I do 'Johniller' in front of ALTA on May 22.
1 :
It is not a joke. You be determined.
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アドリブ☆王子 ◆ROSSOjHc :02/05/22 00:47 ID:FrTOHGAt
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私立ちんこアンテナ女学園 ◆HMX12.s. :02/05/22 00:50 ID:mkdcYTQn
come━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!!
I am a pen.
came━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!!
8 :
番組の途中ですが名無しです:02/05/22 01:27 ID:1YpGQcgA
>>6 YOU MAY BE FORGET 4TH February
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番組の途中ですが名無しです:02/05/22 01:29 ID:1YpGQcgA
Excuse me! what is doing johnill ?
>>6 You are more the Kitty of trash thread.
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番組の途中ですが名無しです:02/05/22 01:32 ID:1YpGQcgA
>>9 It's streetparformance in front of ALTA in Shinjuku
with PIKACHU suit and johniller's facemask
♪ /~⌒~⌒⌒~ヽ、
/ )
( /~⌒⌒⌒ヽ )
( ξ 、 , |ノ
♪ (6ξ--―●-●| / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
/\ ー=_ノ \__________
|∪ _つ
(( | \ ♪
(/ ̄ ̄\)
♪ ♪
(( V●┘
へ◇ ))
>>Febuary change Feburary
14 :
番組の途中ですが名無しです:02/05/22 01:34 ID:1YpGQcgA
▼\ /▼
\ \ / /
\ ~⌒~⌒⌒ \/
( /~⌒⌒⌒ヽ)
( / 、 , |ノ
|\ | |ξ--―●-●| / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
\ \ |ヽ ) ‥ ) < It's doing Johnill !
/ / / \ ー=_ノ \_____
\ \ / |
\ \| _)
●●/ \_) /
●| /
\ ⊃⊃
15 :
番組の途中ですが名無しです:02/05/22 01:37 ID:1YpGQcgA
>>12 Why "ODENMAN" follows Johnill ?
Does it also stand tomorrow?
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番組の途中ですが名無しです:02/05/22 01:39 ID:1YpGQcgA
It is god that who make this thread in 1st February!!!
18 :
Why doesn't he request to elease these threades at a time ?