“Anime is a prime example of why two nukes just wasn’t enough.” ニューハンプシャー州選出のニック・ルバスール民主党下院議員は自らのfacebook上でコメントした。 米国アニメファンらから非難の声があがるや議員は仲間内の冗談だったと謝罪した。 辞意表明はまだ出されていない。
I would like to deeply apologize for the insensitivity of this post. It was a poorly thought out comment, posted jest on my private facebook page. It was never intended to be viewed by anyone other than friends. This, of course, does not excuse the comment. This type of statement has no place in public or private discourse. It does not represent any true opinion, political or personal. My record in the New Hampshire House shows a commitment to equality and social justice. It is a record of which I am most proud. This comment is a disappointment not only to the people of New Hampshire, whom it has been my privilege to serve, but also to my own beliefs and moral code.