

グループHP(店案内のみ): http://www.orange-group.jp/
料金:30分あたりの料金↓  指名料は1,500円(初回はナシ)
6:00〜8:00 6,500円
8:00〜10:00 7,000円
10:00〜12:00 7,500円
12:00〜14:00 8,000円
14:00〜16:00 8,500円
16:00〜18:00 9,000円
18:00〜24:00 9,500円


6:30〜8:00   8,500円
8:00〜12:00  10,000円
12:00〜16:00 11,500円


2名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/03/28(火) 22:40:19 ID:67UYALEQ0
1. メグ
2. みちこ
3. ゆうか
4. みゆき
5. ヒトミ
6. ちょこ
7. りな
8. 小雪
9. ちか
10. りさ
3名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/03/28(火) 22:41:10 ID:67UYALEQ0
1. もえ
2. まなみ
3. はるか
4. 愛光
5. あみ
6. さゆり
7. しほ
8. ちえみ
9. ちなつ
10. このは
4名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/03/28(火) 22:56:28 ID:67UYALEQ0
5名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/03/28(火) 23:12:45 ID:ZJKR0tSF0
6名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/03/28(火) 23:16:31 ID:67UYALEQ0
7名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/03/29(水) 00:31:20 ID:B2KEgAzrO
8名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/03/29(水) 01:02:12 ID:mwQvYIbe0
9名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/03/29(水) 01:10:04 ID:LcOfU2Zc0
10名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/03/29(水) 05:02:40 ID:1dqh8VjT0
11名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/03/29(水) 05:11:13 ID:1dqh8VjT0
12名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/03/29(水) 05:16:16 ID:1dqh8VjT0
13名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/03/29(水) 05:19:07 ID:1dqh8VjT0
14名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/03/29(水) 06:20:29 ID:GeF7Q9d00
15名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/03/29(水) 09:31:23 ID:EOya3qbW0
前スレみたか? ブタのまゆはブレイクてかクレームレスが多い希ガス
あんなにブスでデブなのに10位近くだろ 売りは
・癒し系−馬鹿がたくさん騙されている、客に生意気な口聞いたりキレたりするくせに 下手糞色恋営業
これしかない。 漏れは以前チンコかじられフェラをされてもう入ってない、薦めた店員氏ね
16名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/03/29(水) 11:00:54 ID:3e+X9PJmO
17名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/03/29(水) 19:44:40 ID:ooCxHC8W0
18名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/03/29(水) 20:59:50 ID:mwQvYIbe0
19名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/03/29(水) 21:21:24 ID:mwQvYIbe0

20名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/03/30(木) 00:05:05 ID:iEuhPOP50

21名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/03/30(木) 00:11:43 ID:pUvbDZz50
22名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/03/30(木) 01:13:59 ID:QCd15dQz0
23名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/03/30(木) 01:20:56 ID:JDqirILp0
24名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/03/30(木) 10:49:10 ID:yV6W7h/F0
25名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/03/30(木) 13:32:58 ID:1MQ3jyCqO
26名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/03/30(木) 15:29:16 ID:01sSwFKRO
27名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/03/30(木) 16:54:11 ID:1MQ3jyCqO
28名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/03/30(木) 18:28:39 ID:pUvbDZz50
29名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/03/30(木) 19:02:09 ID:pUvbDZz50
30名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/03/30(木) 20:18:16 ID:Fl945K+X0
あ、六本木の女と比較しちった りねは九州のいなかもんだったよな
31名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/03/30(木) 21:55:42 ID:pUvbDZz50
32名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/03/30(木) 22:11:33 ID:xpkBuqh90
33名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/03/30(木) 22:33:05 ID:v5CnEs5iO
34名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/03/30(木) 23:17:05 ID:JDqirILp0
35名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/03/30(木) 23:59:06 ID:pUvbDZz50
36名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/03/31(金) 00:44:26 ID:NWNS5x8Y0
37名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/03/31(金) 00:49:12 ID:knE652XW0
38名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/03/31(金) 01:28:41 ID:pTujlkF50
39名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/03/31(金) 02:58:58 ID:1by/mcXqO
40名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/03/31(金) 03:26:00 ID:QGK9Sp44O
41名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/03/31(金) 11:03:24 ID:QmjYGE4I0

42名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/03/31(金) 14:18:59 ID:8dOQMW3M0
43名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/03/31(金) 19:37:30 ID:BfTz0XTn0
りねは基盤、桶か? アナルは桶か?

ここあまだいるかな? かわいいし、父もそこそこで木も桶だった
44名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/03/31(金) 21:14:36 ID:knE652XW0
俺はりながいいけどねー あとは小雪かな。二人とも生だからね。
45名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/03/32(土) 01:03:46 ID:TZZicxOj0
46名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/03/32(土) 05:24:51 ID:iwebUpE9O
47名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/03/32(土) 12:40:51 ID:bQAjxsmz0
48名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/03/32(土) 17:41:54 ID:NL/Bm/jd0
49名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/03/32(土) 18:03:56 ID:U6T84bpj0
50名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/03/32(土) 18:14:30 ID:llaZXH9T0
>>37 >>39 >>44

51名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/03/32(土) 18:39:17 ID:NB9C1J+tO
52名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/03/32(土) 20:11:35 ID:llaZXH9T0
53名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/03/32(土) 23:07:34 ID:NsGSlYNt0
ゆ○かちゃんも気持ちいい ゴムだが
54名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/03/32(土) 23:11:51 ID:hMTOSj2g0
55名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/03/32(土) 23:23:12 ID:bWqLUDIr0
56名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/02(日) 00:25:11 ID:H8o6NuW2O
57名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/02(日) 01:29:53 ID:RWSjUmJS0
58名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/02(日) 01:32:54 ID:p0zq4E/d0
59名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/02(日) 08:20:25 ID:89KSg0DM0
60名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/02(日) 13:04:22 ID:7MeZmpGDO
61スレッドマスターの四代、豊宗 ◆WqqU5hdvk2 :2006/04/02(日) 15:52:50 ID:lISmQFov0

62名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/02(日) 16:40:16 ID:jlNC0U6aO
63名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/02(日) 19:15:51 ID:7EfFz1QB0
64名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/02(日) 21:32:16 ID:d7pEdTRH0
65名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/02(日) 21:40:58 ID:hu/L1Ryu0
66名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/02(日) 23:32:45 ID:cf1z/2cx0
67名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/03(月) 00:36:21 ID:iflrVsms0
68名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/03(月) 01:29:52 ID:6WzdS+4n0
69名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/03(月) 01:51:38 ID:Fuzo5L+W0
70名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/03(月) 02:09:31 ID:HXFhZZsNO
71名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/03(月) 03:21:23 ID:pgBYQn/w0
72名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/03(月) 05:00:36 ID:jfqS0cds0
73名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/03(月) 06:58:09 ID:ceCUeaF7O
74名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/03(月) 09:40:56 ID:iflrVsms0
75名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/03(月) 10:16:42 ID:q7rPkiMwO
76名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/03(月) 11:42:46 ID:2WBO6lJP0
所詮アナルだけ 確かに脇の下きたねーな、しかもケツもな
77名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/03(月) 14:27:51 ID:l3IQGT6yO
78名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/03(月) 15:22:19 ID:TW11sFfNO

79名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/03(月) 17:36:36 ID:q7rPkiMwO
80名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/03(月) 18:28:12 ID:l3IQGT6yO
81名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/03(月) 20:16:28 ID:05obk3YB0
82名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/03(月) 20:42:09 ID:6/TrdPJx0
見るからに貧乏くせーし、たまらん orz
83名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/03(月) 21:10:34 ID:d4/WgvAc0


84名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/03(月) 22:02:12 ID:zbU56jBbO
85名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/03(月) 22:34:39 ID:E6vzracb0
86名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/03(月) 22:42:33 ID:HmQ3QYMh0
87名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/03(月) 23:25:51 ID:E1JdKSri0

88名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/03(月) 23:36:05 ID:HmQ3QYMh0

89名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/04(火) 01:08:28 ID:OoZ6Bj5d0
90名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/04(火) 01:26:26 ID:zMiHejMV0
91名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/04(火) 03:24:49 ID:sCWTvddZ0

92名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/04(火) 03:26:16 ID:sCWTvddZ0
93名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/04(火) 06:31:55 ID:bDGXJIX+O
94名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/04(火) 09:23:37 ID:EgzxfBrK0
95名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/04(火) 12:35:10 ID:UinCklgnO

96名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/04(火) 13:59:12 ID:ONcSGN710
97名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/04(火) 15:17:51 ID:rsb30FXiO
98名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/04(火) 15:40:16 ID:gnoNBZg70
99名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/04(火) 16:26:16 ID:JTtKfq/3O
100名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/04(火) 16:41:48 ID:hTelYuK2O
若いチビの従業員はムカツクw w
101名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/04(火) 17:43:01 ID:pFq0wY+y0
102名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/04(火) 18:22:34 ID:XJbyft1g0
103名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/04(火) 20:10:27 ID:gj1glo9k0
104名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/04(火) 22:59:03 ID:zWZduVN4O
ゆうか 30代前半?
痩せ 胸なし 顔小さくて結構美人
りな 24、5?
痩せ 胸なし 背も低い 顔かわいい
はるか 27、8?
美人 性格良し 話し上手
即尺!即ベッド! 病気はメチャクチャ怖い
イク イク…
105名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/05(水) 00:39:06 ID:3wzW1u8L0
106名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/05(水) 00:41:20 ID:KWKlEEGo0
107名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/05(水) 01:32:45 ID:T9+k+x660

108名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/05(水) 04:14:37 ID:omDmyrEz0

109名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/05(水) 07:50:15 ID:IfoqV0U8O
110名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/05(水) 08:44:45 ID:B9VrzumL0
111名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/05(水) 09:14:29 ID:iFLYYt3T0
オフィシャル http://www.orange-group.jp/shinjuku11/ はまだ2月のままか…
>>1 にはこっちのURLを載せたほうがいいんでは。
112名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/05(水) 11:46:34 ID:qLW9dDgWO
113名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/05(水) 12:02:16 ID:ShgOFhg7O
114名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/05(水) 12:28:53 ID:fK3uP7qLO
115名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/05(水) 13:25:48 ID:hwMIm4aLO
116名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/05(水) 14:06:22 ID:2uXrNEgKO
117名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/05(水) 14:28:51 ID:2w4Usi2rO
115さん そうなの?
118名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/05(水) 14:41:37 ID:uuQc/b1Q0
119名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/05(水) 18:05:34 ID:aW6pDf0W0
120名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/05(水) 23:52:18 ID:arTjRqJr0



121名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/05(水) 23:56:12 ID:Y7vOz+3L0
122名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/06(木) 01:28:04 ID:6Cea2naC0

123名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/06(木) 11:11:36 ID:k5GqZV7j0
キミのレポ的確につかんでるね〜・・当たってるよ。 感心歓心
124名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/06(木) 11:44:37 ID:DMf8y8NB0
125名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/06(木) 14:07:42 ID:k5GqZV7j0
126名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/06(木) 15:23:59 ID:JDZKa9ZYO
127名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/06(木) 16:01:55 ID:EuAWetjA0
128名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/06(木) 17:44:13 ID:aczhkjKF0
129名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/06(木) 19:23:23 ID:JDZKa9ZYO
130名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/06(木) 19:33:25 ID:g1OdEk4R0
131名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/07(金) 01:01:17 ID:ZGaIT7nk0

132名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/07(金) 09:26:59 ID:2p/rsonOO
●とみ 最高っす
133名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/07(金) 12:40:50 ID:4vurCu5tO


134名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/07(金) 13:18:06 ID:n28i8AUN0
135名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/07(金) 20:47:02 ID:uyFLiMdd0
136名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/07(金) 20:59:16 ID:pQ1jepT20
137名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/07(金) 21:23:01 ID:uyFLiMdd0
138名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/07(金) 21:47:49 ID:/GB6NjD30
139名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/07(金) 21:49:52 ID:KrNHxWIQ0

140名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/07(金) 21:51:30 ID:jmJOBwSN0
141名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/07(金) 22:49:55 ID:pQ1jepT20
142名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/07(金) 22:52:45 ID:CfW9O79vO
143名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/07(金) 23:21:38 ID:pQ1jepT20
144名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/07(金) 23:23:24 ID:pQ1jepT20
145名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/07(金) 23:28:37 ID:pQ1jepT20
146名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/07(金) 23:35:45 ID:T97woYgE0
147名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/07(金) 23:39:54 ID:pQ1jepT20
148名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/07(金) 23:49:29 ID:xiHb8HL30
149名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/07(金) 23:53:45 ID:pQ1jepT20
150名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/08(土) 00:04:39 ID:N3SMQpz40
151名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/08(土) 00:11:30 ID:LmSgleQg0
みちこと小雪も生でするねー  ゴム持参が無難かもよ
152名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/08(土) 00:19:32 ID:G0frOfU/O
153名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/08(土) 00:46:34 ID:LmSgleQg0
154名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/08(土) 06:24:17 ID:PZcn9Uk4O
155名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/08(土) 07:36:26 ID:2aL1Dh7J0

156名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/08(土) 07:49:34 ID:n6Q0YddRO

157名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/08(土) 13:58:45 ID:ls5YIcLHO
158名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/08(土) 18:50:44 ID:T3a+40bR0
159名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/08(土) 20:56:37 ID:fIPSk1G3O
160名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/08(土) 22:05:59 ID:/mFpQeqv0
161名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/08(土) 23:09:26 ID:ygWS7Xmu0
162名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/08(土) 23:38:41 ID:N3SMQpz40
163名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/09(日) 01:16:15 ID:lierohyPO
164名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/09(日) 01:46:04 ID:6g1lLCJB0
165名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/09(日) 07:51:42 ID:6y4zhL3LO
3月 早番

1メグ    329
2みちこ   282
3ゆうか   168
4ヒトミ   133
5ちょこ   101
6りさ     84
7みゆき    70
8小雪     65
9りな     61
10こより   45
11つかさ   38 
12ゆかり   38 
13しおん   37 
14みき    32 
15まゆ    32 
16もえこ   31 
17らん    28 
18りほ    26 
19ひかり   26 
20わかば   24 

166名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/09(日) 08:05:11 ID:6y4zhL3LO

167名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/09(日) 10:40:07 ID:NmfixrDr0
168名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/09(日) 11:11:41 ID:KzLiGcLgO
169名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/09(日) 14:40:45 ID:AyMD9CXo0
170名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/09(日) 15:38:41 ID:oTrwGcwS0
171名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/09(日) 16:07:46 ID:qNnLc+bg0
172名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/09(日) 18:21:32 ID:PS2nNT+DO
173名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/09(日) 19:54:53 ID:svXW3dZZ0
174エロ侍:2006/04/09(日) 20:29:35 ID:qXoJma8G0




175名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/09(日) 22:34:37 ID:YtLP4P/u0
名刺に書いてない? くれないのかな。
176名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/09(日) 23:04:15 ID:TJK8wMIGO
177名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/10(月) 00:49:10 ID:naZe8jPnO
178名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/10(月) 01:00:35 ID:ZVoX/NLH0
179名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/10(月) 01:00:38 ID:sv8Z2toV0
180名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/10(月) 02:25:44 ID:zEQIPH7wO
181名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/10(月) 02:45:20 ID:2RDkbpyf0
182名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/10(月) 09:58:16 ID:KhlnB9Iw0
183名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/10(月) 12:11:58 ID:9QWkDm2vO

184名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/10(月) 12:33:38 ID:jhQG1ml40
185名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/10(月) 12:36:37 ID:K4s+oc/d0
186名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/10(月) 12:56:49 ID:9QWkDm2vO
187名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/10(月) 14:27:03 ID:KhlnB9Iw0

188名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/10(月) 14:35:53 ID:s1pVbWUw0
189名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/10(月) 15:26:54 ID:1rYagaM+0
190名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/10(月) 19:27:08 ID:sv8Z2toV0
191名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/10(月) 19:54:03 ID:cQJoQzy80
192名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/10(月) 22:49:26 ID:Dl9Q2K7n0

193名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/11(火) 14:17:56 ID:lCMVaJdc0
194名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/11(火) 15:49:01 ID:4bE/6Gdv0
195名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/11(火) 15:52:25 ID:A3HpHefi0
196名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/11(火) 16:26:45 ID:xV9hjVvk0

197名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/11(火) 18:05:03 ID:4bE/6Gdv0

198名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/11(火) 18:17:52 ID:xV9hjVvk0
199名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/11(火) 18:44:44 ID:Aownj/12O
200名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/11(火) 18:56:23 ID:sWvXatsM0
201名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/11(火) 19:41:06 ID:RXpRjWwq0
202名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/11(火) 21:12:40 ID:+kEYEE8A0
203名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/11(火) 22:01:22 ID:u1hpdIM2O
204名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/11(火) 22:14:09 ID:Zm9MIBiw0
俺はいつも30です 即即で行けば30で充分。
205名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/11(火) 22:24:12 ID:OnjE/1oxO
206名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/11(火) 23:34:32 ID:EchJUeqx0
207名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/12(水) 07:56:42 ID:4Du+Yl1y0
208名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/12(水) 09:37:21 ID:psu67bMn0
209名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/12(水) 10:19:49 ID:e3RgeC+v0
210名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/12(水) 11:27:48 ID:jv8O+WM/0
211名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/12(水) 11:28:40 ID:AnF1Ld/IO
212名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/12(水) 12:04:45 ID:qImZelvjO
213名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/12(水) 12:29:37 ID:k6FiJLa4O

214名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/12(水) 12:45:15 ID:7jLWIr8b0
215名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/12(水) 13:21:23 ID:8r3RTmMiO
2162006.3月度:2006/04/12(水) 13:57:12 ID:MWJqOU700
1. メグ
2. みちこ
3. ゆうか
4. ヒトミ
5. ちょこ
6. りさ
7. みゆき
8. 小雪
9. りな
10. こより

1. はるか
2. まなみ
3. 愛光
4. かやな
5. しほ
6. あみ
7. パメラ
8. はなの
9. さゆり
10. 紗菜
217名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/12(水) 15:10:15 ID:e3RgeC+v0


218名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/12(水) 15:58:51 ID:eKPwwTDN0

219名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/12(水) 16:55:27 ID:blA/cayc0

220名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/12(水) 17:26:07 ID:blA/cayc0


221名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/12(水) 18:50:09 ID:qImZelvjO
222名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/12(水) 22:53:51 ID:xv/ZCylz0
223名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/12(水) 23:31:07 ID:qImZelvjO
224名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/13(木) 00:54:03 ID:FTut8u+W0
225名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/13(木) 01:11:23 ID:Sxu86oaR0
俺のかやなちゃんがとうとう4位まできたよ。 やばいよ やばいよ
226名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/13(木) 01:38:02 ID:AQTb7zdN0
227名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/13(木) 07:42:58 ID:r/HxV8D90
228名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/13(木) 08:18:49 ID:+Nv1GZV20
229名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/13(木) 09:37:34 ID:Sxu86oaR0
230名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/13(木) 10:12:23 ID:sQ9hYkqO0


231名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/13(木) 10:36:20 ID:80UsnZWv0
232名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/13(木) 18:29:16 ID:EBPEaVI00
おまいら みちこと生できて幸せだろ。
233名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/13(木) 19:39:21 ID:Q6Ga5ZFM0
234名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/13(木) 20:46:02 ID:oB6q++TZ0
235名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/13(木) 23:55:40 ID:J8+oupvCO
236名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/14(金) 04:30:05 ID:2M+MjJhe0
237名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/14(金) 07:56:31 ID:9CeHpB+0O
238名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/14(金) 15:23:32 ID:/3xB5Fyw0
239名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/14(金) 17:19:37 ID:O4m/aGeq0
240名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/15(土) 01:34:14 ID:cU9Wr6/LO
241名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/15(土) 01:53:27 ID:OyDQgf7Q0
242名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/15(土) 04:54:12 ID:VnrS3J/R0
243名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/15(土) 10:24:01 ID:rEsF+k+GO
244名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/15(土) 15:50:08 ID:fYfXAx670
245名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/15(土) 19:54:19 ID:VnrS3J/R0
246名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/15(土) 21:16:07 ID:a/5zQV450
247名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/15(土) 22:50:18 ID:pR9vTz9m0
248名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/15(土) 23:41:49 ID:QpYPeM2O0
249名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/15(土) 23:57:53 ID:8Ms/PaSrO

250名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/16(日) 01:49:49 ID:eun262Wn0
251名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/16(日) 08:13:04 ID:4PQ3AaJ80
252名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/16(日) 15:50:37 ID:sYPt+U+dO
253名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/16(日) 16:44:15 ID:HycFFwpt0
254名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/16(日) 17:34:39 ID:O8iS6KXjO
255名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/16(日) 20:53:34 ID:cGwvtwh50
256名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/17(月) 00:26:37 ID:jvdNMTKO0
257名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/17(月) 02:57:07 ID:hObQMDa50
258名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/17(月) 03:58:43 ID:iC+P1lfZ0
259名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/17(月) 04:42:15 ID:ouSh0evI0
美人でエロい体 性格良し 即尺で生基 超気持ちよかった!

チンポから膿 尿道に綿棒 熱が40度 アナルに浣腸 超痛かった!

260名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/17(月) 05:11:20 ID:UoSyi+K60
261名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/17(月) 07:19:10 ID:hObQMDa50
262名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/17(月) 10:24:01 ID:cUKhHz4pO

263名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/17(月) 11:56:32 ID:mz4tXw/AO
264名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/17(月) 12:21:30 ID:qA6dBnDQ0
265名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/17(月) 12:36:18 ID:iXCyvXpa0
266名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/17(月) 12:59:05 ID:SLa2M4gA0
267名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/17(月) 15:12:52 ID:M/ERpAnG0


268名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/17(月) 15:55:21 ID:cUKhHz4pO

269名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/17(月) 18:15:37 ID:xtv1J6790
ついでに生意気で癒しどころか落ち込んでしまった漏れ orz
270名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/17(月) 18:24:09 ID:SqKPR+Uv0
271名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/17(月) 19:40:19 ID:Q9+8BFGr0
272名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/17(月) 20:29:33 ID:B8ZIaUYI0
273名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/17(月) 22:54:06 ID:OBEg1R9h0
274名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/18(火) 00:06:06 ID:heSbKx4p0
275名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/18(火) 00:50:26 ID:zQCP+6bv0
しほちゃんも生基できるねー 気持ち良過ぎる。
276名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/18(火) 01:05:05 ID:qYQxwSHX0
277名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/18(火) 02:02:44 ID:0N/hzoTs0

278名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/18(火) 16:41:23 ID:wVSUQCHnO
279名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/18(火) 17:29:30 ID:EXS+YqVv0
まゆってなんだよ、お前に金払った漏れがバカだった orz
でぶくてくさいんだよ 11ちゃんやめろや ばか
280名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/18(火) 18:52:51 ID:yyHPjeV60
281名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/18(火) 20:00:32 ID:7Tc4nDr3O
282名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/18(火) 20:51:48 ID:NC77dCbN0
283名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/18(火) 22:15:48 ID:fl78LB4I0
284名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/18(火) 22:19:42 ID:yyHPjeV60
285名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/18(火) 22:35:17 ID:f4FwTWyzO
286名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/18(火) 22:52:16 ID:rvFhn/JfO
287名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/18(火) 22:54:22 ID:yyHPjeV60
しほちゃんっていいよねー 最近人気上がってきたみたいだが
288名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/18(火) 23:00:50 ID:heSbKx4p0
289名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/18(火) 23:01:58 ID:yyHPjeV60

290名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/18(火) 23:06:29 ID:4zN1FcIIO
291名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/18(火) 23:21:22 ID:edNW2MQ40
292名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/18(火) 23:24:23 ID:yyHPjeV60

293名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/18(火) 23:36:31 ID:yyHPjeV60
294名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/18(火) 23:50:11 ID:yyHPjeV60
295名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/18(火) 23:51:40 ID:4zN1FcIIO
296名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/18(火) 23:52:56 ID:Ozh7jlII0

297名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/19(水) 00:35:11 ID:Ipd6JzTa0
298名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/19(水) 01:34:04 ID:/lCnD6kw0
どいつとは言わんが ガセネタが入っているから注意も必要。
299名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/19(水) 02:43:56 ID:b+w8HHow0
300名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/19(水) 03:33:41 ID:jgKy3FD60
301名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/19(水) 06:13:02 ID:JaVvMLAP0

302名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/19(水) 09:14:32 ID:Ipd6JzTa0
しほちゃんも気持ちいいね。 やってる時もすげー可愛い。
303名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/19(水) 11:30:46 ID:6DiGkXBvO
304名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/19(水) 13:20:17 ID:7mrmd4OJ0
お楽しみもあり・・・・ 高い確率で大丈夫だよ
305名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/19(水) 14:38:07 ID:pHfuS9C1O
306名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/19(水) 15:59:30 ID:Fuiz7qqm0
307名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/19(水) 16:59:50 ID:Lf2RIqKbO
308名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/19(水) 18:16:39 ID:mTM4bvLQ0
309名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/19(水) 18:22:58 ID:Ipd6JzTa0
310名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/19(水) 18:59:53 ID:RPQwUoKVO
311名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/19(水) 21:05:08 ID:XXTSzpde0
312288:2006/04/19(水) 22:06:48 ID:G+2MI3mS0
313288:2006/04/19(水) 22:36:17 ID:G+2MI3mS0
× ぬるぷ
○ ぬるぽ
314名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/19(水) 22:45:11 ID:Ipd6JzTa0
315名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/19(水) 22:50:28 ID:WVS9z/S/O

316名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/20(木) 00:29:23 ID:x57Dh8P7O
はる○さんに通いつめて満2年 いまだ基●できない僕はキモオタ決定でしょうか?
317名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/20(木) 00:45:58 ID:s+0aYRoX0
318名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/20(木) 01:05:35 ID:S1KnPFVn0
二年間はる○さん一筋か? 偉い!!
319名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/20(木) 01:15:03 ID:mab3paIN0
320名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/20(木) 02:19:54 ID:eD7HN6uJ0
321名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/20(木) 07:32:36 ID:1tCKnz3oO
322名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/20(木) 08:37:32 ID:ay4zGtbQO


323名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/20(木) 09:45:18 ID:S1KnPFVn0
324名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/20(木) 10:43:47 ID:arsbMRAQ0
325名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/20(木) 12:15:07 ID:ay4zGtbQO


326名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/20(木) 13:11:17 ID:mfgDwruL0
327名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/20(木) 14:18:54 ID:nYVI6q2C0
328名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/20(木) 14:52:54 ID:v9B9GpRI0
329名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/20(木) 21:52:42 ID:SxR/a2DBO

330名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/20(木) 21:53:31 ID:SxR/a2DBO
331名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/20(木) 21:57:07 ID:SxR/a2DBO
332名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/20(木) 22:39:01 ID:S1KnPFVn0
333名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/20(木) 22:39:34 ID:ay4zGtbQO



334名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/20(木) 23:15:43 ID:4kn3hfC+0
335名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/20(木) 23:35:49 ID:H+l76Mv+0
小雪ぃ? ゴム付けてもゴメンっすw
336名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/20(木) 23:42:30 ID:S1KnPFVn0
337名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/20(木) 23:59:13 ID:3B7yS5TeO
338名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/21(金) 00:44:41 ID:pXPvcvfq0
339名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/21(金) 00:51:37 ID:toNRzCge0
あ○こうも基盤やらせるの? 生桶?
340名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/21(金) 00:51:54 ID:w5eujDp70
341名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/21(金) 01:59:41 ID:ZAj+vx2G0
342名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/21(金) 08:42:08 ID:FizYEXwBO


343名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/21(金) 09:58:04 ID:h3SjtJHxO
344名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/21(金) 12:10:11 ID:TQIB3UrK0
345名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/21(金) 19:46:59 ID:w5eujDp70
346名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/21(金) 22:59:34 ID:F/8h3nuJ0
347名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/21(金) 23:47:07 ID:vR9Yqp/g0

348名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/22(土) 01:06:52 ID:zaIy52Z80
349名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/22(土) 03:30:00 ID:EYauQ2H10
このは、基できるの? 生?
350名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/22(土) 04:17:43 ID:lnVtgl/pO
351名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/22(土) 05:02:04 ID:FQ2wj4/c0
352名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/22(土) 06:58:02 ID:vmwhX5qEO
353名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/22(土) 08:09:34 ID:4/NtYBmnO
354名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/22(土) 11:51:45 ID:wkAP7EP40
355名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/22(土) 12:10:32 ID:wkAP7EP40
356名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/22(土) 12:23:12 ID:4/NtYBmnO
357名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/22(土) 12:57:22 ID:wkAP7EP40

358名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/22(土) 17:22:37 ID:xx1oK6tM0
359名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/22(土) 17:36:56 ID:xx1oK6tM0
確かにりさちゃんもいいよねー 彼女と生? 羨ましい。

360名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/22(土) 19:00:48 ID:xx1oK6tM0

361名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/22(土) 20:25:53 ID:wkAP7EP40
はるかちゃんて基ありなの? 今度付いてみっかな。
362名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/22(土) 22:17:03 ID:vmwhX5qEO


363名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/22(土) 22:42:06 ID:wkAP7EP40
364名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/22(土) 22:46:53 ID:MO+yJIgQ0
365名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/22(土) 22:50:14 ID:CTlX/k+b0
366名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/22(土) 23:18:56 ID:wkAP7EP40
367名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/22(土) 23:56:40 ID:nmgQdV70O
>>337 >>339
368名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/23(日) 00:17:16 ID:5FhcH0ww0
369名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/23(日) 00:25:38 ID:R6BNVK0z0
370名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/23(日) 00:40:06 ID:fXkJMYLh0
371名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/23(日) 01:00:39 ID:ft2RyBwjO
ワンランク上のオウパーイを求めるならひとみ 癒しを求めるならまなみ
372名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/23(日) 01:03:32 ID:R6BNVK0z0
373名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/23(日) 01:15:41 ID:5FhcH0ww0
374名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/23(日) 01:25:00 ID:R6BNVK0z0
375名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/23(日) 01:40:10 ID:5FhcH0ww0
376名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/23(日) 01:52:22 ID:R6BNVK0z0
377名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/23(日) 02:13:58 ID:5FhcH0ww0
378名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/23(日) 02:23:29 ID:IPZFt8+UO
このはちゃんは基盤なんかしないよ 妬みはみっともないよ
379名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/23(日) 02:31:13 ID:5FhcH0ww0
380名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/23(日) 03:01:27 ID:R6BNVK0z0
381名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/23(日) 03:03:14 ID:13YKdlMAO
382名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/23(日) 03:13:15 ID:rdc69P3s0

383名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/23(日) 07:03:41 ID:gDIheO9D0
384名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/23(日) 08:06:49 ID:R6BNVK0z0
385名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/23(日) 09:08:56 ID:HT9YfZd8O
386名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/23(日) 11:31:08 ID:gDIheO9D0
387名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/23(日) 14:50:07 ID:520M/Wxi0
388名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/23(日) 14:52:21 ID:520M/Wxi0
389名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/23(日) 16:04:31 ID:13YKdlMAO
390名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/23(日) 18:29:33 ID:wXvOhNFV0
391名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/23(日) 19:37:03 ID:0/Qo2a620
392名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/24(月) 00:06:43 ID:ZDyZRJ+90
393名無しさん@ピンキー :2006/04/24(月) 01:52:54 ID:xtEqG/PN0
394デビてん:2006/04/24(月) 02:42:30 ID:uu6b3/A30
395名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/24(月) 05:31:00 ID:zgYMZU9a0
396名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/24(月) 07:38:19 ID:5UIxM/Z/O
397名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/24(月) 07:55:30 ID:M87UhUZmO
398名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/24(月) 09:18:40 ID:oDjnCWkw0
399名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/24(月) 10:52:38 ID:0GKp2I7PO
400名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/24(月) 11:08:55 ID:BoioC925O


401名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/24(月) 11:37:08 ID:QjXXWiYKO

402名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/24(月) 11:49:57 ID:4XBSPryrO
403名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/24(月) 12:20:51 ID:LgaiBMr90
404名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/24(月) 13:01:54 ID:mQDRVMFLO
405名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/24(月) 16:18:16 ID:MDv/47BS0
ジエン? オシリの穴のことまでかくって相当なバカなんだね?
406名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/24(月) 17:09:45 ID:9E46tqmX0
407名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/24(月) 17:50:19 ID:3EV8KFwG0
408名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/24(月) 19:23:53 ID:EAH5jt2O0
409名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/24(月) 19:52:34 ID:FsweHyIN0
410名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/24(月) 20:40:58 ID:9E46tqmX0
411名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/24(月) 21:55:44 ID:ZDyZRJ+90
412名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/24(月) 22:34:36 ID:5UIxM/Z/O
413名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/25(火) 00:24:42 ID:0+m01duN0
ひ○みさんがやぱり素敵ですねー サービスとルックス兼ね備えてます。
414名無しさん@ピンキー :2006/04/25(火) 00:39:22 ID:uPR7YcNp0
ちょこの色白なボディ ひとみのおっぱい りさのオマンコ
ちなつのサービス  これ、最高!
415名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/25(火) 02:03:58 ID:XL9Xqcrh0
不細工なキモオタがいろいろと騒いでいるな こいつらに指名される嬢が
可愛そうだ 今日もひげはやしてジャージで来ていたキモオタが居たが
416名無しさん@ピンキー :2006/04/25(火) 03:00:09 ID:uPR7YcNp0
417名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/25(火) 09:09:39 ID:zLubCuqU0
ち○つさんてよさそうですね 今度指名してみたい
418名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/25(火) 10:47:32 ID:V7NZbCDFO
419名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/25(火) 15:10:47 ID:Q2+IqCE8O

420名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/25(火) 15:33:08 ID:Q6C+ggPgO
421名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/25(火) 17:22:10 ID:zOIADb380
422名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/25(火) 19:36:29 ID:zOIADb380
423名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/25(火) 20:34:30 ID:gxSnxJuS0
424名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/25(火) 20:39:33 ID:mx4ME+6d0

( ´д)ヒソ(´д`)ヒソ(д` )
425名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/25(火) 21:53:30 ID:fIH3YDgLO
426名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/25(火) 22:00:31 ID:wHc0wSLg0
427名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/25(火) 23:04:54 ID:Q6C+ggPgO
428名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/25(火) 23:12:01 ID:wHc0wSLg0
429名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/25(火) 23:59:33 ID:gxSnxJuS0
          /.: : : : : : : .ヽ
        R: : : :. : pq: :i}
         |:.i} : : : :_{: :.レ′     コ  ツ         , -─弋¬、
        ノr┴-<」: :j|    ポ        ン !! /      `Y
      /:r仁ニ= ノ:.ノ|!           _          | {、       |
       /:/ = /: :/ }!        |〕)       从\ |)   |
     {;ハ__,イ: :f  |       /´   (〔|      ヽ__j儿从八_
     /     }rヘ ├--r─y/ ☆、  `\      i⌒ヽ ̄ ̄\
   /     r'‐-| ├-┴〆    _, 、_⌒☆ \    |  | `===ヘ
    仁二ニ_‐-イ  | |       ∩`Д´)      ゙と[l ̄| .|     \
    | l i  厂  ̄ニニ¬       ノ   ⊂ノ          ̄|  |         ヽ
   ,ゝ、 \ \   __厂`ヽ    (__ ̄) )            |  |\      }
  _/ /\_i⌒ト、_   ノrr- }     し'し′         /{_〆 ̄`ーー=='^┤
 └-' ̄ `|  |_二二._」」__ノ                   {| -‐  / | | }
      └ー′                          └─-二_/⌒Y ̄}
430名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 00:00:39 ID:gxSnxJuS0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/

431名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 00:13:21 ID:uzIX/coI0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/

432名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 00:13:53 ID:uzIX/coI0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/

433名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 00:14:26 ID:uzIX/coI0
          /.: : : : : : : .ヽ
        R: : : :. : pq: :i}
         |:.i} : : : :_{: :.レ′     コ  ツ         , -─弋¬、
        ノr┴-<」: :j|    ポ        ン !! /      `Y
      /:r仁ニ= ノ:.ノ|!           _          | {、       |
       /:/ = /: :/ }!        |〕)       从\ |)   |
     {;ハ__,イ: :f  |       /´   (〔|      ヽ__j儿从八_
     /     }rヘ ├--r─y/ ☆、  `\      i⌒ヽ ̄ ̄\
   /     r'‐-| ├-┴〆    _, 、_⌒☆ \    |  | `===ヘ
    仁二ニ_‐-イ  | |       ∩`Д´)      ゙と[l ̄| .|     \
    | l i  厂  ̄ニニ¬       ノ   ⊂ノ          ̄|  |         ヽ
   ,ゝ、 \ \   __厂`ヽ    (__ ̄) )            |  |\      }
  _/ /\_i⌒ト、_   ノrr- }     し'し′         /{_〆 ̄`ーー=='^┤
 └-' ̄ `|  |_二二._」」__ノ                   {| -‐  / | | }
      └ー′                          └─-二_/⌒Y ̄}

434名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 00:15:04 ID:uzIX/coI0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/
435名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 00:33:04 ID:uzIX/coI0
   | ノ      ヽ/⌒) あばばばばばば
  /⌒) (゚)   (゚) | .| / /   ( _●_)  ミ/    ∩―−、
.(  ヽ  |∪|  /    / (゚) 、_ `ヽ    
 \    ヽノ /      /  ( ●  (゚) |つ  /      /      | /(入__ノ   ミ   あばばっあびゃばびゃばば
 |   _つ  /       、 (_/    ノ
 |  /UJ\ \      \___ ノ゙ ─ー

 | /    )  )       \       _
 ∪    (  \        \     \

436名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 00:33:44 ID:uzIX/coI0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/
437名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 00:34:50 ID:uzIX/coI0
          /.: : : : : : : .ヽ
        R: : : :. : pq: :i}
         |:.i} : : : :_{: :.レ′     コ  ツ         , -─弋¬、
        ノr┴-<」: :j|    ポ        ン !! /      `Y
      /:r仁ニ= ノ:.ノ|!           _          | {、       |
       /:/ = /: :/ }!        |〕)       从\ |)   |
     {;ハ__,イ: :f  |       /´   (〔|      ヽ__j儿从八_
     /     }rヘ ├--r─y/ ☆、  `\      i⌒ヽ ̄ ̄\
   /     r'‐-| ├-┴〆    _, 、_⌒☆ \    |  | `===ヘ
    仁二ニ_‐-イ  | |       ∩`Д´)      ゙と[l ̄| .|     \
    | l i  厂  ̄ニニ¬       ノ   ⊂ノ          ̄|  |         ヽ
   ,ゝ、 \ \   __厂`ヽ    (__ ̄) )            |  |\      }
  _/ /\_i⌒ト、_   ノrr- }     し'し′         /{_〆 ̄`ーー=='^┤
 └-' ̄ `|  |_二二._」」__ノ                   {| -‐  / | | }
      └ー′                          └─-二_/⌒Y ̄}
438名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 00:38:20 ID:uzIX/coI0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/

439名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 00:38:54 ID:uzIX/coI0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/

440名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 00:39:40 ID:uzIX/coI0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/

441名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 00:40:13 ID:uzIX/coI0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/

442名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 00:41:19 ID:uzIX/coI0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/

443名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 00:41:51 ID:uzIX/coI0
          /.: : : : : : : .ヽ
        R: : : :. : pq: :i}
         |:.i} : : : :_{: :.レ′     コ  ツ         , -─弋¬、
        ノr┴-<」: :j|    ポ        ン !! /      `Y
      /:r仁ニ= ノ:.ノ|!           _          | {、       |
       /:/ = /: :/ }!        |〕)       从\ |)   |
     {;ハ__,イ: :f  |       /´   (〔|      ヽ__j儿从八_
     /     }rヘ ├--r─y/ ☆、  `\      i⌒ヽ ̄ ̄\
   /     r'‐-| ├-┴〆    _, 、_⌒☆ \    |  | `===ヘ
    仁二ニ_‐-イ  | |       ∩`Д´)      ゙と[l ̄| .|     \
    | l i  厂  ̄ニニ¬       ノ   ⊂ノ          ̄|  |         ヽ
   ,ゝ、 \ \   __厂`ヽ    (__ ̄) )            |  |\      }
  _/ /\_i⌒ト、_   ノrr- }     し'し′         /{_〆 ̄`ーー=='^┤
 └-' ̄ `|  |_二二._」」__ノ                   {| -‐  / | | }
      └ー′                          └─-二_/⌒Y ̄}

444名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 00:43:47 ID:uzIX/coI0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/
445名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 01:23:24 ID:uzIX/coI0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/
446名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 01:23:58 ID:uzIX/coI0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/
447名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 01:26:59 ID:xJy5Did30
448名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 01:34:43 ID:uzIX/coI0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/
449名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 01:43:14 ID:uzIX/coI0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/
450名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 01:45:06 ID:uzIX/coI0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/
451名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 01:47:23 ID:uzIX/coI0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/
452名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 01:49:36 ID:uzIX/coI0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/
453名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 01:51:23 ID:S/zy7yvA0
454名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 01:52:02 ID:uzIX/coI0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/
455名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 02:00:32 ID:D7ZBG0gF0
一度しかあいこうを指名したことないけど 基盤させる雰囲気は感じなかった
456名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 02:09:06 ID:uzIX/coI0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/
457名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 02:09:39 ID:uzIX/coI0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/
458名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 02:10:28 ID:uzIX/coI0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/
459名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 02:11:15 ID:uzIX/coI0
          /.: : : : : : : .ヽ
        R: : : :. : pq: :i}
         |:.i} : : : :_{: :.レ′     コ  ツ         , -─弋¬、
        ノr┴-<」: :j|    ポ        ン !! /      `Y
      /:r仁ニ= ノ:.ノ|!           _          | {、       |
       /:/ = /: :/ }!        |〕)       从\ |)   |
     {;ハ__,イ: :f  |       /´   (〔|      ヽ__j儿从八_
     /     }rヘ ├--r─y/ ☆、  `\      i⌒ヽ ̄ ̄\
   /     r'‐-| ├-┴〆    _, 、_⌒☆ \    |  | `===ヘ
    仁二ニ_‐-イ  | |       ∩`Д´)      ゙と[l ̄| .|     \
    | l i  厂  ̄ニニ¬       ノ   ⊂ノ          ̄|  |         ヽ
   ,ゝ、 \ \   __厂`ヽ    (__ ̄) )            |  |\      }
  _/ /\_i⌒ト、_   ノrr- }     し'し′         /{_〆 ̄`ーー=='^┤
 └-' ̄ `|  |_二二._」」__ノ                   {| -‐  / | | }
      └ー′                          └─-二_/⌒Y ̄}

460名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 02:11:46 ID:uzIX/coI0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/
461名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 02:14:49 ID:uzIX/coI0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/
462名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 02:15:21 ID:uzIX/coI0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/
463名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 02:22:01 ID:wyCEy1fxO
464名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 02:30:00 ID:uzIX/coI0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/
465名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 02:30:32 ID:uzIX/coI0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/
466名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 02:31:52 ID:uzIX/coI0
          /.: : : : : : : .ヽ
        R: : : :. : pq: :i}
         |:.i} : : : :_{: :.レ′     コ  ツ         , -─弋¬、
        ノr┴-<」: :j|    ポ        ン !! /      `Y
      /:r仁ニ= ノ:.ノ|!           _          | {、       |
       /:/ = /: :/ }!        |〕)       从\ |)   |
     {;ハ__,イ: :f  |       /´   (〔|      ヽ__j儿从八_
     /     }rヘ ├--r─y/ ☆、  `\      i⌒ヽ ̄ ̄\
   /     r'‐-| ├-┴〆    _, 、_⌒☆ \    |  | `===ヘ
    仁二ニ_‐-イ  | |       ∩`Д´)      ゙と[l ̄| .|     \
    | l i  厂  ̄ニニ¬       ノ   ⊂ノ          ̄|  |         ヽ
   ,ゝ、 \ \   __厂`ヽ    (__ ̄) )            |  |\      }
  _/ /\_i⌒ト、_   ノrr- }     し'し′         /{_〆 ̄`ーー=='^┤
 └-' ̄ `|  |_二二._」」__ノ                   {| -‐  / | | }
      └ー′                          └─-二_/⌒Y ̄}

467名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 05:57:22 ID:OhM2UAts0
468名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 06:13:02 ID:eurN0zmnO
469名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 09:05:59 ID:uzIX/coI0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/
470名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 09:06:33 ID:uzIX/coI0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/
471名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 09:07:32 ID:uzIX/coI0
          /.: : : : : : : .ヽ
        R: : : :. : pq: :i}
         |:.i} : : : :_{: :.レ′     コ  ツ         , -─弋¬、
        ノr┴-<」: :j|    ポ        ン !! /      `Y
      /:r仁ニ= ノ:.ノ|!           _          | {、       |
       /:/ = /: :/ }!        |〕)       从\ |)   |
     {;ハ__,イ: :f  |       /´   (〔|      ヽ__j儿从八_
     /     }rヘ ├--r─y/ ☆、  `\      i⌒ヽ ̄ ̄\
   /     r'‐-| ├-┴〆    _, 、_⌒☆ \    |  | `===ヘ
    仁二ニ_‐-イ  | |       ∩`Д´)      ゙と[l ̄| .|     \
    | l i  厂  ̄ニニ¬       ノ   ⊂ノ          ̄|  |         ヽ
   ,ゝ、 \ \   __厂`ヽ    (__ ̄) )            |  |\      }
  _/ /\_i⌒ト、_   ノrr- }     し'し′         /{_〆 ̄`ーー=='^┤
 └-' ̄ `|  |_二二._」」__ノ                   {| -‐  / | | }
      └ー′                          └─-二_/⌒Y ̄}
472名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 09:08:27 ID:uzIX/coI0
          /.: : : : : : : .ヽ
        R: : : :. : pq: :i}
         |:.i} : : : :_{: :.レ′     コ  ツ         , -─弋¬、
        ノr┴-<」: :j|    ポ        ン !! /      `Y
      /:r仁ニ= ノ:.ノ|!           _          | {、       |
       /:/ = /: :/ }!        |〕)       从\ |)   |
     {;ハ__,イ: :f  |       /´   (〔|      ヽ__j儿从八_
     /     }rヘ ├--r─y/ ☆、  `\      i⌒ヽ ̄ ̄\
   /     r'‐-| ├-┴〆    _, 、_⌒☆ \    |  | `===ヘ
    仁二ニ_‐-イ  | |       ∩`Д´)      ゙と[l ̄| .|     \
    | l i  厂  ̄ニニ¬       ノ   ⊂ノ          ̄|  |         ヽ
   ,ゝ、 \ \   __厂`ヽ    (__ ̄) )            |  |\      }
  _/ /\_i⌒ト、_   ノrr- }     し'し′         /{_〆 ̄`ーー=='^┤
 └-' ̄ `|  |_二二._」」__ノ                   {| -‐  / | | }
      └ー′                          └─-二_/⌒Y ̄}
473名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 09:09:26 ID:uzIX/coI0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/
474名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 09:14:23 ID:uzIX/coI0
          /.: : : : : : : .ヽ
        R: : : :. : pq: :i}
         |:.i} : : : :_{: :.レ′     コ  ツ         , -─弋¬、
        ノr┴-<」: :j|    ポ        ン !! /      `Y
      /:r仁ニ= ノ:.ノ|!           _          | {、       |
       /:/ = /: :/ }!        |〕)       从\ |)   |
     {;ハ__,イ: :f  |       /´   (〔|      ヽ__j儿从八_
     /     }rヘ ├--r─y/ ☆、  `\      i⌒ヽ ̄ ̄\
   /     r'‐-| ├-┴〆    _, 、_⌒☆ \    |  | `===ヘ
    仁二ニ_‐-イ  | |       ∩`Д´)      ゙と[l ̄| .|     \
    | l i  厂  ̄ニニ¬       ノ   ⊂ノ          ̄|  |         ヽ
   ,ゝ、 \ \   __厂`ヽ    (__ ̄) )            |  |\      }
  _/ /\_i⌒ト、_   ノrr- }     し'し′         /{_〆 ̄`ーー=='^┤
 └-' ̄ `|  |_二二._」」__ノ                   {| -‐  / | | }
      └ー′                          └─-二_/⌒Y ̄}

475名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 09:14:55 ID:uzIX/coI0
          /.: : : : : : : .ヽ
        R: : : :. : pq: :i}
         |:.i} : : : :_{: :.レ′     コ  ツ         , -─弋¬、
        ノr┴-<」: :j|    ポ        ン !! /      `Y
      /:r仁ニ= ノ:.ノ|!           _          | {、       |
       /:/ = /: :/ }!        |〕)       从\ |)   |
     {;ハ__,イ: :f  |       /´   (〔|      ヽ__j儿从八_
     /     }rヘ ├--r─y/ ☆、  `\      i⌒ヽ ̄ ̄\
   /     r'‐-| ├-┴〆    _, 、_⌒☆ \    |  | `===ヘ
    仁二ニ_‐-イ  | |       ∩`Д´)      ゙と[l ̄| .|     \
    | l i  厂  ̄ニニ¬       ノ   ⊂ノ          ̄|  |         ヽ
   ,ゝ、 \ \   __厂`ヽ    (__ ̄) )            |  |\      }
  _/ /\_i⌒ト、_   ノrr- }     し'し′         /{_〆 ̄`ーー=='^┤
 └-' ̄ `|  |_二二._」」__ノ                   {| -‐  / | | }
      └ー′                          └─-二_/⌒Y ̄}

476名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 09:15:28 ID:uzIX/coI0
          /.: : : : : : : .ヽ
        R: : : :. : pq: :i}
         |:.i} : : : :_{: :.レ′     コ  ツ         , -─弋¬、
        ノr┴-<」: :j|    ポ        ン !! /      `Y
      /:r仁ニ= ノ:.ノ|!           _          | {、       |
       /:/ = /: :/ }!        |〕)       从\ |)   |
     {;ハ__,イ: :f  |       /´   (〔|      ヽ__j儿从八_
     /     }rヘ ├--r─y/ ☆、  `\      i⌒ヽ ̄ ̄\
   /     r'‐-| ├-┴〆    _, 、_⌒☆ \    |  | `===ヘ
    仁二ニ_‐-イ  | |       ∩`Д´)      ゙と[l ̄| .|     \
    | l i  厂  ̄ニニ¬       ノ   ⊂ノ          ̄|  |         ヽ
   ,ゝ、 \ \   __厂`ヽ    (__ ̄) )            |  |\      }
  _/ /\_i⌒ト、_   ノrr- }     し'し′         /{_〆 ̄`ーー=='^┤
 └-' ̄ `|  |_二二._」」__ノ                   {| -‐  / | | }
      └ー′                          └─-二_/⌒Y ̄}

477名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 09:16:01 ID:uzIX/coI0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/

478名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 09:16:35 ID:uzIX/coI0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/

479名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 09:18:39 ID:uzIX/coI0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/

480名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 09:19:32 ID:uzIX/coI0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/

481名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 09:20:11 ID:uzIX/coI0
   | ノ      ヽ/⌒) あばばばばばば
  /⌒) (゚)   (゚) | .| / /   ( _●_)  ミ/    ∩―−、
.(  ヽ  |∪|  /    / (゚) 、_ `ヽ    
 \    ヽノ /      /  ( ●  (゚) |つ  /      /      | /(入__ノ   ミ   あばばっあびゃばびゃばば
 |   _つ  /       、 (_/    ノ
 |  /UJ\ \      \___ ノ゙ ─ー

 | /    )  )       \       _
 ∪    (  \        \     \
482名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 09:26:33 ID:uzIX/coI0
   | ノ      ヽ/⌒) あばばばばばば
  /⌒) (゚)   (゚) | .| / /   ( _●_)  ミ/    ∩―−、
.(  ヽ  |∪|  /    / (゚) 、_ `ヽ    
 \    ヽノ /      /  ( ●  (゚) |つ  /      /      | /(入__ノ   ミ   あばばっあびゃばびゃばば
 |   _つ  /       、 (_/    ノ
 |  /UJ\ \      \___ ノ゙ ─ー

 | /    )  )       \       _
 ∪    (  \        \     \
483名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 09:27:06 ID:uzIX/coI0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/
484名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 09:27:38 ID:uzIX/coI0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/
485名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 09:28:40 ID:uzIX/coI0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/
486名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 09:29:12 ID:uzIX/coI0
   | ノ      ヽ/⌒) あばばばばばば
  /⌒) (゚)   (゚) | .| / /   ( _●_)  ミ/    ∩―−、
.(  ヽ  |∪|  /    / (゚) 、_ `ヽ    
 \    ヽノ /      /  ( ●  (゚) |つ  /      /      | /(入__ノ   ミ   あばばっあびゃばびゃばば
 |   _つ  /       、 (_/    ノ
 |  /UJ\ \      \___ ノ゙ ─ー

 | /    )  )       \       _
 ∪    (  \        \     \
487名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 09:41:35 ID:uzIX/coI0
   | ノ      ヽ/⌒) あばばばばばば
  /⌒) (゚)   (゚) | .| / /   ( _●_)  ミ/    ∩―−、
.(  ヽ  |∪|  /    / (゚) 、_ `ヽ    
 \    ヽノ /      /  ( ●  (゚) |つ  /      /      | /(入__ノ   ミ   あばばっあびゃばびゃばば
 |   _つ  /       、 (_/    ノ
 |  /UJ\ \      \___ ノ゙ ─ー

 | /    )  )       \       _
 ∪    (  \        \     \
488名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 09:42:13 ID:uzIX/coI0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/
489名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 09:45:06 ID:uzIX/coI0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/
490名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 09:45:43 ID:uzIX/coI0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/
491名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 10:02:11 ID:uzIX/coI0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/
492名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 10:02:43 ID:uzIX/coI0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/
493名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 10:03:16 ID:uzIX/coI0
   | ノ      ヽ/⌒) あばばばばばば
  /⌒) (゚)   (゚) | .| / /   ( _●_)  ミ/    ∩―−、
.(  ヽ  |∪|  /    / (゚) 、_ `ヽ    
 \    ヽノ /      /  ( ●  (゚) |つ  /      /      | /(入__ノ   ミ   あばばっあびゃばびゃばば
 |   _つ  /       、 (_/    ノ
 |  /UJ\ \      \___ ノ゙ ─ー

 | /    )  )       \       _
 ∪    (  \        \     \
494名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 10:05:53 ID:uzIX/coI0
          /.: : : : : : : .ヽ
        R: : : :. : pq: :i}
         |:.i} : : : :_{: :.レ′     コ  ツ         , -─弋¬、
        ノr┴-<」: :j|    ポ        ン !! /      `Y
      /:r仁ニ= ノ:.ノ|!           _          | {、       |
       /:/ = /: :/ }!        |〕)       从\ |)   |
     {;ハ__,イ: :f  |       /´   (〔|      ヽ__j儿从八_
     /     }rヘ ├--r─y/ ☆、  `\      i⌒ヽ ̄ ̄\
   /     r'‐-| ├-┴〆    _, 、_⌒☆ \    |  | `===ヘ
    仁二ニ_‐-イ  | |       ∩`Д´)      ゙と[l ̄| .|     \
    | l i  厂  ̄ニニ¬       ノ   ⊂ノ          ̄|  |         ヽ
   ,ゝ、 \ \   __厂`ヽ    (__ ̄) )            |  |\      }
  _/ /\_i⌒ト、_   ノrr- }     し'し′         /{_〆 ̄`ーー=='^┤
 └-' ̄ `|  |_二二._」」__ノ                   {| -‐  / | | }
      └ー′                          └─-二_/⌒Y ̄}

495名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 10:29:45 ID:uzIX/coI0

   ∩___∩          |
   | ノ\     ヽ         |
  /  ●゛  ● |         |
  | ∪  ( _●_) ミ       j
 彡、   |∪|   |        J
/     ∩ノ ⊃  ヽ
(  \ / _ノ |  |
.\ “  /__|  |
  \ /___ /
496名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 10:30:23 ID:uzIX/coI0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/
497名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 11:50:40 ID:aV3Wt8uM0
498名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 14:56:27 ID:uj4Xms1qO
ここで病気うつされたヤシいる? おれは3年前、生基盤やらせてくれた子から淋病もらいました
499名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 16:22:25 ID:yVc1MkXrO
500名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 16:45:57 ID:uj4Xms1qO
501名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 17:04:42 ID:E6D6bHft0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/
502名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 17:05:16 ID:E6D6bHft0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/
503名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 17:06:11 ID:E6D6bHft0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/
504名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 17:06:43 ID:E6D6bHft0
   | ノ      ヽ/⌒) あばばばばばば
  /⌒) (゚)   (゚) | .| / /   ( _●_)  ミ/    ∩―−、
.(  ヽ  |∪|  /    / (゚) 、_ `ヽ    
 \    ヽノ /      /  ( ●  (゚) |つ  /      /      | /(入__ノ   ミ   あばばっあびゃばびゃばば
 |   _つ  /       、 (_/    ノ
 |  /UJ\ \      \___ ノ゙ ─ー

 | /    )  )       \       _
 ∪    (  \        \     \

505名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 17:07:32 ID:E6D6bHft0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/
506名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 17:09:48 ID:E6D6bHft0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/
507名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 17:10:58 ID:X8Pw4ZPhO
508名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 17:12:50 ID:E6D6bHft0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/
509名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 17:15:07 ID:E6D6bHft0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/
510名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 17:15:54 ID:E6D6bHft0
          /.: : : : : : : .ヽ
        R: : : :. : pq: :i}
         |:.i} : : : :_{: :.レ′     コ  ツ         , -─弋¬、
        ノr┴-<」: :j|    ポ        ン !! /      `Y
      /:r仁ニ= ノ:.ノ|!           _          | {、       |
       /:/ = /: :/ }!        |〕)       从\ |)   |
     {;ハ__,イ: :f  |       /´   (〔|      ヽ__j儿从八_
     /     }rヘ ├--r─y/ ☆、  `\      i⌒ヽ ̄ ̄\
   /     r'‐-| ├-┴〆    _, 、_⌒☆ \    |  | `===ヘ
    仁二ニ_‐-イ  | |       ∩`Д´)      ゙と[l ̄| .|     \
    | l i  厂  ̄ニニ¬       ノ   ⊂ノ          ̄|  |         ヽ
   ,ゝ、 \ \   __厂`ヽ    (__ ̄) )            |  |\      }
  _/ /\_i⌒ト、_   ノrr- }     し'し′         /{_〆 ̄`ーー=='^┤
 └-' ̄ `|  |_二二._」」__ノ                   {| -‐  / | | }
      └ー′                          └─-二_/⌒Y ̄}

511名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 17:16:41 ID:E6D6bHft0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/

512名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 17:17:34 ID:E6D6bHft0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/

513名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 17:19:29 ID:E6D6bHft0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/
514名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 17:20:51 ID:E6D6bHft0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/
515名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 17:24:01 ID:E6D6bHft0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/
516名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 17:24:32 ID:E6D6bHft0
   | ノ      ヽ/⌒) あばばばばばば
  /⌒) (゚)   (゚) | .| / /   ( _●_)  ミ/    ∩―−、
.(  ヽ  |∪|  /    / (゚) 、_ `ヽ    
 \    ヽノ /      /  ( ●  (゚) |つ  /      /      | /(入__ノ   ミ   あばばっあびゃばびゃばば
 |   _つ  /       、 (_/    ノ
 |  /UJ\ \      \___ ノ゙ ─ー

 | /    )  )       \       _
 ∪    (  \        \     \

517名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 17:25:05 ID:E6D6bHft0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/

518名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 17:25:45 ID:E6D6bHft0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/

519名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 17:28:51 ID:E6D6bHft0
          /.: : : : : : : .ヽ
        R: : : :. : pq: :i}
         |:.i} : : : :_{: :.レ′     コ  ツ         , -─弋¬、
        ノr┴-<」: :j|    ポ        ン !! /      `Y
      /:r仁ニ= ノ:.ノ|!           _          | {、       |
       /:/ = /: :/ }!        |〕)       从\ |)   |
     {;ハ__,イ: :f  |       /´   (〔|      ヽ__j儿从八_
     /     }rヘ ├--r─y/ ☆、  `\      i⌒ヽ ̄ ̄\
   /     r'‐-| ├-┴〆    _, 、_⌒☆ \    |  | `===ヘ
    仁二ニ_‐-イ  | |       ∩`Д´)      ゙と[l ̄| .|     \
    | l i  厂  ̄ニニ¬       ノ   ⊂ノ          ̄|  |         ヽ
   ,ゝ、 \ \   __厂`ヽ    (__ ̄) )            |  |\      }
  _/ /\_i⌒ト、_   ノrr- }     し'し′         /{_〆 ̄`ーー=='^┤
 └-' ̄ `|  |_二二._」」__ノ                   {| -‐  / | | }
      └ー′                          └─-二_/⌒Y ̄}

520名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 17:29:22 ID:E6D6bHft0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/
521名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 17:30:01 ID:E6D6bHft0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/
522名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 17:30:32 ID:E6D6bHft0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/
523名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 17:31:13 ID:E6D6bHft0
   | ノ      ヽ/⌒) あばばばばばば
  /⌒) (゚)   (゚) | .| / /   ( _●_)  ミ/    ∩―−、
.(  ヽ  |∪|  /    / (゚) 、_ `ヽ    
 \    ヽノ /      /  ( ●  (゚) |つ  /      /      | /(入__ノ   ミ   あばばっあびゃばびゃばば
 |   _つ  /       、 (_/    ノ
 |  /UJ\ \      \___ ノ゙ ─ー

 | /    )  )       \       _
 ∪    (  \        \     \
524名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 17:31:45 ID:E6D6bHft0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/

525名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 18:29:04 ID:2cP/aWDI0
526名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 19:15:02 ID:Ax2kxElBO
527名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 19:53:30 ID:E6D6bHft0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/
528名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 19:54:02 ID:E6D6bHft0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/
529名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 19:55:41 ID:E6D6bHft0
   | ノ      ヽ/⌒) あばばばばばば
  /⌒) (゚)   (゚) | .| / /   ( _●_)  ミ/    ∩―−、
.(  ヽ  |∪|  /    / (゚) 、_ `ヽ    
 \    ヽノ /      /  ( ●  (゚) |つ  /      /      | /(入__ノ   ミ   あばばっあびゃばびゃばば
 |   _つ  /       、 (_/    ノ
 |  /UJ\ \      \___ ノ゙ ─ー

 | /    )  )       \       _
 ∪    (  \        \     \

530名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 19:56:16 ID:E6D6bHft0
   | ノ      ヽ/⌒) あばばばばばば
  /⌒) (゚)   (゚) | .| / /   ( _●_)  ミ/    ∩―−、
.(  ヽ  |∪|  /    / (゚) 、_ `ヽ    
 \    ヽノ /      /  ( ●  (゚) |つ  /      /      | /(入__ノ   ミ   あばばっあびゃばびゃばば
 |   _つ  /       、 (_/    ノ
 |  /UJ\ \      \___ ノ゙ ─ー

 | /    )  )       \       _
 ∪    (  \        \     \

531名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 19:57:20 ID:E6D6bHft0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/
532名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 19:58:58 ID:E6D6bHft0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/
533名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 19:59:45 ID:E6D6bHft0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/
534名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 20:00:06 ID:hQGbEnJq0

535名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 20:01:45 ID:E6D6bHft0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/
536名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 20:02:18 ID:E6D6bHft0
   | ノ      ヽ/⌒) あばばばばばば
  /⌒) (゚)   (゚) | .| / /   ( _●_)  ミ/    ∩―−、
.(  ヽ  |∪|  /    / (゚) 、_ `ヽ    
 \    ヽノ /      /  ( ●  (゚) |つ  /      /      | /(入__ノ   ミ   あばばっあびゃばびゃばば
 |   _つ  /       、 (_/    ノ
 |  /UJ\ \      \___ ノ゙ ─ー

 | /    )  )       \       _
 ∪    (  \        \     \
537名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 20:02:52 ID:E6D6bHft0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/

538名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 20:03:24 ID:E6D6bHft0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/

539名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 20:07:47 ID:E6D6bHft0
   | ノ      ヽ/⌒) あばばばばばば
  /⌒) (゚)   (゚) | .| / /   ( _●_)  ミ/    ∩―−、
.(  ヽ  |∪|  /    / (゚) 、_ `ヽ    
 \    ヽノ /      /  ( ●  (゚) |つ  /      /      | /(入__ノ   ミ   あばばっあびゃばびゃばば
 |   _つ  /       、 (_/    ノ
 |  /UJ\ \      \___ ノ゙ ─ー

 | /    )  )       \       _
 ∪    (  \        \     \

540名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 20:24:25 ID:D7ZBG0gF0
この前 店の外まで追いかけて怒っていたが 怒られた香具師が荒らして
541名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 20:28:12 ID:E6D6bHft0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/

542名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 20:28:46 ID:E6D6bHft0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/

543名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 20:30:47 ID:E6D6bHft0
    ''';;';';;'';;;,.,                  ザッ
   ''';;';'';';''';;'';;;,.,   ザッ
      vymyvwymyvymyvy     ザッ
ザッ    n_n,n_n、n_n,n_n、n_n,n_n、
  ザッ   ∩__∩ ∩__∩ ∩__∩ ∩__∩
         ∩_ ∩__∩ ∩__∩ _∩ ∩_    ザッ
     ∩___∩    ∩___∩ ∩___∩ ∩___∩
     | ノ      ヽ   | ノ      ヽ | ノ      ヽノ      ヽ
     /  ●   ● | /  ●   ● |  ●   ● | ●   ● |
    |    ( _●_)  ミ |    ( _●_)  ミ  ( _●_)  ミ  ( _●_) ミ
    彡、   |∪|  、` 彡、   |∪|  、`\ |∪|  、`\ |∪| 、`\
   / __  ヽノ / / __  ヽノ /´>  ) ヽノ / ノ //ヽノ/´>  )
   (___)   / (___)   / (_/_)   / (_/   / (_/

544名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 20:31:18 ID:E6D6bHft0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/
545名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 20:31:58 ID:E6D6bHft0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/
546名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 20:32:30 ID:E6D6bHft0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/
547名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 20:33:20 ID:E6D6bHft0
        /.: : : : : : : .ヽ
        R: : : :. : pq: :i}
         |:.i} : : : :_{: :.レ′     コ  ツ         , -─弋¬、
        ノr┴-<」: :j|    ポ        ン !! /      `Y
      /:r仁ニ= ノ:.ノ|!           _          | {、       |
       /:/ = /: :/ }!        |〕)       从\ |)   |
     {;ハ__,イ: :f  |       /´   (〔|      ヽ__j儿从八_
     /     }rヘ ├--r─y/ ☆、  `\      i⌒ヽ ̄ ̄\
   /     r'‐-| ├-┴〆    _, 、_⌒☆ \    |  | `===ヘ
    仁二ニ_‐-イ  | |       ∩`Д´)      ゙と[l ̄| .|     \
    | l i  厂  ̄ニニ¬       ノ   ⊂ノ          ̄|  |         ヽ
   ,ゝ、 \ \   __厂`ヽ    (__ ̄) )            |  |\      }
  _/ /\_i⌒ト、_   ノrr- }     し'し′         /{_〆 ̄`ーー=='^┤
 └-' ̄ `|  |_二二._」」__ノ                   {| -‐  / | | }
      └ー′                          └─-二_/⌒Y ̄}
548名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 20:34:46 ID:E6D6bHft0
    ''';;';';;'';;;,.,                  ザッ
   ''';;';'';';''';;'';;;,.,   ザッ
      vymyvwymyvymyvy     ザッ
ザッ    n_n,n_n、n_n,n_n、n_n,n_n、
  ザッ   ∩__∩ ∩__∩ ∩__∩ ∩__∩
         ∩_ ∩__∩ ∩__∩ _∩ ∩_    ザッ
     ∩___∩    ∩___∩ ∩___∩ ∩___∩
     | ノ      ヽ   | ノ      ヽ | ノ      ヽノ      ヽ
     /  ●   ● | /  ●   ● |  ●   ● | ●   ● |
    |    ( _●_)  ミ |    ( _●_)  ミ  ( _●_)  ミ  ( _●_) ミ
    彡、   |∪|  、` 彡、   |∪|  、`\ |∪|  、`\ |∪| 、`\
   / __  ヽノ / / __  ヽノ /´>  ) ヽノ / ノ //ヽノ/´>  )
   (___)   / (___)   / (_/_)   / (_/   / (_/
549名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 20:35:31 ID:E6D6bHft0
  ,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/

550名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 20:36:09 ID:E6D6bHft0
   | ノ      ヽ/⌒) あばばばばばば
  /⌒) (゚)   (゚) | .| / /   ( _●_)  ミ/    ∩―−、
.(  ヽ  |∪|  /    / (゚) 、_ `ヽ    
 \    ヽノ /      /  ( ●  (゚) |つ  /      /      | /(入__ノ   ミ   あばばっあびゃばびゃばば
 |   _つ  /       、 (_/    ノ
 |  /UJ\ \      \___ ノ゙ ─ー

 | /    )  )       \       _
 ∪    (  \        \     \

551名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 20:37:06 ID:E6D6bHft0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/
552名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 21:43:46 ID:E6D6bHft0
    ''';;';';;'';;;,.,                  ザッ
   ''';;';'';';''';;'';;;,.,   ザッ
      vymyvwymyvymyvy     ザッ
ザッ    n_n,n_n、n_n,n_n、n_n,n_n、
  ザッ   ∩__∩ ∩__∩ ∩__∩ ∩__∩
         ∩_ ∩__∩ ∩__∩ _∩ ∩_    ザッ
     ∩___∩    ∩___∩ ∩___∩ ∩___∩
     | ノ      ヽ   | ノ      ヽ | ノ      ヽノ      ヽ
     /  ●   ● | /  ●   ● |  ●   ● | ●   ● |
    |    ( _●_)  ミ |    ( _●_)  ミ  ( _●_)  ミ  ( _●_) ミ
    彡、   |∪|  、` 彡、   |∪|  、`\ |∪|  、`\ |∪| 、`\
   / __  ヽノ / / __  ヽノ /´>  ) ヽノ / ノ //ヽノ/´>  )
   (___)   / (___)   / (_/_)   / (_/   / (_/

553名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 21:44:21 ID:E6D6bHft0
  ,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/

554名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 23:11:57 ID:E6D6bHft0
  ,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/

555名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 23:12:29 ID:E6D6bHft0
  ,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/

556名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 23:13:00 ID:E6D6bHft0
  ,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/

557名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 23:29:21 ID:E6D6bHft0
  ,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/

558名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 23:30:10 ID:E6D6bHft0
   | ノ      ヽ/⌒) あばばばばばば
  /⌒) (゚)   (゚) | .| / /   ( _●_)  ミ/    ∩―−、
.(  ヽ  |∪|  /    / (゚) 、_ `ヽ    
 \    ヽノ /      /  ( ●  (゚) |つ  /      /      | /(入__ノ   ミ   あばばっあびゃばびゃばば
 |   _つ  /       、 (_/    ノ
 |  /UJ\ \      \___ ノ゙ ─ー

 | /    )  )       \       _
 ∪    (  \        \     \

559名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 23:33:45 ID:E6D6bHft0
   | ノ      ヽ/⌒) あばばばばばば
  /⌒) (゚)   (゚) | .| / /   ( _●_)  ミ/    ∩―−、
.(  ヽ  |∪|  /    / (゚) 、_ `ヽ    
 \    ヽノ /      /  ( ●  (゚) |つ  /      /      | /(入__ノ   ミ   あばばっあびゃばびゃばば
 |   _つ  /       、 (_/    ノ
 |  /UJ\ \      \___ ノ゙ ─ー

 | /    )  )       \       _
 ∪    (  \        \     \

560名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 23:35:03 ID:E6D6bHft0
      /.: : : : : : : .ヽ
        R: : : :. : pq: :i}
         |:.i} : : : :_{: :.レ′     コ  ツ         , -─弋¬、
        ノr┴-<」: :j|    ポ        ン !! /      `Y
      /:r仁ニ= ノ:.ノ|!           _          | {、       |
       /:/ = /: :/ }!        |〕)       从\ |)   |
     {;ハ__,イ: :f  |       /´   (〔|      ヽ__j儿从八_
     /     }rヘ ├--r─y/ ☆、  `\      i⌒ヽ ̄ ̄\
   /     r'‐-| ├-┴〆    _, 、_⌒☆ \    |  | `===ヘ
    仁二ニ_‐-イ  | |       ∩`Д´)      ゙と[l ̄| .|     \
    | l i  厂  ̄ニニ¬       ノ   ⊂ノ          ̄|  |         ヽ
   ,ゝ、 \ \   __厂`ヽ    (__ ̄) )            |  |\      }
  _/ /\_i⌒ト、_   ノrr- }     し'し′         /{_〆 ̄`ーー=='^┤
 └-' ̄ `|  |_二二._」」__ノ                   {| -‐  / | | }
      └ー′                          └─-二_/⌒Y ̄}
561名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 23:35:34 ID:E6D6bHft0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/

562名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 23:36:45 ID:E6D6bHft0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/

563名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 23:54:23 ID:E6D6bHft0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/

564名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 23:54:54 ID:E6D6bHft0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/

565名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 23:57:36 ID:E6D6bHft0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/

566名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 23:58:09 ID:E6D6bHft0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/

567名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 23:59:05 ID:E6D6bHft0
   | ノ      ヽ/⌒) あばばばばばば
  /⌒) (゚)   (゚) | .| / /   ( _●_)  ミ/    ∩―−、
.(  ヽ  |∪|  /    / (゚) 、_ `ヽ    
 \    ヽノ /      /  ( ●  (゚) |つ  /      /      | /(入__ノ   ミ   あばばっあびゃばびゃばば
 |   _つ  /       、 (_/    ノ
 |  /UJ\ \      \___ ノ゙ ─ー

 | /    )  )       \       _
 ∪    (  \        \     \

568名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/26(水) 23:59:36 ID:E6D6bHft0
   | ノ      ヽ/⌒) あばばばばばば
  /⌒) (゚)   (゚) | .| / /   ( _●_)  ミ/    ∩―−、
.(  ヽ  |∪|  /    / (゚) 、_ `ヽ    
 \    ヽノ /      /  ( ●  (゚) |つ  /      /      | /(入__ノ   ミ   あばばっあびゃばびゃばば
 |   _つ  /       、 (_/    ノ
 |  /UJ\ \      \___ ノ゙ ─ー

 | /    )  )       \       _
 ∪    (  \        \     \

569名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/27(木) 00:06:48 ID:92w6mUwcO
570名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/27(木) 00:21:04 ID:TW5zgaFIO
571名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/27(木) 00:23:21 ID:IKFb7iNU0
  /.: : : : : : : .ヽ
        R: : : :. : pq: :i}
         |:.i} : : : :_{: :.レ′     コ  ツ         , -─弋¬、
        ノr┴-<」: :j|    ポ        ン !! /      `Y
      /:r仁ニ= ノ:.ノ|!           _          | {、       |
       /:/ = /: :/ }!        |〕)       从\ |)   |
     {;ハ__,イ: :f  |       /´   (〔|      ヽ__j儿从八_
     /     }rヘ ├--r─y/ ☆、  `\      i⌒ヽ ̄ ̄\
   /     r'‐-| ├-┴〆    _, 、_⌒☆ \    |  | `===ヘ
    仁二ニ_‐-イ  | |       ∩`Д´)      ゙と[l ̄| .|     \
    | l i  厂  ̄ニニ¬       ノ   ⊂ノ          ̄|  |         ヽ
   ,ゝ、 \ \   __厂`ヽ    (__ ̄) )            |  |\      }
  _/ /\_i⌒ト、_   ノrr- }     し'し′         /{_〆 ̄`ーー=='^┤
 └-' ̄ `|  |_二二._」」__ノ                   {| -‐  / | | }
      └ー′                          └─-二_/⌒Y ̄}
572名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/27(木) 00:23:55 ID:IKFb7iNU0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/
573名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/27(木) 00:24:27 ID:IKFb7iNU0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/
574名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/27(木) 00:25:16 ID:IKFb7iNU0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/
575名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/27(木) 00:26:26 ID:IKFb7iNU0
    ''';;';';;'';;;,.,                  ザッ
   ''';;';'';';''';;'';;;,.,   ザッ
      vymyvwymyvymyvy     ザッ
ザッ    n_n,n_n、n_n,n_n、n_n,n_n、
  ザッ   ∩__∩ ∩__∩ ∩__∩ ∩__∩
         ∩_ ∩__∩ ∩__∩ _∩ ∩_    ザッ
     ∩___∩    ∩___∩ ∩___∩ ∩___∩
     | ノ      ヽ   | ノ      ヽ | ノ      ヽノ      ヽ
     /  ●   ● | /  ●   ● |  ●   ● | ●   ● |
    |    ( _●_)  ミ |    ( _●_)  ミ  ( _●_)  ミ  ( _●_) ミ
    彡、   |∪|  、` 彡、   |∪|  、`\ |∪|  、`\ |∪| 、`\
   / __  ヽノ / / __  ヽノ /´>  ) ヽノ / ノ //ヽノ/´>  )
   (___)   / (___)   / (_/_)   / (_/   / (_/
576名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/27(木) 00:27:17 ID:IKFb7iNU0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/

577名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/27(木) 00:27:49 ID:IKFb7iNU0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/

578名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/27(木) 00:28:20 ID:IKFb7iNU0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/

579名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/27(木) 00:28:53 ID:IKFb7iNU0
   | ノ      ヽ/⌒) あばばばばばば
  /⌒) (゚)   (゚) | .| / /   ( _●_)  ミ/    ∩―−、
.(  ヽ  |∪|  /    / (゚) 、_ `ヽ    
 \    ヽノ /      /  ( ●  (゚) |つ  /      /      | /(入__ノ   ミ   あばばっあびゃばびゃばば
 |   _つ  /       、 (_/    ノ
 |  /UJ\ \      \___ ノ゙ ─ー

 | /    )  )       \       _
 ∪    (  \        \     \

580名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/27(木) 00:29:24 ID:IKFb7iNU0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/
581名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/27(木) 00:29:56 ID:IKFb7iNU0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/
582名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/27(木) 00:30:29 ID:IKFb7iNU0
   ''';;';';;'';;;,.,                  ザッ
   ''';;';'';';''';;'';;;,.,   ザッ
      vymyvwymyvymyvy     ザッ
ザッ    n_n,n_n、n_n,n_n、n_n,n_n、
  ザッ   ∩__∩ ∩__∩ ∩__∩ ∩__∩
         ∩_ ∩__∩ ∩__∩ _∩ ∩_    ザッ
     ∩___∩    ∩___∩ ∩___∩ ∩___∩
     | ノ      ヽ   | ノ      ヽ | ノ      ヽノ      ヽ
     /  ●   ● | /  ●   ● |  ●   ● | ●   ● |
    |    ( _●_)  ミ |    ( _●_)  ミ  ( _●_)  ミ  ( _●_) ミ
    彡、   |∪|  、` 彡、   |∪|  、`\ |∪|  、`\ |∪| 、`\
   / __  ヽノ / / __  ヽノ /´>  ) ヽノ / ノ //ヽノ/´>  )
   (___)   / (___)   / (_/_)   / (_/   / (_/

576 名前: 名無しさん@ピンキー [sage] 投稿日: 2006/04/27(木) 00:27:17
583名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/27(木) 00:31:01 ID:IKFb7iNU0
   ''';;';';;'';;;,.,                  ザッ
   ''';;';'';';''';;'';;;,.,   ザッ
      vymyvwymyvymyvy     ザッ
ザッ    n_n,n_n、n_n,n_n、n_n,n_n、
  ザッ   ∩__∩ ∩__∩ ∩__∩ ∩__∩
         ∩_ ∩__∩ ∩__∩ _∩ ∩_    ザッ
     ∩___∩    ∩___∩ ∩___∩ ∩___∩
     | ノ      ヽ   | ノ      ヽ | ノ      ヽノ      ヽ
     /  ●   ● | /  ●   ● |  ●   ● | ●   ● |
    |    ( _●_)  ミ |    ( _●_)  ミ  ( _●_)  ミ  ( _●_) ミ
    彡、   |∪|  、` 彡、   |∪|  、`\ |∪|  、`\ |∪| 、`\
   / __  ヽノ / / __  ヽノ /´>  ) ヽノ / ノ //ヽノ/´>  )
   (___)   / (___)   / (_/_)   / (_/   / (_/

576 名前: 名無しさん@ピンキー [sage] 投稿日: 2006/04/27(木) 00:27:17
584名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/27(木) 00:31:34 ID:IKFb7iNU0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/
585名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/27(木) 00:31:48 ID:ufu10aedO
586名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/27(木) 00:41:11 ID:IKFb7iNU0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/
587名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/27(木) 00:41:27 ID:92w6mUwcO
588名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/27(木) 00:42:32 ID:IKFb7iNU0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/
589名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/27(木) 00:43:19 ID:IKFb7iNU0
/.: : : : : : : .ヽ
        R: : : :. : pq: :i}
         |:.i} : : : :_{: :.レ′     コ  ツ         , -─弋¬、
        ノr┴-<」: :j|    ポ        ン !! /      `Y
      /:r仁ニ= ノ:.ノ|!           _          | {、       |
       /:/ = /: :/ }!        |〕)       从\ |)   |
     {;ハ__,イ: :f  |       /´   (〔|      ヽ__j儿从八_
     /     }rヘ ├--r─y/ ☆、  `\      i⌒ヽ ̄ ̄\
   /     r'‐-| ├-┴〆    _, 、_⌒☆ \    |  | `===ヘ
    仁二ニ_‐-イ  | |       ∩`Д´)      ゙と[l ̄| .|     \
    | l i  厂  ̄ニニ¬       ノ   ⊂ノ          ̄|  |         ヽ
   ,ゝ、 \ \   __厂`ヽ    (__ ̄) )            |  |\      }
  _/ /\_i⌒ト、_   ノrr- }     し'し′         /{_〆 ̄`ーー=='^┤
 └-' ̄ `|  |_二二._」」__ノ                   {| -‐  / | | }
      └ー′                          └─-二_/⌒Y ̄}

590名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/27(木) 00:44:22 ID:IKFb7iNU0
   ''';;';';;'';;;,.,                  ザッ
   ''';;';'';';''';;'';;;,.,   ザッ
      vymyvwymyvymyvy     ザッ
ザッ    n_n,n_n、n_n,n_n、n_n,n_n、
  ザッ   ∩__∩ ∩__∩ ∩__∩ ∩__∩
         ∩_ ∩__∩ ∩__∩ _∩ ∩_    ザッ
     ∩___∩    ∩___∩ ∩___∩ ∩___∩
     | ノ      ヽ   | ノ      ヽ | ノ      ヽノ      ヽ
     /  ●   ● | /  ●   ● |  ●   ● | ●   ● |
    |    ( _●_)  ミ |    ( _●_)  ミ  ( _●_)  ミ  ( _●_) ミ
    彡、   |∪|  、` 彡、   |∪|  、`\ |∪|  、`\ |∪| 、`\
   / __  ヽノ / / __  ヽノ /´>  ) ヽノ / ノ //ヽノ/´>  )
   (___)   / (___)   / (_/_)   / (_/   / (_/
591名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/27(木) 00:44:55 ID:IKFb7iNU0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/
592名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/27(木) 00:45:28 ID:IKFb7iNU0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/
593名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/27(木) 00:45:59 ID:IKFb7iNU0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/
594名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/27(木) 00:46:31 ID:IKFb7iNU0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/
595名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/27(木) 00:47:19 ID:IKFb7iNU0
''';;';';;'';;;,.,                  ザッ
   ''';;';'';';''';;'';;;,.,   ザッ
      vymyvwymyvymyvy     ザッ
ザッ    n_n,n_n、n_n,n_n、n_n,n_n、
  ザッ   ∩__∩ ∩__∩ ∩__∩ ∩__∩
         ∩_ ∩__∩ ∩__∩ _∩ ∩_    ザッ
     ∩___∩    ∩___∩ ∩___∩ ∩___∩
     | ノ      ヽ   | ノ      ヽ | ノ      ヽノ      ヽ
     /  ●   ● | /  ●   ● |  ●   ● | ●   ● |
    |    ( _●_)  ミ |    ( _●_)  ミ  ( _●_)  ミ  ( _●_) ミ
    彡、   |∪|  、` 彡、   |∪|  、`\ |∪|  、`\ |∪| 、`\
   / __  ヽノ / / __  ヽノ /´>  ) ヽノ / ノ //ヽノ/´>  )
   (___)   / (___)   / (_/_)   / (_/   / (_/
596名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/27(木) 00:47:51 ID:IKFb7iNU0
   | ノ      ヽ/⌒) あばばばばばば
  /⌒) (゚)   (゚) | .| / /   ( _●_)  ミ/    ∩―−、
.(  ヽ  |∪|  /    / (゚) 、_ `ヽ    
 \    ヽノ /      /  ( ●  (゚) |つ  /      /      | /(入__ノ   ミ   あばばっあびゃばびゃばば
 |   _つ  /       、 (_/    ノ
 |  /UJ\ \      \___ ノ゙ ─ー

 | /    )  )       \       _
 ∪    (  \        \     \

597名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/27(木) 00:48:39 ID:IKFb7iNU0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/
598名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/27(木) 00:49:11 ID:IKFb7iNU0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/
599名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/27(木) 00:49:43 ID:IKFb7iNU0
   | ノ      ヽ/⌒) あばばばばばば
  /⌒) (゚)   (゚) | .| / /   ( _●_)  ミ/    ∩―−、
.(  ヽ  |∪|  /    / (゚) 、_ `ヽ    
 \    ヽノ /      /  ( ●  (゚) |つ  /      /      | /(入__ノ   ミ   あばばっあびゃばびゃばば
 |   _つ  /       、 (_/    ノ
 |  /UJ\ \      \___ ノ゙ ─ー

 | /    )  )       \       _
 ∪    (  \        \     \

600名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/27(木) 00:55:16 ID:IKFb7iNU0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/
601名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/27(木) 00:55:49 ID:IKFb7iNU0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/
602名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/27(木) 00:56:27 ID:IKFb7iNU0
''';;';';;'';;;,.,                  ザッ
   ''';;';'';';''';;'';;;,.,   ザッ
      vymyvwymyvymyvy     ザッ
ザッ    n_n,n_n、n_n,n_n、n_n,n_n、
  ザッ   ∩__∩ ∩__∩ ∩__∩ ∩__∩
         ∩_ ∩__∩ ∩__∩ _∩ ∩_    ザッ
     ∩___∩    ∩___∩ ∩___∩ ∩___∩
     | ノ      ヽ   | ノ      ヽ | ノ      ヽノ      ヽ
     /  ●   ● | /  ●   ● |  ●   ● | ●   ● |
    |    ( _●_)  ミ |    ( _●_)  ミ  ( _●_)  ミ  ( _●_) ミ
    彡、   |∪|  、` 彡、   |∪|  、`\ |∪|  、`\ |∪| 、`\
   / __  ヽノ / / __  ヽノ /´>  ) ヽノ / ノ //ヽノ/´>  )
   (___)   / (___)   / (_/_)   / (_/   / (_/
603名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/27(木) 01:00:28 ID:IKFb7iNU0
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
604名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/27(木) 01:01:14 ID:IKFb7iNU0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_
605名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/27(木) 01:01:46 ID:IKFb7iNU0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_
606名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/27(木) 01:23:24 ID:IKFb7iNU0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_
607名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/27(木) 01:27:52 ID:IKFb7iNU0
   | ノ      ヽ/⌒) あばばばばばば
  /⌒) (゚)   (゚) | .| / /   ( _●_)  ミ/    ∩―−、
.(  ヽ  |∪|  /    / (゚) 、_ `ヽ    
 \    ヽノ /      /  ( ●  (゚) |つ  /      /      | /(入__ノ   ミ   あばばっあびゃばびゃばば
 |   _つ  /       、 (_/    ノ
 |  /UJ\ \      \___ ノ゙ ─ー

 | /    )  )       \       _
 ∪    (  \        \     \
608名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/27(木) 01:33:00 ID:rkJKRGOeO
609名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/27(木) 01:45:17 ID:IKFb7iNU0
   | ノ      ヽ/⌒) あばばばばばば
  /⌒) (゚)   (゚) | .| / /   ( _●_)  ミ/    ∩―−、
.(  ヽ  |∪|  /    / (゚) 、_ `ヽ    
 \    ヽノ /      /  ( ●  (゚) |つ  /      /      | /(入__ノ   ミ   あばばっあびゃばびゃばば
 |   _つ  /       、 (_/    ノ
 |  /UJ\ \      \___ ノ゙ ─ー

 | /    )  )       \       _
 ∪    (  \        \     \
610名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/27(木) 01:46:08 ID:IKFb7iNU0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_
611名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/27(木) 01:46:39 ID:IKFb7iNU0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_
612名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/27(木) 01:47:12 ID:IKFb7iNU0
''';;';';;'';;;,.,                  ザッ
   ''';;';'';';''';;'';;;,.,   ザッ
      vymyvwymyvymyvy     ザッ
ザッ    n_n,n_n、n_n,n_n、n_n,n_n、
  ザッ   ∩__∩ ∩__∩ ∩__∩ ∩__∩
         ∩_ ∩__∩ ∩__∩ _∩ ∩_    ザッ
     ∩___∩    ∩___∩ ∩___∩ ∩___∩
     | ノ      ヽ   | ノ      ヽ | ノ      ヽノ      ヽ
     /  ●   ● | /  ●   ● |  ●   ● | ●   ● |
    |    ( _●_)  ミ |    ( _●_)  ミ  ( _●_)  ミ  ( _●_) ミ
    彡、   |∪|  、` 彡、   |∪|  、`\ |∪|  、`\ |∪| 、`\
   / __  ヽノ / / __  ヽノ /´>  ) ヽノ / ノ //ヽノ/´>  )
   (___)   / (___)   / (_/_)   / (_/   / (_/
613名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/27(木) 01:47:44 ID:IKFb7iNU0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_
614名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/27(木) 01:48:08 ID:MnGZpnJE0
615名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/27(木) 01:48:15 ID:IKFb7iNU0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_
616名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/27(木) 01:48:47 ID:IKFb7iNU0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_
617名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/27(木) 01:49:19 ID:IKFb7iNU0
/.: : : : : : : .ヽ
        R: : : :. : pq: :i}
         |:.i} : : : :_{: :.レ′     コ  ツ         , -─弋¬、
        ノr┴-<」: :j|    ポ        ン !! /      `Y
      /:r仁ニ= ノ:.ノ|!           _          | {、       |
       /:/ = /: :/ }!        |〕)       从\ |)   |
     {;ハ__,イ: :f  |       /´   (〔|      ヽ__j儿从八_
     /     }rヘ ├--r─y/ ☆、  `\      i⌒ヽ ̄ ̄\
   /     r'‐-| ├-┴〆    _, 、_⌒☆ \    |  | `===ヘ
    仁二ニ_‐-イ  | |       ∩`Д´)      ゙と[l ̄| .|     \
    | l i  厂  ̄ニニ¬       ノ   ⊂ノ          ̄|  |         ヽ
   ,ゝ、 \ \   __厂`ヽ    (__ ̄) )            |  |\      }
  _/ /\_i⌒ト、_   ノrr- }     し'し′         /{_〆 ̄`ーー=='^┤
 └-' ̄ `|  |_二二._」」__ノ                   {| -‐  / | | }
      └ー′                          └─-二_/⌒Y ̄}
618名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/27(木) 01:49:51 ID:IKFb7iNU0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_
619名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/27(木) 01:50:23 ID:IKFb7iNU0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_
620名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/27(木) 01:50:55 ID:IKFb7iNU0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_
621名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/27(木) 01:59:04 ID:IKFb7iNU0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_
622名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/27(木) 01:59:36 ID:IKFb7iNU0
   | ノ      ヽ/⌒) あばばばばばば
  /⌒) (゚)   (゚) | .| / /   ( _●_)  ミ/    ∩―−、
.(  ヽ  |∪|  /    / (゚) 、_ `ヽ    
 \    ヽノ /      /  ( ●  (゚) |つ  /      /      | /(入__ノ   ミ   あばばっあびゃばびゃばば
 |   _つ  /       、 (_/    ノ
 |  /UJ\ \      \___ ノ゙ ─ー

 | /    )  )       \       _
 ∪    (  \        \     \
623名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/27(木) 02:02:37 ID:IKFb7iNU0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/
624名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/27(木) 02:20:48 ID:N2z5TT9b0
625名無しさん@ピンキー :2006/04/27(木) 02:34:18 ID:gZKNhPoc0
↑ 肉便器マン乙
626名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/27(木) 05:26:29 ID:S3pq2Jn6O

627名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/27(木) 09:07:39 ID:IKFb7iNU0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/
628名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/27(木) 09:08:11 ID:IKFb7iNU0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/
629名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/27(木) 09:08:43 ID:IKFb7iNU0
   | ノ      ヽ/⌒) あばばばばばば
  /⌒) (゚)   (゚) | .| / /   ( _●_)  ミ/    ∩―−、
.(  ヽ  |∪|  /    / (゚) 、_ `ヽ    
 \    ヽノ /      /  ( ●  (゚) |つ  /      /      | /(入__ノ   ミ   あばばっあびゃばびゃばば
 |   _つ  /       、 (_/    ノ
 |  /UJ\ \      \___ ノ゙ ─ー

 | /    )  )       \       _
 ∪    (  \        \     \
630名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/27(木) 09:09:15 ID:IKFb7iNU0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_
631名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/27(木) 09:10:07 ID:IKFb7iNU0
''';;';';;'';;;,.,                  ザッ
   ''';;';'';';''';;'';;;,.,   ザッ
      vymyvwymyvymyvy     ザッ
ザッ    n_n,n_n、n_n,n_n、n_n,n_n、
  ザッ   ∩__∩ ∩__∩ ∩__∩ ∩__∩
         ∩_ ∩__∩ ∩__∩ _∩ ∩_    ザッ
     ∩___∩    ∩___∩ ∩___∩ ∩___∩
     | ノ      ヽ   | ノ      ヽ | ノ      ヽノ      ヽ
     /  ●   ● | /  ●   ● |  ●   ● | ●   ● |
    |    ( _●_)  ミ |    ( _●_)  ミ  ( _●_)  ミ  ( _●_) ミ
    彡、   |∪|  、` 彡、   |∪|  、`\ |∪|  、`\ |∪| 、`\
   / __  ヽノ / / __  ヽノ /´>  ) ヽノ / ノ //ヽノ/´>  )
   (___)   / (___)   / (_/_)   / (_/   / (_/
632名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/27(木) 09:13:16 ID:IKFb7iNU0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/
633名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/27(木) 09:20:30 ID:IKFb7iNU0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/
634名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/27(木) 09:21:02 ID:IKFb7iNU0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/
635名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/27(木) 09:21:34 ID:IKFb7iNU0
/.: : : : : : : .ヽ
        R: : : :. : pq: :i}
         |:.i} : : : :_{: :.レ′     コ  ツ         , -─弋¬、
        ノr┴-<」: :j|    ポ        ン !! /      `Y
      /:r仁ニ= ノ:.ノ|!           _          | {、       |
       /:/ = /: :/ }!        |〕)       从\ |)   |
     {;ハ__,イ: :f  |       /´   (〔|      ヽ__j儿从八_
     /     }rヘ ├--r─y/ ☆、  `\      i⌒ヽ ̄ ̄\
   /     r'‐-| ├-┴〆    _, 、_⌒☆ \    |  | `===ヘ
    仁二ニ_‐-イ  | |       ∩`Д´)      ゙と[l ̄| .|     \
    | l i  厂  ̄ニニ¬       ノ   ⊂ノ          ̄|  |         ヽ
   ,ゝ、 \ \   __厂`ヽ    (__ ̄) )            |  |\      }
  _/ /\_i⌒ト、_   ノrr- }     し'し′         /{_〆 ̄`ーー=='^┤
 └-' ̄ `|  |_二二._」」__ノ                   {| -‐  / | | }
      └ー′                          └─-二_/⌒Y ̄}
636名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/27(木) 09:23:47 ID:IKFb7iNU0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/
637名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/27(木) 09:24:20 ID:IKFb7iNU0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/
638名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/27(木) 09:25:04 ID:IKFb7iNU0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/
639名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/27(木) 10:56:06 ID:MAJtE/Op0
いろいろ書かれてる ブスのまゆとかオパイひとみとかイクイクゆうかあたりが
640名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/27(木) 12:50:43 ID:t1J9dj5GO
641名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/27(木) 12:57:14 ID:wqoGrRMdO
642名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/27(木) 16:40:52 ID:Uv6hp0swO
643名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/27(木) 20:28:26 ID:bDP+N0Sh0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/
644名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/27(木) 20:28:57 ID:bDP+N0Sh0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/
645名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/27(木) 20:29:50 ID:bDP+N0Sh0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/
646名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/27(木) 20:30:22 ID:bDP+N0Sh0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/
647名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/27(木) 20:32:13 ID:bDP+N0Sh0
''';;';';;'';;;,.,                  ザッ
   ''';;';'';';''';;'';;;,.,   ザッ
      vymyvwymyvymyvy     ザッ
ザッ    n_n,n_n、n_n,n_n、n_n,n_n、
  ザッ   ∩__∩ ∩__∩ ∩__∩ ∩__∩
         ∩_ ∩__∩ ∩__∩ _∩ ∩_    ザッ
     ∩___∩    ∩___∩ ∩___∩ ∩___∩
     | ノ      ヽ   | ノ      ヽ | ノ      ヽノ      ヽ
     /  ●   ● | /  ●   ● |  ●   ● | ●   ● |
    |    ( _●_)  ミ |    ( _●_)  ミ  ( _●_)  ミ  ( _●_) ミ
    彡、   |∪|  、` 彡、   |∪|  、`\ |∪|  、`\ |∪| 、`\
   / __  ヽノ / / __  ヽノ /´>  ) ヽノ / ノ //ヽノ/´>  )
   (___)   / (___)   / (_/_)   / (_/   / (_/

648名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/27(木) 20:33:07 ID:bDP+N0Sh0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/
649名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/27(木) 20:33:40 ID:bDP+N0Sh0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/
650名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/27(木) 20:37:37 ID:bDP+N0Sh0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/
651名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/27(木) 20:38:10 ID:bDP+N0Sh0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/
652名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/27(木) 21:04:38 ID:bDP+N0Sh0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
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                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/
653名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/27(木) 21:05:16 ID:bDP+N0Sh0
/.: : : : : : : .ヽ
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654名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/27(木) 21:07:31 ID:bDP+N0Sh0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
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                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
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                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
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                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
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                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
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                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
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   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_/
655名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/27(木) 22:29:03 ID:bDP+N0Sh0
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
656名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/27(木) 22:29:41 ID:bDP+N0Sh0
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
657名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/27(木) 22:30:13 ID:bDP+N0Sh0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_
658名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/27(木) 23:10:45 ID:bDP+N0Sh0
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
659名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/27(木) 23:11:57 ID:bDP+N0Sh0
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
660名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/27(木) 23:12:29 ID:bDP+N0Sh0
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
661名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/27(木) 23:16:02 ID:bDP+N0Sh0
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
662名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/27(木) 23:16:34 ID:bDP+N0Sh0
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
663名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/27(木) 23:17:39 ID:bDP+N0Sh0
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
664名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/27(木) 23:18:10 ID:bDP+N0Sh0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_
665名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/27(木) 23:35:34 ID:bDP+N0Sh0
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
666名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/27(木) 23:36:28 ID:bDP+N0Sh0
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
667名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/27(木) 23:38:35 ID:bDP+N0Sh0
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
668名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/27(木) 23:39:34 ID:bDP+N0Sh0
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
669名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/27(木) 23:40:06 ID:bDP+N0Sh0
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
670名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/27(木) 23:41:34 ID:bDP+N0Sh0
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
671名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/27(木) 23:42:08 ID:bDP+N0Sh0
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
672名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/27(木) 23:43:24 ID:bDP+N0Sh0
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
673名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/27(木) 23:44:09 ID:bDP+N0Sh0
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
674名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/27(木) 23:44:40 ID:bDP+N0Sh0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_

675名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/27(木) 23:59:34 ID:bDP+N0Sh0
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
676名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/28(金) 00:00:06 ID:bDP+N0Sh0
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
677名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/28(金) 00:06:58 ID:5DWMYYIw0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_
678名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/28(金) 00:07:30 ID:5DWMYYIw0
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
679名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/28(金) 00:08:01 ID:5DWMYYIw0
''';;';';;'';;;,.,                  ザッ
   ''';;';'';';''';;'';;;,.,   ザッ
      vymyvwymyvymyvy     ザッ
ザッ    n_n,n_n、n_n,n_n、n_n,n_n、
  ザッ   ∩__∩ ∩__∩ ∩__∩ ∩__∩
         ∩_ ∩__∩ ∩__∩ _∩ ∩_    ザッ
     ∩___∩    ∩___∩ ∩___∩ ∩___∩
     | ノ      ヽ   | ノ      ヽ | ノ      ヽノ      ヽ
     /  ●   ● | /  ●   ● |  ●   ● | ●   ● |
    |    ( _●_)  ミ |    ( _●_)  ミ  ( _●_)  ミ  ( _●_) ミ
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   (___)   / (___)   / (_/_)   / (_/   / (_/
680名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/28(金) 00:08:32 ID:5DWMYYIw0
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
681名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/28(金) 00:10:22 ID:5DWMYYIw0
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
682名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/28(金) 00:17:12 ID:5DWMYYIw0
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
683名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/28(金) 00:18:04 ID:5DWMYYIw0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_
684名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/28(金) 00:26:38 ID:5DWMYYIw0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_
685名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/28(金) 00:27:11 ID:5DWMYYIw0
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.

686名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/28(金) 00:31:08 ID:5DWMYYIw0
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.

687名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/28(金) 00:31:54 ID:5DWMYYIw0
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 └-' ̄ `|  |_二二._」」__ノ                   {| -‐  / | | }
      └ー′                          └─-二_/⌒Y ̄}

688名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/28(金) 00:54:49 ID:5DWMYYIw0
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
689名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/28(金) 00:55:23 ID:5DWMYYIw0
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
690名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/28(金) 00:57:54 ID:5DWMYYIw0
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
691名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/28(金) 00:58:26 ID:5DWMYYIw0
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
692名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/28(金) 00:59:10 ID:5DWMYYIw0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_

693名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/28(金) 01:00:06 ID:5DWMYYIw0
''';;';';;'';;;,.,                  ザッ
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  ザッ   ∩__∩ ∩__∩ ∩__∩ ∩__∩
         ∩_ ∩__∩ ∩__∩ _∩ ∩_    ザッ
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     | ノ      ヽ   | ノ      ヽ | ノ      ヽノ      ヽ
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   (___)   / (___)   / (_/_)   / (_/   / (_/
694名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/28(金) 01:18:14 ID:5DWMYYIw0
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.

695名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/28(金) 01:19:58 ID:5DWMYYIw0
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.

696名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/28(金) 01:21:50 ID:5DWMYYIw0
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.

697名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/28(金) 01:25:04 ID:5DWMYYIw0
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.

698名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/28(金) 01:25:40 ID:5DWMYYIw0
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
699名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/28(金) 01:26:13 ID:5DWMYYIw0
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to
700名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/28(金) 01:27:03 ID:5DWMYYIw0
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
701名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/28(金) 01:46:09 ID:5DWMYYIw0
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
702名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/28(金) 01:46:57 ID:5DWMYYIw0
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Ma
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
703名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/28(金) 01:47:29 ID:5DWMYYIw0
,-― 、
                  // /   ` i
                   _...,,_ |_    i |
                 〈     \   ,|
                  \   // ヽ 丿
         バコタン!||l    >====||l=
                     /|l      / |"
                ノ /、      // }   ほほう それでそれで?
      ベコタン!  )  ヽ、__i||,./ /
                ⌒ ,〉  ,,    ",〉__
                 〈 _ _  , /,t    ̄, '゛`ヽ、
                  `ー--‐''"  '      i , ,  |
                     /| ,   、      !    |
                    |  、   \ ゛、__〉' ⌒|
                     |  ヽ、_, -ー" ̄    }
                     !, -‐(_____,,,-く
                        i       _../   i
                      `ー--‐ "´        |
                        / ゚ =ー----'、... __
    ゚             +  ===== !    ,.        ̄丶
          __            ,. -'':.、  u     ゚     。 \
   ==三/ `ニ ー――-- 、..-''´    ゙ー‐ァ--―''" ̄`丶、 u  丶、   _,,.. --、
      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
   。 /,   ,. - '´   ゙̄''ー-----―''"´      +     ゚      ヽ ー   _ノ-'´
     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ、_
704名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/28(金) 01:48:22 ID:5DWMYYIw0
extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.

705名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/28(金) 02:00:16 ID:5DWMYYIw0
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Ma
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
706名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/28(金) 02:00:50 ID:5DWMYYIw0
ension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
707名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/28(金) 02:01:21 ID:5DWMYYIw0
ension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
708名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/28(金) 02:01:52 ID:5DWMYYIw0
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Ma
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez

709名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/28(金) 02:02:33 ID:5DWMYYIw0
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      ,r''´。 ゚  __     ・    。   _.. -''´         `丶、    `‐'"  ´‐'´'
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     `゙ー-'´                      −−===三三三 ヽ
710名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/28(金) 02:03:04 ID:5DWMYYIw0
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he
711名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/28(金) 02:05:05 ID:5DWMYYIw0
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that
712名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/28(金) 02:05:58 ID:5DWMYYIw0
Marca on Monday.
713名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/28(金) 02:06:29 ID:5DWMYYIw0
ish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
714名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/28(金) 02:40:21 ID:5DWMYYIw0
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions
715名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/28(金) 02:40:53 ID:5DWMYYIw0
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have ways been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions
716名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/28(金) 02:41:43 ID:5DWMYYIw0
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions
717名無しさん@ピンキー:2006/04/28(金) 02:43:01 ID:5DWMYYIw0
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's assertions a week ago that he had chosen a successor to Lopez Caro.
In an official statement, the club said: "Contrary to what has been reported in the Spanish and European media the club has made no decision on who will be the club's coach next season. The club has no agreement or contract with any coach."
Last week Martin, who replaced Florentino Perez in February, was interviewed by Spanish daily El Mundo where he said: "I know who will be the new coach and I'm not going to name any names."
Real are second in the Primera Liga, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who they visit on Saturday, with eight games left.
panish media continue to tout AC Milan coach Ancelotti as favourite to take over at the Bernabeu in July, despite his having signed a contract extension until 2008 with the Italian club last week.
"I have decided to stay with Milan, who have always been my team. They are my first choice," Ancelotti was quoted as saying in sports daily Marca on Monday.
"The decision is definitive but anything can happen in football."
Earlier in the day Real had made it clear that there was no deal in place with a new coach, going back on Martin's asser
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