APPEAL: Help South Hebron Villagers Stay on their Land February 28th, 2007 | Posted in Hebron Region, Action Alert On Wednesday 14th February Israeli Occupation Forces demolished a large number of houses and agricultural structures in four different villages in the South Hebron Hills - Qwawis, M’nezel, Um-Elhe’r and the Abu-Kbeita family near Yatir settlement. The villagers in this area struggle to stay on their land despite ongoing home demolitions, violent...
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South Bethlehem villagers appeal for solidarity in resistance to Wall March 2nd, 2007 | Posted in Reports, Photos, Bethlehem Region by the ISM media team, March 2nd
ISM is one of the most high profile, active and controversial of the anti-Israel groups. Reportedly formed and led by Palestinians and composed of international activists, ISM takes a three-pronged approach against Israel. It organizes “non-violent” resistance in the Territories to obstruct Israel’s counter-terrorism measures, publicizes Israel’s misdeeds in the world media, and arranges speaking tours, lectures and events on campuses and in communities across America. Its goal is to rouse world sympathy for the Palestinians and to dramatize the “brutality” and “illegality” of Israel’s origin, “occupation” and counter-terrorism policies. It has turned three of its members, who were accidentally killed or wounded while demonstrating in the Territories, into poster children for its cause.
ISM proclaims its commitment to humanitarian values and to the principle of non-violence. Nonetheless, it endorses the Palestinians’ right to use “armed resistance,” has been willing to work with terrorist groups such as Hamas and has demonstrated its support for Yasser Arafat. Israel banned ISM foreigners in April 2003 because ISM activists hid an Al-Aqsa terrorist and because two British-born terrorists involved in the Mike’s Place bombing in Tel Aviv in April, 2003, were able to hide their movements through association with left-wing
“International activists are thus a resource for Palestinians, both in terms of their presence and as witnesses to the daily humiliation and injustice of the Israeli occupation.” --ISM Website[2]
“We recognize the Palestinian right to resist Israeli violence and occupation via legitimate armed struggle.” -ISM website “The Palestinian resistance must take on a variety of characteristics - both nonviolent and violent. …No other successful nonviolent movement was able to achieve what it did without a concurrent violent movement….(for example) the Black Panther movement….”
Huwaida Arraf and Adam Shapiro, 1/29/02[3] “Hamas claims it has many men ready to be suicide bombers-we advocate that these men (use non-violent resistance)….This is no less of a jihad. This is no less noble than carrying out a suicide operation.” Huwaida Arraf and Adam Shapiro, 1/29/02 [4] “Israeli Prime Minister Sharon and the Bush administration say that there can be no negotiations under violence….what they do not admit is: The Occupation is violence. The Occupation must end before there can be true progress…..” ISM Mission Statement[5] When Israel attacked Arafat’s headquarters in Ramallah in March 2002, ISM members forced their way in to protect Arafat and his men. “Arafat invited me to join him for a light meal as a token of gratitude….” Adam Shapiro, Interview July/August 2002[6] “When terrorists seized control of the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem (April-May 2002), members of ISM barged through IDF positions to deliver food and supplies to the terrorists holed up inside, prolonging the standoff. After an agreement was reached with the Palestinian terrorists, the ISM members still refused to leave the church, preventing the implementation of resolution that had been reached. They then charged that they were mistreated by clergy, who claimed the ISM members had desecrated the church by smoking, vandalism and drinking alcohol.” [7]