【民主党】責任論に戦々恐々 なりふり構わぬ馬淵国交相擁護 「無責任」政権への世間の視線はもはや凍てつくほど

Don't mind. Say I did it on my own.
Shut up!! Don't discuss it any more!!
You, my shipmates, must stand all together. Nation needs you!
Don't recall me! Forget me from now! Think of your tomorrow!
You are upright guys, my brothers! No fears! No regrets!
Forget all at once; this is my final command!
No, cut it out! Don't gather around me! Let me thorough! Fall in, men!
Dry your eyes! Don't stand tears! Don't cry!
Keep your mind on your calling!
The justice is inviting you! Never give up!
Try it again and again and again! That's all!
Fall in, men, and good bye!!