543 :名無しさん:2008/02/23(土) 20:08:48 ID:Tm2NBsN1 84 Name: Canada Girl : 2006-12-13 05:29 ID:ZSxVEUwM [Del] I just read this whole thread....I'm a Canadian girl who spent a year in Japan. Japanese guys really didn't hit on me, and when they did- they were 10 or 15 years older which creeped me out. I do however have a strong lust for Japanese men and a fascination with all things Japan. I am desperate to go back, to date Japanese men, and Yeah, I can actually speak Japanese.
THEY DONT WANT US, not the other way around.
and I am a clean, slim girl. The only reason I can think of is that my breasts are just too large for them.
545 :名無しさん:2008/02/23(土) 21:35:59 ID:ERQ6tAOo Hey! I'm a Columbian girl now visiting Tokyo, osaka. I wish to talk with Japanese guys, because you seem like very cute and lovely!!.. Don't be afraind of Latina mujeres guys! We love Japan so much ~WE WILL TAKE CARE OF YOU with MANY MANY LOVE!~ Thanks
Je ne souhaite pas partir dans de trop grandes divaguations mais j'espére au moins que quelques japonais font preuve de tolérance envers les occidentales. Et que nous ne soyons pas à leur yeux autre chose qu'une petite fleur exotique.