英語での投稿で申し訳ないけど。。。(何方か訳してくれたらいいな〜) The Japanese press have this whole story wrong. Obama was NOT booed because he was wearing a Chicago White Sox jacket. He was booed because Americans are getting sick and tired of his socialistic policies, ir- responsible and totally unnecessary "stimulus" spending and his racial politics. There is a growing divide in America that is going to escalate into a revolution in this country and Obama and his leftist cronies are the ones to blame for this.
Frankly, I am disgusted at the support for Obama I see in the Japanese press. People in Obama City acting like total FOOLS because this guy got elected! How stupid! Do they know anything this guy stands for? No! This man has evil intentions to destroy the fabric of America and his plan is to punish those people who have traditionally had the wealth in this country - namely whites and Jews. He is extremely racist and his wife also has a big chip on her shoulder (Just read her college thesis and you will see how racist she is!)
But the worst part of Obama is that he is VERY LIKELY NOT EVEN ELIGIBLE TO BE PRESIDENT OF THE U.S.A. Has this ever been reported in Japan? Do people in Japan care that Obama has never proved he was born in Hawaii? Do they know that he has paid lawyers nearly $1M to conceal his birth records and college records? Why? Because he was born in Kenya! And when he attended Occidental College and later Columbia, he was very likely a FOREIGN EXCHANGE STUDENT on an Indonesian passport!
A battle is coming where American citizens are going to demand he show his birth certificate because he has not done so. The digital "certificate" that the Obama campaign posted on a web site prior to the election last year has been proven to be a forgery (and now it has been scrubbed from their site!).
You wanna know?! Because I am tired of this Socialist, racist bastard trying to destroy America by spending my children's and grandchildren's money to fund his failure called a "stimulus", by apologizing around the world, by lying about his being a Muslim, by lying about his roots, by not disclosing his long form birth certificate (likely because he was born in Kenya), and so many other reasons. The bastard just appointed a flaming homo to be in charge of "safe schools" in America.
There is going to be a revolution, most likely in the form of civil disobedience and riots and HE alone is the cause.
悪いけどアメリカで生まれ、育った白人です。日系ではありません。23才から 15年間日本に滞在した。 なにが「ネイティブじゃねえってわかるわ」?あんたの英語力を見せてちょうだ い。「This is a pen」レベルか?ウィッキーさんのワンポイント英会話を毎日見 て英語をマスターしたのか。やはりBreadより「I prefer rice」ですか?
85の投稿者はネイティブじゃないはず。「Why does it matters to you(..?) 」 何だこりゃ?1
I'm genuine Japanese and I left "s" in the end of the word "matter" ..I was aware of it at the momentだよ、 88の人はネイティブじゃないこと問題にしてるけど(ひがみ?で) 85である自分は─ そんなことどうでもいいじゃん..ていっただけ ..何れにせよ日本人だと彼はかいてるんだから─