188 :名無しさん :05/02/04 07:09:06 ID:w5Pm68UC 欧米では在日や総連の工作活動をきちんと認識しています。 これがアメリカなら、テロ活動としてる在日連中はキューバのグァンタナモベイに収容されてるな。 Chosen Soren (the General Association of Korean Residents in Japan - Zainichi Chosenjin Sorengokai), the association of Korean residents in Japan http://www.globalsecurity.org/intell/world/dprk/chosen_soren.htm Nearly one-third of the Japanese pachinko [pinball] industry is controlled by Chosen affiliates or supporters. Chosen remittences in hard currencies to Pyongyang have been variously estimated at between $600 million and $1.9 billion each year.
Gakushu-gumi is Chosen's underground organization, which is a quasi-formal body of the North Korean Workers' Party. Gakushu-gumi , with a membership estimated at 5,000, engages in intelligence activities and political maneuverings against South Korea. The Chosen Soren supports intelligence operations in Japan, assists in the infiltration of agents into South Korea, collects open source information, and diverts advanced technology for use by North Korea. North Korea uses several methods to acquire technology related to nuclear, biological, or chemical warfare and missiles. The Chosen Soren has among other activities an ongoing effort to acquire and export advanced technology to North Korea.
*stop the japs- TAKE ACTION we should charge them if they come into Australian waters we should seize their boats and send their asses back to there own country!
*I would have loved to have seen you wipe that smirk off that Japs face.
*I live in Japan READ THIS!!!!!! think they are over and above us. Yet its us who created the modern world. Oh you think Japanese technology is great.....where do you think they got it from. Show me an original Japanese invention other than the "Walkman” and the “Geisha Girls” Oh am I a rascist, no I am a realist. remember Hiroshima and Nagasaki' , we should have dropped more bombs and wiped them out when we had the opportunity
"This black woman thinks rather a lot of herself."
"She's so ugly she's losing face. Even a dog would be put off its dinner while she's being fed."
The 5000 years of civilisation on which the Chinese pride themselves were not so evident this week in the comments on Condoleezza Rice's visit to Beijing posted on the internet site "New Tide Net".
I beat up mother fucker called me JAP today. Don't give a fuck what the color of your skin or myself, but I do care about my ancestor; I would say as Japanese, I'll never let people to say Jap in front of me. Size is not the issue mother fucker, cause I beat you up.