japs monkey

닥치고 소라아오이 신판이나 내놔라
2<丶`∀´>さん:2008/08/15(金) 10:02:51 ID:eA+JhP1g
뭐 우선 원숭이라고 하는 것은 황색 인종을 가리키는 것을 배우자.
3<丶`∀´>さん:2008/08/15(金) 10:04:28 ID:SFyIXeDF
4<丶`∀´>さん:2008/08/15(金) 10:08:13 ID:zXOXlqU4
5<丶`∀´>さん:2008/08/15(金) 10:09:32 ID:MPDgu/5Z
> 778 名前: root▲▲ ★ 投稿日: 2008/08/14(木) 22:36:10 ID:???0
> はぁ、またですか。
> もしよろしければ、このようにお伝えいただければ幸いです。>どなたか
> Hello, Korean folks,
> My name is root, one of voluntary engineer/helper of 2ch.
> You may know it, almost of all 2ch.net servers, including top page,
> are located in San Francisco, USA.
> You can verify it by using traceroute (in Windows, tracert) command.
> So, I am really afraid that it makes the relations of Korea and USA bad...
> It is so sensitive. I hope that all of the world is in peace.
> Regards,
> -- root
6<丶`∀´>さん:2008/08/15(金) 10:10:27 ID:qE1mMxLt
〜 Memories of Summer 2008 〜

        10년 후의 나에게. 당신은, 되고 싶었다「선진국」이 되어 있습니까?
 ∧∧ ○つ  당신은 일본을 업신여길 수 있고 있습니까? 만약, 되어 있지 않아도,
<`∀´> /    나는 火病에 걸리지 않기 때문에.
(∩∩)./  10年後の僕へ。なりたかった先進国になっていますか?日本を見下せていますか?
=░░=  もしなれていなくても、ボクはファビョりません。
7<丶`∀´>さん:2008/08/15(金) 10:12:08 ID:WAtcDbW5
8<丶`∀´>さん:2008/08/15(金) 10:14:16 ID:gcqzxhGX
9<丶`∀´>さん:2008/08/15(金) 11:29:21 ID:U7rGVMGx
The population of here is few. It is only useless even if you insist here. The nationalist whom you hate is here.


Please move here.lol
10DIGH:2008/08/15(金) 11:35:09 ID:MPQntHWK
일본거지새키들 닥쳐라

               |  '゙''"'''゙ y-―, あ ふんぐるい むぐるうなふ くとぅるう    
               ミ ´ ∀ `  ,:'     
             (丶    (丶 ミ   いあ    いあ
          ((    ミ        ;':  ハ,_,ハ   ハ,_,ハ
              ;:        ミ  ';´∀`';  ';´∀`';, ,
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               U"゙'''~"^'丶)   u''゙"J   u''゙"J

     ,―-y'"'~"゙´  |   それ  るるいえ うがふなぐる ふたぐん
     ヽ  ´ ∀ `  ゙':
     ミ  .,/)   、/)    いあ    いあ
     ゙,   "'   ´''ミ   ハ,_,ハ    ハ,_,ハ
  ((  ミ       ;:'  ,:' ´∀`';  ,:' ´∀`';
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