>>23 http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-26413953 15:58: The press office for the Ukraine defence ministry in Crimea confirms to the BBC that an ultimatum from Russia's Black Sea Fleet has been delivered. The Russian naval forces are said to have given Ukraine's forces in the region until 05:00 local time (03:00 GMT) to surrender or else face an all-out assault.
http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-26413953 15:58: The press office for the Ukraine defence ministry in Crimea confirms to the BBC that an ultimatum from Russia's Black Sea Fleet has been delivered. The Russian naval forces are said to have given Ukraine's forces in the region until 05:00 local time (03:00 GMT) to surrender or else face an all-out assault.
17:18: Interfax-Russia news agency is now quoting a spokesman for the Russian Black Sea Fleet denying reports about an ultimatum being issued to the Ukrainian troops in Crimea. "This is nonsense", a spokesman said. "We are getting used to daily reports accusing us of preparing to military action against our Ukrainian colleagues. We will not be pushed towards a head-on confrontation."
Ukraine in crisis | Russian fleet reportedly issues ultimatum: Surrender or 'face storm'
A day after Ukraine's interim prime minister called Russia's military intervention "a declaration of war," a Russian fleet has reportedly issued an ultimatum to Ukrainian forces in Crimea: Surrender or "face storm." http://yahoonews.tumblr.com/post/78440354349