1.海自の給油活動阻止 Ozawa obstructs refueling that Maritime Self-Defense Force is doing in the Indian Ocean. →日本の対テロへの貢献が中断され、日本は国際的に孤立。 Ozawa interrupts the contribution of Japan to terrorism, and drives in Japan to the international isolation.
2.アフガニスタンへの陸自派遣 Ozawa sends Ground Self-Defense Official to the combat of Afghanistan. →陸上自衛官を死亡させ、反戦世論を誘導して日本を左傾化させる。 Ozawa makes Ground Self-Defense Official die by intention, and changes the anti-war public opinion in Japan into the power to communism.
3.日本の主権を中国へ委譲する。 Ozawa transfers the sovereignty of Japan to China.
コミンテルン謀略史観通りの事態が現出する。 Ozawa wants to achieve the historical view based on the plot caused by the Comintern.
小沢民主党の参院支配により、日本は中国に支配される。 The Democratic Party of Japan that Ozawa leads is desiring China to rule Japan.
1.日本は防衛出動が不可能となった。 Because Ozawa votes it down, Japanese Government's ordering the defensive mobilization became impossible.
2.日本は周辺事態法に基づく自衛隊の派遣も不可能となった。 Because Ozawa votes it down, Japanese Government's sending the Japan Self Defense Force based on the law Concerning Measures to Ensure the Peace and Security of Japan in Situations in the Area Surrounding Japan became impossible.
3.テロ特措法は否決され、日米同盟に打撃を与える。 Anti-Terrorism Special Measures Law is voted down by Ozawa, and Japan-U.S. alliance will be destroyed.
4.小沢民主党は、日本を中国へ隷属させる。 Ozawa wants to make Japan subjected to China.
5.中国人民解放軍は日本で民族浄化を実施し、日本列島を領土とする。 China will rule Japan, and a Chinese army will do Ethnic Cleansing in Japan.
1.海自の給油活動阻止 Ozawa obstructs refueling that Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force is doing in the Indian Ocean. →日本の対テロへの貢献が中断され、日本は国際的に孤立。 Ozawa interrupts the contribution of Japan to anti-terrorism, and drives in Japan to the international isolation.
2.アフガニスタンへの陸自派遣 Ozawa sends Japan Ground Self Defense Force to the combat of Afghanistan. →陸上自衛官を死亡させ、反戦世論を誘導して日本を左傾化させる。 Ozawa makes Japan Ground Self Defense Official die by intention, and changes the anti-war public opinion in Japan into the power to communism.
3.日本の主権を中国へ委譲する。 Ozawa transfers the sovereignty of Japan to China.
コミンテルン謀略史観通りの事態が現出する。 Ozawa realizes the historical view based on the plot caused by the Comintern.
小沢民主党の参院支配により、日本は中国に支配される。 The Democratic Party of Japan that Ozawa leads is desiring China to rule Japan.
1.日本は防衛出動が不可能となった。 Because Ozawa votes it down, Japanese Government's ordering the defensive mobilization became impossible.
2.日本は周辺事態法に基づく自衛隊の派遣も不可能となった。 Because Ozawa votes it down, Japanese Government's sending the Japan Self Defense Force based on the law Concerning Measures to Ensure the Peace and Security of Japan in Situations in the Area Surrounding Japan became impossible.
3.テロ特措法は否決され、日米同盟に打撃を与える。 Anti-Terrorism Special Measures Law is voted down by Ozawa, and Japan-U.S. alliance will be destroyed.
4.小沢民主党は、日本を中国へ隷属させる。 Ozawa wants to make Japan subjected to China.
5.中国人民解放軍は日本で民族浄化を実施し、日本列島を領土とする。 China will rule Japan, and a Chinese army will do Ethnic Cleansing in Japan.