【生活】「安定した暮らし欲しい」が最多を記録 博報堂調査
巛ミ《llli/⌒` '" `゙゙ヾ三》巛彡ミ
ミ巛llノ ─ ミ》》》ミミヾ You are fool trusted me -
ヾミi/ ー '_,,,,,, ゞ》》》彡ミ He's done his bit of good
彡/,-一ヾ ,i / _ ` ミ)))ミミ彡 I played the grateful serf
川| -=・= ) /-=・=-- |||))ミミ彡 And thanked him like I should
彡) "''''"/ ゝ""''''" ||lゞ三彡 But when the house was still,
|l||.i^ / ヽ r |l(.6ノミ I got up in the night
ミ( (ゝ-'ヽ 'ヽ |ー'彡 Took the silver
ヾ|! ノl _ ヽ 〉 川ミノ Took my flight! ♪
| r-─一'冫) ノ |巛ノ
`| '  ̄´ ノ ! _,.. ' |彡
!, , ' ノ' i. ヽ|_
`-┬ '^ ! / |\
(`・ω・´) There is no place for you to hide.
Wherever you may hide away, we swear to you,
we will be there!