Let's talk! sensible koreans. In English. 1 :
jpn :2007/08/15(水) 22:41:52 ID:PjM2tln/
I want to talk about some problems with sensible koreans. Let's talk logically. Not emotionally. Vulgar contribution only shows your pitifulness.
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jpn :2007/08/15(水) 22:44:10 ID:YMo53MY1
栄作うまいなあ。 漏れは一橋受験のために栄作の勉強してるけど単語がでてこないお
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To KOREAN :2007/08/15(水) 22:46:44 ID:Hbfb2gsN
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jpn :2007/08/15(水) 22:47:35 ID:PjM2tln/
>>2 I have my dictionary by my side.
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jpn :2007/08/15(水) 22:50:06 ID:YMo53MY1
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<丶`∀´>さん :2007/08/15(水) 22:51:45 ID:hSO3dqKG
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<丶`∀´>さん :2007/08/15(水) 22:54:15 ID:hSO3dqKG
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<丶`∀´>さん :2007/08/15(水) 22:56:50 ID:EKJgtgSA
I am Konho Kimu. 14y.
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jpn :2007/08/15(水) 23:05:13 ID:YMo53MY1
Oh,hello.I recommended you. Please write your name 'fusianasan' in your name box. So,you can protect your IPadress!!!!!
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jpn :2007/08/16(木) 00:39:34 ID:9CJ85wwQ
lets talk about!!!!!!
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<丶`∀´>さん :2007/08/16(木) 02:30:17 ID:PMfzHf3F
///South Korean's truth./// South Korean man's penises are nine centimeters. All South Korean women are lewd prostitutes. The South Korean woman loves foreigner's penis. The South Korean is the best hate figure in the world. By the way, where is South Korea? South Korea was an autonomy district in China probably.
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<丶`∀´>さん :2007/08/16(木) 02:34:33 ID:2VSeg0vF
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<丶`∀´>さん :2007/08/16(木) 02:34:42 ID:Ys0HqxCq
I love korean they have been one of the most famous comical country
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<丶`∀´>さん :2007/08/16(木) 02:35:45 ID:Ys0HqxCq
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<丶`∀´>さん :2007/08/16(木) 02:41:09 ID:2VSeg0vF
>>16 現役工房の俺に読めない英語をつかってくるとは
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<丶`∀´>さん :2007/08/16(木) 02:53:32 ID:9xc5fgjj
てかこれくらい普通じゃね? しかしまともな英語で話しかけてくるチョンのいないこといないこと
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<丶`∀´>さん :2007/08/16(木) 02:56:49 ID:2VSeg0vF
>>15 私はコリアンを愛している
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abc :2007/08/16(木) 02:59:25 ID:sjsgxZ+I
what a fucking childish people ^^ don't you have brain ^^? plz find your fucking brain and put it in your fucking dirty head monkeys ^^
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<丶`∀´>さん :2007/08/16(木) 03:02:58 ID:2VSeg0vF
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<丶`∀´>さん :2007/08/16(木) 03:03:27 ID:Ys0HqxCq
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<丶`∀´>さん :2007/08/16(木) 03:05:41 ID:Ys0HqxCq
>>20 Thank you 4 introducing yourself kk
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abc :2007/08/16(木) 03:06:23 ID:sjsgxZ+I
and if you dont have anything to do dont waste your time to talk shit about innocent korean just go and make fucking porno bitchyyyyy
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<丶`∀´>さん :2007/08/16(木) 03:11:30 ID:Z5e56I9y
( ´∀`)< 外国で稼ぎたいです <丶`∀´><外国で稼ぎたいです
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<丶`∀´>さん :2007/08/16(木) 03:12:02 ID:2VSeg0vF
ファックファック言い過ぎ エロイね
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abc :2007/08/16(木) 03:14:50 ID:sjsgxZ+I
welll.. srry i have a brain ^^ because im a human being ^^ but you guys dont have brains because you are monkeysssss i feel so sorry abut that i have a brain but you guys are dont^^
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<丶`∀´>さん :2007/08/16(木) 03:15:06 ID:36f9Z05j
China ,,イ`" 、-' `;_' ' ,-、 _.._,,-'' ̄ (,(~ヽ'~ )'~ レ´ i`'} ~つ | i' / The Sea of Japan 。/ ! / /},-'' ,,ノ i、 _,,...,-‐-、/Bobon House ..ゝ <,,-==、 ,,-,/ ) {~''~>`v-''`ー゙`'~ { レ_ノ ノ
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<丶`∀´>さん :2007/08/16(木) 03:16:19 ID:2VSeg0vF
I am osaru
jpn// find your sense first man
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<丶`∀´>さん :2007/08/16(木) 03:18:44 ID:Ys0HqxCq
I'm wondering why you have been talking about yourself for some time kk If you think korean has no guilt, you should find your fucking dirty brain.kk
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<丶`∀´>さん :2007/08/16(木) 03:20:43 ID:2VSeg0vF
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<丶`∀´>さん :
2007/08/16(木) 03:22:39 ID:Ys0HqxCq >>27 If you think you have a brain,you should read your English again.
If you had a brain, it would be subhumans one