-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- InniskillingDragoon - 10:26am Apr 10, 2010 GMT (#1 of 53) Neoconservatism is an outward global viewpoint - the despised notion that the US should wield its power and influence to promote and create greater liberty and economic growth abroad via democratic systems linked with free enterprise among the peoples of the world.
Tea Partyism is an inward national viewpoint- the despised notion that it is unacceptable to employ police state power to create fascist command and control schemes via which a centralized tyranny can strangle individual liberty by employing intrusive, confiscatory and profligate means that portend a future of bankruptcy and diminished freedoms and opportunity for our progeny.
One viewpoint champions liberty abroad, and the other champions liberty at home. Just because a Tea Party person wishes to preserve and enhance liberty on a domestic front for themselves and their children does not mean they buy into the NeoCon bullshit and be willing to invest one Mercan dime, one drop of Mercan blood or one moment of Mercan attention to champion the same in other lands among other peoples.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Canard - 10:41am Apr 10, 2010 GMT (#2 of 53) Neocons went to Ivy League colleges and teabaggers didn't graduate from high school.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RaquetMan - 12:50pm Apr 10, 2010 GMT (#3 of 53) And Neobaggers didn't graduate from high school, yet attended Ivy league colleges.
日本の戦後は、アメリカの政界の最も悪質な部分である「ニューディーラー」にたちによってつくられた。 彼らニューディーラーたちは、1930年代のアメリカのリベラル勢力である。彼らの代表がフランクリン・ ルーズベルト大統領であった。この一部が敗戦直後にマッカーサー元師の取り巻きとして日本にも上陸した。 この者たちによって私たち日本人は、敗戦直後から現在までずっと管理・教育されてきた。この事を英文で書くと 次のようになる。 The‘New Dealers'(i.e the prototypical globalists)brought int japan with their ideeas that brainwashed the japanese people duringt the Occupation years.As a result,japan has led a sheltered existence for the past half-century from the rest of the world in terms of prevailing political thoughts,thus creating a one- domineted ruling class. This ruling class then intentionally isolated the country from the outside, in order to maintain control over the japanese people. 上の英文の訳 「ニューディーラー(すなわち、グローバリストの初期の形態)が、占領時代に日本に彼らの思想を植えつけた。 その後、それらの意図的な思想が、日本国民の思考の中に根づいた。だから日本は、この半世紀の間ずっと、 世界中で通用している本物の政治思想や考え方から壁を作られて遮られてきた。そして国内に専制的なひとつの 支配階級をつくった。この支配層は日本国内の支配を維持するために、日本を外側世界と意思が通じない状態に 置く原因をつくった。」 この英文を、自分の友人や知人のアメリカ人やイギリス人その他の英語圏国民に見せてみとよい。 政治問題に 関心のある少し知的な英米人であれば、必ずそれなりの興味深い反応を示すだろう。もし、本当に頭の良い賢明な アメリカ人であったら、「どうして、お前は、このことを知っているのだ?」と驚かれたあとに、さらに多くの 恐るべき真実をあれこれ語ってくれるだろう。 引用は副島隆彦「日本の危機の本質」P33〜34
某投書より The criminal Communist conspiracy of Code Pink, Bill Ayers, Saul Alinsky, George Soros, the New Black Panthers, SEIU, ACLU, Acorn, co-ordinated by the Obama Regime; seeks to set up a new Communist dictatorship by force of a new United Nations Army that Obama is building.
First, they are pulling all children away from parents in the "National Orphanage Council" system, which will allow the Obama Dictatorship to brainwash children into Communism. With the help of fluoridated water, which causes secret brain- chemistry changes, Communism is inevitable for these segregated, brainwashed poor children, the future Communist Army of the United Nations in the USA!
The Obama Dictatorship United Nations Army is training the Communist child-soldiers in the new National Parks he created, which will stop the capitalist practice of logging, but is really for the training of brainwashed Communist Army children! The fluoride is secretly given them in Kool-Aid, Obama is no different than Jim Jones, he serves brainwashing fluoride in Kool-aid to Communist orphans!