例えば、韓国で報道できない、下のようなニュースを。 On the problem the international waterway organization (IHO) which defines the international guideline of a chart indicated the revised proposal which blank-paper-izes the name of the "Sea of Japan" to be, when the revised proposal itself was withdrawn by the 20th, affiliation each country were notified of IHO. If the name of the "Sea of Japan" was revolved, since it was asked for the South Korean government to change into "Tokai" currently used at its own country as "colonialism of Japan results, as for the name of the Sea of Japan having been established" etc., or to write both together, IHO had shown the member nation the revised proposal of the guideline of using only the portion of the Sea of Japan as a blank paper. For this reason, the Japanese government protests IHO, saying, "The name of the Sea of Japan is internationally established from the end of the 18th century, and there is no basis in a South Korean opinion" etc. Since the opinion "a clean-slate meaning is not understood", "it is amusing that such an inadequate revised proposal is shown", etc. came out also from affiliation each country, it is concluded that it decided on withdrawal. The Maritime Safety Agency which received the notice of revised proposal withdrawal " although the name problem of the Sea of Japan returned to the start, it is undecided what revised edition IHO will publish from now on. It is supposed that it will work on IHO to carry the "Sea of Japan" independently as Japan succeedingly."
サピオの凄いスクープとか(笑) SCOOP analysis [ from full illustration exile nuclear physicist testimony and the newest satellite photograph ] ↓ -- this is the nuclear facility in North Korea -- /惠谷治 3 Our journal 2SIMULATION REPORT: From the actual condition of anti-day history education to "political operation" of a man of power Historical view disturbance of the South Korean "astonishment" 12 Our journal 3SIMULATION REPORT: From the actual condition of anti-day history education to "political operation" of a man of power South Korean "historical view disturbance of astonishment" 金完燮 vs Motohiko Izawa It is 14 which is not lost unless Japanese "apology group" disappears. Our journal 4SIMULATION REPORT: From the actual condition of anti-day history education to "political operation" of a man of power Colonial policy research of South Korean "historical view disturbance of astonishment" Japan and South Korea is /coulisse TIN Lee 18 brandished by politics and ideology. from the actual condition of Our journal 5SIMULATION REPORT:anti-day history education up to "political operation" of a man of power /[ of "history distortion of Kim Dae-Jung not being allowed positively" ] Wakamiya 清 21
[ former President South Korean "historical view disturbance of astonishment" Kim Young-sam ] Our journal 6SIMULATION REPORT: From the actual condition of anti-day history education to "political operation" of a man of power /崔基鎬 24 of "Silla" which was reduced to the tributary in South Korean "historical view disturbance astonishment" China to the "South Korean disease" from which the tragedy began from the actual condition of Our journal 7SIMULATION REPORT:anti-day history education up to "political operation" of a man of power "since the Korean dynasty to which the South Korean "historical view disturbance of astonishment" South Korean successive generation President surely falls -- 悪しき -- tradition" / 池東旭 27 Our journal 8INSIDE REPORT: /林建良 30 to which just the counterattack "one country per side" utterance of 陳水扁 releases Taiwan from the spell "one China" Our journal 9INSIDE REPORT: /Willie Lamb 33 who exposes the "Taiwan attack petition" of which the counterattack China army youngman officer of 陳水扁 complained to the party leader brain The major our journal 10 echo series Japan and South Korea "a forbidden theme" are cut! Why is / 金完燮 ↓ former comfort women's petition meaningless?