1. almost all thread related Korea have to be on news4plus
2. please use mnewsplus for sports, gossip, ,,,
3. i will think other threads later
http://mastiff.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/editorialplus/1404126058/779 779 :drunker ★:2014/07/04(金))16:39:55.93 ID:???0
>>775 also you can use this thread
http://mastiff.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/editorialplus/1404300454/ not a Korean thread thou
i am learning whitch threads are good on newsplus
it will get better i hope
1. almost all thread related Korea have to be on news4plus
2. please use mnewsplus for sports, gossip, ,,,
3. i will think other threads later