>>468 March 20, 2005 http://www.nytimes.com/2005/03/20/international/20rice.html?hp&ex=1111381200&en=38b907ac63942923&ei=5094&partner=homepage A senior official traveling with Ms. Rice said she was trying to send a clear message that it was time to bring talks over the North's nuclear weapons program "to a satisfactory conclusion." Ms. Rice's action was a departure from diplomatic protocol on several levels. It is highly unusual for a secretary of state's first destination in a country to be a military site instead of a diplomatic event, especially an American installation instead of a South Korean one. While her first move on Korean soil was aimed directly at North Korea, the major push of her visit is to persuade China to "squeeze the North," as one aide said. On Friday, Ms. Rice said, "Well, I assume that because China says it wants a nonnuclear Korean peninsula" that "they are trying to be effective in their diplomacy." But she added that she would urge the Chinese to do more "when I get to Beijing." In her Tokyo speech, which aides described as a major policy address, Ms. Rice pushed China to change its form of government, saying, "Even China must eventually embrace some form of open, genuinely representative government." While in Beijing, her aides said, she intends to attend Palm Sunday services at a Protestant church - a potentially provocative act in a nation without freedom of religion. The last session of the regional talks with North Korea was last summer, and the United States is not considered likely to wait past this summer before considering other options, like going to the United Nations Security Council for a resolution. 動画 http://video.msn.com/video/p.htm?t=1&p=Source_Nightly%20News&i=867a288e-7a75-421f-a42a-1091b0dd499b&rf=
Mail us your input regarding past competitions and upcoming matches. [email protected]
03-21-2005 South Korea’s national football team beat Burkina Faso 1-0 in a friendly match held in Dubai, United Arab Emirates on Sunday night, with midfielder Kim Sang-sik scoring the winner in the 55th minute.
The South Korean players celebrated the goal by gathering in front of and drawing attention to a sign reading "Tokto is our territory" in Korean, referring the small Korean-controlled islets in the East Sea to which Japan’s Shimane prefecture recently laid claim. http://times.hankooki.com/lpage/sports/200503/kt2005032115065011620.htm
http://businessweek.com/magazine/content/05_06/b3919001_mz001.htm In Guam, the Secret Service in July uncovered a network selling bogus North Korean-made pharmaceuticals, cigarettes, and $100 bills. In January, U.S. Commerce Secretary Donald Evans blasted the Chinese on a visit to Beijing, demanding they step up efforts to police intellectual-property violations. Evans singled out the case of a General Motors Corp. (GM ) subsidiary that is suing Chinese carmaker Chery Automotive for ripping off the design of its Chevrolet Spark minicar. The uncanny resemblance between the two cars, said Evans, "defies innocent explanation." The World Health Organization says up to 10% of medicines worldwide are counterfeited -- a deadly hazard that could be costing the pharmaceutical industry $46 billion a year. Honda's (HMC ) workhorse CG125 -- selling for about $300, or less than half the cost of a real Honda -- especially popular. Shanghai Mitsubishi Elevator Co. discovered a counterfeit elevator after a building owner asked the company for a maintenance contract. "It didn't look like our product," says Wang Chung Heng, a lawyer for Shanghai Mitsubishi. "And it stopped between floors." Kyocera Corp. (KYO ), had to recall a million cell-phone batteries that turned out to be counterfeit, costing the company at least $5 million. Cigarette maker JT International has boosted its anti-counterfeiting budget from $200,000 to $15 million in the past six years, spending the money on a network of investigators, lawyers, and informants in factories suspected of making fakes. More alarming, say police, is counterfeiting's connection to the underworld. "Organized crime thrives on counterfeiting," says Ronald K. Noble, Secretary General of Interpol. So does terrorism. One cigarette executive estimates North Korea earns $100 million per year in fees from pirates producing there.
カナダでは朝鮮人狩り事件が有りました。 「朝鮮人を誘拐して殺す(local Korean organization received a letter filled with hate, threats of murder and kidnapping)」 と言う手紙が朝鮮人団体に届き、次々に朝鮮人が襲われました。 画像は朝鮮人団体の主率婆、襲われたのは20代前半のチョン女ばかり、 2002年の夏に集中して起こり、犯人は未だに逮捕されたおらず、 もしかしたらチョン移民が増えチョンに対する風当たりの強いカナダで同情を買う為の、 カナダ版のチョゴリ切り裂き事件かも? http://www.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/story/CTVNews/20020721/korean_student_attacked_020720
Rice Remarks With South Korean FM Ban Ki-Moon http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/WO0503/S00343.htm チョン記者: At the current situation, due to the problems concerning the Dokdo Island, ROK-Japan relations are -- have been -- are in a bad situation. Korean government has expressed that it will be difficult for us to support the Japanese government in its bid for entering into the U.N. Security Council if the Japanese government does not show a certain degree of apology. And this is the same with other countries who have been -- who have received the scars of war from the Japanese. However, at a lecture, Secretary Rice has expressed -- at a lecture in Japan, Secretary Rice has expressed that the American government supports Japan's entrance into the U.N. Security Council. The Korean people are wondering why this remark has been made at such a situation. Is this done intentionally, or does Secretary Rice need a deeper understanding of the relations between ROK and Japan?
ライス長官: Well, first of all, the United States first made known publicly that we intended to support Japan for a permanent seat in the Security Council last August. It was made public by Secretary Powell. And we have also said that we support Security Council reform in the context of broader United Nations reform. And we are at the beginning of that process, not at the end of it.
http://english.chosun.com/w21data/html/news/200503/200503230040.html A local bank is under investigation for using pirated software in what police said Wednesday was likely only the tip of the iceberg. Seoul Jungbu Police Station said it was investigating a complaint by Microsoft Korea lodged against the bank on Feb. 4 for installing and using pirated office software worth W3 billion (US$ 2.97 million). The police said 7,900 of the bank's 11,400 computers, or 61 percent, were running pirated Microsoft programs. The bank reportedly asked the IT maintenance company it employs to install illegally copied Microsoft software on the hard drive of all its terminals in 2003. Microsoft also charges the bank with failing to renew its contract for the 4,500 terminals, which expired in November last year.
http://research.yale.edu/wwkelly/index.html one of Japan's open secrets: burakumin and ethnic Koreans dominate the organized crime gangs known as the yakuza. More than three-quarters of the members of the Yamaguchi Gumi, Japan's biggest underworld organization, are said to be burakumin or ethnic Koreans.
Authorities said it was possible the victims had been locked in the four-storey building. Another fire in September 2000 in southern South Korea killed five prostitutes who had been locked in a brothel room.
ヒュンダイグループ、北朝鮮の核兵器開発を支援 http://english.chosun.com/w21data/html/news/200503/200503240018.html Hyundai Helped Fund N.K. Uranium Program: Expert Larry A. Niksch of the Congressional Research Service (CRS), who regularly publishes reports on North Korea and the Korea-U.S. relationship, said in his Feb. 22 report Hyundai funds went into accelerating North Korea's secret HEU development program.
http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/local/aplocal_story.asp?category=6420&slug=WA%20Human%20Trafficking Los Angeles man sentenced for human-smuggling operation Friday, March 25, 2005 THE ASSOCIATED PRESS A 30-year-old Los Angeles man was sentenced to three years in prison Friday for helping smuggle hundreds of South Korean immigrants into the United States over remote, mountainous sections of the Canadian and Mexican borders. Young Pil "Ricky" Choi masterminded the operation, and often found work for the immigrants as prostitutes in Southern California bars and massage parlors, federal prosecutors said. He helped arrange their travel to and accommodations in Canada or Mexico, supervised their travel across the border on foot, and paid the drivers who brought them to Los Angeles. In Los Angeles, the Koreans met with two of Choi's alleged cohorts, Kong Sun Hernandez and Tae Hyu Shin, who face trial next month. Choi, a South Korean who came to the United States at age 12, charged as much as $20,000, prosecutors said.
"These women and children and their families pay huge sums thinking they are headed for a better life, but find as illegal immigrants 【they can be trapped in a form of modern-day slavery】," U.S. Attorney John McKay said.
http://www.asianpacificpost.com/news/article/353.html Mar 22, 2005 Canadian English teachers are among the main targets after a TV show painted a picture of foreigners in South Korea as an assortment of high-school dropouts, losers, drug peddlers and pedophiles. A homegrown campaign urging foreigners to leave South Korea has prompted warnings for western visitors to stay away from certain parts of Seoul. The Seoul Times reported that demonstrations against foreigners are planned and an online petition to keep foreigners out of South Korea has already received thousands of signatures.
*The US embassy, the paper said, has warned American citizens to stay away from certain parts of Seoul.
*The Canadian Embassy in Seoul on its website said that it is concerned at the rate of sexual assault against foreigners. "The use of public transport after dark may be safer than using taxis when travelling alone," it states.
The Yonhap News Agency said that TV station SBS recently aired a program painting a picture of foreign teachers in South Korea as an assortment of high-school dropouts, losers, drug peddlers and pedophiles. The BBC car show Top Gear received criticism from Korean manufacturing groups after lampooning Korean cars as “fridge like“ in their design. The popular US TV show Lost was also heavily criticized after it was accused of perpetrating negative stereotypes of Korean men. Even Oprah Winfrey couldn‘t escape criticism after she accused Korean women of being obsessed with plastic surgery.
Scott Thompson and Jason Beaton, who have been teaching English outside Seoul, were arrested March 11. men were leaving a bar early that morning when they were attacked by several Korean men. When police arrived, they arrested the two Canadians and charged them with assault.
http://www.koreaherald.co.kr/SITE/data/html_dir/2005/03/24/200503240007.asp When the obstetrician hinted to Oh Min-jung that her expected first-born would be a boy, the first thing she did was to head straight to a specialized travel agent to make arrangements for a "birth tour" to the United States. after paying a handsome fee, the agency made all the "tour" arrangements and three weeks later she hopped on a flight for Los Angeles - to deliver her unborn boy away from Korea's mandatory military service and fiercely competitive school system. In a system where draft-dodgers are punished by criminal law, those who can avoid it are condemned and envied at the same time. In recent years, the trend of traveling great distances, often to unfamiliar lands, has caught on like wildfire among Korea's pregnant moms. So much so that Koreans even coined the phrase "wonjeong chulsan," or "childbirth expedition." while opening up a vast new market where skyrocketing demands of education-zealous parents are being met by heated competition among travel agencies specializing "birth-tour packages" to western countries that offer citizenship to any child born on their soil. The United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand are among the most favored countries by pregnant women who believe that acquiring citizenship there for their child will guarantee entry into a prestigious university, exemption from military service, and a shot at a better life. There are no official statistics on how many Korean babies are born overseas on a "childbirth expedition." But rough estimates by industry insiders over the past few years show their numbers are on a steady climb by the thousands. According to a leading travel agency, some 3,000 maternity trips were estimated in 2001, 5,000 in 2002, 7,000 in 2003, and peaked to nearly 10,000 last year.
http://toledoblade.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20050326/NEWS08/503260322/-1/NEWS Article published Saturday, March 26, 2005 Deportation sought for couple in West Toledo U.S. says pair here illegally since 1996 In the predawn semidarkness of a small West Toledo apartment, Dae and Yung Jung stumbled toward the thumping at their front door. Seconds later, officers in dark jackets emblazoned with Homeland Security crammed into the couple's living room demanding passports and drivers' licenses. Mrs. Jung was escorted to jail. Upstairs, the couple's son, Andrew, hid, stunned and baffled. According to the government, Dae Jung and his wife have been living in the United States illegally since 1996. The Seoul area was congested and busy and noisy. Young Andrew could not communicate well with other Korean children. ザパニーズ he began working at Kotobuki restaurant, becoming a sushi chef. The restaurant asked the U.S. Department of Labor for permission to hire Mr. Jung. On Aug. 14, 2000, he was issued a certificate allowing him to work - a sort of first step toward a green card Dennis Chung, owner of Kotobuki, said he has entrusted Mr. Jung to operate the sushi bar, by himself, at the downtown Navy Bistro's wine bar. http://abclocal.go.com/wtvg/news/0327_deportation.html Yung Jung, the mother of 14-year-old Andrew Jung, was taken away by immigration and naturalization services last month. Andrew was born here. His mother was not.
http://www.mosnews.com/news/2005/04/01/japanesedied.shtml Russia Acknowledges Sending Japanese Prisoners of War to North Korea The Japanese Embassy in Moscow has received a list of about 27,000 Japanese people detained in Siberia after World War II and later sent to North Korea, Japanese daily Mainichi reports. About 575,000 Japanese prisoners of war were sent to the Siberian camps after the war ended in August 1945. 473,000 of them later returned home, and about 55,000 died in Russia, according to the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare. It is unknown what happened to the remaining 47,000 people and Japanese authorities have repeatedly said that they might have been sent to North Korea or the Manchurian region of China. The list of 27,000 people handed over by the Russian State Military Archive is the first official document that underscores the sending of detainees to North Korea after the war. The embassy believes that those people were mostly sick, because the employees of the archive said that only those who were not regarded as forced labor were sent there.
WIFR CBS News Mar 20, 2005 A hidden phenomenon in Illinois is being exposed in a new way. Sunday, steps are announced to combat human sex and labor trafficking. Just weeks ago federal and local agents shut down seven massage parlors in Rockford that were illegal sex shops. Several undocumented Chinese and Korean women were not allowed to leave the spas. Some of these locked down women became prostitutes. Two men and six women were arrested. It's situations like this that Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich wants to stop. The governor has formed the first ever multi-agency task force to inform us about human trafficking and uncover victims.
Argentine Navy corvette ARA Drummond arrested a Korean jigger last March 9 allegedly poaching in Argentina’s exclusive economic zone (EEZ), some 350 kilometers (190 nautical miles) east of the Port of San Julián, Santa Cruz province.
Korean flagged Jae Sung was air detected and when approached by ARA Drummond tried to flee. However after a short chase the Korean jigger finally stopped and was inspected by a boarding party which, according to Navy sources, discovered several mismatches between hold contents and documentation, and proceeded to its arrest.
Virtual Possibilities: China and the Internet: The Genie Is Out of the Chinese Bottle (The Asian Wall Street Journal) April 01, 2005 Much of the anti-Japanese sentiment in China is a product of Communist education that relied on stirring up anti-Japanese sentiment as a way to legitimize the party’s rule. But now the rage has taken on a life of its own. In a further twist, public resentment now even threatens to be aimed at the government — for not being tough enough on the Japanese. This, of course, would be completely missing the point. If Beijing does aspire to finally soothe the public’s anti-Japanese antagonism, then it will require more proactive measures to both educate the people as well as create good will between the two neighbors. Tokyo’s “ignore it and it will go away” attitude toward China’s anti-Japanese sentiment has only exacerbated the problem.
But it bears repeating that Japan’s excesses took place 60 years ago, and since then Japan has been a model citizen to its neighbors and its people. Would that the same could be said for some other Asian nations.
馬鹿チョンがまたボクシングで八百長事件を起こしました。 ソウル・オリンピックでのRoy Jones Jr事件に全く懲りて無いみたいです。 http://www.mysanantonio.com/sports/stories/MYSA040105.12C.BOXzurita.19350f333.html Web Posted: 04/01/2005 San Antonio flyweight Maribel Zurita lost her IFBA world flyweight title to Shin Hee Choi of South Korea on Wednesday in China in a match clouded by controversy. Referee Byungk Kim stopped the bout at the Sunrise International Ballroom in Shenyang in the eighth round after ruling that a cut over Choi's eye was caused by an unintentional head butt. Going to the scorecards for the decision, the two South Korean judges scored the bout 68-65 for Choi. IFBA officials said they would review a tape of the fight and issue a ruling.
http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/other_sports/olympics_2012/3939219.stm The track record on Olympic corruption ROY JONES Bribery was not limited to the bidding process for Olympic cities. At the 1988 Games in Seoul, American Roy Jones Jr came up against South Korean Park Si-hun in the fight to decide the welterweight gold medal. Jones dominated the fight, landing more than two punches for every one he took, and was almost universally declared to be the clear winner. But the judges ruled differently, giving gold to the Korean to the astonishment of neutral observers ringside. a Korean millionaire bribed senior boxing federation officials to rig fights in favour of Koreans. Morocco's Hiouad Larbi, a judge in the Jones fight, admitted to newspaper reporters that he had falsified his scorecard.
http://www.aroundtherings.com/article.php?pid=1315 Korea Launches 2014 Winter Olympics Bid Posted: Thursday, March 31, 2005 The head of South Korea’s bid for the 2014 Olympics tells Around the Rings “confidence is high” as he prepares for a rematch with another contender for 2010, Salzburg, Austria. Gangwon Province Governor Kim Jin Sun says “we’ve made a lot of progress.” South Korea officially launched launches its latest bid for the Winter Olympics with the first board of directors meeting for PyeongChang 2014. The 91-member board met Thursday at the Olympic Park Hotel in Seoul
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Wednesday, April 6, 2005 · http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/local/aplocal_story.asp?category=6420&slug=ID%20Human%20Smuggling Idaho -- Two men have been charged in U.S. District Court with knowingly transporting illegal aliens over the Canadian border last weekend, the second time in four months authorities have had a case of alleged human smuggling of Koreans in Idaho's Panhandle. Sang Yoon Kim of Vancouver, British Columbia, and fellow defendant Bum Suk Kim of Korea were arrested early Sunday and were being held in the Shoshone County Jail, along with the 13 Korean women they allegedly smuggled across the border last weekend. At their first court appearance Tuesday, the two men waived their right to a preliminary hearing. Each faces a maximum penalty of 10 years in prison and $250,000 fine if found guilty. The charges come less than a week after the Idaho Legislature decided to form an interim committee to study the problem of human trafficking in Idaho. Assistant U.S. Attorney Nancy Cook said her office is concerned that the Korean woman may have been destined to become prostitutes in California In December, Cook said she had a case that involved two men, one a Korean national and the other a Korean Canadian, who brought in six women over the border. Cook recently reached a plea agreement in that case, but the defendants have yet to be sentenced. On Tuesday, the 13 Korean women - from the baby-faced to middle-aged - filed into the courtroom cuffed together, and all but one wore the green smocks of the Shoshone County Jail. The one who was dressed in street clothes walked with a limp from a recent injury. They were being held in jail because the U.S. government considers them a flight risk, U.S. District Court Judge Larry M. Boyle told them through an interpreter.
>>585 Bonzai chef and owner Jun Hong, a Korean-American, claims he's helping to popularize Japanese and Asian culture to people who may never have been exposed to it.
KYOTO ・A clergyman of a Christian church in Yawata, Kyoto Prefecture, was arrested Wednesday on suspicion of sexually molesting a 12-year-old girl who was a member of his congregation, police said. Tamotsu Kin(Kim), 61, a South Korean national who heads the Central Church of Holy God, denies the allegations.
Kim was said to be preaching Christian teachings at the church under the name of Tamotsu Nagata.
The group has about 20 churches in Kyoto, Tokyo, Osaka, Yokohama and other areas across Japan, according to its website.
Arrested Kyoto clergyman may have abused girls abroad
The founder and head of a Christian group in Yawata, Kyoto Prefecture, who was arrested Wednesday on suspicion of allegedly sexually molesting a 12-year-old girl from his congregation, may have abused girls on trips abroad, police sources said Friday.
Tamotsu Kin, 61, a clergyman of the Central Church of Holy God, had accompanied teenage girls on trips to South Korea, the United States, Canada and New Zealand, they said. The investigators suspect Kin may have abused the girls during the trips and are gathering further evidence, the sources said.
http://www.abc.net.au/ra/news/stories/s1342034.htm ABC Radio Australia South Korean fugitive sighted in Vietnam Last Updated 10/04/2005, 15:14:57 One of South Korea's most-wanted fugitives, the former head of the country's Daewoo Group, has reportedly been sighted at a hotel in Vietnam. Kim Woo-Choong has been on the run since 2001, accused of embezzling millions of dollars, in one of the world's biggest business accounting frauds. A Korean National has reported seeing Kim at a Ho Chi Minh City hotel, where he checked in using his own name, listing his company as Daewoo. He's been hiding overseas since 1999 when Daewoo Group, once the country's second largest conglomerate, collapsed under debt estimated at 80 billion US dollars. An arrest warrant was issued via Interpol in 2001.
http://www.grandforks.com/mld/grandforks/news/11357213.htm COURT: Pair to plead guilty to aiding illegal aliens Sun, Apr. 10, 2005 Husband, wife expected to get prison sentence and fine FARGO - A Korean woman accused of helping illegal aliens across the U.S.-Canadian border into North Dakota and her husband have agreed to plead guilty, according to assistant U.S. attorney Nick Chase. The woman, Zenma Suh Yi, 34, and husband Ki Yong Yi, a Cary, N.C., restaurateur, allegedly were going to employ the aliens. They were expected to enter their pleas Friday in Fargo District Court but Judge Ralph Erickson postponed the hearing after Zenma said she didn't have confidence in her English comprehension. The aliens they brought into the United States - Zenma's sister Ki Ja Lee, 45, and the sister's husband, Chang Kyung Cheon, 42 - have been deported, as was Jong Seo Lee, 42, a restaurant employee and illegal alien who aided Zenma. She was to plead guilty of aiding and abetting illegal entry into the country, a Class B misdemeanor with a maximum penalty of six months in prison and $5,000 fine. Her husband was to plead guilty to conspiring to bring illegal aliens, a Class C felony with a maximum penalty of 10 years in prison and $250,000 fine. Authorities say Zenma picked up her passengers in Toronto and drove to Walhalla, N.D., to make the illegal crossing. She was arrested June 13 after driving through the port of entry there while it was closed. Her illegal alien passengers had more than $17,000 in cash.
http://www.psychiatrictimes.com/p980145.html Examining Anger in 'Culture-Bound' Syndromes by Sandra L. Somers Psychiatric Times "Hwa-byung" and "ataque de nervios," listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, Fourth Edition (DSM-IV) as culture-bound syndromes, can serve as gateways to understanding anger's role in psychiatric morbidity, according to a panel of experts.
Christopher K. Chung, M.D., assistant professor and director of psychiatric emergency services at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center in Torrance, Calif., who chaired a symposium on hwa-byung and anger syndromes at the American Psychiatric Association last year, described the *Korean phenomenon of hwa-byung (literally, fire disease) as "more specifically, suppressed anger syndrome." He said there was not a consensus as to whether the syndrome should be classified as culture-bound.
The Korean Perspective Hwa-byung is more frequently found in less-educated people, those of lower socioeconomic status and those from rural areas. Once provoked, they tend to talk long and in detail Min described a study in which he sought to identify the psychological and somatic symptoms related to hwa-byung and to correlate those symptoms with haan, which refers to suppressed anger, hate, despair, the holding of a grudge or feelings of "everlasting woe"; as well as to disorders of anxiety, depression and obsession-compulsion.
Two men convicted of smuggling illegal aliens April 12, 2005, 10:44 AM EDT SYRACUSE, N.Y. -- Two New York City men face up to 10 years in federal prison after being convicted of smuggling eight South Korean women into the United States.
Jin Kyoo Park, 57, of Jackson Heights, and Myung Woo Jun, 54, of Bayside, will be sentenced Aug. 16 in Albany by U.S. District Judge Norman Mordue, said Assistant U.S. Attorney Edward Grogan. The two men were each convicted of six felony counts of alien smuggling following a week-long trial in Syracuse. They also could be fined up to $250,000. According to prosecutors, Park and Jun drove in separate cars to a remote spot along the Canadian border on April 10 last year and picked up eight South Korean women, who were waiting for them alongside a dirt road just inside the United States. The women had been driven from a safe house in Toronto to the crossing point where they were guided across the border by two unknown men, Grogan said. Authorities arrested Park and Jun when they were stopped on Interstate 87 at a U.S. Border Patrol checkpoint near North Hudson.
S.Korean, Texas Oil Man Charged in UN Scandal Thu Apr 14, 2005 http://www.reuters.com/newsArticle.jhtml?type=topNews&storyID=8185151 NEW YORK (Reuters) - South Korean Tongsun Park and a Texas oil businessman have been charged in two separate federal cases involving bribes and kickbacks in the scandal-plagued U.N. oil-for-food program, federal authorities said on Thursday. Park, who was at the center of the Koreagate influence-peddling scandal in Washington in the 1970s, was charged by the U.S. attorney in New York with being an unregistered agent for Iraq. The criminal complaint said he received at least $2 million from Iraq for lobbying U.N. officials to set up the oil-for-food program, with an understanding that some of the money would be used to "take care" of a U.N. official. Authorities would not identify the official or say whether he still worked at the United Nations. Park is thought to be in South Korea.
http://www.fair.org/extra/best-of-extra/washington-times.html Tungsun Park, who bribed U.S. officials to gain favors for the South Korean government in what became known as "Koreagate." Congressional probers disclosed that illegal espionage operations linked to Koreagate were carried out by the Unification Church at the behest of the KCIA.
嫌われてるのはユダヤ人とチャンコロとチョン http://www.signonsandiego.com/news/state/20050414-2319-ca-hatemail.html April 14, 2005 LOS ANGELES – Dozens of Jewish residents, businesses and synagogues have received hate-filled letters in recent weeks, leading to investigations by local and federal officials. Some of the large manila envelopes had "Die Jews Die!" scrawled on them and other vituperative language filled the papers inside the envelopes. Some of the letters also targeted Asians, Muslims and gays.
South Korean corporation will plead guilty to pollution crimes Friday, April 15, 2005 http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/local/aplocal_story.asp?category=6420&slug=AK%20Illegal%20Dumping ANCHORAGE, Alaska A South Korean corporation has agreed to plead guilty to discharging oil sludge from a cargo freighter and then falsifying records to cover up the crime. Boyang Ltd. - already on probation for similar activities spanning seven years - reached a plea agreement with federal prosecutors in which it will admit to more illegal dumping and agreed to pay a $1 million fine, the U.S. attorney's office said Friday. The M/V Baron repeatedly discharged oil sludge and oil-contaminated bilge waste directly into the ocean between November 2003 and July 2004, according to prosecutors. The Baron is a Panamanian-flagged freight ship that transports fish from Alaska to markets in Japan and China. Prosecutors have said a vessel of this type could dump up to 1,000 gallons of oil sludge in one ocean crossing. They are not sure where the dumping occurred. If Boyang commits any further violation of state or federal law, its ships will be banned from entering U.S. ports for a period of five years, prosecutors said. Last July, the Coast Guard boarded the ship to execute a search warrant and discovered oil residue in piping. Lee also admitted making false entries in the Baron's oil record books to conceal the illegal dumping. Boyang was on probation for similar crimes occurring in its 12-ship fleet between 1995 and 2002 when the new allegations arose. In 2002, Boyang Maritime Inc., Boyang's predecessor, pleaded guilty to 10 felony charges, including conspiracy and obstruction of justice and witness tampering. The company was part of a group of four freight companies fined $5 million.
韓国が北朝鮮の人権虐待を批判する国連議決を3年連続で意図的に棄権 Seoul 15 April 2005 Human rights activists are sharply criticizing South Korea's decision to abstain from a United Nations vote on North Korean human rights. The U.N. vote sheds light on a key philosophical divide in South Korea about dealing with the North.
South Korea has abstained for the third year in a row from voting on a United Nations resolution criticizing North Korea on its human rights performance. Officials in Seoul say the government declined to vote because of the special nature of the North-South relationship, and wants to avoid provoking authorities in Pyongyang.
The resolution, put forward by the European Union, expresses "deep concern" about reports of "grave and widespread" abuses in North Korea, including torture, imprisonment without trial, human trafficking, and forced abortions. It passed Thursday by 30 votes to nine in Geneva.
S. Korea Rejects Response With U.S. to N. Korea Collapse April 15, 2005 By Barbara Demick, Times Staff Writer
SEOUL, South Korea — U.S. troops stationed in South Korea were forced earlier this year to scrap a contingency plan for the possible collapse of Kim Jong Il's regime in North Korea because of objections by Seoul, the South Korean government said Friday.
Seoul's rejection of the classified plan, which was supposed to be developed jointly by the U.S. and South Korean militaries, is the latest sign of tension in the alliance.
韓国人すし屋ネタです。 Where do you hide your Japanese people?
According to the demographic census presented to us before we set off to find where Japanese New Yorkers live , the most populated "Japanese" area on the list was Clinton, the Theatre District. Once we stepped out of the subway on 42nd Street our eagerness turned into confusion. Nothing seemed to be self-evidently Japanese. We walked North, South, East, and West for a good two hours finding absolutely nothing useful to us. We did not see anyone who looked Japanese either. The one sushi bar that we saw wasn't even Japanese, it was run by Koreans
Koreatown Revival Eludes Poor April 24, 2005 Not long after Chang Park's arrival from South Korea four years ago, the reality of his predicament became painfully clear: Life in the United States was going to be harder than expected. Merchants who moved in after South L.A. riots prosper, but employees struggle, activists Koreatown's residents and workers are still suffering, and are poorer than ever, according to community leaders, academicians and civil activists. "While the business sector of the community has been progressing, the residents and workers are living in poverty," said Danny Park, executive director of the Korean Immigrant Workers Advocates, a workers support group. The largely immigrant population is mainly employed in unskilled nonunion jobs, with virtually no benefits, in the service sector, retail trade and restaurant industry, the report concluded. It also found that 70% of the population in Koreatown, where a typical family of four makes less than $36,800 a year, could be classified as working poor. The area's median household income is $20,000, compared with the national average of $42,000. Families are surviving on 83% of the income they had in 1990. And the average hourly pay in Korean supermarkets, the neighborhood's largest employers, is around $7. "Jobs in Koreatown do not pay enough wages and benefits to avoid the cycle of poverty," said professor Edward J. Park, director of Asian American Studies at Loyola Marymount University, who collaborated on the Korean Immigrant Workers Advocates report Skyrocketing home prices, which have caused overcrowding and public health concerns, add to the potent ingredients for social discontent, experts on urban social trends observed. http://www.latimes.com/news/local/los_angeles_metro/la-me-riots24apr24,1,5416856.story?coll=la-commun-los_angeles_metro&ctrack=1&cset=true
糞在日終ったなwwwwwww WASHINGTON, April 24 The Bush administration, facing a series of recent provocations from North Korea, is debating a plan to seek a United Nations resolution empowering all nations to intercept shipments in or out of the country that may contain nuclear materials or components, say senior administration officials and diplomats who have been briefed on the proposal.
It would enable the United States and other nations to intercept shipments in international waters off the Korean Peninsula and to force down aircraft for inspection.
犯罪者顔のチョソ写真が笑える Fugitive Money Manager Is Arrested in Arizona April 26, 2005 http://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-ponzi26apr26,0,294305.story?coll=la-home-headlines Fugitive Los Angeles money manager Won Charlie Yi, accused of bilking millions of dollars from fellow Korean Americans, was in federal custody Monday after his car was stopped for speeding on an Arizona highway, authorities said. The car "was going 113 miles an hour in a 75 zone outside of Yuma," said Assistant U.S. Atty. James Aquilina, citing a report from Arizona authorities. →"He apparently had a .45 [caliber handgun], 300 rounds of ammunition and two manuals on how to make homemade silencers." Court filings accused Yi last year of fraudulently raising at least $36 million from investors, mainly garment manufacturers and other small-business owners in Southern California, through his C+ Capital Management company in downtown Los Angeles. Yi is believed to have arrived in Los Angeles early this month, where he called a former associate at C+ Capital and persuaded him to drive the two of them to an Arizona gun show in the borrowed BMW. They were stopped while returning from that show, he added. Before his disappearance, investors said that Yi had appeared to be living a classic American success story, driving luxury cars, including a bulletproofed BMW, chartering jets for gambling sprees in Las Vegas and hiring major investors' children to work at C+ Capital, headquartered in 14,000 square feet on the 36th floor of Sanwa Bank Plaza.