Billboard 200: #160 (坂本九が14位、ラウドネスが64位) Heat Seekers: #5 (100位以内に入ったことのない歌手限定のランキング) Hot Dance Music/Club Play: #2 (GTSが3位、オノヨーコ・5位、ニッキーモンロー11位、松田聖子15位) Hot Dance Music Single Sales: #8 (倖田は1位) Dance Radio Airplay: #10 (対象集計局・9局。全米のラジオ局総数は4〜5桁) Billboard hot 100: ** (坂本九1位、ピンクレディー37位、松田聖子は54位) Hot100 Airplay: ** (Billboard hot100における比重は、シングルセールス↓の3倍) Hot100 single salses: ** (倖田は39位、横倉裕81位、DJ HONDA・108位)
>>10 Is that what she said? And she is saying her English is like native English speaker's English????? What's the fuck is the "completely Asian people right now" means? And she looks different from what???? IT IS NOT OBIOUS!!!! Stupid, she is just stupid.
she is the lamest cocksucker in today's Japanese music industry. she didn't learn Japanese, she didn't learn English, she just have subpar bilingual skills with little-to-no vocabulary, she didn't learn the least of common sense, and she never learned discipline at all. in short, she is a typical spoiled brat who has no idea what she's doing. this brat often makes obnoxious comments while she is on the TV or radio. even though it is OK for her to make such remarks in Japan, where the audiences are forgiving, the viewers in the US will probably find her arrogant and clueless if she behaves the same way she has done in Japan. Americans won't give a crap about a retarded jap who just got a new microphone.
the success of this pathetic "singer" is made possible only by the pimp Teruzane, who happens to be her father. whether or not he is her biological father is unknown. just recently she married to a KOREAN mo-fo, whose family runs the Pachinko parlor business. as the traditional Japanese families tend to dislike inter- racial marriage, Utada herself is most likely a Korean descendant. even if her US debut becomes a failure, --which is very likely-- she will survive and live happily ever after thanks to her husband's Pachinko money.
hey dude, this guy >>ID:C38h95s4 is a fu*kin' moron. i guess he was thinking like, "uhh, is 'fuck' countable? uh, no I don't think so" and wrote his lame comment. after all he ended up proving that he didn't know english. what a dumb-ass...