

[OUTLOOK]Changing Japan from within

I heard a joke that an alien who came to Earth to find the most influential politician
in Japan had to go back in vain. The political structure of Japan is traditionally decentralized.

The political substance of the imperial system is ambiguous.
A scholar once called it a "donut-shaped power structure,
" with a hollow center. It is what political scientist Masao Maruyama calls a "system of irresponsibility."

We certainly need to consider this perspective when we look at Japan's inclination to the right. Today,
there certainly are signs that the "peace constitution" of Japan is about to change rapidly.

However, we cannot yet conclude that it is a systematic move of Japan as a whole.
It is not easy to objectively confirm that it is a meticulously planned conspiracy.

The current problem of Japan is not in the "surplus" of consistent strategies
but in the "absence" of general diplomatic strategies.