(´・ω・`) Tenno Akihito stated as follows (unabridged) :
Today, on Memorial Day of Japan, at the annual Memorial Ceremony for the War Dead, I must face again the fact that my father killed many nation and nations; cannot run away from your miss, want, and my broken and contrite heart. Time flies from when we came out through valley of the shadow of the wars, it is 65 years ago; now we are in peace and not want by your efforts; we must not forget the path we passed. I declare and pray, never again we return to arms on the line; not only me, you and I; with all nation and nations, with haunting thoughts of gallant soldiers' bones scattered around, with haunts you love, never forget their sacrifice, may peace come to the world and Japanese move onward. http://mainichi.jp/select/wadai/koushitsu/news/20100815k0000e040040000c.html (続きは4chにあります)
世界に向け発信を続ける4chのPolitics板(http://4-ch.net/politics/ ) [Japan] Confrontation between Jimintou and Minsyutouスレッドより。書き直したみたいだけど、相変わらずワケワカメ。 ↓ 陛下のお言葉を作っていないかな?不敬だぞ。 496 Name: Kyoumo Unko!bKaGbR8Ka. : 2010-08-20 06:41 ID:R/4hI9ZG
(´・ω・`) Tenno Akihito stated as follows (unabridged) :
Today, on Memorial Day of Japan, at the annual Memorial Ceremony for the War Dead, I must face again the fact that my father killed many nation and nations; I cannot run away from your miss, want, and my broken and contrite heart. Time flies from when we came out through valley of the shadow of the wars; 65 years have already gone by; now we are in peace and not want by your efforts; we must not yet forget the path we passed. I declare and pray, never again we return to arms on the line; not only me, you and I, with all nation and nations, with haunting thoughts of gallant soldiers' bones scattered around, with haunts' cries, never forget their sacrifice: May peace come to the world and onward we move.