覚えとけ。Please remember. 日本は1995年にサリンのテロにあった。 Japan was in the terrorism of sarin in 1995. その日本人が一番恐れているもの、それがプリオンだ。 The one and it the Japanese fears most are Prions. このタンパク質は驚くほど強い。This protein is strong surprisingly. ホルマリンにつけておいても死なない。It doesn't die even if it applies it to formalin. 30分間煮沸しなくても死なない。It doesn't die even if it doesn't boil for 30 minutes. 2か月冷凍しても死なない。It doesn't die even if it freezes for two months. 二年間乾燥状態においても死なない。It doesn't die for two years in dryness. 強い紫外線反応をあてても死なない。 It doesn't die even if a strong ultraviolet rays reaction is appropriated. 免疫反応しないから、肉体で抗体の防御ができない。 Because immunity doesn't react, it is not possible to defend by the body. 発病したらほとんどが死ぬ。Most dies when getting sick. まず小脳がやられて、肉体にバランスがとれなくなり、 全身にふるえがきて、立っていられなくなる。 It is not possible to stand by the shake's the cerebellum's being first had, and being not able the balance in the body, and coming to the whole body. やがて、大脳がやられ、痴呆状態になり、悲惨な死を迎える。 A large brain is had, it enters the state of the dementia, and the cruel death is faced before long. 1976年、1997年に2人のノーベル賞学者が出ている。 Two Nobel prize scholars have gone out in 1997 1976. 気をつけろ。その牛は、そういう生物兵器を持ち歩いているぞ。 Watch what you're doing!The cow will be carrying about such a biological weapon. 肉骨粉はアメリカ中を覆っている。 The United States is covered with bonepowder. あらゆる飼料に使われることが許可されているぞ。 It will been permitted to be used for fodder.
Bin Laden and Zalcaui consulted about the target of the following terrorism.
z:Is Britain done? b:No, because the camera has been set up by the death as Blair is completely angry, it is not easy to do. So with stopping. z:Then, how about Saudi? b:When it is made to be angry because there is a fellow who becomes Patron, too, it embarrasses it. So with stopping. z:Then, might how about Japan. Soldiers is dispatched to Iraq. b:The earthquake is scared, and the follower in Japan it is possible to go. itThe government is frequently emphasizing that strength of the building is insufficient, and when the earthquake comes, it seems to be crushed in all buildings even if nothing is done. z:There is still only the United States when becoming it so. b:However, the necessity doesn't exist. Secretary of Agriculture seems to be my mysteriously fan, and it murders it making cow's biological weapon fast by several thousand people in the United States every year.
S:It is serious. It seems to be defeated at Secretary of Agriculture because of the contribution level. Let's kill him. Z:However, and the American seem to die in large quantities ..him... It is angry if it kills. S:NO.2 of such a thing remark and Al Qaeda is deprived. Z:I also am looking for Secretary of Agriculture's successor. However, it is not anywhere even if a fellow who is more incapable than he looks for in the United States.