(続き) 菅は、若者の雇用確保に全力を尽くすみたいな事を言い出したけど、雲孤さんは40台 半ばなんだよ。政府は若年と高年の雇用には補助金を出しているけど、中年の失業者 には何のケアもしてないよ。小沢は苦労して成長したよ。自民党から追い出されて、 以来17年間小沢は苦労してきたんだよ。UIP(Unkos Institute of Politics)も、 過去20年間で最も成長した政治家に小沢一郎を挙げているんだよ。
Kakuei Tanaka (田中 角栄), a former P.M., and Shin Kanemaru (金丸 信), former Deputy P.M., gave to Ozawa. They are on a cloud. Ozawa climbed and climbed and climbed highly. No fall is bigger than Ozawa met. That was 17 years ago. Ozawa failed to reach the goal then. Ozawa's dream died once then. No journy is harder than Ozawa's journy home. Ozawa has been a stranger anywhere, but not alone, always with his soldiers. No leader is more manly than Ozawa passed through his
tears and fires. Don't be deceived by Ozawa's appearance! As he was too proud, Pallas Athena tortured his shape. Within his envelope that frog skin of whom licked bitter leaves; yes, not elegant but rather countrified; a peasant boy smiles shyly.
世界に向け発信を続ける4chのPolitics板(http://4-ch.net/politics/ ) [Japan] Confrontation between Jimintou and Minsyutouスレッドより。書き直したみたい。 ↓ 503 Name: Kyoumo Unko!bKaGbR8Ka. : 2010-08-29 19:04 ID:dXmYFhLQ
(´・ω・`) No man was more arrogant than Ichiro Ozawa (小沢 一郎) when Ozawa was a young prince of the LDP (自民党). He was happy then. No love is deeper than Kakuei Tanaka (田中 角栄), a former P.M., and Shin Kanemaru (金丸 信), a former Deputy P.M., gave to Ozawa. They are on a cloud. Ozawa
climbed up and climbed up and climbed up higher. No fall is bigger than Ozawa met. That was 17 years ago. Ozawa failed to reach the goal then. Ozawa's dream died once then. No journy is harder than Ozawa's journy home. Ozawa has been a stranger anywhere, but not alone, always with his soldiers. No leader is more manly than Ozawa passed through his tears and fires. Don't be deceived by Ozawa's appearance!
As he was too proud, Pallas Athena tortured his shape. Within his envelope that enormous frog skin of whom licked bitter leaves; yes, not elegant but rather countrified; a peasant boy smiles shyly.