18 日本

1xta8364:2008/08/15(金) 12:21:28 ID:hnNCQhbS
日本 is bad contry
2& ◆RYWfEDIEwU :2008/08/15(金) 12:22:41 ID:c+nER1mM
내후장을 쪽바리들은 즉각핡아라

엉덩이 종기는 조심해서 핡아라 씹쪽바리세끼들아.

너희같은세끼들은 형의 엉덩이 빠느걸로 족하다 젖같은세끼들아
3<丶`∀´>さん:2008/08/15(金) 12:24:43 ID:U7rGVMGx
The population of here is few. It is only useless even if you insist here. The nationalist whom you hate is here.


Please move here.
4zzzzzzzzz:2008/08/15(金) 19:20:52 ID:7DIvWHsV
Dokdo는 한국의 영토입니다.대마도도 한국의 영토입니다.
5<丶`∀´>さん:2008/08/15(金) 19:22:03 ID:DQh1ZFvu

              -ーー- 、
           ./三 -ー- \
         __/二 /-、  r- Y          ← KOREAN GRANDMOTHER
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        __∧ ヽ  `ー' /_       http://park6.wakwak.com/~photo/image/09.jpg
      /:::::::::::\\`ー─ '/7::::::ヽ     http://park6.wakwak.com/~photo/image/10.jpg
      /:::::::::::::::::::::\\  //::::::::::::::i     http://park6.wakwak.com/~photo/image/11.jpg
      |:::::::::::|:::::::::::::::\\//:::::::::/:::::|    http://park6.wakwak.com/~photo/image/12.jpg
      |:::::::::::|:::::::::::::::::/ i | i:::::::::::|:::::::|
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    ./      ヽ_!_!_j_} ━└|_!_!_!j────┛
6<丶`∀´>さん:2008/08/15(金) 19:26:44 ID:WqWieK0V
7<丶`∀´>さん:2008/08/15(金) 19:27:29 ID:iJ0h58z8
              .||      |
              .||  ●   |
              .||      |
              .|| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
              .|| 君が代は
          ∧__,,∧|| 千代に八千代に
          ( `・ω・|| さざれ石の巌となりて
          ヽ  つ0  こけのむすまで

8crazy:2008/08/15(金) 19:33:46 ID:6g27Knjs
oh, crazy people!!!
Japan consist Dok-Do is our island.
Please don't do crazy behave
And, Chiese.
please, keep manner.
If you not, your are monkey.
you know this world?
I think chinese don't understand.
Because you have very poor education.
however, in korea, everyone knows English, Japanese, and Chinese.

So poor countries, China, and Japan.
9<丶`∀´>さん:2008/08/15(金) 19:35:32 ID:WqWieK0V
8 名前:crazy :2008/08/15(金) 19:33:46 ID:6g27Knjs
oh, crazy people!!!
Japan consist Dok-Do is our island.
Please don't do crazy behave
And, Chiese.
please, keep manner.
If you not, your are monkey.
you know this world?
I think chinese don't understand.
Because you have very poor education.
however, in korea, everyone knows English, Japanese, and Chinese.

So poor countries, China, and Japan.

ファビョ━━━<# `Д´>━━━ン!!
   ____      ________      ________
   |書き込む| 名前:|山崎渉       | E-mail:|Korean       |
    ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄       ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄       ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
 <* `∀´>/ ̄ ̄/ < 일본의 네티즌은 "山崎渉" 를 무서워한다
 ( _つ_// LG /
  {二二} 三三}
    ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄"