No.1 New York Times bestselling author Tom Clancy is back and the stakes have never been higher.
Jack Ryan has only just moved back into the Oval Office when he is faced with a new international threat. An aborted coup in the People's Republic of China has left President Wei Zhen Lin with no choice but to agree with the expansionist policies of General Su Ke Qiang. They have declared the South China Sea a protectorate and are planning an invasion of Taiwan.
The Ryan administration is determined to thwart China's ambitions, but the stakes are dangerously high as a new breed of powerful Chinese anti-ship missile endangers the US Navy's plans to protect the island. Meanwhile, Chinese cyberwarfare experts have launched a devastating attack on American infrastructure. It's a new combat arena, but it's every bit as deadly as any that has gone before.
Wikipedia: Threat Vector (novel) Threat Vector is a political thriller novel by Tom Clancy and Mark Greaney published on December 4, 2012. The novel features the former CIA agent and president Jack Ryan and his son Jack Ryan Jr.
The plot centres on a plan by the People's Republic of China to invade Taiwan. China orchestrate crippling cyber attack against the U.S. 第一段階 中国が南シナ海を支配する (接近拒否戦略の実行) 第二段階 香港とマカオを中国が併呑する (接近拒否戦略の戦果) 第三段階 台湾を占領し中国に併呑する (接近拒否から領域支配へ)
84 :North Korea vows nuclear attack on US 北、対米核攻撃表明:2013/03/15(金) 07:15:10.16 ID:/aEkktza0
North Korea vows nuclear attack on US ahead of UN sanctions vote (FOX) 7 March 2013 北朝鮮がアメリカに対する先制核攻撃を表明 North Korea on Thursday vowed to launch a pre-emptive nuclear strike against the United States, amplifying its threatening rhetoric hours ahead of a vote by U.N. diplomats on whether to level new sanctions against Pyongyang for its recent nuclear test.
SCO (China and Russia) promotes (North Korean and Iranian) nuclear attack against NATO. 北朝鮮の核とキューバ危機:ロシアと中国の欺瞞 支那とロシアがアメリカとEU・英国への核攻撃を画策し、イランと北朝鮮が実行する (支那とロシアは第三者を装う) The above is carried out with a puppet country as substitution. SCO -> nuclear weapon technology -> N Korea and Iran -> threat of nuclear attack -> NATO