2008年1月、日本の調査捕鯨船に暴力的手段によって妨害を行った環境保護団体シー・シェパードを支援していることが批判の対象となっている。Patagonia UK の Sales Manager Jonathan Petty氏から、ユーザーのDavid Hooper氏に宛てられたメールの中で表明された Patagonia の公式見解は以下の通り。
引用:The 'official' word from Ventura our HQ is: "Patagonia has supported Sea Shepherd's overall efforts to protect our ocean's biodiversity at times over the past 15 years. We, as a company, support a wide range of front line activism and grassroots organizations that are part of a vibrant and diverse environmental movement. Patagonia is aware that Sea Shepherd engages in direct actions as one of their approaches to protect and conserve marine ecosystems"
Brief mention has been made of Indians and cows. I will tell you my experience, as an Indian, moving to live in Australia. The amount of meat eaten shocked me. Do you really need to eat meat every day? I understood that in Western culture you eat cows. But is it necessary and will you suffer if you stopped? The arguement that eating cows is OK because they are bred for this purpose is even more abhorrent. In India cows are like pets. We name them and they provide milk for the family. If you wanted to eat meat you have to go out of your way to a "non-veg" restaurant. We do not eat cows in the the same way Aussies don't eat dog. However, Western culture is what I aspire to, hence I can get my head around this. In the same fashion I understand why one eats whale. It baffles me how whales are now sacred in Australia, whereas Kangaroos have not been given this status. If anything good comes out of this anti-whaling campaign, apart from cessation of whaling, is that all animals will deserve similar respect. Please Australia, stop eating cows.