【西班牙】 マドリードで列車爆破テロ★2 3駅同時、170人以上が死亡
DUBAI (Reuters) - A letter purporting to come from Osama bin Laden's al Qaeda
network claimed responsibility for the train bombings in Spain on Thursday,
calling them strikes against "crusaders," a London-based Arabic newspaper said.
"We have succeeded in infiltrating the heart of crusader Europe and struck one
of the bases of the crusader alliance," said the letter which called the attacks
"Operation Death Trains." There was no way of authenticating the letter, a copy
of which was faxed to Reuters' office in Dubai by the London-based al-Quds al-
Arabi newspaper.
The letter bore the signature "Abu Hafs al-Masri Brigades." The newspaper
received similar letters from the same brigade claiming responsibility on behalf
of al Qaeda for a November bombing of two synagogues in Turkey and the August
bombing of the U.N. headquarters in Baghdad.