【国際】中国のインターネット情報封鎖を突破するソフト「自由の扉」 インターネット警察1万人超が無力化!?
Bennett Haselton, a security consultant and former Microsoft programmer, has developed a
system called the Circumventor. It connects volunteers around the world with Web users
in China and the Middle East so they can use their hosts' personal computers to read
forbidden sites.
前マイクロソフトのプログラマーであるBennett HaseltonはCircumventorを開発、これは中国や中東
Susan Stevens, a Las Vegas graphic designer, belongs to an "adopt a blog" program. She
has adopted a Chinese blogger by using her own server in the U.S. to broadcast his very
personal musings on religion to the world. She has never left the U.S., but "this is
where technology excels," she says. "We don't have to have anything in common. We barely
have to speak the same language."
ラスベガスに住むSusan Stevensは彼女のサーバーを中国のユーザーに提供してアクセスを可能にさせ
Freegate has advantages over some of its peers. As the product of ethnically Chinese
programmers, it uses the language and fits the culture. It is a simple and small program,
whose file size of just 137 kilobytes helps make it easy to store in an email program
and pass along on a portable memory drive.
Mr. Xia says about 100,000 users a day use Freegate or two other censorship-defeating
systems he helped to create. It is impossible to confirm that claim, but Freegate and
similar programs from others, called UltraReach and Garden Networks, are becoming a part
of the surfing habits of China's Internet elite in universities, cafes and newsrooms.
フリーゲートの利用者は一日に10万人を越えている。UltraReach とか Garden Networks といっ