こんな「称賛と共感の表明」のための記事なのに 5段落目には唐突に こんなこと書いてるよ Japan has an underclass, the burakumin, and also treats ethnic Koreans with disdain. But compared to other countries, Japan has little extreme poverty and a greater sense of common purpose. The middle class is unusually broad, and corporate tycoons traditionally were embarrassed to be seen as being paid too much. That sense of common purpose is part of the country’s social fabric, and it is especially visible after a natural disaster or crisis.
I don’t want to overdo that. Japan’s civility masks problems with bullying from schools to the work place, gangs like the yakuza rake in profits from illegal activity, and politicians and construction tycoons exchanging favors so as to loot the taxpayer. But it was striking in the aftermath of the Kobe earthquake to see even the yakuza set up counters to give away supplies to earthquake survivors. And Japan’s social fabric never tore. Barely even creased. 私はこれを誇張したいとは思わない。日本の丁寧さ(礼節)は、学校から職場にいたるイジメの問題や、 ギャングのようなヤクザが違法行為で儲けを得たり、政治家や土建王が癒着して納税者にたかる状態を覆い隠している。 しかし神戸の震災のあとにヤクザさえもカウンターを設置して、生き延びた人々に物資を提供していた。 そして日本の社会の繊維は決して破断しないし、折り目がつくことさえない。
I hope the earthquake/tsunami in Japan swallows up every dolphin fishing boat!!! That would be an answered prayer = happy safe dolphins! (私は日本の地震・津波が全てのイルカ漁漁船を飲み込むことを願ってます! それが、イルカがハッピーになるための祈りです) TamSteeZ 2011-03-11 15:51:24
you took something from the ocean Japan, and now the ocean wants something back ... No more Whale and dolphin Killing .. (あなたが日本の海に何かをした。だから今、海は何かを望んでいる。 それは鯨とイルカの殺害を止めることだ。) maryk3lly 2011-03-11 16:23:34
Can't help but thinking maybe the Japanese Earthquake is Karma for the dolphin and whale killings (日本が地震被害を受けたのはイルカと鯨を殺したカルマ(業)でしょう。) Tegan_Ashley 2011-03-11 17:40:17
i really hope that dolphin killing cove in japan gets washed away. just saying. (私は本当にイルカを殺す入り江(和歌山県太地町)が洗い流れることを願ってます。それだけ言いたい。) texxonfire 2011-03-11 17:55:35
I also hope the slaughterers in Taiji, Japan drowned in the flood. Have a good day everyone! (私も太地町・日本が洪水で溺れ死ぬことを願ってます。 素晴らしい一日です!) JerseyTerror 2011-03-11 21:53:13