【国際】中国主席訪問は国賓より1ランク低い「公式訪問」で - 米政権

431 名前:名無的発言者 メェル:sage 投稿日:2006/03/25(土) 14:13:46
Q: The Chinese say that their president's visit here will be a "state visit" and in
your announcement it was referred to simply as "a visit." So what will be the formal
status of the visit?

McClellan: Well, uh, I mean... let me mention a couple of things on that. Because I think,
I think... when President Hu comes to visit, and each visit, in our view, is unique.
And my understanding is that when President Hu travels to a foreign country... the Chinese
refer to that as a state visit, but there will be a number of activities that will be
taking place... He will be accorded full military honors when he comes and... President
Hu and his wife will be the guests of President and Mrs. Bush for lunch here at the
White House...

Q: Just lunch and not dinner? Not dinner?

McClellan: It's an official visit. It's a visit. That's the way I would describe it.

Q: Is there going to be a state dinner?

McClellan: Well, I, again, I would just say... each visit to the United States is a
unique one...

Q: Help me with that... terminology-wise. What's the difference? State visit? Official
visit.? Is there anything in protocol... I mean what are we talking about here?

McClellan: I just described it as, uh, the president looks forward to the visit of
President Hu and…each visit is unique...

Q: So Scott, HU is coming for WHAT?