【ネット】過去最大規模の児童ポルノサイトを摘発 50人以上逮捕

117名無しさん@12周年:2011/08/05(金) 19:13:14.33 ID:+s8ItUis0
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996 名前:名無したちの午後[sage] 投稿日:2011/08/05(金) 23:01:32.66 ID:yH/n4hfC0 [4/4]
Operation Delego involved extensive international cooperation to identify and
apprehend Dreamboard members abroad. Through coordination between ICE; the
Department of Justice; Eurojust, the European Union's Judicial Cooperation Unit; and
dozens of law enforcement agencies throughout the world, 19 Dreamboard members
across five continents and 13 countries have been arrested to date outside the United States,
including two of the five lead administrators of the board.

Those countries include Canada, Denmark, Ecuador, France, Germany, Hungary, Kenya, the Netherlands, the
Philippines, Qatar, Serbia, Sweden and Switzerland.

【ネット】過去最大規模の児童ポルノサイトを摘発 50人以上逮捕
More Information on "Dream Board" Child Porn Ring | KATC.com | Acadiana-Lafayette, Louisiana

127名無しさん@12周年:2011/08/05(金) 23:05:31.28 ID:n4/Dyvtc0
More Information on "Dream Board" Child Porn Ring

Posted: Aug 3, 2011 1:52 PM
Updated: Aug 3, 2011 1:58 PM

From U.S. Attorney's Office: Stephanie A. Finley, United States Attorney for the Western
District of Louisiana, joined Attorney General Eric Holder and Department of Homeland
Security (DHS) Secretary Janet Napolitano to announce today the unsealing of three
indictments and one complaint charging a total of 72 individuals for their participation in
an international criminal network dedicated to the sexual abuse of children and the
creation and dissemination of graphic images and videos of child sexual abuse throughout
the world. Attorney General Holder and Secretary Napolitano announced the charges with
Assistant Attorney General Lanny A. Breuer of the Justice Department's Criminal Division,
Director of U.S. Immigration of Customs Enforcement (ICE) John Morton and U.S.
Attorney Stephanie Finley of the Western District of Louisiana.
Operation Delego, an ongoing investigation that was launched in December 2009,
targeted the 72 charged defendants and more than 500 additional individuals around the
world for their participation in Dreamboard - a private, members-only, online bulletin
board that was created and operated to promote pedophilia and encourage the sexual
abuse of very young children, in an environment designed to avoid law enforcement
detection. To date, 52 of the 72 charged defendants have been arrested in the United States
and abroad. Members traded graphic images and videos of adults molesting children 12
years-old and under, often violently, and collectively created a massive private library of
128〈(`・ω・`)〉 ◆EQUAL/Pi.Q :2011/08/05(金) 23:08:36.16 ID:JGYN3NzW0
129名無しさん@12周年:2011/08/05(金) 23:11:00.30 ID:n4/Dyvtc0
images of child sexual abuse. The international group prized and encouraged the creation of new images and
videos of child sexual abuse - numerous Dreamboard members sexually abused children, produced images and videos of the abuse,
and shared the images and videos with other members of Dreamboard. Operation Delego represents the largest
prosecution to date in the United States of individuals who participated in an online bulletin board conceived and
operated for the sole purpose of promoting child sexualabuse, disseminating child pornography and evading law enforcement.

"The members of this criminal network shared a demented dream to create the preeminent online community for the promotion
of child sexual exploitation but for the children they victimized, this was nothing short of a nightmare," said Attorney eneral Holder.

"This operation marks another important step forward in our work to protect children across - and beyond - this country.
Our nation's fight to protect the rights, interests, and safety of children goes on, and it will continue to be a top priority of this Justice Department."

"This operation is an example of the good work that DHS, through its principal investigative arm,
ICE Homeland Security Investigations (HSI), does every year in cooperation with our domestic and
international law enforcement partners to protectchildren," said Secretary Napolitano.

"We take our responsibility to protect our children seriously, and this case is a prime example of how cooperation can bring real results."
130名無しさん@12周年:2011/08/05(金) 23:13:13.46 ID:wo3Q459b0
131名無しさん@12周年:2011/08/05(金) 23:13:24.63 ID:n4/Dyvtc0
"As alleged in court documents, Dreamboard was a self-described global ‘community' of pedophiles dedicated to the relentless victimization and
exploitation of children 12 and under," said Assistant Attorney General Breuer. "Using sophisticated methods to evade detection by law enforcement,
Dreamboard members allegedly used the power and anonymity of the Internet to motivate each other to commit their horrific acts of sexual abuse of
minors and trading in child pornography. The charges unsealed today show the department's continued commitment to a strategy of targeting the most sophisticated
child exploitation networks, at home and abroad. No matter how savvy online predators think they are, we will find them, dismantle their networks, and bring them to justice."

"These indictments capture the activity of a major, global child pornography and
exploitation enterprise whose primary objective was to sexually abuse vulnerable
children," said U.S. Attorney Finley. "I hope that these charges send a clear message that
we will prosecute to the fullest extent of the law those who participate in this type of
activity. We will continue to aggressively pursue these criminals to ensure that there is no
place to hide - not in the United States, not anywhere around the globe."

"The dismantling of Dreamboard is another stark warning to would-be child
predators who think they can trade in child pornography and commit heinous acts against
innocent children while hiding behind pseudonyms and other technological tricks," said
ICE Director John Morton. "As these criminals try new techniques to digitally erase their
trail, ICE's Homeland Security Investigations along with our U.S. and international law
enforcement partners continue to upgrade our strategies and technology to track down the
depraved individuals who bring suffering to children."
132名無しさん@12周年:2011/08/05(金) 23:16:42.41 ID:e3bY2tYT0
133名無しさん@12周年:2011/08/05(金) 23:24:21.08 ID:5ivMZ3zu0
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According to court documents filed in the Western District of Louisiana and
elsewhere, Dreamboard members employed a variety of measures designed to conceal
their criminal activity from detection by law enforcement. Members communicated using
aliases or "screen names," rather than their actual names. Links to child pornography
posted on Dreamboard were required to be encrypted with a password that was shared
only with other members. Members accessed the board via proxy servers, which routed
Internet traffic through other computers so as to disguise a user's actual location and
prevent law enforcement from tracing Internet activity. Dreamboard members also
encouraged the use of encryption programs on their computers, which password-protect
computer files to prevent law enforcement from accessing them in the event of a courtauthorized

Membership was tightly controlled by the administrators of the bulletin board, who
required prospective members to upload child pornography portraying children 12 years
of age or younger when applying for membership. Once they were given access, members
were required continually to upload images of child sexual abuse in order to maintain
membership. Members who failed to follow this rule would be expelled from the group.
According to court documents, Dreamboard members were divided into groups
based on status and ranking. The highest level of membership was "Super VIP.".
Individuals who obtained that title had created new images of child pornography by
molesting children and shared those images with the board administrators. The next level
of membership was "Super VIP," which was comprised of trusted members of the website.
135名無しさん@12周年:2011/08/05(金) 23:31:44.35 ID:n4/Dyvtc0
The next level after Super VIP was the VIP rank. Individuals in the lowest level of
membership were called Members. Those in the lower ranks could only access a limited
quantity of child pornography on the bulletin board. The higher the rank, the more
material was available to the member. Individuals advanced to higher levels of
membership by providing child abuse images that the individual had produced, providing
a large number of images, or providing images that had never been seen before.
The bulletin board included rules of conduct, printed in English, Russian, Japanese
and Spanish. The rules required prospective members to upload material depicting
children under the age of 12 engaged in sexually explicit activity. Approved members
were required to observe strict posting rules designed to encourage members to
disseminate large quantities of child pornography, thwart efforts by law enforcement to
identify members of the board, and encourage members to sexually abuse children in order
to produce new material for the board. The board rules also required members to organize
postings based on the type of content. One particular category was entitled "Super
Hardcore." The rules for that category described in graphic language that the only posts
permitted were those involving adults having violent sexual intercourse with "very young
kids" who were being subjected to both physical and sexual abuse and were obviously "in
distress, and or crying."
136名無しさん@12周年:2011/08/05(金) 23:32:08.38 ID:F+HFx1mA0

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138名無しさん@12周年:2011/08/05(金) 23:35:25.95 ID:n4/Dyvtc0
All 72 of the defendants are charged with conspiring to advertise and distribute
child pornography, and 50 of them are also charged with engaging in a child pornography
enterprise. The charges and arrests were conducted in three separate phases over the
course of the operation. Twenty-eight defendants were charged and 19 were arrested
during phase one of the operation; 22 defendants were charged and 17 were arrested
during phase two of the operation; and 22 defendants were charged and 16 arrested during phase three of the operation.

Thirteen of the 52 individuals arrested have pleaded guilty. To date, 20 of the 72
charged individuals remain at large and are known only by their online identities. Efforts
to identify and apprehend these individuals continue.
Four of the 13 individuals who have pleaded guilty for their roles in the conspiracy
have been sentenced to prison. On May 10, 2011, Timothy Lee Gentry, 33, of Burlington,
Ky., was sentenced to 25 years in prison. On May 31, 2011, Michael Biggs, 32, of Orlando,
Fla., was sentenced to 20 years in prison. On June 22, 2011, Michael Childs, 49, of
Huntsville, Ala., was sentenced to 30 years in prison. On July 14, 2011, Charles Christian,
49, of Tilton, Ill., was sentenced to more than 22 years in prison. Each defendant also
received a lifetime of supervised release following his release from prison as part of their
139名無しさん@12周年:2011/08/05(金) 23:37:54.92 ID:n4/Dyvtc0
Operation Delego involved extensive international cooperation to identify and
apprehend Dreamboard members abroad. Through coordination between ICE; the
Department of Justice; Eurojust, the European Union's Judicial Cooperation Unit; and
dozens of law enforcement agencies throughout the world, 19 Dreamboard members
across five continents and 13 countries have been arrested to date outside the United States,
including two of the five lead administrators of the board. Those countries include
Canada, Denmark, Ecuador, France, Germany, Hungary, Kenya, the Netherlands, the
Philippines, Qatar, Serbia, Sweden and Switzerland. Numerous foreign investigations
related to Operation Delego remain ongoing. The location and arrest of Dreamboard
members abroad have led to the capture and investigation of other global targets.
To date, law enforcement has confirmed that 15 arrested Dreamboard members
personally created child pornography. For example, during his July 11, 2011, guilty plea,
Anthony Sowders, 28, of Middlesboro, Ky., admitted that he posted on Dreamboard
sexually explicit images of female children that he had created via a webcam.
Efforts byfederal, state, local and international law enforcement to locate and identify the victims of
sexual abuse and exploitation by Dreamboard members are ongoing.

Operation Delego is a spinoff investigation from leads developed through
"Operation Nest Egg," the prosecution of another online group dedicated to the sharing
and dissemination of child pornography. Operation Nest Egg was a spinoff investigation
developed from leads related to another international investigation, "Operation Joint
Hammer," which targeted transnational rings of child pornography trafficking.
An indictment is merely an allegation and defendants are presumed innocent until
proven guilty.
140名無しさん@12周年:2011/08/05(金) 23:40:32.14 ID:n4/Dyvtc0
The case is being prosecuted by Assistant U.S. Attorney John "Luke" Walker of the
Western District of Louisiana and Trial Attorneys Keith Becker and Anitha Ibrahim of the
Child Exploitation and Obscenity Section (CEOS) of the Justice Department's Criminal
Division. The Criminal Division's Office of International Affairs provided substantial
assistance. The investigation was conducted by ICE HSI, the Child Exploitation Section of
ICE's Cyber Crime Center, CEOS, CEOS's High Technology Investigative Unit, and 35 ICE
offices in the United States and 11 ICE attaches offices in 13 countries around the world,
with assistance provided by numerous local and international law enforcement agencies
across the United States and throughout the world.

The investigation was part of Operation Predator, a nationwide ICE initiative to
identify, investigate and arrest those who prey on children, including human traffickers,
international sex tourists, Internet pornographers, and foreign-national predators whose
crimes make them deportable.
ICE encourages the public to report suspected child predators and any suspicious
activity through its toll-free hotline at 1-866-DHS-2ICE. This hotline is staffed around the
clock by investigators.

More Information on "Dream Board" Child Porn Ring | KATC.com | Acadiana-Lafayette, Louisiana
"Dream Board" Online Child Porn Ring Dismantled | KATC.com | Acadiana-Lafayette, Louisiana
141名無しさん@12周年:2011/08/05(金) 23:59:15.07 ID:g/cFROm+0





142名無しさん@12周年:2011/08/06(土) 19:22:33.45 ID:LD6h+Xf60
児童ポルノ 単純所持禁止の問題点とは







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アメリカGJ ! 日本の警察は腰抜けだ。
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