It has all the ingredients of the most far-fetched spy story: a beautiful North Korean woman destined to become an actress opts instead for a career in espionage. Brainwashed to despise the North's southern neighbour, she bombs a Korean Air jet in 1987 reportedly on the direct orders of the North Korean leader Kim Jong-il, killing 115 people. When captured, she attempts to kill herself by biting into a cyanide pill but is stopped by a guard. Her accomplice dies from the same method. ↓ サーチナフィルター ↓ 「ジェット機爆破事件の 北朝鮮元工作員が日本で歓迎される」と題し、もっともありえないスパイ物語と報じた。
As a foreign national who was at one time sentenced to death and who carried a fake Japanese passport during the Korean Air attack, she should have been arrested at Tokyo's Haneda airport. Instead, her status makes her something akin to a visiting VIP. ↓ サーチナフィルター ↓ また、日本国籍の偽造パスポートで大韓航空機爆破を試み、一度死刑を宣告された金元工作員は、 東京の羽田空港で逮捕されなければならない。にもかかわらず、彼女の地位は犯罪者どころか、 まるで要人扱いだ、と金元工作員の待遇を疑問視している。