30 :名無しさん@九周年:2009/03/12(木) 18:08:42 ID:onHH+IU50
フィリピン外務省 カルデロン一家帰国後の支援を表明
“The DFA and other concerned agencies are ready to extend humanitarian and other (forms of) assistance to the Calderon family,
including their re-integration into Philippine society, contingent on the results of the proceedings under way
in Japan with respect to that country’s implementation of its laws," said DFA undersecretary for migrant workers affairs Esteban Conejos Jr. in a statement on Thursday.
http://www.gmanews.tv/story/152403/DFA-to-help-Pinoy-family-facing-Japan-deportation 就学の心配もなくなったので安心して祖国のフィリピンにお帰り