【社会】皇太子ご一家に関して「事実でない報道多い」 宮内庁が日本雑誌協会に是正要請



>16 時間前 What is that small guy doing around? 7:40?
>kfireblade 16 時間前 worldcruiser12
>14 時間前 @kfireblade That small guy? is the next emperor of japan:-)
>worldcruiser12 14 時間前

>9 時間前 BTW,? this clown appears around 4:40. Enjoy his act!
>kfireblade 9 時間前 kfireblade
>12 時間前 Here comes the Crown Prince of Japan again!! Now this little prick bothers Prince & Princess of Jordan!! Man! He's rather a Clown Prince...He's a? joke.
>Oh, BTW, I can see him in the thumbnail of "Royal Wedding Sweden Stockholm part 1" in the right panel, too! This time, the shrimp apparently cuts in the middle of another royal couple! lol
>kfireblade 12 時間前

>yeah, I mean, why is that shrimp bothering
>Princess of Belgium posing for media?
>Is he out?of mind or just a retard or what??