
CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(米国疾病管理センター)
Thousands at Risk from AIDS Infected South Korean Prostitute
A 28-year-old South Korean prostitute has been arrested for having
sex with thousands of clients without telling them she was HIV-
infected, police said. The woman, identified only by her family name
Koo, worked in a red light street in the southern port of Yosu between
October 2000 and March 2002. "She said she had sex with up to 10 men a
day," and "more than half of her clients refused to use condoms,"
according to a police official in the southeastern city of Gimhae.
Health authorities in Gimhae monitored Koo after she was first detected
as having contracted HIV in 1998 but she left the city without
informing the authorities. The woman is now an AIDS patient. Under a
law to prevent the spread of HIV, people infected with the virus can be
sentenced up to three years in jail should they engage in activities
that spread the virus.