[World] U.S. troops ring in the NewYear with alcohol-free beer and corn dogs

> Though the beer and champagne lacked alcohol, U.S. troops in Kuwait still partied, welcoming
> the New Year in high spirits and taking a break from tensions ahead of a possible war with
> neighboring Iraq.


> In line with army orders to respect the law of Muslim-majority Kuwait, the beverages on tap
> were alcohol-free, versions of beer and sparkling wine.

*I quoted this report from this website.
U.S. troops ring in the New Year with alcohol-free beer and corn dogs
2名無しさん@3周年:03/01/01 10:19 ID:rpi8iGLs
3名無しさん@3周年:03/01/01 10:19 ID:+EvTMiOe