featured David Cross, Carrie Fisher, Tom Green, Mimi Rogers and Scott Stapp.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Meanwhile, in Ireland:

DUBLIN (Reuters) - Ireland will play host to the world's biggest ever strip poker contest if bookmaker Paddy Power gets its way.

The idea was originally floated as an April Fool's joke but generated so much interest that Dublin-based Paddy
Power has decided to look seriously at organizing a contest it hopes will find a place in the Guinness Book of Records.

"We got almost 100 requests to take part," the company's spokesman, also called Paddy Power, said.
"We're trying to investigate whether it's possible or whether we'll get put in prison for it."

A spokesman for Guinness World Records confirmed that its research unit was looking into
what would be a new category for the organization:
"We're considering their claim and we'll get back to the organizers shortly."
225名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/20(火) 01:47:31 ID:WTE1zPxU0
226名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/20(火) 01:48:07 ID:WTE1zPxU0
Power said the company, which often grabs headlines with contentious adverts and unusual betting opportunities,
hoped to host the event in August or September but had yet to decide on a prize:
"Maybe a gold pair of underpants or a golden fig leaf would be most appropriate."

Uh, gold underpants. Sure. Who wouldn't want a pair?

Posted by "Richie Tenenbaum."
(RT is a pseudonym of a slightly-well-known blogger not trying to hide his other name from anyone other than Google, who is guest-supplementing at DR.)

This Greek Cypriot politician is giving a new meaning to "greek love."

LARNACA, Cyprus (Reuters) - Costas Kyriakou is promising Cypriot voters Utopia and that means sex.

A colorful candidate among a sea of suited businessmen and lawyers,
Kyriakou says he is offering voters an alternative in the island's May 21 parliamentary elections.

"My new order will give people ... lots of love for all," he says.

His nickname, "Utopos," combines two Greek words which coined the term "Utopia," meaning "No Place."

A strapping man with piercing blue eyes, he draws on ideas from Plato
and Christian apocalyptic scriptures for his ideal city-state where people live in communes and share everything.
227名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/20(火) 01:49:51 ID:WTE1zPxU0
But central to his Utopia is sex, a campaign pledge which draws guffaws of disbelief from deeply conservative Cypriots.

"I propose a regime of free love," he declares.

"The men will see it as a system of free love, the women as a matriarchy ...
they will be able to carry the sperm of the most handsome men, and give the child her name."

There's a little more, if you click, but free love is definitely better than paying for it.

Posted by "Richie Tenenbaum." (
RT is a pseudonym of a slightly-well-known blogger not trying to hide his other name from anyone other than Google, who is guest-supplementing at DR.)
228名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/20(火) 09:24:55 ID:bOZjtU/g0
The Netherlands, which already has liberal policies on soft drugs, prostitution and gay marriage, was shocked by the plan.

An opinion poll published Tuesday showed that 82 percent wanted the government to do something to stop the new party,
while 67 percent said promoting pedophilia should be illegal.

The party wants private possession of child pornography to be allowed although it supports the ban on the trade of such materials.
It also supports allowing pornography to be broadcast on daytime television, with only violent pornography limited to the late evening.

Toddlers should be given sex education and youths aged 16 and up should be allowed to appear in pornographic films
and prostitute themselves. Sex with animals should be allowed although abuse of animals should remain illegal, the NVD said.

The party also said everybody should be allowed to go naked in public and promotes legalizing all soft and hard drugs and free train travel for all.

Doesn't it seem as if the free train travel may have gotten added as an afterthought?

"Uh, and what else are we for? Anyone?" "Um, how about free train travel?!" "Yeah, right, I'll add that!"

Discussion was probably also had of ponies for everyone. But only if you promised to have sex with them.

Posted by "Richie Tenenbaum." (RT is a pseudonym of a slightly-well-known blogger not trying to hide his other name from anyone other than Google, who is guest-supplementing at DR.)

229名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/20(火) 09:26:13 ID:bOZjtU/g0
"Sims" sex is no languorous lovemaking session, nor is much expertise involved:
After a few seconds of giggling, bouncing sheets, and, oddly, fireworks, both parties immediately hop out of bed and get dressed.
The digital inhabitants of "The Sims," quite clearly, might be game for a few pyrotechnics, but they are not cuddlers. By contrast,
in "Naughty America," which plays out as if it were "The Sims: Spanish Fly,"
no one gets under the covers in this game, and the action is graphic.

A unique attribute of the game is the inclusion of a webcam option,
for those who are long past the whole "anonymity" thing. While virtual characters get naked and get busy,
their real-life puppet masters can watch each other in real time. Not interested in pulling your own strings?
Try a "voyeur" mode that lets players watch the exploits of others.

Around paragraph 50, some skepticism gets voiced.

"It may cause some growth in that niche, but I don't think sex games will ever truly get mainstream,
" says Sid Shuman, an editor at GamePro magazine.
"Other games that have come out were almost for camp value, as a novelty. Not as sexual aids."
230名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/20(火) 09:26:51 ID:k28yzHTu0
Perhaps even more significant than the sheer number of gambling outlets is our widespread cultural embrace,
or at least acceptance, of the practice. Bookstore chains such as Borders stock glossy gambling magazines with titles like
Deal, Bluff, Casino Player, and Strictly Slots. High-stakes poker is a nightly staple on cable TV. If that seems unremarkable,
try to imagine an America where, every night on Bravo, you could tune into an hour-long series called Celebrity Gangbang Showdown.

I would definitely watch Celebrity Gangbang Showdown. Keep Dave Foley as host,
maybe bring in Susannah Breslin to provide expert commentary. This could be the next big thing in reality programming.

Then again, the last episode of Celebrity Poker Showdown I watched featured David Cross, Carrie Fisher, Tom Green, Mimi Rogers and Scott Stapp.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Meanwhile, in Ireland:

DUBLIN (Reuters) - Ireland will play host to the world's biggest ever strip poker contest if bookmaker Paddy Power gets its way.

The idea was originally floated as an April Fool's joke but generated so much interest that Dublin-based Paddy
Power has decided to look seriously at organizing a contest it hopes will find a place in the Guinness Book of Records.
231名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/20(火) 09:27:37 ID:k28yzHTu0
Not that this is news to anyone,
but the "first major study of online pornography" discovered that one in four British adults -- including women, gasp! -- look at porn.

Porn UK

Some numbers from the Nielsen NetRatings and Independent on Sunday study:

More than 9 million British men, which is close to 40 percent of the population, used porn websites in 2005

Women are among the fastest-growing demographic, rising 30 percent (from about 1 million to 1.4 million) in the past 12 months.

British film censors passed more hardcore porn than 18-rated movies last year.
(An 18-rated movie means you have to be 18 to see it in the theater or rent it, but it's not hardcore.)

Half of British children encounter online porn while searching for "something else."
232名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/20(火) 09:28:41 ID:k28yzHTu0
Drive my car, not. I was complaining to my brother yesterday that a stereo shop put six miles on my convertible even though there was no need to drive it.
He said "that's nothing!" and told me a body shop kept his Acura for one month, supposedly waiting and waiting for various parts,
but when he finally got the car back,
he looked in the GPS and saw addresses for several towns all over the place!
I guess they had a fun time using his ride for the month.
Sheesh! He then tells me his friend drives a tow truck and admitted to taking a couple quarters out of each car his tows--
just enough to add up for coffee runs during the day but not enough to elicit complaints. My brother couldn't believe this,
so he has started leaving a dozen quarters in his car each time he leaves it at a shop or with a valet, and sure enough,
people almost always take some of the money! Time for a major sting operation me thinks...
233名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/20(火) 09:29:11 ID:k28yzHTu0
Toddlers should be given sex education and youths aged 16 and up should be allowed to appear in pornographic films
and prostitute themselves. Sex with animals should be allowed although abuse of animals should remain illegal, the NVD said.

The party also said everybody should be allowed to go naked in public and promotes legalizing all soft and hard drugs and free train travel for all.

Doesn't it seem as if the free train travel may have gotten added as an afterthought?

"Uh, and what else are we for? Anyone?" "Um, how about free train travel?!" "Yeah, right, I'll add that!"

Discussion was probably also had of ponies for everyone. But only if you promised to have sex with them.

Posted by "Richie Tenenbaum." (RT is a pseudonym of a slightly-well-known blogger not trying to hide his other name from anyone other than Google, who is guest-supplementing at DR.)

234名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/20(火) 09:29:45 ID:k28yzHTu0
I’ve been writing a couple of commissioned porny pieces?
the first for an American soldier stationed in Iraq narrates a soldier’s wife’s experience of her husband’s return
and her waking up from a long sexual nap. The second, for an international poker player,
gives the story of a secretary being anally punished for habitual lateness.

Who knew that in a pinch binder clips work as impromptu nipple clamps? Me, that’s who.

I’ve found it incredibly hott-making to get inside these character’s heads and bodies.
To inhabit the life of a woman who has by necessity put her sexuality on hold
and then to find it smacking it upside her fanny was incendiary. It was hard,
literally, a hard little wet knot in my g-string as I sat on my desk chair typing, typing,
typing this story of this woman’s learning about what she wanted and how she wanted it.

When I finished, the story a crescendo of simultaneous orgasm and multiple penetration,
I felt as if I knew her.
235名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/20(火) 09:50:09 ID:k28yzHTu0
The Netherlands, which already has liberal policies on soft drugs, prostitution and gay marriage, was shocked by the plan.

An opinion poll published Tuesday showed that 82 percent wanted the government to do something to stop the new party,
while 67 percent said promoting pedophilia should be illegal.

The party wants private possession of child pornography to be allowed although it supports the ban on the trade of such materials.
It also supports allowing pornography to be broadcast on daytime television, with only violent pornography limited to the late evening.

Toddlers should be given sex education and youths aged 16 and up should be allowed to appear in pornographic films
and prostitute themselves. Sex with animals should be allowed although abuse of animals should remain illegal, the NVD said.

The party also said everybody should be allowed to go naked in public and promotes legalizing all soft and hard drugs and free train travel for all.

Doesn't it seem as if the free train travel may have gotten added as an afterthought?

"Uh, and what else are we for? Anyone?" "Um, how about free train travel?!" "Yeah, right, I'll add that!"

Discussion was probably also had of ponies for everyone. But only if you promised to have sex with them.
236名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/20(火) 09:52:07 ID:k28yzHTu0
Picking to the bottom of a huge flapdoodle with many nuances,
the bottom line is that LiveJournal recently changed a FAQ explaining its TOS;
the TOS prohibits "inappropriate" imagery, and the FAQ change nerfed a "graphically sexual"
interpretation of "inappropriate", replacing it with a "nudity" interpretation. In short,
the prudishness got kicked up several notches. Obviously,
folks object to the idea that all nudity is inappropriate by definition,
because it's such a fundamentally silly and stupid idea.

LiveJournal owner Six Apart has issued the classic corporate non-apology,
stating in effect (I'm paraphrasing, and not with sympathy)
"We're sorry our new no-nipple policy makes us look stupid and bad,
but we're really not stupid and bad, so we're not sorry for doing stupid bad stuff to our users,
and we're gonna keep doing it, neener neener, thank you for your support."
237名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/20(火) 10:07:31 ID:k28yzHTu0
Drive my car, not. I was complaining to my brother yesterday that a stereo shop put six miles on my convertible even though there was no need to drive it.
He said "that's nothing!" and told me a body shop kept his Acura for one month, supposedly waiting and waiting for various parts,
but when he finally got the car back,
he looked in the GPS and saw addresses for several towns all over the place!
I guess they had a fun time using his ride for the month.
Sheesh! He then tells me his friend drives a tow truck and admitted to taking a couple quarters out of each car his tows--
just enough to add up for coffee runs during the day but not enough to elicit complaints. My brother couldn't believe this,
so he has started leaving a dozen quarters in his car each time he leaves it at a shop or with a valet, and sure enough,
people almost always take some of the money! Time for a major sting operation me thinks...

238名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/20(火) 16:19:37 ID:oyAJwm8kO
239名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/20(火) 18:39:42 ID:GEY/uJ7L0
240名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/20(火) 22:18:50 ID:udP14BeUO
241名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/20(火) 22:49:12 ID:vCmqBhix0
242名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/21(水) 01:57:08 ID:KL9McaWsO
243名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/21(水) 01:58:19 ID:5tZBGnI90
244名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/21(水) 03:37:11 ID:Xzov8FZn0
245名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/21(水) 08:00:21 ID:pNR+f8v10
246名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/21(水) 15:22:21 ID:nZtDZjbqO
247名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/21(水) 16:25:12 ID:nZtDZjbqO
248名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/21(水) 16:51:49 ID:dN+mJ94b0
249名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/21(水) 17:21:51 ID:KL9McaWsO
250名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/21(水) 17:25:39 ID:PU11Fyjs0
251 ◆AnalSexRiQ :2006/06/21(水) 17:32:24 ID:BOHfOHAz0
252名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/21(水) 19:31:29 ID:a+JufGqRO
253名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/21(水) 21:44:05 ID:pqAh1a8G0
254名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/22(木) 00:47:04 ID:M4CyhQuyO
クリカス 昼飯の後の口臭
255名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/22(木) 01:01:46 ID:PndgkJWuO
最近 みぃの人気が急上昇
256名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/22(木) 11:39:14 ID:KEfSq5K+0
257名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/22(木) 11:40:55 ID:V3T/3z0V0
258名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/22(木) 12:07:44 ID:5Pr2sTic0
Picking to the bottom of a huge flapdoodle with many nuances,
the bottom line is that LiveJournal recently changed a FAQ explaining its TOS;
the TOS prohibits "inappropriate" imagery, and the FAQ change nerfed a "graphically sexual"
interpretation of "inappropriate", replacing it with a "nudity" interpretation. In short,
the prudishness got kicked up several notches. Obviously,
folks object to the idea that all nudity is inappropriate by definition,
because it's such a fundamentally silly and stupid idea.

LiveJournal owner Six Apart has issued the classic corporate non-apology,
stating in effect (I'm paraphrasing, and not with sympathy)
"We're sorry our new no-nipple policy makes us look stupid and bad,
but we're really not stupid and bad, so we're not sorry for doing stupid bad stuff to our users,
and we're gonna keep doing it, neener neener, thank you for your support."
259名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/22(木) 15:32:05 ID:K4nSQ/bA0
Picking to the bottom of a huge flapdoodle with many nuances,
the bottom line is that LiveJournal recently changed a FAQ explaining its TOS;
the TOS prohibits "inappropriate" imagery, and the FAQ change nerfed a "graphically sexual"
interpretation of "inappropriate", replacing it with a "nudity" interpretation. In short,
the prudishness got kicked up several notches. Obviously,
folks object to the idea that all nudity is inappropriate by definition,
because it's such a fundamentally silly and stupid idea.

LiveJournal owner Six Apart has issued the classic corporate non-apology,
stating in effect (I'm paraphrasing, and not with sympathy)
"We're sorry our new no-nipple policy makes us look stupid and bad,
but we're really not stupid and bad, so we're not sorry for doing stupid bad stuff to our users,
260名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/22(木) 16:14:38 ID:K4nSQ/bA0
We hear a lot about the "mainstreaming of porn",
but other vices have mainstreamed faster and further.
In his excellent article on "how legalized gambling moved from the Strip to Main Street",
Greg Beato draws this comparison:

Perhaps even more significant than the sheer number of gambling outlets is our widespread cultural embrace,
or at least acceptance, of the practice.
Bookstore chains such as Borders stock glossy gambling magazines with titles like Deal, Bluff, Casino Player,
and Strictly Slots. High-stakes poker is a nightly staple on cable TV. If that seems unremarkable,
try to imagine an America where, every night on Bravo,
you could tune into an hour-long series called Celebrity Gangbang Showdown.

I would definitely watch Celebrity Gangbang Showdown. Keep Dave Foley as host,
maybe bring in Susannah Breslin to provide expert commentary.
This could be the next big thing in reality programming.

Then again, the last episode of Celebrity Poker Showdown I watched featured David Cross,
Carrie Fisher, Tom Green, Mimi Rogers and Scott Stapp.
261名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/22(木) 17:15:31 ID:49yfZIhT0

262名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/22(木) 17:48:28 ID:yXp0WM1n0
263名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/22(木) 22:47:04 ID:yXp0WM1n0
264名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/22(木) 23:53:42 ID:PndgkJWuO
みぃ サービス悪すぎ、 キスなし あそこ さわんな ゴムヘェラ アホか
265名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/22(木) 23:56:49 ID:PndgkJWuO
みぃ 私はここのナンバー1だから、気安くすんなよだとさ
266名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/23(金) 00:35:36 ID:z78gU12f0
267名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/23(金) 00:43:10 ID:Re+7gon0O
268名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/23(金) 02:59:18 ID:SBpdwj5T0

269名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/23(金) 03:56:04 ID:UsoWJ6u0O
270名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/23(金) 08:36:07 ID:hgLzOYzM0
271名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/23(金) 09:59:18 ID:FeXqym6EO
272名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/23(金) 10:22:05 ID:SvnAM7pL0
273名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/23(金) 13:38:59 ID:fkek2NZQ0
274名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/23(金) 15:59:41 ID:J4DsectI0
275名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/23(金) 17:16:34 ID:J4DsectI0
276名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/23(金) 19:02:02 ID:UsoWJ6u0O
277名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/24(土) 01:22:56 ID:TOXgZ2rYO
278名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/24(土) 03:30:48 ID:uNx376kj0

279名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/24(土) 10:19:44 ID:mbO6c8ij0
280名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/24(土) 10:50:22 ID:jLgrIDDI0
281名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/24(土) 12:49:51 ID:+IpRpyMU0
278はいつものミミ叩き 279反論 280叩き
282名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/24(土) 13:09:48 ID:cjO2yIt+0
クスクス遅嬢 犯人は顔がしゃくれてるのだよ!
283名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/24(土) 14:48:56 ID:YqOOPb030
Toddlers should be given sex education and youths aged 16 and up should be allowed to appear in pornographic films
and prostitute themselves. Sex with animals should be allowed although abuse of animals should remain illegal, the NVD said.

The party also said everybody should be allowed to go naked in public and promotes legalizing all soft and hard drugs and free train travel for all.

Doesn't it seem as if the free train travel may have gotten added as an afterthought?

"Uh, and what else are we for? Anyone?" "Um, how about free train travel?!" "Yeah, right, I'll add that!"

Discussion was probably also had of ponies for everyone. But only if you promised to have sex with them.

Posted by "Richie Tenenbaum." (RT is a pseudonym of a slightly-well-known blogger not trying to hide his other name from anyone other than Google, who is guest-supplementing at DR.)

284名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/24(土) 14:56:59 ID:YqOOPb030
Perhaps even more significant than the sheer number of gambling outlets is our widespread cultural embrace,
or at least acceptance, of the practice.
Bookstore chains such as Borders stock glossy gambling magazines with titles like Deal, Bluff, Casino Player,
and Strictly Slots. High-stakes poker is a nightly staple on cable TV. If that seems unremarkable,
try to imagine an America where, every night on Bravo,
you could tune into an hour-long series called Celebrity Gangbang Showdown.

285名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/24(土) 15:27:28 ID:mbO6c8ij0
286名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/24(土) 15:55:15 ID:v9Pg0XKtO
287名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/24(土) 16:42:19 ID:YqOOPb030

288名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/24(土) 16:58:37 ID:+itU0I8w0
289名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/24(土) 17:19:14 ID:mbO6c8ij0
290名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/24(土) 17:27:06 ID:+itU0I8w0

291名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/24(土) 17:28:37 ID:+itU0I8w0
292名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/24(土) 17:36:56 ID:mbO6c8ij0
293名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/24(土) 18:23:04 ID:eNmnk7Nq0
294名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/24(土) 18:27:23 ID:ngY3BgPa0
295名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/24(土) 18:41:55 ID:mN9+1XC80
296名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/24(土) 19:03:04 ID:mbO6c8ij0
297名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/24(土) 19:27:46 ID:dIdLkaebO
298名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/24(土) 19:32:28 ID:dIdLkaebO
299名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/24(土) 22:11:15 ID:iI1ttqBYO
300名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/24(土) 23:45:45 ID:TOXgZ2rYO
301名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/24(土) 23:47:31 ID:CKuKqSpw0
302名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/24(土) 23:57:28 ID:uNx376kj0
303名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/25(日) 04:10:52 ID:JQixz/p1O
304名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/25(日) 04:30:24 ID:vFcuEpKW0

305名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/25(日) 05:05:14 ID:lqHNF6rd0
306名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/25(日) 05:24:30 ID:vFcuEpKW0
307名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/25(日) 05:29:38 ID:DoRB2yke0

[7913] みらい早番帰れ、うざい 投稿者:みらい早番帰れ、うざい 投稿日:2006/04/30(Sun) 13:09:39

308名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/25(日) 05:30:17 ID:DoRB2yke0
309名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/25(日) 05:38:03 ID:uzHbmn2J0
310名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/25(日) 06:41:46 ID:KQ59M1Ah0
311名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/25(日) 09:16:14 ID:TlqMDkoQ0
312名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/25(日) 11:50:14 ID:uYgpogXnO
313名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/25(日) 14:00:38 ID:S8Xi6f1zO
314名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/25(日) 15:30:46 ID:6GG4GJjEO
315名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/25(日) 23:59:46 ID:lgP35bNw0
316名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/26(月) 01:14:49 ID:pp9XGtsWO
317名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/26(月) 01:30:27 ID:/akeW1FP0
318名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/26(月) 01:48:11 ID:mCWFeQPp0
319名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/26(月) 01:55:41 ID:/akeW1FP0
320名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/26(月) 04:03:13 ID:vRLzriUw0
MAY 17--A Capitol Hill staffer whose romance with a female co-worker was detailed in the woman's racy online diary has sued the blogger for invasion of privacy.
Robert Steinbuch, a staff attorney for Senator Michael DeWine, yesterday filed the below federal lawsuit against Jessica Cutler,
who chronicled their brief 2004 relationship in her "Washingtonienne" blog.
It seems that Steinbuch, 37, was put off by Cutler's recap of the duo's sexual activities as well as his preference for spanking (among other things).
Though Cutler, pictured at right, posted under the Washingtonienne pseudonym,
her identity became known when DeWine canned her for improperly using Senate computers
(and while only referred to by the initials "RS" on Cutler's blog, Steinbuch's identity was an open secret).
In his complaint--which does not specify a monetary damages--Steinbuch notes that,
"It is one thing to be manipulated and used by a lover, it is another thing to be cruelly exposed to the world."
For her part, the 26-year-old Cutler recovered quite nicely from her firing, landing a six-figure book deal and posing for Playboy. (21 pages)
321名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/26(月) 04:05:31 ID:vRLzriUw0
A HOT member (he sent me a pic *sigh* ) requested an up-close and personal gallery set ... he says he loves to give oral,
and I love nothing better than a good licking and sucking ... especially sitting over a guys face to let him eat me out.

I got very horny taking these pics, as you'll see, I got quite wet and had to use my vibrator afterwards.
Then my sexy husband made me cum again and satisfied my desire for a good solid pussy and clit licking and sucking ... hmmm ...
I wonder what he's doing now ... I think I'll go and surprise him with a nice blow-job ...
322名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/26(月) 04:06:06 ID:vRLzriUw0
We partied until late last night - I had a lot of wine, stripped naked and got into our jacuzzi.
My husband and his friend came outside a few minutes later and sat around the edge of the jacuzzi looking down at me,
pretending to make small talk. hehe I had the underwater light shining on me, and I knew they could see every inch of my naked body.
It got a little hot and I had to cool down so I lifted myself out the water a little to let the night breeze cool my skin. Of course the conversation stopped right there.

This is not a pic of me in the 'cuz of course, just a fun teaser ... see more here.
323名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/26(月) 04:09:45 ID:vRLzriUw0
I miss being able to just go to the beach topless - in South Africa where I'm from we used to go to the public beach and tan topless.
Almost all the girls do it, it is completely normal. And yes sure, there are some fuggly old women who look better covered up,
but they don't care what others think, they're having a fine time and are happy with themselves, and that in itself is a beautiful thing.
324名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/26(月) 04:10:28 ID:vRLzriUw0
LONDON: It may take more than therapy to cure a a??sex addicta??, for boffins have discovered that genetics,
and not uncontrollable urges are responsible for some people having stronger sex drives than others.

This discovery has been made by a team of scientists from Hebrew University and Ben Gurion University of the Negev in Israel,
who have found that being addicted to sex may come as a result of variations in a gene called D4,
which is involved in the brain's reaction to the pleasure chemical dopamine.

As a part of the study to prove their theory, the team tested the DNA of 148 male and female students to find variations in the gene.

They also asked the students to complete a questionnaire,
which included questions such as whether they felt aroused when they saw a steamy scene in a film,
how often they made love and the frequency that they thought about sex, to assess their sex drive.

They study found that though men generally think about sex more often than women,
however overall both genders experience similar levels of arousal.
325名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/26(月) 04:11:19 ID:vRLzriUw0
Going a step further, they researched the different genetic make up of the students,
and found that those with one particular variation of the D4 gene - around 30 per cent - had a stronger sex drive than the others.

Lead researcher Professor Richard Ebstein of Hebrew University said
that the study showed that genes may have a a??substantial contributiona?? into making people sex addicts.

"Some people really do think more about sex and place a greater importance on it than others and
what our study suggests is that genes may make a substantial contribution to these differences,"
the Daily Mail quoted him, as saying.

Prof Ebstein hopes this study will not only open up new ways to tackle and treat sexual problems,
but will also not send people with lower sexual drives straight to the therapistsa?? office.
326名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/26(月) 04:11:52 ID:vRLzriUw0
"If you have a lower sex drive, it does not necessarily mean you should go to see a sex therapist to see if something is wrong with you," he said.

"As long as it is not causing a problem in your life, may be you don't have a problem.
If it does not bother you or interfere with your life, then maybe you are best to just live with it," he added.

The study is the first to identify a specific gene variation linked to sex drive.

Famous people who have owned up to being sex addicts include actor Michael Douglas,
Kirk Douglas, and Oscar winner Halle Berrya??s ex Eric Benet.
327名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/26(月) 04:12:33 ID:vRLzriUw0
Master her domain ...
You know that putting Tab A into Slot B won't make you a pro in the sack. Luckily,
you have more than one tool at hand. "Bring all her senses into the experience,"
says Patti Britton, Ph.D., author of The Complete Idiot's Guide to Sensual Massage.
"You'll enhance her pleasure, giving her what could be the best sex of her life."
Don't you want to be responsible for that?

Taste ...
Feeding Kim Basinger was one of the few smart career moves Mickey Rourke made, so imitate it.
Serve up exotic fruits like kiwis, pomegranates, or star- fruits in bed.
"Rare tastes are psychologically arousing for her because they seem almost forbidden,"
says Olivia St. Claire, author of 302 Advanced Techniques for Driving a Man Wild in Bed.
And henceforth, the produce aisle will turn her on.
328名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/26(月) 09:24:29 ID:16xlQXGd0
329名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/26(月) 09:26:01 ID:8En4FE6P0
"If you have a lower sex drive, it does not necessarily mean you should go to see a sex therapist to see if something is wrong with you," he said.

"As long as it is not causing a problem in your life, may be you don't have a problem.
If it does not bother you or interfere with your life, then maybe you are best to just live with it," he added.

The study is the first to identify a specific gene variation linked to sex drive.

Famous people who have owned up to being sex addicts include actor Michael Douglas,
Kirk Douglas, and Oscar winner Halle Berrya??s ex Eric Benet.

330名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/26(月) 09:28:15 ID:8En4FE6P0




331名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/26(月) 09:29:01 ID:8En4FE6P0
Master her domain ...
You know that putting Tab A into Slot B won't make you a pro in the sack. Luckily,
you have more than one tool at hand. "Bring all her senses into the experience,"
says Patti Britton, Ph.D., author of The Complete Idiot's Guide to Sensual Massage.
"You'll enhance her pleasure, giving her what could be the best sex of her life."
Don't you want to be responsible for that?

Taste ...
Feeding Kim Basinger was one of the few smart career moves Mickey Rourke made, so imitate it.
Serve up exotic fruits like kiwis, pomegranates, or star- fruits in bed.
"Rare tastes are psychologically arousing for her because they seem almost forbidden,"
says Olivia St. Claire, author of 302 Advanced Techniques for Driving a Man Wild in Bed.
And henceforth, the produce aisle will turn her on.
332名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/26(月) 09:35:13 ID:VqMnwQgv0
333名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/26(月) 15:18:54 ID:ipSt+XCR0
"If you have a lower sex drive, it does not necessarily mean you should go to see a sex therapist to see if something is wrong with you," he said.

"As long as it is not causing a problem in your life, may be you don't have a problem.
If it does not bother you or interfere with your life, then maybe you are best to just live with it," he added.

The study is the first to identify a specific gene variation linked to sex drive.

Famous people who have owned up to being sex addicts include actor Michael Douglas,
Kirk Douglas, and Oscar winner Halle Berrya??s ex Eric Benet.

334名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/26(月) 15:20:02 ID:ipSt+XCR0
Going a step further, they researched the different genetic make up of the students,
and found that those with one particular variation of the D4 gene - around 30 per cent - had a stronger sex drive than the others.

Lead researcher Professor Richard Ebstein of Hebrew University said
that the study showed that genes may have a a??substantial contributiona?? into making people sex addicts.

"Some people really do think more about sex and place a greater importance on it than others and
what our study suggests is that genes may make a substantial contribution to these differences,"
the Daily Mail quoted him, as saying.

Prof Ebstein hopes this study will not only open up new ways to tackle and treat sexual problems,
but will also not send people with lower sexual drives straight to the therapistsa?? office.
335名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/26(月) 16:49:27 ID:U4Yx+eyF0
336名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/26(月) 19:02:07 ID:kBq2qCNW0
337名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/26(月) 19:42:45 ID:TMpHC0FHO
338名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/26(月) 21:41:51 ID:pp9XGtsWO
339名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/26(月) 22:05:23 ID:qbTQtVER0
340名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/26(月) 22:29:21 ID:ZKpyaJHIO
け●さんのスペシャルは、先っぽが3分の1位入るからイチオシ! ズズッと進んでみるのも良し。引くのも良し。
341名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/26(月) 23:04:47 ID:CMWRm8DOO
342名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/27(火) 03:38:00 ID:G+GP8CvqO
343名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/27(火) 03:38:06 ID:redguQvDO
344名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/27(火) 11:03:39 ID:tmr9IOcM0
345名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/27(火) 11:45:02 ID:d6qH0WZJ0
346名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/27(火) 11:51:49 ID:F1pVn3nk0
347名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/27(火) 12:19:09 ID:IuqLUWJg0
348名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/27(火) 12:24:26 ID:F1pVn3nk0
349名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/27(火) 15:43:59 ID:+ohQ5IstO
350名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/27(火) 16:48:26 ID:XlOK1RJP0
351名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/27(火) 17:26:14 ID:+ohQ5IstO
352名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/27(火) 18:12:55 ID:iFUpxDiW0
353名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/27(火) 20:43:12 ID:rc+WJo1e0

354名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/27(火) 21:13:04 ID:hOh3Sy1I0
355名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/27(火) 22:07:03 ID:rc+WJo1e0

356名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/27(火) 22:14:13 ID:VjrB41a20
357名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/27(火) 22:45:07 ID:Ktv8gVHA0
358名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/27(火) 23:40:29 ID:U9jh5Mmo0
359名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/28(水) 00:20:17 ID:QJjR5vRz0
360名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/28(水) 01:18:01 ID:p8DFHQRi0
Morning Mood Music
Songs fit moods. This isn窶冲 new knowledge,
or something I theorize: most radio stations and music venues know this.
For example, you spend a night listening to death metal by some band that got kicked of Warped Tour,
then go home and lay down bleeding for three hours until the alarm rings and you wake up still bleeding out of one ear.
You reach for you alarm to kill it, but end up overshooting and hitting the on button for your painfully 1960窶冱 radio
that looks like the newest feature on it is the 窶連M/FM窶・switch. That death metal comes on,
or maybe some pop punk. Why do I listen to this station, you ask yourself,
fiddling with the dials until you come to some light jazz or heavy classical.
Usually, something like the 1812 Overture wakes you up, but you have to play it at just the right softness.
Jump out of bed and waddle over to the kitchen, realize that there is nothing there, and make some tea. Meanwhile,
the canons kick in, and you feel a headache coming on. For some reason, you change over to an Internet radio service-
Launchcast Radio for example. Unfortunately, bands like Shonen Knife and The Pillows start playing,
and while these are bands you generally love, they only further the pounding in your head. After some Kinks,
and a few odd classical-rock crossbreeds by surf bands, after My Woman From Tokyo by Deep Purple,
and after a few bands you never liked (ever), after static ridden Blind Lemon Jefferson and very rocking
Warren Zevon, you arrive at Count Basie. A little too heavy, but the best you can do right now.
It窶冱 okay- and the horns make you feel much better.
361名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/28(水) 01:18:53 ID:p8DFHQRi0
Traditional Jazz in the morning wakes you up and calms you down.
It窶冱 non-offensive and none to heavy and doesn窶冲 have the pounding cannons that ruin the 1812 Overture for a morning mood.
(Although Greigs 窶弄orning Mood窶・from the Peer Gynt Suite is perhaps the perfect morning music,
as it echoes birds singing and waking without the noisome rooster crows that some might argue truly wake people up.)
Jazz is just light enough to keep you cool and ready for the day, and Norman Brown or George Benson
are the best at this- the light easy listening Jazz with guitar solos accompanied by vocals that match note for note the guitar.
They give you a light feel, and bring you into a lovely consciousness for the day, something CCR, Led Zepplin, BB King, Jello Biafra,
Stevie Ray Vaugn Covering Voodoo Chile, Muddy Waters, Frank Zappa cannot give.
Warren Zevons cover or the original Knocking on Heaven窶冱 Door does though. Now,
if you窶冤l excuse me, I ran out of tea, and I have to get some more,
my head hurting from whatever rock I listened to last night.
362名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/28(水) 01:19:23 ID:p8DFHQRi0
Fine! Nobody blog on the sex blog anymore! I'll blog to myself. ><
363名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/28(水) 01:22:05 ID:p8DFHQRi0
~Moaning Myrtle~
Wow, that statment really reminds me of Moaning Myrtle from Harry Potter book 2.
Because she haunted the fuck out of everybody that made fun of her after she became a ghost
and she is often thinking about morbid things such as death and haunting more people.
She also thinks people should die, and often asks Harry if he would like to share her bathroom stall with her.
364名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/28(水) 01:23:16 ID:p8DFHQRi0
When I die I will become a ghost and haunt Mrs Bartoli. Damn her.
Damn her and all her evil homework. When I die, I will also haunt my cello, as it is giving me grief too.

Life sucks. If everyone died, the world's problems would all go away and be replaced by one single problem.
Which would be the small one of us all being dead. Which isn't a problem,
so much as a solution. Muahahaaa... Nuclear weapons...
365名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/28(水) 01:26:10 ID:p8DFHQRi0
~Whyfore you not blog!?~
Well... seeing as how no one has blogged since JANUARY 9TH (and that was me.. thank you), I'll make poetry

~The Queen of the Fey~

Why does the elven queen give sigh?
I know why faires sob and nymph will cry.
And pledge to tell you, it is my plight,
For the Queen of the Fey has died tonight.

A great battle cast and shook the Earth.
And gave the world a fight for worth.
And though death laid in astounding girth,
the war had ended in joyous mirth.

But the world is changing, I feel the moves.
That time doth passes, and now this proves,
that the war was won but time behooves.
Something of creation's soul is gone; removed.
366名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/28(水) 01:27:49 ID:p8DFHQRi0
And I suppose that like the prophecy embittered
of a time where magick leaves now frittered.
Time brings this enigmatic truth to light.
For the Queen of the Fey has died tonight.

And in her wake, too sorry to see,
durings bales cast of a tradgic spree,
Atlatnis buried herself deep at sea,
loust sousl scream through drowned halls in plea.

Zeus rests in agony where Itans won,
the blkessing of, at last, freedom's sun.
Now to see, there is none,
to remember the Panthalon; Olympus is done.

Oh to woe the lake of Arthur's plot.
To see in sunset the lost grave spot.
Knights cry of how Excalibur will rot.
And a dragon burned the towers of Camelot.
367名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/28(水) 01:28:49 ID:p8DFHQRi0
Poor Avalon was swallowed by the mists.
It's maidens of magick gone and missed.
The fairies crying in sorrow and in the midsts,
Merlin is vanished in Nimeuy's kiss.

And where fairies cry, you will know.
Magick dies, and it doth show.
That this cannot be fixed by wright.
For the Queen of the Fey has died tonight.
368名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/28(水) 01:30:26 ID:p8DFHQRi0
~Response to Ghosts~
I believe you are very close to the real answer Jimmy.
Here is what I believe however (not to say anyt of ours are truths, just theories).
I think what you're tyring to perhaps say is "Astral Planes" perhaps Jimmy.
A ghost I believe can bee three things...

A. An actual soul that hasn't quite left the world behind for one reason or the other...

B. A poltergeist or other apparition may possibly be the mind energy of one individual or a peice of mind energy left by another.
There are stories reported of strange "poltergeist activity" happening only when an individual is in the room and as soon as they leave,
it is safe. Many people that believe in so called "magick" fight in psionic battles
and they describe many methods of fighting as using "thought forms" or "egredores"
which are peices of psionic energy converged together by a person to do a certain task,
and most though forms take on a familiar shape to the person creating them (a.k.a, an offensive thought form may look like a sword).
369名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/28(水) 01:31:43 ID:p8DFHQRi0
Therefore, I think some poeple see "ghosts"
and they are actually psionic imprints of a person who doesn't realize theyy're mind is that powerful,
up people who are purposely ding it, or of a person who has had a real nasty experience in one area
and they left the cold psionic energy behind (such as when one was murdered... almost like a ghost).

C. I also believe what Jimmy said, but in different words. I believe the theories about the "Astral Planes"
and have read one or more stories of a person seeing a "ghost" in their house only to discover that the "ghost"
they saw was actually a person in real life. One such story was mentioned where I woman kept dreaming of a house she loved,
and one day found it in real life and it happened to be on sale. When she learned why,
it was because the owner was being terrorized by a ghost that jsut happened to be the person dreaming of it.
370名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/28(水) 01:33:49 ID:p8DFHQRi0
Ghosts (Second Paragraph)
Of course I'm on your bad side. So?
You threaten to kill me or something. I don't care.
If I thought you even really could go through with the action,
if I thought you were a threat to me, you'd already be gone.
I know the police well enough. I know your type well enough.
In another time, another place I could've been like you.
Thank God I am Not. I don't act so rash, when I'm well,
and further more I can take criticism. If you read between the lines,
it would be clear I've apologized to Nayno. But enough of that. weak will?
if I had a weak will, I'd be dead this morning. I'd be shot. But I'm not,
so you don't have to worry about that. And Now, on to a topic to be conversed.
371名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/28(水) 01:39:44 ID:p8DFHQRi0
What are ghosts? Are they simply apparitions?
Can they harm humans? What are the different varieties,
and why do they exist? My theory involves a belief of multiple planbes of existance.
When you die you progress on to the next, or go back to the one you came from.
You can die many times, and you can go as many planes as your soul will take you.
Ghosts are an imprint, coming from one plane into another. Generally the one it existed before.
All planes connect to all other planes, and I believe there are manifest entries and exits of each plane in each other plane.
This explains journey's that Greeks made to the Afterworld. Poltergiests and Phantoms,
and the violent sort of ghosts want revenge or to further do mischief in this plane.
Some of us are probably ghosts in other planes- at least in our thoughts.
Maybe that's way you use electromagnets to sense ghosts.
Maybe the charge is sent from a different space, some same time. If any wants, I'm up for ghost hunting.
372名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/28(水) 01:40:22 ID:p8DFHQRi0
Well duh.
A brain dead mouse could read your actions well enough to see I am on your bad side. And Moddy,
you are on mine. Which I may ad is a bad place to be. Enough said. And now, a royal fuck this.
Bye Bye.

PS. Harrison, you weak willed insolent little shit.
373名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/28(水) 01:41:42 ID:p8DFHQRi0
Before you judge me take a look at yourselves.*
I dislike people. Many many people.
And for along while Nayno has not been on my good list.
Trying to be mature? Heh. I'll let the drug-use destroy that. Yes, Teith, you are not on my good side either.
Everyone else is sofar, as I don't know them well enough to form an opinion,
or they don't deserve my hate. becuasehate is a sticky thing that we could do with out, but can't seem to get rid of.
I would appreciate it if some people would stop trying toplay the responsible adult,
becuase I'll listen to a 50 year old crack-fiend before I listen to the.
The crack fiend has a story that matters. Answering your own questions poised to others is a sign of elitism,
showing you think only of yourself and that you matter only. Well, clue in. Only we matter to us.
The human is very egotistical. You dfon't matter at all. A very few people do- the ones you can't see yourselves without.
You know my stance right now. Both of you. I could do better without you whatsoever.
Before I get insulted for insults by someone who doesn't deserve to,
(This does not include Nayno. He is within every right.) let us consider that I have never 'seduced' women.
I have never caused them emotional pain. Brainwashing girls,
or for that matter, guys, into something they may not have wanted at all.
It is disgusting and Immoral. I had to work for love, I had to grow into and let it be grown into.
I had to wash away the seeds of seduction.
And believe me to know someone is in love with someone else becuase they made it that way, it hurts.
374名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/28(水) 01:48:37 ID:lvwLSUirO
375名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/28(水) 03:28:11 ID:sAmqq3GgO
376名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/28(水) 03:46:53 ID:paW2sGTY0

377名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/28(水) 08:05:17 ID:EFP+Ni+t0

378名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/28(水) 08:27:06 ID:EFP+Ni+t0

[8797] どうして!?投稿者:英語漬け投稿日:2006/06/28(Wed) 00:21:38 (softbank219019020051.bbtec.net)

379名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/28(水) 08:28:20 ID:Z0kRsPiK0
名前 るい
年齢 22歳
スリーサイズ T 159 B 86(C) W 58 H 84
血液型 O型
星座 蟹座
チャームポイント め
最近はまってる物 ゲーム
趣味 料理
性格 明るい、甘えんぼう
似ている芸能人 新山○春
好きな男性タイプ とくにナイけど、男らしー人!?
将来の夢 社長
性感帯 あなたがみつけて下さいっ
得意技 フェラ
出勤日 月.水.木.土、日
出勤時間 17:00〜ラスト
自己PR 雰囲気にまかせて楽しーく、まったり、じっくり、がっつりぃぃって感じです SもMも大好きでちゅ。 いっぱいいっぱい楽しんじゃおうね
380名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/28(水) 09:00:58 ID:M4EEenL10
381名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/28(水) 10:15:33 ID:IxqNJEgE0
382名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/28(水) 13:35:47 ID:sAmqq3GgO
383名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/28(水) 13:50:40 ID:QJjR5vRz0
384名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/28(水) 14:51:12 ID:GFgHSSUQO
385じゅるじゅるワイフ:2006/06/28(水) 15:18:42 ID:SHMx/XMq0




386名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/28(水) 15:56:37 ID:OijV8s/g0
387名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/28(水) 16:22:00 ID:uDDNPYWW0
388名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/28(水) 16:32:40 ID:hWEEOAlh0
389名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/28(水) 16:46:59 ID:v3QZp4VPO
390名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/28(水) 19:28:05 ID:paW2sGTY0
391名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/28(水) 21:00:19 ID:QJjR5vRz0
392名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/28(水) 21:57:01 ID:Xg7fuNgEO
393名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/28(水) 22:11:15 ID:QJjR5vRz0
394名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/28(水) 22:16:28 ID:2nJzHwsL0
名前 るい
年齢 22歳
スリーサイズ T 159 B 86(C) W 58 H 84

395名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/28(水) 23:56:53 ID:lvwLSUirO
396名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/29(木) 00:38:42 ID:dEykG2lP0
397名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/29(木) 00:52:47 ID:/bkMWRwWO
398名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/29(木) 07:27:08 ID:gjtCHYHG0
399名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/29(木) 13:36:09 ID:D6tgx6GSO
400名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/29(木) 14:58:56 ID:qFGF+WWy0
401名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/29(木) 16:36:58 ID:el0GkE150
402名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/29(木) 16:55:23 ID:uqeqS+AD0
403名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/29(木) 17:58:07 ID:TVI67de30
404名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/29(木) 21:45:27 ID:YDi+gELW0
405名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/29(木) 21:57:30 ID:AxPKORSQ0
Before you judge me take a look at yourselves.*
I dislike people. Many many people.
And for along while Nayno has not been on my good list.
Trying to be mature? Heh. I'll let the drug-use destroy that. Yes, Teith, you are not on my good side either.
Everyone else is sofar, as I don't know them well enough to form an opinion,
or they don't deserve my hate. becuasehate is a sticky thing that we could do with out, but can't seem to get rid of.
I would appreciate it if some people would stop trying toplay the responsible adult,
becuase I'll listen to a 50 year old crack-fiend before I listen to the.
The crack fiend has a story that matters. Answering your own questions poised to others is a sign of elitism,
showing you think only of yourself and that you matter only. Well, clue in. Only we matter to us.
The human is very egotistical. You dfon't matter at all. A very few people do- the ones you can't see yourselves without.
You know my stance right now. Both of you. I could do better without you whatsoever.
Before I get insulted for insults by someone who doesn't deserve to,
(This does not include Nayno. He is within every right.) let us consider that I have never 'seduced' women.
I have never caused them emotional pain. Brainwashing girls,
or for that matter, guys, into something they may not have wanted at all.
It is disgusting and Immoral. I had to work for love, I had to grow into and let it be grown into.
I had to wash away the seeds of seduction.
And believe me to know someone is in love with someone else becuase they made it that way, it hurts.
406名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/29(木) 23:13:29 ID:zYP2fGX0O
407名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/29(木) 23:24:08 ID:D6tgx6GSO
408名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/30(金) 01:47:00 ID:HegZkSzwO
>>404 オレもりな見た事ある。やっぱ風俗かストリッパ―な臭いするな。派手だけどオッサン付きな雰囲気。

409名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/30(金) 01:54:05 ID:l0BidZ3H0

410名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/30(金) 02:31:56 ID:2DWjAF57O
411名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/30(金) 02:55:51 ID:F4I6J5az0
412名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/30(金) 03:15:29 ID:JlBYmsDL0
413名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/30(金) 03:35:07 ID:WOmpXIex0
414名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/30(金) 06:42:54 ID:MeFhRqkZ0
415名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/30(金) 06:42:56 ID:HegZkSzwO
りなは確かに基本サービス極悪。手抜き丸出しで異様な猫撫で声出してりゃいいって感じだ。でも最近秘基盤がバレてるな―。 自分だけではないのでりなにヌップリ挿入した方、感想求む。ため息の様なアエギは〇。
416名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/30(金) 07:19:21 ID:1KyMvvbx0
417名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/30(金) 07:32:16 ID:1KyMvvbx0

418名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/30(金) 07:53:06 ID:FAGIzLoJ0
419名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/30(金) 10:13:37 ID:O27brqqt0
420名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/30(金) 13:43:31 ID:TuTYXkdiO
421名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/30(金) 16:14:25 ID:YJHaNqmx0
422名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/30(金) 16:19:58 ID:LDTVssan0
423名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/30(金) 16:26:43 ID:2DWjAF57O
424名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/30(金) 16:52:00 ID:H7hu8xfW0

425名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/30(金) 17:30:58 ID:OaDAbrZi0
426名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/30(金) 22:40:42 ID:HegZkSzwO
427名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/30(金) 23:45:09 ID:EgACvy8r0
428名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/30(金) 23:46:10 ID:2DWjAF57O
429名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/06/30(金) 23:56:43 ID:2ibdRcZsO
430名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/01(土) 02:38:31 ID:l1vzkdNNO
オレ前にミライに なんでハズレ引いたみたいな顔してんだ って言われた。フォロ―の言葉も見付からない・・・・ほとんど手コキで済まされた。
431名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/01(土) 03:45:32 ID:lrFQJSbR0
432名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/01(土) 04:01:27 ID:124P3xdf0
433名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/01(土) 05:19:54 ID:GI745j1SO
434名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/01(土) 06:25:07 ID:aBJPeqpi0

名前 けい
年齢 24歳
スリーサイズ T 165 B 86(C) W 59 H 85
血液型 O型
435名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/01(土) 09:26:21 ID:hIgTQDwm0
436名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/01(土) 10:21:15 ID:wKC1tlYr0
437名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/01(土) 10:24:35 ID:1QCKbBcE0
438名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/01(土) 10:32:20 ID:+Vwc3Xno0
439名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/01(土) 11:11:41 ID:++fVYpCT0
440名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/01(土) 12:23:49 ID:WYHyePRC0

名前 けい
年齢 24歳
スリーサイズ T 165 B 86(C) W 59 H 85
血液型 O型

441名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/01(土) 12:24:24 ID:WYHyePRC0
442名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/01(土) 13:11:44 ID:bS0s7EjhO
443名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/01(土) 16:41:22 ID:Zm387Pt20
444名無し:2006/07/01(土) 16:45:58 ID:Nk5rSIjT0
445名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/01(土) 16:59:44 ID:xnuXwzaG0

446名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/01(土) 17:07:34 ID:xnuXwzaG0
447名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/01(土) 17:10:00 ID:X6kjxWTX0
448名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/01(土) 17:14:44 ID:X6kjxWTX0
449名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/01(土) 17:23:13 ID:w584vKm60

450名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/01(土) 17:25:14 ID:xhT+Nb0z0

451名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/02(日) 01:48:46 ID:MMFUJ2LRO
ピルだろ。ピルならシノが1000円で売りさばいてるらしいな。 それよりリンの入店時の基盤凄かったよな!隣の部屋でパン!パン!パン!パン!自分もガンガン突いてやった後日だったから、隣の部屋でもリンだって音と声でわかった。
452名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/02(日) 02:08:25 ID:OlILms7Z0
453名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/02(日) 02:16:12 ID:SAooa4mI0

454名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/02(日) 03:48:22 ID:XMo+Vtkh0
ピルだろ。ピルならケイが1000円で売りさばいてるらしいな。 それよりルナの入店時の基盤凄かったよな!隣の部屋でパン!パン!パン!パン!自分もガンガン突いてやった後日だったから、隣の部屋でもリンだって音と声でわかった。
455名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/02(日) 03:49:52 ID:XMo+Vtkh0

456名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/02(日) 06:30:16 ID:ljStGBbYO
457名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/02(日) 07:15:27 ID:bozzaxjv0
458名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/02(日) 10:21:40 ID:k3MGNYXh0
459名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/02(日) 11:42:00 ID:k3MGNYXh0
460名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/02(日) 11:43:44 ID:UCD4F7EP0
461名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/02(日) 14:53:57 ID:rw+eS8GH0
462名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/02(日) 15:18:54 ID:MMFUJ2LRO
463名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/02(日) 15:45:40 ID:qdS4XcOZ0
464名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/02(日) 17:07:29 ID:rw+eS8GH0
465名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/02(日) 21:45:00 ID:bB6lS4yn0
466名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/02(日) 21:59:05 ID:e/1o4wH30
名前 なつみ
年齢 19歳
スリーサイズ T 158 B 95(F) W 60 H 92
血液型 O型
星座 おひつじ座
チャームポイント おめめ
最近はまってる物 UFOキャッチャー
趣味 おしゃれすること、映画と音楽
性格 明るい☆うるさい☆
似ている芸能人 言われたことないプ
好きな男性タイプ 楽しい人、ノリノリな人、笑顔が可愛い人
将来の夢 美容師!
性感帯 ぜーんぶ。
得意技 フェラ
出勤日 月・水・木・金
出勤時間 18:30〜24:00
自己PR 初心者なので…優しくしてくださいね・

467名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/03(月) 00:13:28 ID:fa9zI6frO
468名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/03(月) 00:55:04 ID:nEeDh0ZK0
469名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/03(月) 02:04:52 ID:65VJTgDg0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/
470名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/03(月) 02:09:03 ID:65VJTgDg0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/
471名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/03(月) 02:12:46 ID:65VJTgDg0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/
472名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/03(月) 02:28:33 ID:9v8qd/pVO
473名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/03(月) 02:32:29 ID:9v8qd/pVO
474名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/03(月) 05:53:49 ID:Sdt9Ssk70
475名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/03(月) 09:24:04 ID:pCSlPHjZO
476名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/03(月) 09:36:42 ID:fa9zI6frO
477名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/03(月) 09:47:14 ID:Ut67L1Kt0

478名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/03(月) 09:59:12 ID:pCSlPHjZO
479名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/03(月) 10:08:10 ID:pCSlPHjZO
480名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/03(月) 14:00:46 ID:fa9zI6frO
481名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/03(月) 14:21:10 ID:99G92+8O0
482名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/03(月) 15:15:11 ID:fa9zI6frO
483名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/03(月) 15:51:12 ID:9v8qd/pVO
484名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/03(月) 19:16:01 ID:pvxmxE5T0

485名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/03(月) 20:08:59 ID:Ew6wnoFS0
486名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/03(月) 21:43:06 ID:spJZyQhHO
487名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/03(月) 22:48:11 ID:ZXXuu+2L0
488店員:2006/07/03(月) 23:29:09 ID:pCSlPHjZO
489名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/04(火) 00:01:52 ID:SUuhtlvQ0
490名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/04(火) 01:57:48 ID:BXQJtunB0
491名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/04(火) 03:16:16 ID:PPzmA/7e0

492名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/04(火) 07:10:17 ID:0OEyk71tO
493元店員:2006/07/04(火) 07:23:08 ID:k9BSZwwuO
494名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/04(火) 08:16:03 ID:5lPTonio0
495名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/04(火) 10:10:36 ID:sTO6ETtk0


496名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/04(火) 10:41:19 ID:ws9zujti0



497名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/04(火) 10:49:23 ID:q0ThLgZ/0
498名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/04(火) 11:24:56 ID:BDwNYIde0
499名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/04(火) 11:33:17 ID:ws9zujti0
500キリ番マン:2006/07/04(火) 11:51:16 ID:Ue98OSWlO
501渋チャガ ◆DNcqyphqj6 :2006/07/04(火) 13:44:58 ID:k9BSZwwuO

502名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/04(火) 14:21:38 ID:Uwx/h8HT0
503名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/04(火) 15:39:14 ID:5/bXbyFuO
>>491 リョウは普通のヘルスでは見ないくらいの極悪レベル!ブタ専に行けよ!見た目もキツイけど性格難。なんでも知ったか。ただの2オタだろ!見送りの時だけキモイ声使ってんじゃねえ。
504名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/04(火) 17:08:22 ID:xIdTK97M0
>>491 runaは普通のヘルスでは見ないくらいの極悪レベル!ブタ専に行けよ!見た目もキツイけど性格難。なんでも知ったか。ただの2オタだろ!見送りの時だけキモイ声使ってんじゃねえ。

505名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/04(火) 17:09:37 ID:7ipHshyF0
>>491 ノアは普通のヘルスでは見ないくらいの極悪レベル!ブス専に行けよ!見た目もキツイけど性格難。なんでも知ったか。ただの2オタだろ!見送りの時だけキモイ声使ってんじゃねえ。

506名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/04(火) 17:12:57 ID:L470Fz0r0
507名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/04(火) 17:24:01 ID:ICrDkCAe0


508名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/04(火) 17:25:20 ID:kd42rVKy0
509名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/04(火) 17:39:58 ID:4paZgANf0
510名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/04(火) 18:25:45 ID:hmtW9qHH0
511名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/04(火) 23:19:34 ID:5/bXbyFuO
>>505 君はいい事言った!ノア早く熟女ヘルス池! 小学生の女の子がカワイソウだ、あんまり変な格好で歩いてんなよ。新宿を一緒にウロついてんの何回も見てるぞ。
512名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/04(火) 23:42:29 ID:yRV9nubH0
513名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/05(水) 01:27:57 ID:T8DgJcwp0
514名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/05(水) 01:54:12 ID:r1Hap7Hc0
515名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/05(水) 01:56:08 ID:Xf/ZEM+nO
516名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/05(水) 02:00:04 ID:3mgQzZtz0
517名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/05(水) 07:22:03 ID:kn4y6kGRO
518名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/05(水) 07:30:18 ID:CzXKsLEPO
519名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/05(水) 08:28:50 ID:UBV058VM0
520名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/05(水) 08:44:36 ID:atKLVehk0
521名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/05(水) 08:45:58 ID:atKLVehk0
522名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/05(水) 09:34:18 ID:atKLVehk0
523名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/05(水) 12:03:41 ID:PY8c8Tei0
524名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/05(水) 16:40:31 ID:eBy1OsXe0
525名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/05(水) 16:53:28 ID:CzXKsLEPO
526名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/05(水) 17:02:57 ID:eBy1OsXe0
527名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/05(水) 17:10:56 ID:hKUTrcgsO
528名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/05(水) 18:29:21 ID:pBcaQyyU0
529名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/05(水) 19:02:09 ID:eww3sPYU0

530名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/05(水) 19:19:48 ID:pBcaQyyU0
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533名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/05(水) 20:57:07 ID:Xf/ZEM+nO
>>529 ノアに相手か〜w本気でガッッカリだ。嬢の悪口ばっかり言ってんだろ?ミユキの貢ぎ癖とケコンの話をバラしたのもノアだってな。昔同じキャバでミユキは人気あったから妬み祖ねみ。嬢達の評判悪いな。
534名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/05(水) 21:19:01 ID:UfmO5VOn0
535名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/05(水) 22:28:02 ID:CzXKsLEPO
536519:2006/07/05(水) 23:07:34 ID:UBV058VM0
537名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/06(木) 00:30:55 ID:I2Qh9FzWO
538名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/06(木) 00:39:41 ID:R0+1avWf0
539名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/06(木) 00:52:56 ID:oHJmliql0
540名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/06(木) 02:10:04 ID:rPiBCfpCO
541名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/06(木) 02:15:52 ID:/KgDW1tq0
542名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/06(木) 03:13:03 ID:YGwW1h390
543名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/06(木) 04:09:23 ID:g9UYJpKq0

544名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/06(木) 05:47:26 ID:c8VjZcL50
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546名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/06(木) 09:38:14 ID:k1T04gxE0
547名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/06(木) 13:09:19 ID:rPiBCfpCO
548名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/06(木) 16:05:25 ID:dP6gQtS40
549名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/06(木) 17:00:08 ID:I2Qh9FzWO
550名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/06(木) 17:12:48 ID:X2xEBsi5O
551名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/06(木) 20:43:22 ID:I2Qh9FzWO
552名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/06(木) 20:48:38 ID:X2xEBsi5O
553名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/06(木) 21:00:25 ID:JsaX5bbxO
554名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/06(木) 21:01:20 ID:YGwW1h390
555名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/06(木) 21:44:27 ID:rPiBCfpCO
>>553 意味ワカンネ ヒメは癒されねえな!あの喋りと嫌々な痛いフェラ。ティッシュ取る勢いと吐き出す時にエヅイてんだ。可愛らしさゼロ!ニートな旦那と育児費稼ぐなら本気でやれよ!
556名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/06(木) 21:53:04 ID:Nt9nT8Q/0
557名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/06(木) 21:55:13 ID:3uuXgRuz0
558名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/06(木) 22:15:11 ID:5zSLXM1J0
559名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/06(木) 22:36:18 ID:ju1kvor/0
560名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/07(金) 01:52:44 ID:bzeUX3rC0
Britain's Empire magazine says the worst movie sex scene ever is Showgirls' swimming pool tryst between Elizabeth Berkley
and Kyle MacLachlan. It's supposed to be the best sex in the world but, as Berkley thrashes around in the water,
it looks more like the first 10 minutes of 'Jaws,' Empire said in its issue released Friday.
Second on its list is the violent encounter between Jeremy Irons and Juliette Binoche in Damage.
No. 3 is the Killing Me Softly scene between Heather Graham and Joseph Fiennes.
Coming in at No. 4 is Madonna pouring hot wax on Willem Dafoe in Body of Evidence,
followed by Kathleen Turner's Crimes of Passion and Sharon Stone and Sly Stallone's shower scene in The Specialist

561名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/07(金) 01:54:46 ID:bzeUX3rC0
ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) _ A former Catholic school English teacher arrested for having sex
with a 16-year-old student will serve six months in jail as part of a plea deal announced Monday.

Sandra Beth Geisel, 42, will be sentenced in November to six months behind bars, including time already served,
according to the Albany County District Attorney's office. She also will have to register as a sex offender.

Geisel _ a mother of four _ was indicted earlier this month on charges of third-degree rape.
She was fired from her teaching job at Christian Brothers Academy in June, soon after police caught her with a 17-year-old student.

No charges were filed in that incident because the teen was of legal age. But during that investigation,
a 16-year-old boy came forwarded and said he had sexual intercourse with Geisel on two separate occasions,
leading to the charges against her, police said.
562名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/07(金) 01:55:16 ID:bzeUX3rC0
Supermodel Kate Moss and actress Sadie Frost are reportedly more than just close friends - and allegedly enjoy numerous drug fuelled romps together.
British newspaper the News of the World, yesterday (18 September 05) published claims that Moss becomes wildly sexual during cocaine-fuelled parties,
and has orchestrated a number of lesbian romps with friends including Frost and British TV star Davinia Taylor.

Rebecca White, a fashion Pa who claims to have known Moss since 1998, tells British newspaper The News of the World,
"She is naturally a very sexually open person. But, when she's doing cocaine, she becomes even more so and will fall into bed with whoever she chooses. Women as well as men."
Another source tells the tabloid, "Kate was high and the other two (Frost and Taylor) were drunk at a bash.
They went up to a suite and got in bed together. They were watching television together when Kate started chatting about sex.

"She had already been to bed with Sadie - so she asked Davinia if she had ever done it before.
They started snogging and soon they were having a threesome with Sadie."
The claims come just days after another British newspaper published pictures of Moss purportedly snorting cocaine.
563名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/07(金) 01:56:07 ID:bzeUX3rC0
"IT COMES DOWN to the idea that people believe women don't like sex as much as men do!" says Emily Dubberley.

The English sex writer/ author and I laugh and snort with derision. It's the scorn of a female duo for whom this obviously doesn't apply.

However, it's very relevant to the subject we're discussing on the phone with such animation.

We're talking about casual sex and why it's always been seen as a male trait and not a female practice.
This is, of course, because men have historically led the field in promoting casual sexual encounters while, traditionally, women have sought relationships.

However, there's been a seismic shift in the past decade.
Women have claimed their place beside men in the sexual arena and are now making their own sexual choices and demands,
including instigating and relishing casual sex when they choose to.
564名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/07(金) 01:56:45 ID:bzeUX3rC0
It's an area of female sexuality rarely discussed except by women with their closest pals and, in fact, no author has tackled the subject in depth.
The thought of women indulging in sex without strings still has the ability to shock.
There lingers the double standard of men who sleep around being called studs while a woman is called a slut.

But London-based Dubberley, the editor of Scarlet, a British sex magazine for women,
Scarletmagazine.co.uk and founder of Cliterati.co.uk (a sex website for women), has taken the subject head on,
so to speak, and produced what will for sure become the definitive book for gals on the make -- Brief Encounters:
The Women's Guide to Casual Sex. (Note: The author is donating a share of her royalties from every copy sold to the sexual health charity SEXplained.)

Whether it's one-night stands, bi-curious dabblings, sex with an ex, f...-buddies (or as Canadians more politely say, friends with benefits),
or kinky get-togethers, casual sex can take a number of forms and styles and it all can be a minefield of risk and disasters for the neophyte.
565名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/07(金) 01:57:28 ID:bzeUX3rC0

It also doesn't suit everyone, Dubberley writes.
"While some people can easily handle the false intimacy and regular rejection that goes hand-in-hand with a rampant lifestyle,
others are much better off sticking with their right hand until they meet Mr. Right."

She adds that a lot of women go for casual sex when they actually want affection, love or diamonds.

"If you're going to sleep around, it should be an end in itself rather than a way of getting what you want.
Otherwise, you'll end up heartbroken and/or bitter and that's no fun at all."

As this indicates, Dubberley is bluntly outspoken and her book is punctuated by English slang,
but she maintains it will help a woman decide whether casual sex is right for her or not. If she thinks it is,
it gives solid, down-to-earth advice on how to safely negotiate it and survive it well.
566名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/07(金) 01:59:49 ID:bzeUX3rC0
For single women wondering if they should give up the search for Mr. Right and go for Mr. Right Now,
Dubberley advises caution. "Don't have sex just because your friends are all doing it.
Don't have sex because it makes you feel cool. Don't have sex because a guy is persistent.
In other words, only have sex if you really want it."

Her strongest advice, though, is about condom use.

"If you're thinking of not using them, consider whether you'd chuck yourself under a bus for someone! Be responsible! Carry and use them!"

As for emotional fallout, Dubberley says obviously there will be some attachment issues but maintains that men share the same feelings.

In fact, she says she gets lots of letters from guys complaining that all women want is sex nowadays when they themselves are looking for a relationship.

Mmm. Something familiar about that whine.
567名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/07(金) 02:00:29 ID:bzeUX3rC0
Nolan defends son's sex trip reward

FORMER singer Coleen Nolan defended her actions today after she promised her son sex with a prostitute if he passed his GCSEs.

The mother-of-three caused a row after she told how 15-year-old Shane Jr could go on a sex trip to Amsterdam.

Her ex-husband, EastEnders star Shane Richie, said he was "disgusted and appalled" by her comments about their son on ITV1 daytime show, Loose Women.

The former Nolans singer, 40, also told the shocked audience she had given her fiance Ray Fensome permission to have a one-night stand during the proposed trip.

Today, she said she was amazed by the fuss but was annoyed by Miriam Stoppard's comments in today's Daily Mirror newspaper.

Stoppard said "the world's gone insane" and that Nolan seemed to be shirking her responsibilities to deliver sex education.
568名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/07(金) 02:01:04 ID:bzeUX3rC0
Nolan said: "I'm just shocked at the reaction of all of it. I just thought we'd come so far.
The thing that got me most about that paper interview was the comment by Miriam Stoppard.

"She calls me an irresponsible parent - well, to me that's irresponsible journalism because she hasn't got any of the facts right.

"Shane Junior has been sexually active since he was 15.
We have always had a fantastic open relationship as mother and son. We have talked about everything - mainly safe sex."

She said she would have been "very naive and stupid" if she had told him he was not allowed to have sex until he was 18 or married.

"He's 15 and will go out and do it. I agree with her (Miriam) that if he'd never had sex and I'd never discussed it,
it would have been a very, very cheap way of getting rid of my responsibilities and saying, `Let her tell him what to do'.

"This whole thing came about because Shane is taking his GCSEs and I said if you do really well in them,
I will pay for you, for a long weekend, to go anywhere you want to go.

"His first reaction was, `Mum, me and my mates have always wanted to go to Amsterdam to see the red light district'.
569名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/07(金) 02:02:02 ID:bzeUX3rC0
"I didn't say, `If you get five GCSEs, I'll send you to Amsterdam to sleep with a prostitute'."


She said her son wanted to go to Amsterdam because it was "every teenager's fantasy".

She added: "I'd be very naive to think, `Oh isn't it lovely that he wants to go to Amsterdam and see the sights' - I know exactly what sights he wants to see.

"He's started revising three hours every night. This child has gone from getting no GCSEs to eight A*s.

"We are very open about it - we talk about safe sex.

"If he planned to go on a trip to Ibiza everybody would have thought that was fine, even though he would probably have unprotected sex with lots of girls.

"Everyone thinks that's OK, but as soon as you mention prostitute and the words `paying for it', everyone is, like, `gasp'," she said.
570名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/07(金) 02:03:02 ID:bzeUX3rC0
But Richie, who split with Nolan in 1997 and has another younger son with her, said earlier:
"I'm absolutely disgusted and appalled about what Coleen said on Loose Women.

"I can only think she said this for shock value, and I hope and assume it was said in total jest.

"No responsible parent would even think of such a thing - let alone state it.

"I can assure everyone that having passed his GCSEs - fingers crossed - Shane Jr will not be going to Amsterdam. I have bigger family plans."

Nolan stunned co-presenters and the audience on Tuesday by revealing that she had offered to finance the trip as a post-exams reward.

"I said, `Ray will have to go with you', and he said, `Well then, Ray might sleep with a prostitute too'.

"I said, `Oh, that's all right, it's only a prostitute'. I wouldn't throw away the father of my children and all that for the sake of lads being lads."

As the crowd gasped, she added: "As long as he comes back and tells me about it. I'm not joking, I'd love it. There's something a little bit kinky about me."

Is a sex trip suitable reward for exam success? Have your say.
571名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/07(金) 02:04:05 ID:bzeUX3rC0
Police 'free' S&M sex slave from car trunk
BERLIN (Reuters) - German police, alerted to a potential kidnapping,
"freed" a man from a car trunk only to discover the would-be victim was actually a willing sex slave, authorities said Thursday.

Police stopped the car after a concerned caller told them he had seen a woman locking someone in the boot.
However, on opening it, they were greeted by the sight of the 39-year-old man wearing nothing but a leather thong and a collar.

"It turned out they were a couple from the S&M scene. The 'mistress' was driving,
with the slave in the boot," said a police spokesman in the southern town of Bayreuth.

Deciding the rear of the car was not safe for the man, officers told him to sit inside the car and sent the pair on their way.
572名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/07(金) 02:04:47 ID:bzeUX3rC0
A Marion County judge has ordered a west-side Indianapolis sex club in the United States to shut down.

Under the ruling, the Reel One sex club must cease operations by July 6.
The city had sought the club's closure since 2003, arguing that it is in violation of several ordinances,
including one that prohibits operation of an adult entertainment business within 500 feet of a residential area.

The city's case against Reel One began after two undercover Indianapolis officers, married to each other,
reported entering the club posing as swingers and witnessing sexual activity.

573名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/07(金) 02:05:49 ID:bzeUX3rC0
Lawyers for the club's owners did not dispute that sexual activity occurred at the club,
but contended that what happened between consenting adults was not a matter of public concern.

The club's attorneys also said that because it opened in 1992, it pre-dated the city's efforts to curb such businesses.

Mayor Bart Peterson's office touted the decision as a major victory.

"Our zoning laws exist for a reason: to protect families and children from being exposed to the negative effects
that adult businesses can have on a community," Peterson said. "Illegal adult establishments like Reel One are a detriment to strong,
healthy neighborhoods and simply will not be tolerated in Indianapolis."
574名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/07(金) 02:10:05 ID:bzeUX3rC0

575名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/07(金) 02:18:59 ID:QbzmG6vKO
576名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/07(金) 02:39:47 ID:vOHl0kU10
577名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/07(金) 03:52:43 ID:NNjdK/La0
イギリスのEmpire雑誌には、今までで最も悪い映画セックス場面がエリザベス・バークリーとカイルマクラクランの間のShowgirlsのプール会合の約束であると書かれています。 世界一良いセックスであるべきですが、バークリーが水をのたうち回るとき、
No.3はヘザー・グラハムとジョゼフ・ファインズの間のKilling Me Softly場面です。

578名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/07(金) 03:53:46 ID:NNjdK/La0



ティーンエイジャーが法的な時代のものであったので、その事件では、料金は全くファイルされませんでした。 しかし、その調査の間

579名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/07(金) 03:57:23 ID:NNjdK/La0
580名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/07(金) 04:00:33 ID:NNjdK/La0
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585名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/07(金) 04:09:38 ID:cbGiMM9+0
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587名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/07(金) 04:13:27 ID:HqAK/fKi0
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589名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/07(金) 04:21:12 ID:eftIxQoy0
590名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/07(金) 04:23:53 ID:vWa9j6ax0
591名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/07(金) 04:26:02 ID:S77ovh0n0
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592名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/07(金) 04:27:44 ID:Qf2g3FA40
593名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/07(金) 04:29:05 ID:c6T885560
594名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/07(金) 05:17:00 ID:MCmwrkYFO
595名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/07(金) 06:42:03 ID:ZJ58oWxtO
596名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/07(金) 06:57:05 ID:MCmwrkYFO
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598名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/07(金) 10:40:47 ID:hL+gIrBZ0
かなり昔にいた ももちゃんを覚えてる人はいるのかな。
599名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/07(金) 12:29:05 ID:2BQwfRLq0
600名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/07(金) 14:00:14 ID:pvNxNdBD0
601名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/07(金) 16:53:19 ID:MCmwrkYFO
602名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/07(金) 18:39:56 ID:QgcR2QxB0
603名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/07(金) 18:40:26 ID:QgcR2QxB0
604名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/07(金) 22:57:07 ID:vOHl0kU10
605名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/07(金) 23:58:37 ID:E6Om1r/10
606名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/08(土) 01:44:20 ID:ylijgFyL0
We got this raunchy home video from a married couple in Canada.
Maria, a beautiful blonde with perfect boobs, seems to perfectly know how to satisfy her husband giving him a fantastic titjob,
swallowing his cock and getting bent over for some wild pussy-pounding.

Click here to enjoy free movies of massive boobs babes sucking and fucking like there is no tomorrow.
These .wmf and mpegs belong to busty babe Maria that goes titty hardcore all the way.

Click here to see the home-made video of the busty babe Maria from Canada with huge knockers takes a cock deep in her pussy.
Nice movie gallery of sexy babe with big tits first posing naked, then engaging in hardcore action.
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607名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/08(土) 01:44:56 ID:ylijgFyL0
If you have a taste for busty girls and hot women with real big tits then you will love this site.
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Real amateur fetish webcams. Hundreds of kinky bitches live on home webcams now.
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609名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/08(土) 01:46:39 ID:ylijgFyL0
It’s not everyday you see cute full-body girls with real huge tits, gigantic hooters, monstrous boobs, etc.
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This is the only sexsite which has beautiful big tit girls from USA, Europe, Canada, and even more.
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you can see titty action, tit jobs, big bouncing tits, tit hardcore but the focus is on the tits, real tits, real big tits, only DD cups are featured.
610名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/08(土) 01:47:19 ID:ylijgFyL0
It’s Friday evening. Have you planned your weekend already? Get out, hang with friends, cut loose, surfing the Internet or something more special…
Is this what you have been doing all the week long?

While craving for some of this?

No problem. Find a fuck partner in your area.
611名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/08(土) 01:48:13 ID:ylijgFyL0
Iowa man unreceptive to embarrassment called cops last month to report the theft of a blow-up fashioned to resemble the porn star Jenna Haze.
The Iowa dude called cops on Monday, May 15th night to report that a “Priority US Mail package”
containing his “Jenna Haze Love Doll” had been opened and that the plastic gall was missing.
The doll was full life-size replica of the popular porn babe Haze,
who’s starred in movies like “Big Bottom Sadie” and “Phuk Factor” and was awarded “Best New Starlet” at the 2003 Adult Video News awards.
The whole account of this case can be found in The Smoking Gun archives.

And here I prepared two movie galleries with the sexy starlet Jenna Haze. Its title is Jenna & Jessica Exposed from Jill Kelly Productions.
Actors: Jenna Haze, Jessica Drake, Dolorian, Christi Lake, Ashton Moore, Jessie j, Herschel Savage, Rafe, Lee Stone
Synopsis: Jenna and Jessica are looking for some trouble…and they won’t stop ‘til they find it. Dirty and nasty is their specialty.
That’s why they’re the ultimate double feature combination.
612名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/08(土) 01:49:08 ID:ylijgFyL0
I couldn’t just go on describing my adult endeavors without letting my visitors know all about the number one adult videos download site on the Internet nowadays.
It use to be Videosz.com in the past but ever since they introduced DRM on their new DVDs people started looking for something different.
Of course there are Video On Demand (VOD) such as AEBN and Adult Rentals which are not bad solution if you want to see a particular movie.
But if you want to fill your hard drive to the brim with sex movies, burn DVDs or CDs with hours of porn videos I’d recommend you VideoBox.
There are only to reasons to subscribe to their services.
First it is only $9.98/mo basic 640×480 resolution and $14.95 DVD resolution vids. That’s all, no additional fees, costs, hidden charges, and upsells.
For me VideoBox was such a pleasurable experience that I found myself in the porn heaven.
While I was browsing the site, downloading the movies they added a new DVD. Obviously they live up to their promises of several daily updates.
There are currently 1052 DVDs available with 5878 scenes. Below you will see some preview samples from the site.
Bookmark this page and come back for new porn movie clips every day.

613名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/08(土) 01:49:47 ID:ylijgFyL0
According to the recent surveys the number of women enjoying porn over the Internet has increased with 30 per cent recently.

It occurred to my mind ‘Why on earth am I neglecting this cool audience.’
There are some really hot sites designed and maintained by women with woman’s taste
and needs in mind. It is fact that most women look for a something more than a sex in the porn.
They look for romance and passion to spice up their porn pictures and movies.

To cut the long story short here I have prepared pictures courtesy of one of the best porn sites for women For the Girls.
The pic gallery is called Soapy Nude Men. Sorry guys this entry is especially for the female lovers of erotica.
614名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/08(土) 01:50:46 ID:ylijgFyL0
If you have a fetish for tightly fitting jeans, panties, women wearing very tight body-fitting clothes then you will be interested in the camel toe sex movies.
Today’s entry will be all about a Mr Camel Toe. If you are still not aware of what is camel toe Naomi One of the biggest perks
that comes with being the one and only Mr. Cameltoe, is that hot chicks practically line up for my stamp of approval.
Naomi came over to show off her perfect pussy, but no pussy is certified until it gets the Mr.Cameltoe inspection.
I’m happy to report that her beautiful plump pussy passed with flying colors.
This chick has got a smokin’ body with a grade A booty to match. I had a hard time concentrating just on her toe with an ass like that.
Anyway, after trying on some panties for me and allowing me to inspect real closely, Naomi was ready for a hard cock.
I brought in Donny who I knew wouldn’t let us down.
He fucked her cameltoe in different positions and concluded the test by busting a load all over her face. Go ahead and get up close with Naomi’s pussy,
but remember, there is only one Mr. Cameltoe.

615名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/08(土) 01:51:47 ID:ylijgFyL0
The spring is the time when hormones come into force. No wonder things like this one can happen.
Here is an excerpt from the story courtesy the Smoking Gun. ‘May is arraignment month for our favorite pair of Florida exhibitionists.
As you may recall, Amber Mumma and Marcelo Gonzalez were arrested last month for lewd conduct after a Tampa cop observed
the pair getting busy in a parking lot as strangers watched.’
This time ‘the intoxicated arrestees were spotted pressed up against a car in the parking lot of Peabody’s Billiards as several onlookers
(including one guy snapping away with a camera phone) watched their outdoor performance.’ The whole story…
The moral of the story is: don’t try sex in public yourself, better watch others doing it as in these clips.
The action of this episode Public Invasion is set in Prague, the Czech Republic.
Watch this horny blonde showing her tits in a public then getting pounded from behind.
616名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/08(土) 01:52:44 ID:ylijgFyL0
Ebony Booty Paradise. This entry will be all about thick booty sex, naked ebony butts, some very sweet ebony babes with the hottest California booties.
This episode of Ass Parade features all anal babe Mia and two beautiful black beauties Olivia and Ariel from California.
These amazing ebony cuties will show you a set of amazing asses.

This episode can be called In Anal Heaven and includes lots of Ass Worship, blowjobs, pussy pounding, and a whole variety of fucking positions: from straight to anal sex.
Enjoy the additional hardcore movie clips bellow.
617名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/08(土) 01:53:19 ID:ylijgFyL0
Unfaithful housewives for Saturday morning.
You’ve got to see these rotten cheating housewives shaming their idiot husbands
as they suck and fuck their co-workers, total strangers, ex-boyfriends, neighbors, and even their hubby’s horny friends.

Yummy, slutty women to make you Saturday.

On the other hand if you really want to fuck someone’s wife or girlfriend you can signup for a free account of Adult Friend Finder.
618名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/08(土) 01:53:56 ID:ylijgFyL0
Saturday evening is a time for a bit of hardcore porn, jerk off material.
I would like to introduce a one hot blonde female porn star from the Czech Republic.
Her name is Jane Darling aliases Jana, Jane Jane Durlink, Jane Durling, Jane Durlmak. Jane Darling was born on September 16, 1980.
She is 5”9’ and 132 lbs. Jane Darling has a pair of natural tits with amazing 37DD chest.
This Czech hottie has large breasts on tight body.
Here I have prepared several amazing nude pictures of Jane shot by the famous erotic photographer from France John B Root.
Here you can see the rest of her glamour and hardcore pictures and movies at Explicite.
619名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/08(土) 01:55:02 ID:ylijgFyL0
Saturday evening is a time to share with your family, sweetheart or lover.
But what can you do if your girl/boyfriend is out of town?
So I decided to write an article about one of the cyber sex opportnities on the Internet today.

Sinulator ? is a well-known cyber-sex device already.
It was introduced about two years ago and since then has been featured on Featured on TechTV, Playboy radio, and Wired.com.
The Sinulator is a device that lets you connect a sex toy, e.g. jack rabbit, to your computer
and in order that your friend/lover controls it via the Internet.
The best part about this device is that it’s easy to install and the price is affordable already.
Full-blown simulator consists of three parts: a transmitter, an adjustable toy, and a receiver.
The transmitter is attached to the USB port of your computer, and the wireless receiver- to the toy.
Download the client application from Sinulator.com, install it,
then go to the site and choose a name for your cybersex toy. You are ready for action.
Anyone who knows the name of your toy can control your orgasm. That’s it.
Of course there is a guy’s version including Fleshlight ?(Vibrator for men)
ImLive.com grabbed the opportunity and added more inerrability and appeal to their services using this witty contraption.
They let guests to control hosts’ vibrators while they videochat.
In this case there is nothing to install.
If the guest click to activate it during videochat the control panel will appear and he/she can click or drug the buttons and levels.
View the online demo and learn everything you would need to know about using the Sinulator with the ImLive girls

Here you can browse the ImLive Girls with Sinulators that are online now.
Some of the hosts are working Happy Hour which means you can get a discount for their services.
620名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/08(土) 01:55:46 ID:ylijgFyL0
When I first came across Party Hardcore I asked myself if the girls around were real or hired porn models.
How on earth could real women suck the cock of a male stripper or complete stranger?
You know every girl has some inhibitions. I was shocked by the easiness these girls go slutty.
Shell I put it down to the free booze at the event or something else?
It turned out the situation is a bit different.
The people who run the site Party Hardcore put an ad in a local newspaper stating there will be a free for women male strip party.
The girls just go to the erotic dance event and do whatever they feel comfortable with.
Of course there are paid sex models (in addition to the male strippers) to start the party and keep it going.
These paid models are there to help the real amateur women loosen up and join the party.
621名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/08(土) 01:57:37 ID:ylijgFyL0
Two hot chicks sucking on some lucky guy’s swelled dick together.
They passionately lick his balls, and take turns in giving head. Two 18 year old babes sucking dick!
This was their first experience sharing a cock with another girl, so they were both polite and shy with it!
But as soon as they got the hang of double teaming that big fat dick, it erupted and blew a big cumshot in their mouths!
They french kissed erotically when it was all over like hot teen lesbians!
622名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/08(土) 01:58:31 ID:ylijgFyL0
Happy St Patrick’s Day!

Today I have prepared for you a picture gallery of the gorgeous British amateur babe Ruth.
She is one of my favorite performers. Ruth is giving porn a new dimension! She is making absolutely high quality porn with a very good taste.
What’s more she always seems to have fun, even when doing some very rude things.
623名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/08(土) 01:59:08 ID:ylijgFyL0
I have prepared teen porn gallery for you this Saturday morning. It’s a gallery of cute teen girl in some porn actions.

What a relief that the cute babe Stephie isn’t shy when it comes to showing all those delicious assets and getting up with some action to the camera.
The movie clips are delicious, the porn action is hhhot.
Better see it for yourself!
624名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/08(土) 01:59:46 ID:ylijgFyL0
Yesterday I was impressed by a brand new reality site an obvious successor of the College Fuck Fest.
This time the name is College Party Time. It is a part of Jerk Pass Network and is all about pass out fraternity parties, drunken co-eds and of course a lot of sex.
I would say the stress here is on the hardcore, not on the party theme. This is not your typical wet t-shirt contest, pussy and ass flashing.
Prepare for college aged babes gangbanged, double penetrations, bukkake scenes, backdoor action.
There are 16 college parties in the site so far but with the regular updates I am expecting it to grow significantly in the near future.
625名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/08(土) 02:00:36 ID:ylijgFyL0
Jessi …That college girl can take anyone’s breath away.
The way she looks, smiles, teasing is like nothing else.
She can make any of your sexsual dreams come true.
Her cute face, beautiful tits, perfect round ass is a combination of those things
you don’t wanna miss to experince Even just to look at her is really enjoyable.
…then when she gave me a blow job I thought I gonna loose my mind.
She was teasing me so bad making me fuck her really hard and then to cum in her mouth so she could swallow it all.

626名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/08(土) 02:04:49 ID:ylijgFyL0
It is pretty easy to explain the success of the video production Girls Gone Wild.

If you get a bunch of hot college girls, barely legal co-eds to flash their breasts on camera the guys will definitely want to check the video out.

It’s ultimate Spring Break. Uncensored pictures and movie files of real college girls going wild at the beach, party clubs, or at the hotel room.
Picture gallery of two French girls that give head together.
This photo gallery is courtesy the site of the French porn photographer John Reboot Explicite. The names of the babes are Juanita and ChИliane.

I like their absolutely amateurish appearance. They seem to have fun with the hardcore they are shooting.

Sure you will enjoy their double blowjob!
627名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/08(土) 02:05:21 ID:ylijgFyL0
It’s Tuesday evening. Almost the beginning of the week.
Just remembered the Friday night out crowd, I hanged out with some friends in a club, have a beer or two or…it doesn’t matter.
I wish it were Friday night! So I flipped thru some of the party sex sites.
All I was able to see was partying and fucking people.

Have you come across bars like this one where the guys and gals have a drink and then sex?
Here it is, the pictures and the hardcore action >>

628名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/08(土) 02:06:06 ID:ylijgFyL0
It’s Friday evening, time for night out or maybe big cock sex movies instead.

Hmmm let me be straightforward this time I will show ya Lex Steele big cock sex and especially the hot chicks he likes to fuck (who doesn’t).
Lexington (a.k.a. Lex) Steele is a dude with a big schlong but his sites are more about the hot ladies hi is with such as Katja, Desiree, and Katsumi.

Althoug the title of the sites featuring the well-endowed stud Lex Steele suggest men power
they have lots of solo girls scenes whre you can see hot female pornstars getting off or simply showing their beautiful bodies and pussies. I really liked them.

This gallery consists of four short mpeg movies. Introductory scene: long dick blowjob, real fucking action and cum to her mouth at the end.
Real classics in the interracial black on blonde big cock sex. Enjoy!

629名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/08(土) 02:06:44 ID:ylijgFyL0
Wanna see co-ed, librarian, secretary giving head or getting jizz shower?
Well, you this is for you.
Cum On My Glasses has everything you’re craving for: sucking secretaries, knob-sucking nerds,
licking librarians, gooey geeks, tounging teachers, aauthentic amateur babes, real nerds taking massive facials.
The gallery on the left shows a babe getting jizz all over her glasses.
630名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/08(土) 02:07:26 ID:ylijgFyL0
another pornstar that hails from Europe.

She is Lucy Love from the Czech Republic.

For the statistics and biography fans:
Birthdate: March 20, 1981
Height: 5’6”
Weight: 125 lbs
Breasts: 35”B
Waist: 26”
Hips: 35”
But guess what, this entry will be about Lucy Love’s shaved pussy caught on video.
She is spreading her long legs, fingering her sweet pussy and masturbating in this movie gallery.

631名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/08(土) 02:08:00 ID:ylijgFyL0
If you haven’t already stumbled acres her original fetish pictures
and videos over the Internet so far Lady Sonia is the master of fetish, queen of handjobs.

Sometimes she is the boss lady or bitch secretary in spike heels and stockings who loves to tease a huge cock relentlessly.
She can be the wicked nurse who has male in tight bondage so that she can slowly and skillfully drain his throbbing cock dry…

On Wednesday the 1st of February the second half of the brand new
“Pantyhose, Spike Heels & Cum” video featuring Lady Sonia has been uploaded to the Members Premier Video Library!

632名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/08(土) 02:09:39 ID:ylijgFyL0
Today I am writing about a girl called Sierra from the site Teen HitchHikers.
There is nothing special about her except for the fact she is one of the many hot babes picked off the street by the HitchHickers’ guys for a (pussy) ride.
She is the newest addition to the site. Enjoy her free movie gallery.
633名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/08(土) 02:10:24 ID:ylijgFyL0
Well, I found a new membership site to waste my time at. He-he.
It is Public Invasion from Bangbros.
As they themselves say
‘Watch as I risk my neck escaping the police in my quest to fuck the most beautiful women in very public places.’
The girls out there are pretty hot.
The action is outdoors, in public places: in train or gas stations, and parking lots, park areas. Sounds risky, huh.
At this time there are only 15 girls in the member area but the site is a brand new
and we can expect new episode next week.
Here are two movie galleries I have chosen for you
634名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/08(土) 02:11:55 ID:ylijgFyL0
My pick for today is a movie gallery from Sappic Erotica.
The video gallery features three gorgeous girls that kiss, lick and finger each other.
The hot brunette that enjoys eating pussy is probably Nelly aka Nella from MC-Nudes and MET Art.
At least I guess so. I was very pleased to see her in a lesbian scene.
635名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/08(土) 02:12:59 ID:ylijgFyL0
In these sexy hardcore videos a cute slim blond babe with a killer bod and shaved cunt gets the hardcore slam of her life.
This is Sara Blue from Hardcore Sweethearts.
And here you can enjoy some very sexy xxx videos of her sucking dick and getting fucked at the end.
Hardcore Sweethearts is all about hardcore sex, photos and xxx video of tight body babes in action.
The site was started in early December last year and there is about a dozen of episodes in the member area.
Hardcore Sweethearts is a part of mega network that includes sites as Me And My Pussy, Cash Strapped Teens,
White Pussy Black Cocks, Milf Riders, Lesbian Lessons, Adult Associate, Moms Need Cash, Teen Dirt Bag, etc.
636名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/08(土) 02:13:38 ID:ylijgFyL0
Busty Adventures.
This episode of Busty Adventures comes to us thanks to Europe, the old continent, also the continent of natural massive boobies.
I shit you not; these euro babes have got peachy racks.
No silicone, all-real breasts. Must be in the air out all the exclusive busty movies inside.
Busty Babes from around the world show off their big breasts.
See busty blondes, redheads and brunettes in soft core and hardcore picture and movie galleries.
637名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/08(土) 02:49:04 ID:H4iFdsYu0

638名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/08(土) 02:49:58 ID:H4iFdsYu0
クールビズ男さんへ 投稿者:みらい - 2006/07/07(Fri) 20:23:34 (☆)
639名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/08(土) 03:02:02 ID:qjgC6wjA0



640名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/08(土) 03:24:56 ID:H4iFdsYu0



641名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/08(土) 03:26:19 ID:3mX4P52S0

642名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/08(土) 03:27:03 ID:jh2J0Ux00
643名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/08(土) 03:27:29 ID:xPXwoJAXO
644名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/08(土) 03:27:34 ID:EwL+loZX0
645名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/08(土) 03:28:53 ID:H4iFdsYu0
646名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/08(土) 03:40:44 ID:hy7n7zG50
647名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/08(土) 04:10:27 ID:H4iFdsYu0

[8939] ルナです☆投稿者:ルナです☆投稿日:2006/07/08(Sat) 03:41:33 (mail.stockbridge.k12.wi.us)

648名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/08(土) 04:11:56 ID:H4iFdsYu0
649名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/08(土) 04:12:20 ID:NlBP4kUR0
Jessi …That college girl can take anyone’s breath away.
The way she looks, smiles, teasing is like nothing else.
She can make any of your sexsual dreams come true.
Her cute face, beautiful tits, perfect round ass is a combination of those things
you don’t wanna miss to experince Even just to look at her is really enjoyable.
…then when she gave me a blow job I thought I gonna loose my mind.
She was teasing me so bad making me fuck her really hard and then to cum in her mouth so she could swallow it all.

650名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/08(土) 04:12:50 ID:NlBP4kUR0
I couldn’t just go on describing my adult endeavors without letting my visitors know all about the number one adult videos download site on the Internet nowadays.
It use to be Videosz.com in the past but ever since they introduced DRM on their new DVDs people started looking for something different.
Of course there are Video On Demand (VOD) such as AEBN and Adult Rentals which are not bad solution if you want to see a particular movie.
But if you want to fill your hard drive to the brim with sex movies, burn DVDs or CDs with hours of porn videos I’d recommend you VideoBox.
There are only to reasons to subscribe to their services.
First it is only $9.98/mo basic 640×480 resolution and $14.95 DVD resolution vids. That’s all, no additional fees, costs, hidden charges, and upsells.
For me VideoBox was such a pleasurable experience that I found myself in the porn heaven.
While I was browsing the site, downloading the movies they added a new DVD. Obviously they live up to their promises of several daily updates.
There are currently 1052 DVDs available with 5878 scenes. Below you will see some preview samples from the site.
Bookmark this page and come back for new porn movie clips every day.
651名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/08(土) 04:13:28 ID:NlBP4kUR0
We got this raunchy home video from a married couple in Canada.
Maria, a beautiful blonde with perfect boobs, seems to perfectly know how to satisfy her husband giving him a fantastic titjob,
swallowing his cock and getting bent over for some wild pussy-pounding.

Click here to enjoy free movies of massive boobs babes sucking and fucking like there is no tomorrow.
These .wmf and mpegs belong to busty babe Maria that goes titty hardcore all the way.

Click here to see the home-made video of the busty babe Maria from Canada with huge knockers takes a cock deep in her pussy.
Nice movie gallery of sexy babe with big tits first posing naked, then engaging in hardcore action.
The episode features, boob sex, and doggy style fucking with huge bouncing boobs. Don’t miss on this free video samples preview!
652名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/08(土) 04:14:14 ID:NlBP4kUR0
In these sexy hardcore videos a cute slim blond babe with a killer bod and shaved cunt gets the hardcore slam of her life.
This is Sara Blue from Hardcore Sweethearts.
And here you can enjoy some very sexy xxx videos of her sucking dick and getting fucked at the end.
Hardcore Sweethearts is all about hardcore sex, photos and xxx video of tight body babes in action.
The site was started in early December last year and there is about a dozen of episodes in the member area.
Hardcore Sweethearts is a part of mega network that includes sites as Me And My Pussy, Cash Strapped Teens,
White Pussy Black Cocks, Milf Riders, Lesbian Lessons, Adult Associate, Moms Need Cash, Teen Dirt Bag, etc.
653名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/08(土) 04:15:28 ID:NlBP4kUR0
It’s Friday evening, time for night out or maybe big cock sex movies instead.

Hmmm let me be straightforward this time I will show ya Lex Steele big cock sex and especially the hot chicks he likes to fuck (who doesn’t).
Lexington (a.k.a. Lex) Steele is a dude with a big schlong but his sites are more about the hot ladies hi is with such as Katja, Desiree, and Katsumi.

Althoug the title of the sites featuring the well-endowed stud Lex Steele suggest men power
they have lots of solo girls scenes whre you can see hot female pornstars getting off or simply showing their beautiful bodies and pussies. I really liked them.

This gallery consists of four short mpeg movies. Introductory scene: long dick blowjob, real fucking action and cum to her mouth at the end.
Real classics in the interracial black on blonde big cock sex. Enjoy!
654名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/08(土) 04:17:11 ID:H4iFdsYu0
655名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/08(土) 04:23:59 ID:75s0A7Jh0
656名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/08(土) 08:18:16 ID:jJCnwhA00

657名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/08(土) 11:52:00 ID:a788bEP4O
658名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/08(土) 15:20:15 ID:z7Pbs6I9O
659名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/08(土) 17:52:24 ID:a788bEP4O
660名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/08(土) 18:30:19 ID:pbZk25VqO
661名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/08(土) 18:35:18 ID:a788bEP4O
662名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/08(土) 19:26:29 ID:qjgC6wjA0
663名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/08(土) 20:24:49 ID:muXMKPN3O
664名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/08(土) 21:34:50 ID:qjgC6wjA0
665名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/08(土) 23:06:02 ID:n1om/OZC0
I couldn’t just go on describing my adult endeavors without letting my visitors know all about the number one adult videos download site on the Internet nowadays.
It use to be Videosz.com in the past but ever since they introduced DRM on their new DVDs people started looking for something different.
Of course there are Video On Demand (VOD) such as AEBN and Adult Rentals which are not bad solution if you want to see a particular movie.
But if you want to fill your hard drive to the brim with sex movies, burn DVDs or CDs with hours of porn videos I’d recommend you VideoBox.
There are only to reasons to subscribe to their services.
First it is only $9.98/mo basic 640×480 resolution and $14.95 DVD resolution vids. That’s all, no additional fees, costs, hidden charges, and upsells.
For me VideoBox was such a pleasurable experience that I found myself in the porn heaven.
While I was browsing the site, downloading the movies they added a new DVD. Obviously they live up to their promises of several daily updates.
There are currently 1052 DVDs available with 5878 scenes. Below you will see some preview samples from the site.
Bookmark this page and come back for new porn movie clips every day.

666名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/09(日) 03:22:30 ID:rEg/qE7EO
まぁ基盤基盤って盛り上がってますが、結局はノアが性格悪くて客にまで嬢や店員の愚痴を垂らして悲劇ぶるし借金苦の話をするんだ。 田舎の大衆キャバレ―でやれ!話しがクドい。
667名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/09(日) 04:08:38 ID:namliUZY0

668名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/09(日) 04:10:52 ID:0hNvjqQVO
669名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/09(日) 04:27:22 ID:0p9WFljNO
670名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/09(日) 07:46:38 ID:0hNvjqQVO
671名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/09(日) 09:24:12 ID:0hNvjqQVO
672名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/09(日) 10:37:19 ID:QeiKvg1gO
673名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/09(日) 11:29:57 ID:0hNvjqQVO
674名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/09(日) 14:29:57 ID:6QSJTmKM0
675名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/09(日) 18:15:12 ID:QeiKvg1gO
みぃ の 美しさ は まさに 神
676名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/09(日) 18:26:52 ID:QeiKvg1gO
677名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/09(日) 18:28:35 ID:QeiKvg1gO
みぃ は 今どき の ナウイギャル
678名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/09(日) 19:08:38 ID:QeiKvg1gO
実録 みぃ一代記
昭和末期から平成にかけて 時代をえぐる大河ロマン
679名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/09(日) 23:47:07 ID:CS//Q3Ep0
ID:QeiKvg1gO → みっともない男の典型
680名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/10(月) 01:39:12 ID:cOrEv6Z20

681名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/10(月) 01:43:38 ID:6FokNC2H0
682名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/10(月) 03:02:43 ID:QqqELIqEO
683名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/10(月) 07:29:41 ID:vKxLYAt+0
684名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/10(月) 08:28:00 ID:9BHdnkhDO
685名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/10(月) 09:04:46 ID:jqnQyNXR0
686名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/10(月) 09:06:33 ID:9BHdnkhDO
687名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/10(月) 14:43:57 ID:Lp2VBXjn0
688名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/10(月) 16:08:22 ID:QqqELIqEO
689名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/10(月) 18:00:39 ID:dIWHvxxfO
690名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/10(月) 20:01:33 ID:duzjHmNmO
691名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/10(月) 20:59:24 ID:LDIBU/mX0
692名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/10(月) 21:56:45 ID:4iAUkmNH0
693名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/10(月) 22:24:58 ID:vKxLYAt+0
694名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/10(月) 22:53:13 ID:u+30gFQZ0
695名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/11(火) 01:41:22 ID:3iWuqQkU0
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor Lopez Caro.
696名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/11(火) 01:48:34 ID:Pp+dvKULO
697名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/11(火) 01:51:18 ID:DkqFoL50O
698名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/11(火) 02:00:40 ID:Pp+dvKULO
699名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/11(火) 02:29:16 ID:KgXS0+rq0
700名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/11(火) 02:36:24 ID:3iWuqQkU0
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor Lopez Caro.
701名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/11(火) 03:29:45 ID:KgXS0+rq0
702名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/11(火) 08:00:51 ID:pNWaWRXtO
703名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/11(火) 09:10:35 ID:pREsNsxLO
699へ 以前在席してたのぞみ、みゆのが全然可愛いと思うけどね!
704名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/11(火) 10:28:58 ID:KgXS0+rq0
705名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/11(火) 11:16:02 ID:yajCv4WRO

706名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/11(火) 21:10:59 ID:Pp+dvKULO
707名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/11(火) 22:19:05 ID:/+2AKN610
708名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/11(火) 23:06:02 ID:nbtRQ09T0
709名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/11(火) 23:47:11 ID:DkqFoL50O
710名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/11(火) 23:57:16 ID:FqQcpEvw0
711名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/11(火) 23:58:10 ID:3I1hpFK20
712名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/12(水) 00:29:40 ID:9m+yEtBa0
713名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/12(水) 02:17:42 ID:9y4blay6O
714名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/12(水) 02:22:35 ID:udomvjqv0

715名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/12(水) 02:27:44 ID:3wLBtGUL0
716名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/12(水) 02:40:36 ID:3wLBtGUL0
647 :名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/08(土) 04:10:27 ID:H4iFdsYu0

[8939] ルナです☆投稿者:ルナです☆投稿日:2006/07/08(Sat) 03:41:33 (mail.stockbridge.k12.wi.us)


717名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/12(水) 02:43:18 ID:3wLBtGUL0
646 :名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/08(土) 03:40:44 ID:hy7n7zG50

718名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/12(水) 03:04:03 ID:eA/odRxD0
719名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/12(水) 03:04:45 ID:eA/odRxD0
720名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/12(水) 03:17:25 ID:g06rEI3bO
721名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/12(水) 04:09:13 ID:hBG07QjI0

722名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/12(水) 07:19:52 ID:S2imBamqO
723名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/12(水) 11:56:23 ID:6v3L1C+J0
724名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/12(水) 18:20:15 ID:+rQ4Z7A6O
725名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/12(水) 18:53:15 ID:d1R/HS3cO
726名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/12(水) 21:18:46 ID:+rQ4Z7A6O
727名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/12(水) 22:40:27 ID:S2imBamqO
728名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/12(水) 23:07:10 ID:jomD1Bs/0
729名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/12(水) 23:10:21 ID:ozt3JFba0
730名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/12(水) 23:21:33 ID:6v3L1C+J0

731名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/12(水) 23:38:35 ID:rj6Ap0tj0
732名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/12(水) 23:39:07 ID:jomD1Bs/0
[7144へのレス] 怪しい贈り物撲滅推進員 投稿者:るなです! 投稿日:2006/03/14(Tue) 01:34:15


733名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/13(木) 01:35:07 ID:sUjsgzO70

734名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/13(木) 01:37:21 ID:XMSGEw6aO
735名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/13(木) 04:56:41 ID:WRfnNoVr0
はるな ルル

736名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/13(木) 06:54:12 ID:Sx56xJX30

>>733 リナとマキを一緒にするな!マキに失礼だ。
737名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/13(木) 07:36:44 ID:Sx56xJX30
738名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/13(木) 08:25:05 ID:rZZH3EWqO
しねカス 早くホストのツケ払えよ!
739名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/13(木) 09:19:42 ID:aHgDFjzj0
740名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/13(木) 12:42:36 ID:YbshdW6K0
741名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/13(木) 13:52:52 ID:rZZH3EWqO
742名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/13(木) 14:07:36 ID:ViSDa6N40
743名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/13(木) 14:14:11 ID:X+pgTlqy0
744名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/13(木) 14:15:20 ID:XMSGEw6aO
ミスズ、ノア、サクラ、ミサキ、ナナコ、ミナミ 一番年寄りと一番ブタは?
745名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/13(木) 15:32:51 ID:rZZH3EWqO
746名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/13(木) 18:56:48 ID:XUcGa9ty0
747名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/13(木) 18:58:56 ID:ev3h8SYtO
748名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/13(木) 21:21:50 ID:Sx56xJX30
749名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/13(木) 23:25:35 ID:YS6VzdBdO
750名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/13(木) 23:29:55 ID:9FlIwQe20
751名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/14(金) 00:14:55 ID:KmFVPd+P0
752名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/14(金) 00:25:49 ID:LOAtOXZC0
753名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/14(金) 01:34:33 ID:y+/VPMVq0


754名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/14(金) 02:34:46 ID:1vXQdEpLO
人気がある嬢はノアが叩き潰してゆくのですww 今まで数名の嬢が消えたww
755名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/14(金) 02:40:18 ID:1vXQdEpLO
ナナコも30になるしハイジアの横に立ってなさい。買われてるのを見て笑ってあげるから! リナ彼氏とヤル時はピル飲まない期間でできちゃったんじゃね? ここ読んでスゴスゴ消える女じゃねえ!
756名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/14(金) 04:03:50 ID:y+/VPMVq0
757名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/14(金) 04:25:31 ID:kQSEYM8J0
758名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/14(金) 11:12:45 ID:LOAtOXZC0

759名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/14(金) 11:19:26 ID:RiPLWNt30
760名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/14(金) 11:25:39 ID:QaCuYaRd0
761名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/14(金) 12:02:16 ID:QaCuYaRd0
762名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/14(金) 12:05:10 ID:4hC1i5rhO
763名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/14(金) 12:07:05 ID:YjRYKtD/0
764名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/14(金) 12:16:55 ID:YjRYKtD/0
765名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/14(金) 12:39:01 ID:4hC1i5rhO
766名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/14(金) 12:58:16 ID:LOAtOXZC0


767名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/14(金) 13:34:53 ID:Efxts3To0
768名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/14(金) 16:39:37 ID:gLLCSDH/0
769名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/14(金) 17:30:02 ID:q2FhCcdG0
770名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/14(金) 17:30:27 ID:aV8/KJhB0
771名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/14(金) 17:31:09 ID:D2PuAs040
772名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/14(金) 17:33:41 ID:OpQboqbM0
773名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/14(金) 17:40:40 ID:OpQboqbM0
り ほ(20)

774名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/14(金) 17:41:04 ID:D/Odkv3R0
775名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/14(金) 17:42:25 ID:3tweXCpW0
776名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/14(金) 17:43:19 ID:glLYJAZF0
777名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/14(金) 17:45:28 ID:As4WFaOi0
778名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/14(金) 17:49:39 ID:JopvT0as0
779名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/14(金) 17:52:05 ID:3tweXCpW0
780名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/14(金) 17:52:28 ID:J5s07mJD0
781名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/14(金) 17:53:03 ID:QBLnlvyV0
782名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/14(金) 17:55:26 ID:QBLnlvyV0
783名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/14(金) 17:58:24 ID:QBLnlvyV0
り ほ(20)

784名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/14(金) 18:15:52 ID:QBLnlvyV0
[9038] 投稿者: 投稿日:2006/07/14(Fri) 18:15:16 (dmz-mail.rgs-accord.ru)


785名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/14(金) 18:20:02 ID:1vXQdEpLO
786名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/14(金) 18:31:31 ID:nZCrAj9m0
787名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/14(金) 18:34:50 ID:nZCrAj9m0

788名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/14(金) 19:49:09 ID:RnAe1Ebw0

789名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/14(金) 19:53:31 ID:m7A679W40
けいはもう30だろ?体型が主婦じゃないか!俺はブスはお断り。 みらいの面白いネタ募集!!なんか女優になる為に学校行ってるらしーけど、元風俗嬢じゃあね。
790名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/14(金) 19:54:38 ID:/k1N0Uir0
791名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/14(金) 19:55:49 ID:E560A5Gt0
792名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/14(金) 19:56:48 ID:GrrEdzcN0
793名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/14(金) 19:57:17 ID:rola+JF90
[9038] 投稿者: 投稿日:2006/07/14(Fri) 18:15:16 (dmz-mail.rgs-accord.ru)

794名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/14(金) 19:57:48 ID:m7A679W40
けいはもう30だろ?体型が主婦じゃないか!俺はブスはお断り。 みらいの面白いネタ募集!!なんか女優になる為に学校行ってるらしーけど、元風俗嬢じゃあね。

795名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/14(金) 20:00:09 ID:GARX8EAL0
796名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/14(金) 20:04:42 ID:y+/VPMVq0

[9038] 投稿者: 投稿日:2006/07/14(Fri) 18:15:16 (dmz-mail.rgs-accord.ru)


797名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/14(金) 20:24:07 ID:DtyAQ94m0
798名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/14(金) 20:30:06 ID:8ndn4e0l0
[9038] 投稿者: 投稿日:2006/07/14(Fri) 18:15:16 (dmz-mail.rgs-accord.ru)


799名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/14(金) 20:34:26 ID:eYCSHKoa0
800名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/14(金) 20:36:35 ID:DE/tjzsi0
801名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/14(金) 20:41:28 ID:gLLCSDH/0

802名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/14(金) 20:44:04 ID:pcnpHK0V0
803名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/14(金) 21:14:08 ID:pcnpHK0V0
804名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/14(金) 21:33:10 ID:y+/VPMVq0
805名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/14(金) 22:03:02 ID:7vo0zrutO
806sage:2006/07/14(金) 22:34:21 ID:45Omu8W6O
807名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/14(金) 23:01:18 ID:ugyp7dUIO
808名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/14(金) 23:01:57 ID:nZCrAj9m0

809名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/14(金) 23:33:05 ID:rmVFrT1M0
810名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/14(金) 23:38:22 ID:+FltEc940
811名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/14(金) 23:42:22 ID:PTXXyUp00
812名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/14(金) 23:43:22 ID:XH0W+IGe0
813名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/15(土) 00:08:08 ID:RkhBny+y0
814名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/15(土) 00:12:05 ID:OgOcX54H0
815名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/15(土) 00:14:06 ID:RkhBny+y0
816名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/15(土) 00:58:49 ID:RkhBny+y0
817名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/15(土) 01:02:08 ID:zYA6aLza0
818名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/15(土) 01:14:20 ID:1nnS4D2D0

819名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/15(土) 01:20:42 ID:UPMOp4MT0
820名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/15(土) 01:32:03 ID:RkhBny+y0


821名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/15(土) 02:15:16 ID:pjCm3u7hO
>>773 あっノアの嫌いな嬢ばかりだろ!ノア今年厄年とか騒いで待機室の女の子らに「見えないから大丈夫ですよ〜」って随分気を使わせてるって聞いたw遅の嬢にも苦手とか聞くと裏じゃあ凄いんだろな!忙しい嬢には嫌味で不機嫌で、とにかく気を使わせる。
822名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/15(土) 02:26:36 ID:9n2PvyHZO
823名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/15(土) 04:16:41 ID:kBHvQaVy0
824名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/15(土) 04:37:12 ID:cGof5xZo0
825名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/15(土) 04:56:28 ID:pjCm3u7hO
826名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/15(土) 05:07:03 ID:pjCm3u7hO
827名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/15(土) 08:02:47 ID:rc9u/sw70
828名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/15(土) 08:05:34 ID:iqy9tsnL0
829名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/15(土) 08:20:33 ID:rc9u/sw70
830名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/15(土) 09:25:43 ID:+EjQe1Z90
831名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/15(土) 11:11:35 ID:IMvrQ1jo0
832名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/15(土) 13:39:07 ID:qfPTVsaG0
833名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/15(土) 14:15:24 ID:Z6s30NCO0
ひめ 写真はめちゃ可愛いよなぁ。
834名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/15(土) 14:20:38 ID:TL4ZbzdP0
835名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/15(土) 14:21:52 ID:IMvrQ1jo0
いるんじゃね? 子持ちなんだから。

836名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/15(土) 14:25:08 ID:TL4ZbzdP0
837名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/15(土) 16:17:18 ID:rCP72V/f0

838名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/15(土) 17:39:12 ID:O4t0RXu0O
839名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/15(土) 17:57:00 ID:WWC9YYkc0
840名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/15(土) 18:49:17 ID:pjCm3u7hO
>>832 ヒメの旦那は千葉時代のヤンキ―。パチスロ生活で、ヒメは仕事終了後は旦那がいるパチ屋に行ってやってるって。写真指名だけで毎日6万は稼いでるらしい。
841名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/15(土) 19:00:48 ID:STDUrPui0
842名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/15(土) 19:12:49 ID:/tDKDOlv0
843名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/15(土) 20:00:07 ID:/x0T8LpA0
844名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/15(土) 21:57:59 ID:kBHvQaVy0


845名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/15(土) 23:59:40 ID:9n2PvyHZO
846名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/16(日) 01:04:32 ID:b3ltNK590

847名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/16(日) 01:12:22 ID:LQaQci/Q0
848名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/16(日) 01:23:00 ID:AbEyYyzCO
849名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/16(日) 01:28:24 ID:zcH1i2xj0
850名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/16(日) 02:17:54 ID:z97lGKv7O
851名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/16(日) 02:20:25 ID:b3ltNK590
852名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/16(日) 02:31:22 ID:z97lGKv7O
853名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/16(日) 02:39:01 ID:uQIMSwEE0
854名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/16(日) 02:46:12 ID:4WaZDnWw0
855名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/16(日) 02:48:58 ID:a0JkGhXX0
inetnum: -
netname: BBTECH
descr: Japan nation-wide Network of SOFTBANK BB CORP
descr: Tokyo, Japan
country: JP
admin-c: SA127-AP
tech-c: SA127-AP
mnt-by: APNIC-HM
mnt-lower: MAINT-JP-BBTECH
changed: [email protected] 20020319
changed: [email protected] 20020412
changed: [email protected] 20030616
source: APNIC
role: SoftbankBB ABUSE
address: 24-1, Nihonbashi Hakozaki-Cho ,Chuo-Ku ,Tokyo
country: JP
phone: +81-0570-919-820
e-mail: [email protected]
trouble: Please send spam report,virus alart
trouble: or any other abuse report
trouble: to [email protected]
trouble: Any other Information, Notice,
trouble: Please send to [email protected]
admin-c: TT123-AP
tech-c: ST222-AP
nic-hdl: SA127-AP
notify: [email protected]
changed: [email protected] 20030613
source: APNIC
856名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/16(日) 02:52:31 ID:a0JkGhXX0
inetnum: -
netname: OCN
descr: Open Computer Network
country: JP
admin-c: AY1361JP
tech-c: IM657JP
tech-c: KK551JP
tech-c: MO081JP
857名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/16(日) 03:31:34 ID:WWfnHzCp0
からなー オキニと基盤しちゃうと

858名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/16(日) 03:36:36 ID:QAVr/7UE0
859名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/16(日) 05:15:15 ID:FxpA7+g80
860名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/16(日) 05:49:43 ID:sFX8MsvA0


861名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/16(日) 07:13:25 ID:fgzCWbO60

862名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/16(日) 10:01:05 ID:rctuIgXu0
863名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/16(日) 10:02:39 ID:LQaQci/Q0
864名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/16(日) 10:22:32 ID:4nlHYPqZ0
865名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/16(日) 10:32:14 ID:b3ltNK590
866名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/16(日) 10:43:48 ID:ZB7CPm+70
867名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/16(日) 12:15:14 ID:b3ltNK590
リナでしか 堪能できないからバックスまたをあげたんだよ。
868名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/16(日) 12:59:21 ID:z97lGKv7O
869名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/16(日) 16:03:40 ID:3GZ9VyC30
>>861 863


870名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/16(日) 16:08:31 ID:PbRam+/60

871名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/16(日) 16:47:48 ID:z97lGKv7O
872名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/16(日) 17:06:06 ID:2rD4ecbl0
873860:2006/07/16(日) 18:36:45 ID:x8GuHo5s0




874名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/16(日) 18:39:40 ID:tL3movIB0
875名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/16(日) 18:54:56 ID:AOpcEWzX0
876863:2006/07/16(日) 19:43:34 ID:LQaQci/Q0
877863:2006/07/16(日) 19:46:01 ID:LQaQci/Q0
878名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/16(日) 20:19:14 ID:zYBl2tnR0

879名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/16(日) 20:35:33 ID:zYBl2tnR0
880名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/16(日) 20:46:15 ID:suaWhDBW0
881名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/16(日) 21:05:19 ID:tL3movIB0
882名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/16(日) 21:14:50 ID:zYBl2tnR0
883名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/16(日) 21:23:54 ID:iegL9Y/J0
T162cm B84(C) W60 H87  O型  朝番
884882:2006/07/16(日) 23:30:25 ID:xUrXb5EZ0
885名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/16(日) 23:55:04 ID:z97lGKv7O
886名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/17(月) 00:56:02 ID:cnwLqEOE0

887名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/17(月) 00:59:21 ID:dUKUqiTC0

888名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/17(月) 01:11:43 ID:SO/uaUKh0
889名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/17(月) 01:42:41 ID:JVAx2Bl5O
890名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/17(月) 01:56:31 ID:JVAx2Bl5O
891名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/17(月) 01:57:53 ID:1Ajyn2ySO
892名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/17(月) 02:09:20 ID:dUKUqiTC0

893名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/17(月) 05:04:50 ID:9jhdJAxo0
894名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/17(月) 06:53:12 ID:sW13k78c0

895名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/17(月) 09:43:52 ID:hlSj9vioO
896名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/17(月) 13:29:01 ID:ixAAd+BL0
897名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/17(月) 14:04:16 ID:UpDs4DV60
898名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/17(月) 14:33:48 ID:BK05Q5xSO
899名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/17(月) 16:19:06 ID:RIClk8IwO
900名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/17(月) 16:28:48 ID:/KVCS+4I0
901名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/17(月) 16:53:03 ID:1wLnAJCl0
902名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/17(月) 16:59:59 ID:R9yQvkiu0


903名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/17(月) 17:39:54 ID:JVAx2Bl5O
904名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/17(月) 17:47:17 ID:JVAx2Bl5O
905名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/17(月) 17:56:24 ID:EFHnA+Rm0
寿? 確かに幸せにってのが多かったな。

906名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/17(月) 19:16:36 ID:FZsngT290

907860:2006/07/17(月) 19:31:31 ID:xsuyRshd0

908860:2006/07/17(月) 19:35:29 ID:xsuyRshd0
  [email protected]



909名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/17(月) 20:07:47 ID:kGqCuRa70
910名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/17(月) 20:45:06 ID:XjZp+foD0



911名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/17(月) 20:53:03 ID:kGqCuRa70
912名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/17(月) 20:56:47 ID:PcDEVnj90

913りなです。:2006/07/17(月) 20:59:08 ID:BK05Q5xSO
914名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/17(月) 21:04:00 ID:FZsngT290
915名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/17(月) 21:11:37 ID:UvowAN+T0
916名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/17(月) 21:17:47 ID:4X05UDR70
917名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/17(月) 21:24:13 ID:YlxuJQrT0
898 名前:名無しさん@ピンキー[sage] 投稿日:2006/07/17(月) 14:33:48 ID:BK05Q5xSO

913 名前:りなです。[sage] 投稿日:2006/07/17(月) 20:59:08 ID:BK05Q5xSO

918名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/17(月) 21:30:45 ID:UvowAN+T0

919名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/17(月) 21:54:07 ID:BK05Q5xSO
920名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/17(月) 22:10:25 ID:Cl6qE76p0

921名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/17(月) 22:56:25 ID:FZsngT290
922名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/17(月) 23:40:34 ID:U0ZcjANZ0
923名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/18(火) 00:19:25 ID:OLyze4Gg0
924名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/18(火) 00:32:04 ID:HZJnOD5LO
925名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/18(火) 01:16:27 ID:CrPqfMLJ0
926名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/18(火) 01:48:33 ID:df/Y5cMU0


927名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/18(火) 02:12:14 ID:sruvAk2s0
>>922 シノは止めとけ!

要望にもできる範囲でしてくれるし! ミナミ嬢


928名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/18(火) 02:39:33 ID:UeiMOcXA0
929名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/18(火) 02:46:32 ID:SwX3Zi2G0
930名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/18(火) 03:59:15 ID:oGbx/bqCO
931名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/18(火) 04:18:38 ID:oGbx/bqCO
932名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/18(火) 04:26:50 ID:oGbx/bqCO
933名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/18(火) 05:25:41 ID:UeiMOcXA0
934名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/18(火) 05:28:17 ID:UeiMOcXA0
935名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/18(火) 06:56:48 ID:DuVgXKm50

>>908 は、りなさんのアドレス知らないよね。


でも、俺にとって、ハート=りなさん だった。
936名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/18(火) 08:21:52 ID:0soGldGJ0

937名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/18(火) 08:24:18 ID:NO/wE0bC0
938名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/18(火) 08:44:46 ID:HZJnOD5LO
939名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/18(火) 09:06:08 ID:vmQQ5UxD0
940名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/18(火) 09:53:45 ID:jojhZ/TgO
941名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/18(火) 11:43:41 ID:UeiMOcXA0

942名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/18(火) 16:09:58 ID:h90qfsD+0
943名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/18(火) 16:59:31 ID:X6yDiFJWO
944名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/18(火) 19:11:01 ID:wUc4/K+G0
945名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/18(火) 20:59:13 ID:hJWafYbl0
946名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/18(火) 21:23:06 ID:bZGLfvEz0
947名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/18(火) 21:32:02 ID:sruvAk2s0

948名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/18(火) 22:00:23 ID:z4/YuDSy0
949名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/18(火) 22:42:31 ID:HZJnOD5LO
950名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/18(火) 23:27:31 ID:0nJhHx3j0
951名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/18(火) 23:31:16 ID:HZJnOD5LO
952名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/19(水) 00:22:03 ID:NBKYp4n40

953名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/19(水) 01:16:59 ID:iHoPgxvM0




954名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/19(水) 01:40:39 ID:Ci1FLqYJ0
955名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/19(水) 01:42:03 ID:iHoPgxvM0




956名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/19(水) 02:42:01 ID:JxsOL/qBO
ヒカルオレも基盤だった。正直フェラ下手だし出っ歯がな〜 初回から基盤だった。家は町田だよな。実家だと思ってたけど旦那の実家から通ってたらしいな。思えば人妻っぽかった。
957名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/19(水) 03:19:39 ID:ssgMMGTh0
958名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/19(水) 03:59:52 ID:fPyQ4PTx0
959名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/19(水) 04:07:29 ID:fPyQ4PTx0
960名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/19(水) 04:08:34 ID:rmNQ31bm0
961名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/19(水) 04:09:24 ID:41fD2PkO0
名前 じゅん
年齢 24歳
スリーサイズ T 153 B 82(B) W 58 H 82

962名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/19(水) 04:12:12 ID:QsW4zKwu0
963名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/19(水) 04:13:03 ID:cKjEd8bm0
964名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/19(水) 04:39:18 ID:cKjEd8bm0
965名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/19(水) 04:39:53 ID:cKjEd8bm0
966名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/19(水) 04:40:31 ID:Ch/v0Qz40
967名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/19(水) 05:13:46 ID:JxsOL/qBO
968名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/19(水) 07:34:03 ID:iRVm97As0
969やっくん:2006/07/19(水) 07:54:51 ID:hOLI0FZU0

970名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/19(水) 08:09:07 ID:rmNQ31bm0
971名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/19(水) 14:17:57 ID:JxsOL/qBO
読んでるこっちは吐気がする。一生リナリナ言ってろ。こういう奴に限ってリナに似た子でも・・と風俗に行き、ちょっと性格が違うとその子を全否定する。 他嬢がオキニで辞めた直後は誰でも思い出すがあんなキモイ文章ワザワザ書くな。
972名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/19(水) 14:29:47 ID:JxsOL/qBO
973名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/19(水) 14:35:55 ID:QLKI2+yK0
974名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/19(水) 16:11:33 ID:QLKI2+yK0
曜日間違ってる? 日付間違ってる?



975名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/19(水) 22:09:01 ID:hZoBumZ20

お前ら アホか?
976名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/19(水) 22:53:45 ID:PiooUtsTO
977名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/19(水) 23:28:45 ID:P+H8G8xV0
978名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/20(木) 00:07:21 ID:AUngJNmL0
979名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/20(木) 02:03:31 ID:UdMIByxL0
980名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/20(木) 02:04:56 ID:ftaQ31hqO
俺ら友達や知り合い9人中7人がOK。19〜28、若いのがいいらしいから俺は23って言ったよ。でもブスだし指名は無理。 りょうってのは勃たねぇ!すげぇ!バケモン
981名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/20(木) 07:52:13 ID:oMDBTeE8O
982名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/20(木) 09:52:13 ID:OjAO0WnJ0
983名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/20(木) 10:40:49 ID:oMDBTeE8O
984名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/20(木) 11:58:14 ID:JGYbixVqO
985名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/07/20(木) 12:43:43 ID:UdMIByxL0
