jadeが最初リアリティTVで 英国人の人気を得たのは「そのアナーキーなルックスで」人気をえた、 ってWiKIにあったな─ (HuffPostによると) Goody gained fame at 21 in 2002, when she joined the reality television show "Big Brother," in which contestants live together for weeks and are constantly filmed. Loud and brash, she became a highly divisive star _ initially mocked as an ignorant slob, then celebrated as a forthright everywoman by a hungry tabloid press.
It was a pattern of praise and condemnation that followed her for the rest of her life. Goody became a national touchstone who sparked debate about race, class and celebrity in Britain. (彼女は賞賛と非難の応酬のパターンが繰り返されつづけた) For some, Goody was a survivor who had overcome a tough childhood in a poor part of London. (彼女はロンドンの貧しい地区での子供時代に打ち勝った人物) Prime Minister Gordon Brown said Sunday that Goody used her fame to help others. (ブラウン首相はGOODYは彼女の名声を<子宮頸がんの他の患者や子供達の ために>役立てたと評した)そうです http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/03/22/jade-goody-dies-after-can_n_177720.html "She was a courageous woman both in life and death and the whole country have admired her determination to provide a bright future for her children," Brown said in a statement.