「HHMMTV(human homologue of the mouse mammary tumour virus)というウイルスは、 乳癌ではない女性からは僅かに2%しか検出されないが、乳癌を発病した女性の40%に 存在する」とわかりました。
Scientists have found a possible link between a newly-discovered virus and breast cancer.
Doctors in Australia discovered the virus in 40% of tissue samples taken from women with the disease. Further tests showed that only 2% of women without the disease carry this virus, which is called HHMMTV.
以前から言われてたようだね。 記事の論文はClin Cancer Res. 2003 Mar;9(3):1118-20 「Previous studies have found MMTV-like gene sequences in 38% of breast cancer tissue from United States women. The prevalence of these sequences in Australian and Vietnamese women has never been reported...... って、自国民で後追い検証しただけじゃん。