{ワ~イ}ボストン新スレッド{Common Ave}


On April 5th, Dr.Vella, a doctor
at McLean told me that I am ready to go back to school on April 5th but Mailman
did not think I would be able to be back on campus. Mailman’s decision was that
I go back home to my country immediately after my discharge on the 10th of
Apirl. While I found it very interesting how Mailman made a decision
contradictory to the opinion coming from the world’s best psychiatric
institution, I admitted that my symptom may have to be monitored in a long
course of time, so I went back to my country. On the side note, Maggie Balch at
Reslife told me “it was necessary” for me to leave campus immediately and I had
no time for saying goodbye to my friends. It was implied that I was “threat to
Brandeis community” (potentially homocidal), but my doctor at McLean said I was
ready to handle academics, and I also would like to know what Mailman had told
Reslife about my psychiatric history.Mailman said in order to go back
to school I have to hand in a proposal and the letter by my doctor in Japan.
While I was at home, I was meeting a very trustful doctor, whom, unlike doctors
I met in the states, did CT scanning.When I asked Dean Rosenthal, she told
me to send the letter and the proposal to Dean Sawyer, so that Mailman and Dean
Sawyer can review my proposal. However, when I returned to campus, Dr. Redlener
laughingly said “I never saw the letter from Japanese doctor”. The letter from
my Dr. Includes my medical records, and careful instructions, and it only makes
sense to people who had medical training. This, and also the fact they ignored
Dr. Viella’s opinion leads me to a conclusion that Mailman does not take doctors
from other institutions seriously: They are not interesting in treating me