肺炎の発生は最近300人を感染させて、中国の広東省で5人を殺しました。 中国のジャーナリストは、肺炎のケースについて報告しないように命じられました。 また、中国の政府当局は、先の日曜日にWHOに発生のそれらの取り扱いに関する初期の報告書を単に与えました。 A pneumonia outbreak recently infected 300 and killed five in China's Guangdong province. Chinese journalists have been told not to report on pneumonia cases, and Chinese authorities only gave the WHO an initial report on their handling of the outbreak last Sunday.
もう一人の専門家は更に今後起こりうる問題を警告しました。 Another specialist warned of possibly more trouble ahead.
「多くの種類のそのようなウィルスがいて、それらは速く変化します。 したがって、薬はそれらが変化する速度に追いつくことができないかもしれません」 と教授ケネス・リーが、香港の中文大學の薬学の学校で言いました。 "There are many kinds of such viruses and they mutate fast. Therefore drugs may not be able to catch up with the speed with which they mutate," said professor Kenneth Lee at the School of Pharmacy at the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
もし絶対に必要でなければ、香港、ハノイおよび中国の広東省への 旅行を当分の間、回避するよう健康省は公式に懇願しました。 The Health Ministry has appealed to the public to avoid travel to Hong Kong, Hanoi and Guangdong province in China for the time being, unless absolutely necessary.
If SARS is confirmed as a paramyxovirus, the next step will be to work out where it came from. "The question will be: is it a virus already known to affect humans that has acquired DNA or RNA and increased its virulence as a result, or is it something that has jumped from animals?" says Collingnon.
Paramyxoviruses can infect a wide range of animals, including birds. "If they are migratory, you would be particularly worried," Cossad says.
The federal Health Department yesterday said there were currently no suspected cases of SARS in Australia, revising Tuesday's statement that there were 20 possible cases. "In the absence of severe disease, most cases that are investigated in Australia are likely to be other unrelated respiratory infections," said the Commonwealth Chief Medical Officer, Professor Richard Smallwood.