【チベット難民銃殺】軍による難民殺害映像について、中国外交部報道官は口をつぐむ CNNが取り上げた該当映像は、中国国内では放送禁止


China mum on film showing troops killing refugee
China has refused to comment about video footage showing Chinese troops killing an
unarmed Tibetan who was fleeing into Nepal, after earlier insisting the action was in self-defence.

"The competent authorities have already released information, I have no further information
for you as a spokesperson of the foreign ministry," Liu Jianchao told journalists at a regular briefing.

China's official Xinhua news agency admitted on Thursday of last week that its soldiers
killed one person and injured another near Mount Everest, but said they were acting in self-defence.

Xinhua said the soldiers tried to persuade the group to go back home "but the stowaways refused
and attacked the soldiers".

But a Romanian TV station on Saturday released a video that it said showed Chinese troops shooting
the two unarmed Tibetan refugees as they fled. The two were among a group of around 70 Tibetans
trying to flee into Nepal.
The footage, when aired inside China to the mainly foreign business and residential buildings that
have access to CNN, was repeatedly blacked out by China's censors today.

It received no mention in the domestic, state controlled press.