【社会】ヤフーオークションで社員による値段吊り上げ疑惑 Part6


Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing this mail to inform you about illegal price
fixing at Yahoo! Auction in which Yahoo! JAPAN has engaged.

Mr Mgwire, the MLB player, kindly put some items up for auction as
charity, and a staff of Yahoo! Japan raised up the price of an item.
Although he made the highest bid, he cancelled his bidding, because
he had no will to get it. Yahoo Japan officially announced that "an
engineer joined the auction, because he thought the auction was a
trial. It should not happen. However, he did not raise the price
on purpose. No other Yahoo staff joined the auction for trial."

'Auctions' must be a system to detemine the price by bidders' competition.
Yahoo! Japan, as an organiser, should be ruled out of auctions. However,
using a test ID, the staff repeatedly bidded up prices without noticing
it to the participants. More than one yahoo staffs are likely to engage
in this kind of price fixing for long time. Everytime it is found out,
Yahoo! Japan announced "this is a trial", and refused to disclose detailed

These have been already reported on TV or newspapers, and now many have
doubt about Yahoo! Japan being not fair on organizing Yahoo Auctions.
As a user, I cannot put trust in the auction system. It would be really
appreciated, if you give some counsel to Yahoo! Japan for more secure
and comfortable environment.

Using the globally-recognized brand of Yahoo!, Yahoo! Japan has
continually disappointed its customers. For instance, Yahoo! BB failed
to provide ADSL services for more than 10000 customers, who, in fact,
had to wait for more than a couple of months. Furthermore, Yahoo! Japan
falsified the statute in order to keep the customers from cancelling the
contracts. The falsification made it possible to Yahoo! Japan to fine
customers some amount of money for cancellation. This falsification was
pointed out on the net, and Yahoo! Japan's announcement was 'a hitch'.
I cannot believe that this is a responsible announcement of a world
famous firm.

I believe that only Yahoo! Japan conducts their business in this way.
I look forward to your prompt and sincere treatment about this.

Some netizens have started collecting facts and evidences of Yahoo! Japan's
dishonesties in spite of its obstinate interference. Yahoo! Japan also
deleted some information on their servers. Although Yahoo! Japan seems to
give up trying to obstruct them, new users do not know the price fixing.

As a netizen, I cannot leave Yahoo! Japan's cheatings. I look forward to
your swift action and betterment of the auction system.