このニュースは変だね… イランの国営労働通信社?はちゃんと、選挙を控えてリベラル派の 候補Hossein Mousaviのフェイスブックがみれないように政府がFACEBOOKをブロックしたと と報道したんだけど… http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,521517,00.html Report: Iran Blocks Facebook Weeks Before Election Access to the social networking site Facebook has been blocked in Iran just weeks before the country's presidential elections, an Iranian news agency reported.
Iranian Labour News Agency (ILNA) reports the country's new ban on Facebook is aimed to stop supporters of reformist candidate Mir Hossein Mousavi from using the site.
Mousavi has more than 5,000 fans on his Facebook page, created for his campaign.