http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gmZ4p1uPOqY&hl=ja ■ 「鳩山民主党政権」対露外交の行方
1955年 鳩山一郎邸をソ連海軍情報部(GRU)スパイ・ドムニツキー(※)が訪れる
※在日ソ連代表部(The Soviet representative) Andrei Ivanovich Domnitsky
1956年 日ソ共同宣言により鳩山一郎首相、北方領土をソ連へ
鳩山一郎 − 河野一郎 (日ソ共同宣言で北方領土をロシアへ売り渡す)
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鳩山威一郎− 河野洋平 (狂乱物価を作った官僚と中国共産党の走狗)
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鳩山由紀夫− 河野太郎 (狂った友愛外交)
鳩山紀一郎 (現在モスクワ大学でロシアの協力者として育成中)
Japanese-Soviet/Russian Relations since 1945: A Difficult Peace
http://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/0415194997 (p.54) - later known as the "Domnitsky Letter" -
This letter, which had a direct effect in initiating the peace negotiations,
was handed to Hatoyama on 25 January 1955, the day after the dissolution of
the Lower House. The Soviet representative Andrei Ivanovich Domnitsky had
approached the Gaimusho before to deliver a note to the Japanese government,
but the Gaimusho's attitude was negative, and so was that of Foreign Minister