
However, Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi, who is in a tight spot both domestically and internationally,
might make a drastic move by visiting the Yasukuni Shrine on Aug. 15, the day
Japan officially surrendered to the Allied forces in 1945.

The Husosha history textbook is expected to be used more widely than five years ago,
and encouraged by the military strategy of the United States and the potential threat posed by North Korea,
the Self-Defense Forces have gradually removed political and physical restrictions on the exercise of Japan's military power.

However, the process is a part of a military consolidation between Japan and the United States,
that is, Japan is being integrated into the United States militarily.

To Japan, the choice is a double-edged sword. Its concern is that there is no guarantee that a
military consolidation will contribute to Japan's best interests.

We need to devise various strategies to respond to Japan's move to the right.