ttp:// Chinese migrants in Algiers clash Tuesday, 4 August 2009 19:31 UK
アルジェリアで中国人と地元民の衝突事件発生 BBC
About 100 local residents and Chinese migrant workers have clashed in the Algerian capital, some brandishing knives
and rods, reports say.Ten Chinese migrants were injured and two Chinese shops looted, Reuters reported, citing a
Chinese diplomat. Violence flared after a confrontation between a shop owner and a migrant in the city's Bab Ezzouar
district. High unemployment among young Algerians has fuelled tensions over migrant workers who accept lower pay.
首都のBab Ezzouar地区の商店主と中国人のいざこざ事件のために衝突が懸念されていたと言う。
Official estimates put the number of Chinese migrant workers living in Algeria at 35,000.
Some 8,000 work in the building sector in Algeria, according to Agence France Presse, and in the Bab Ezzouar district
alone Chinese firms have built dozens of structures.
Bab Ezzouar地区には何ダースもの中国人によって建設された建物が在る。
A diplomat at the Chinese embassy said he hoped Algerian authorities would look into the fighting but added that it
would not affect relations between the two countries.
"Our friendship with Algeria is strong and this event is nothing in comparison with the links between our two
countries," Ling Jun said.
中国大使館の外交官、Ling Junは衝突事件が二国間関係に影響する事は無いという