

Cari: Well I must say you actually shocked me. I was so sure Ace was going to be your
man this year.

Amanda: Ace? Are you serious? He's nice to look at but he is no Constantine. Now my
friend Shawn loves Ace and he's convinced that Ace is gay.

Cari: Really? I'm pretty sure Ace has a girlfriend.

Amanda: Wow, I didn't know that.Shawn swore to me that Ace was gay. I do have one
friend who loves Ace. She votes for him all the time and even had his picture taped up
in her locker until Shawn stole the picture out of her locker and wrote "Shawn's man" on
it. She was not happy when she opened her locker.  


Cari: Who do you guys vote for?

Amanda: Right now I split my vote between Taylor, Chris, and Bucky. My best friend Beth
votes for Taylor, Chris and Elliot.

Cari: Really, Elliott and Bucky? I didn't really think Elliott and Bucky would garner the teen
vote. Of course I also didn't think you would like Taylor. Elliott you say.

Amanda: I don't vote for Elliott but my friends that do feel sorry for him so they vote
for him.

Cari: Why do they feel sorry for him?

Amanda: He's kind of like a little lost puppy dog. You just want to hug him. Plus he can
really sing.

163151:2006/03/28(火) 11:59:05 ID:l8YZ9JJN
Amanda: Girls already have enough pressure to be thin we don't need more. Mandisa can
sing, I bet he would never tell Aretha she needed a bigger stage.

Cari: I will have to agree with you there. I think Mandisa can sing and it shouldn't matter
what size she is.

Amanda: She has an amazing voice and she's funny. I could live if Mandisa or Katherine
won just as long Kellie or Paris don't win. Oh my God, I can't take those too anymore.

Cari: You really dislike them that much?

Amanda: If Paris comes out with again with her hair looking like dog-ears one more time,
I'm gonna scream. She just tries way to hard and her speaking voice annoys me. The
sooner she goes the better. Hopefully Kellie follows right after her. I'm sick of the dumb
blonde act. It's getting old. I'm from the South and she's giving us a bad name.


Cari: What do your friends think of Kellie?

Amanda: Hate her, totally hate her. We think she's a big fake. Nobody can be that stupid.

Cari: Well Amanda our time is about up but before we go any last words?

Amanda: I would like to tell all those people out there that don't like the teenage vote they
should get over it. We vote and we vote a lot. I vote about a hundred times a night and I
think its fun. My friends do too and we won't stop.

Cari: Well I might have said that a little differently but I do understand why you think that

Amanda: I'm so tired of all these adults telling me how stupid my votes are. Like their
votes are so much better because they're old.

Cari: How about instead of old we say more mature?

Amanda: Okay more mature. I don't care either way; I think they just need to get over it.