世界に向け発信を続ける4chのPolitics板[Japan] Confrontation between Jimintou and Minsyutouスレッドより。このうんこ臭い英語(のようなもの) から判断すると、Kyoumo Unkoって引退に追い込まれた 雲孤さんじゃないかな??? ↓ 347 Name: Kyoumo Unko!bKaGbR8Ka. : 2009-11-22 20:08 ID:Ae0juRdQ
(`・ω・´) The LDP [Jiminto Party] left a empty cashbox at empty office of Prime Minister. Aso and Takeo Kawamura(河村 建夫), previous Chief Cabinet Secretary, drew out all cash after the day of our determination, the change of power. Mizuho Fukusima, the Minister of Sex (Minister for More Children and Gender Equality), the Chief of Consumer Agency, and the party leader of the Social Democratic Party (社民党), declared to hunt them. "Shameful!" - brimming with indignation, she cannot miss this problem not only as a famous far left lawer but as a simple mother.
世界に向け発信を続ける4chのPolitics板[Japan] Confrontation between Jimintou and Minsyutouスレッドより。このうんこ臭い英語(のようなもの) から判断すると、Kyoumo Unkoって引退に追い込まれた 雲孤さんじゃないかな??? ↓ 340 Name: Kyoumo Unko!bKaGbR8Ka. : 2009-11-14 19:25 ID:ZTSZpAWH
(`・ω・´) Ren Hou (蓮舫 Lien-fang), Taiwany-Japanese and a member of the House of Councillors, pointed out that we didn't have been the supplier of super- computers with the highest speed of calculation in the next world at the developmental rat race.
I'm on her side. I've longed for any job for this six months. Now, the joblesses are here, there, and everywhere in Japan. Her point of view is pragmatic and practical. She has realism.
世界に向け発信を続ける4chのPolitics板[Japan] Confrontation between Jimintou and Minsyutouスレッドより。このうんこ臭い英語(のようなもの) から判断すると、Kyoumo Unkoって引退に追い込まれた 雲孤さんじゃないかな??? ↓ 341 Name: Kyoumo Unko!bKaGbR8Ka. : 2009-11-15 18:52 ID:Hno5Cz28
(`・ω・´) I suppose current government has two missions. One of two is to plant seeds of independence from U.S. We must have options to after U.S. Collapse. Another is more important. We trust them our lives to get renewed Social Security. We cannot forgive them if they lay down those their too heavy burdens.