世界に向け発信を続ける4chのPolitics板( ) [Japan] Confrontation between Jimintou and Minsyutouスレッドより。このうんこ臭い英語(のようなもの)から判断すると、 Kyoumo Unkoって引退に追い込まれた 雲孤さんじゃないかな??? ↓ 435 Name: Kyoumo Unko!bKaGbR8Ka. : 2010-05-22 02:28 ID:oAZcDSlC
(´・ω・`) I see there happens a power struggle between younger members and old masters of the LDP (Jiminto Party). It all comes of fearing coming House of Councilors election too much. When loony old coots are kicked out by puppies, that party looks like a reborn party. Crazy Nonaka, former Cabinet Secretariat, exposed that former P.M. Junichiro Koizumi had bought media persons up with Cabinet Secretariat's secret funds.