1. President Saruhashi pumped 11. 2 million dollars US into the Unification Church in Korea in 2003. Some of this money, if not all, went to the 'Moonies'. I don't know all the details but enough of them to post them here
2. Big trouble with lawsuits and potential lawsuits with publishing companies, particularly Oxford University Press and maybe a couple of others (depending on who made 'Word by Word')
3. The end of the no socialising clause which WILL happenb in December. There will be lawsuits
4. A potentially huge problem with a harrassment case in Osaka.
東京在住 http://schubart.net/ I just saw “The Third Man” on video. Ebisu station on the Yamanote line is what inspired me to watch this great classic movie again. How so? For some reason, that station plays the zither theme from the film every time a train departs.
"I lost my wallet on the train." It worked to say the least, every single day I'd have girls pay for my train-tickets so that I could go skate, then they'd pay for lunch and whatever else i'd get during that time, I'd return to my friends house, call up a different girl, go out to dinner, then after either drinks at the restaurants or going to a nightclub we'd then go to a love-hotel (all in which was paid for,)
http://www.ghettocitiesclothing.com/hustle.html http://www.ghettocitiesclothing.com/photos3.html How to hustle Japanese girls Here are some ways to save yourself 75.00 or more dollars, get sex, get gifts, get free food, drinks, whatever you could ever want and during it all not have the girl be pissed off (which is the most imporant pay-off because once your capable of having a steady flow of hustling you are totally set for life.) "I Lost my wallet," con artistry This year, summer 2003, I was pretty much dependant on it, I wanted to see if it was possible to somehow go to Japan and survive for 23 days with a buget of 200.00 (two-hundred American dollars.) tell the Japanese girls I met, girls I've been with before and contacts that, "I lost my wallet on the train." It worked to say the least, every single day I'd have girls pay for my train-tickets so that I could go skate, then they'd pay for lunch and whatever else i'd get during that time, I'd return to my friends house, call up a different girl, go out to dinner, then after either drinks at the restaurants or going to a nightclub we'd then go to a love-hotel (all in which was paid for,) This was a great con because I didn't have to say things like, "I'll pay you back," or "I only brought so much," because they assumed I didn't have a wallet at all and when they noticed I did have money I told them my friends were loaning me money so that I could have train money to go see (the person who was questioning my money.) It worked out great though, I'd meet girls at nightclubs, hang out with them and two days later I'd tell them the same thing
肉便器の人達、日本人男がやさしくて良かったな、もしお前等が男女差別と粘着が激しい韓国に生れてたら生きて行けないぞ。 the hot issue among local Netizens was a post by an English teacher in Korea who wrote that local women treated him like a king and were easy to sleep with. When the photos were discovered, it was like pouring oil on an open fire. In mid-December, photos from the party were posted on English Spectrum, a website frequented by foreign English teachers working in Korea. They had been taken by some of the foreigners who attended the party and depicted Korean women and Western men dancing together in a suggestive way, Korean women revealing their breasts or underwear, as well as Western men and Korean women touching genetals and kissing. The photos escaped public scrutiny until 10 days ago, when they sparked an outcry at the height of the cyberspace hysteria about "foreign teachers degrading Korean women." Online rage switched targets from foreign men to the Korean women in the photos. Some online media described the pictures as "scenes of women openly enjoying sex with foreigners." These stories were often accompanied by malicious comments like, "Whores, are Western bastards that good?" and, "The English you learn from selling yourself is body language, not real English." Even more frightening was that calls for the women's names, work places, email addresses and phone numbers to be made public were promptly answered. http://english.chosun.com/w21data/html/news/200501/200501240027.html http://blog.marmot.cc/archives/category/stupid-foreigner-tricks/
>>65の記事の画像 http://www.dela-grante.net/michelin/up/so/No_1481.jpg http://www.dela-grante.net/michelin/up/so/No_1482.jpg http://www.dela-grante.net/michelin/up/so/No_1480.jpg 大した写真じゃ無いじゃん、流石朝鮮民ジョク、そんな写真でファピョってこれかよ?↓ "Whores, are Western bastards that good?" and, "The English you learn from selling yourself is body language, not real English." Even more frightening was that calls for the women's names, work places, email addresses and phone numbers to be made public were promptly answered. "Two customers were on the verge of quitting their jobs, and another was seeking psychiatric counseling,” she said Saturday. “Another customer had a job offer taken away. A 27-year old also in the pictures said, "It's true that I enjoy dancing to relieve stress, but isn't it going overboard to treat me like a whore?" Fighting back tears, she said, "My co-workers point at me behind my back… "I don't know how they got my email address, but I get tons of emails with frightening titles, so I don't even turn on my computer these days." women treated him like a king and were easy to sleep withを書いた外人に対して怒るのは分かるけど、写真に写ってる女にそこまでするか? 日本でも同じような事をネットでやってる糞外人いるけど、日本人はBBSで糞外人に反論はしても、良識が有るから、朝鮮人みたいな事はしないね。 弱い物虐めと被害者叩きが大好きな朝鮮民族。しかし朝鮮女ってブスだな!